So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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You claim that Trump supporters are being "tested by God".

That is a lie. You are an atheist, you dont' believe in God.

If you did, it would be some agnostic free form shit, that you would not expect to do personal "tests" for people.

That spelled out clear enough for you?
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities in the world, put it this way: “Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing ‘nice guys.’ They might make great Christian leaders but the United States needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!”

There’s a very high cost to our politics for celebrating the Trump style, but what is most personally painful to me as a person of the Christian faith is the cost to the Christian witness. Nonchalantly jettisoning the ethic of Jesus in favor of a political leader who embraces the ethic of Thrasymachus and Nietzsche—might makes right, the strong should rule over the weak, justice has no intrinsic worth, moral values are socially constructed and subjective—is troubling enough.

But there is also the undeniable hypocrisy of people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who are now embracing a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator (“Individual 1”) in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him while he was married to his third wife, who had just given birth to their son.

1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '

There are millions of individual Christians who each considered hundreds of factors before deciding to support Trump for the presidency.


Stripped on your spin and bigotry, Abortion, Taxes, and support for Israel are all valid political issues to consider before deciding which candidate to vote for. Your conclusion they are primary is irrelevant.

That you are angry that they did, what EVERYONE DOES, when deciding to choose between two flawed candidates,

proves that YOU are the bigot here, not them.

Many voted for him because of the courts, Roe, and his willingness to listen them and promote their issues. It isn’t bigotry to state that, it is what they themselves say (at least the Evangelicals).

And now see them supporting policies that are the antithesis of Christ.
How is it dishonest to point out tenements of a faith you allege to follow? Don't Christians use their faith against those things they disagree with? I know, as a gay person, I've been metaphorically beaten with the bible bat a zillion times.

Everything about what Care did, was dishonest.
Like what? Be specific, what was dishonest in what I said? No bull shit allowed... spell it out.

You claim that Trump supporters are being "tested by God".

That is a lie. You are an atheist, you dont' believe in God.

If you did, it would be some agnostic free form shit, that you would not expect to do personal "tests" for people.

That spelled out clear enough for you?
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

Why are you asking? There have been plenty of threads started on this very site, with OP that link to articles with Christians explain how and why.

Boils down to voting for someone (Trump) who is willing to work with them, vs voting for someone (Hillary) who is actively hostile to them.

It is not really credible for you to be confused by this.

You really think God would be cool with making a deal with the devil to get what you want? You must've read a different bible.

I asked because I wanted to know. I didn't frequent any of those other threads.
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?
/——/ Why can’t you get over your TDS? Why are you obsessed with everything little thing? I didn’t like much of anything Obozo did but I just went about my life and voted in each election.
1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '
/——/ It’s not our responsibility and the Gubmint has proven it’s incapable of managing money efficiently, besides democRATs will squander any additional tax revenue. What doesn’t Mexico give them medical care?

mmmmm.... you mean like that trillion dollar giveaway that (R)s gave to their uber rich 1%? cutting 880 billion to medicare & medicaid to pay for it? that the huuuuuge tax savings given to big corp & they gave a measley 70 million to their worker bees in the form of one time bonus' whilst keeping 720 million for stock buy backs & then raising premiums on health insurance that wiped them bonus' out? or the temporary raised pittance you see in yer paycheck will be negated with all the tariffs imposed & donny lies that the chinese are paying but it's really us?

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: ................ that's a good one.
/—-/ What’s Funny is your stupidity. Letting people keep more of their own money is not a give away. Welfare is. And the worker bees got a tax cut too.

<pfffft> they put 'your' money in one hand, & took it ( plus more ) back with their other hand. what you got in yer paycheck is being eaten up with the increase in premiums, food, & all the little cheap chinese gadgets america loves.................... btw - that there tax cuts for big corp?

they are permanent. but worker bee tax cuts? temp-or-ar-y. :113:
/—-/ You corporation hating libtards are stuck on stupid. Corporations pass tax hikes on to consumers. That means you pay the tax via higher prices. You want higher corporate taxes, including oil companies which means the price of gas goes up then you blame Trump for more expensive gasoline. A stupid viscous cycle or your secret agenda?
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?

Because that's Trump's personality. He jokes about everything.

It's true the left has no sense of humor. You people are miserable from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, and the media takes advantage of that. So if Trump says something sarcastically, they print it as if he was serious, and you on the left eat that up like a dog with a steak.

Trump was joking about how when a windmill stops, so does your electricity. People were writing the media and saying how stupid Trump is that he doesn't understand how renewable energy works. HE WAS JUST KIDDING! It was a joke son, don't you get it, just a joke!
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities in the world, put it this way: “Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing ‘nice guys.’ They might make great Christian leaders but the United States needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!”

There’s a very high cost to our politics for celebrating the Trump style, but what is most personally painful to me as a person of the Christian faith is the cost to the Christian witness. Nonchalantly jettisoning the ethic of Jesus in favor of a political leader who embraces the ethic of Thrasymachus and Nietzsche—might makes right, the strong should rule over the weak, justice has no intrinsic worth, moral values are socially constructed and subjective—is troubling enough.

But there is also the undeniable hypocrisy of people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who are now embracing a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator (“Individual 1”) in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him while he was married to his third wife, who had just given birth to their son.

1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '
/——/ It’s not our responsibility and the Gubmint has proven it’s incapable of managing money efficiently, besides democRATs will squander any additional tax revenue. What doesn’t Mexico give them medical care?

mmmmm.... you mean like that trillion dollar giveaway that (R)s gave to their uber rich 1%? cutting 880 billion to medicare & medicaid to pay for it? that the huuuuuge tax savings given to big corp & they gave a measley 70 million to their worker bees in the form of one time bonus' whilst keeping 720 million for stock buy backs & then raising premiums on health insurance that wiped them bonus' out? or the temporary raised pittance you see in yer paycheck will be negated with all the tariffs imposed & donny lies that the chinese are paying but it's really us?

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: ................ that's a good one.

Most working people did get a tax break. I know I did. Besides the little extra in your paycheck, you likely got more of an income tax refund last year if you were paying attention. Next year, no more Commie Care fines either; a penalty created directly for the lower and middle-class.
Like what? Be specific, what was dishonest in what I said? No bull shit allowed... spell it out.

You claim that Trump supporters are being "tested by God".

That is a lie. You are an atheist, you dont' believe in God.

If you did, it would be some agnostic free form shit, that you would not expect to do personal "tests" for people.

That spelled out clear enough for you?
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities in the world, put it this way: “Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing ‘nice guys.’ They might make great Christian leaders but the United States needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!”

There’s a very high cost to our politics for celebrating the Trump style, but what is most personally painful to me as a person of the Christian faith is the cost to the Christian witness. Nonchalantly jettisoning the ethic of Jesus in favor of a political leader who embraces the ethic of Thrasymachus and Nietzsche—might makes right, the strong should rule over the weak, justice has no intrinsic worth, moral values are socially constructed and subjective—is troubling enough.

But there is also the undeniable hypocrisy of people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who are now embracing a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator (“Individual 1”) in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him while he was married to his third wife, who had just given birth to their son.

1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '

We spent over 50 billion in foreign aid just in 2017. How much more do you want us to spend?

This is on top of the dozens of private charities that give money to people overseas to help with starvation, disease and poverty.

Oh, but that's not enough. It never is. That's the problem with helping other people. You can never give enough.
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?

Because that's Trump's personality. He jokes about everything.

It's true the left has no sense of humor. You people are miserable from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, and the media takes advantage of that. So if Trump says something sarcastically, they print it as if he was serious, and you on the left eat that up like a dog with a steak.

Trump was joking about how when a windmill stops, so does your electricity. People were writing the media and saying how stupid Trump is that he doesn't understand how renewable energy works. HE WAS JUST KIDDING! It was a joke son, don't you get it, just a joke!

Other than them covering for his stupid and often illegal comments, what indication is there that he is “joking” when he says these stupid and illegal things? Does he waggle his eyebrows? Does he wink?
You claim that Trump supporters are being "tested by God".

That is a lie. You are an atheist, you dont' believe in God.

If you did, it would be some agnostic free form shit, that you would not expect to do personal "tests" for people.

That spelled out clear enough for you?
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities in the world, put it this way: “Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing ‘nice guys.’ They might make great Christian leaders but the United States needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!”

There’s a very high cost to our politics for celebrating the Trump style, but what is most personally painful to me as a person of the Christian faith is the cost to the Christian witness. Nonchalantly jettisoning the ethic of Jesus in favor of a political leader who embraces the ethic of Thrasymachus and Nietzsche—might makes right, the strong should rule over the weak, justice has no intrinsic worth, moral values are socially constructed and subjective—is troubling enough.

But there is also the undeniable hypocrisy of people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who are now embracing a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator (“Individual 1”) in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him while he was married to his third wife, who had just given birth to their son.

1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '

We spent over 50 billion in foreign aid just in 2017. How much more do you want us to spend?

This is on top of the dozens of private charities that give money to people overseas to help with starvation, disease and poverty.

Oh, but that's not enough. It never is. That's the problem with helping other people. You can never give enough.

I want them to not end this program for no reason other than pure despicable cruelty, that is saving children’s lives.
Everything about what Care did, was dishonest.
Like what? Be specific, what was dishonest in what I said? No bull shit allowed... spell it out.

You claim that Trump supporters are being "tested by God".

That is a lie. You are an atheist, you dont' believe in God.

If you did, it would be some agnostic free form shit, that you would not expect to do personal "tests" for people.

That spelled out clear enough for you?
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

Why are you asking? There have been plenty of threads started on this very site, with OP that link to articles with Christians explain how and why.

Boils down to voting for someone (Trump) who is willing to work with them, vs voting for someone (Hillary) who is actively hostile to them.

It is not really credible for you to be confused by this.
But they sold their souls to the devil in the process.
Kkk you bet, once your souls sold, well
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?

Because that's Trump's personality. He jokes about everything.

It's true the left has no sense of humor. You people are miserable from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, and the media takes advantage of that. So if Trump says something sarcastically, they print it as if he was serious, and you on the left eat that up like a dog with a steak.

Trump was joking about how when a windmill stops, so does your electricity. People were writing the media and saying how stupid Trump is that he doesn't understand how renewable energy works. HE WAS JUST KIDDING! It was a joke son, don't you get it, just a joke!

Other than them covering for his stupid and often illegal comments, what indication is there that he is “joking” when he says these stupid and illegal things? Does he waggle his eyebrows? Does he wink?
/——/ He smirks. You’re just so filled with anger and hatred you don’t notice.
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities in the world, put it this way: “Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing ‘nice guys.’ They might make great Christian leaders but the United States needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!”

There’s a very high cost to our politics for celebrating the Trump style, but what is most personally painful to me as a person of the Christian faith is the cost to the Christian witness. Nonchalantly jettisoning the ethic of Jesus in favor of a political leader who embraces the ethic of Thrasymachus and Nietzsche—might makes right, the strong should rule over the weak, justice has no intrinsic worth, moral values are socially constructed and subjective—is troubling enough.

But there is also the undeniable hypocrisy of people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who are now embracing a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator (“Individual 1”) in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him while he was married to his third wife, who had just given birth to their son.

1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '

We spent over 50 billion in foreign aid just in 2017. How much more do you want us to spend?

This is on top of the dozens of private charities that give money to people overseas to help with starvation, disease and poverty.

Oh, but that's not enough. It never is. That's the problem with helping other people. You can never give enough.

I want them to not end this program for no reason other than pure despicable cruelty, that is saving children’s lives.

Of course you don't want them to end the program, in fact you want them to start new ones.

The founders did not create a federal government for charitable distributions. Charity is private, and government is to govern.

There are plenty of places for your money to go if you want to help these people. But I'm willing to bet not one of you gives to any charity that helps people outside our country. You expect government to do that instead, because that way it's not a check you have to write.
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?

Because that's Trump's personality. He jokes about everything.

It's true the left has no sense of humor. You people are miserable from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, and the media takes advantage of that. So if Trump says something sarcastically, they print it as if he was serious, and you on the left eat that up like a dog with a steak.

Trump was joking about how when a windmill stops, so does your electricity. People were writing the media and saying how stupid Trump is that he doesn't understand how renewable energy works. HE WAS JUST KIDDING! It was a joke son, don't you get it, just a joke!

Other than them covering for his stupid and often illegal comments, what indication is there that he is “joking” when he says these stupid and illegal things? Does he waggle his eyebrows? Does he wink?

Are you kidding me? Do you think if Trump was serious, he would have announced that in front of a bunch of people? It's called dry humor. It's like if somebody jumped off a building in NYC, and Trump said it wasn't bad until the last few feet. Would you really think he meant it?

Like I said, you people on the left are totally humorless. You take things out of context literally because you can't imagine any sarcasm in what he says.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '
/——/ It’s not our responsibility and the Gubmint has proven it’s incapable of managing money efficiently, besides democRATs will squander any additional tax revenue. What doesn’t Mexico give them medical care?

mmmmm.... you mean like that trillion dollar giveaway that (R)s gave to their uber rich 1%? cutting 880 billion to medicare & medicaid to pay for it? that the huuuuuge tax savings given to big corp & they gave a measley 70 million to their worker bees in the form of one time bonus' whilst keeping 720 million for stock buy backs & then raising premiums on health insurance that wiped them bonus' out? or the temporary raised pittance you see in yer paycheck will be negated with all the tariffs imposed & donny lies that the chinese are paying but it's really us?

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: ................ that's a good one.
/—-/ What’s Funny is your stupidity. Letting people keep more of their own money is not a give away. Welfare is. And the worker bees got a tax cut too.

<pfffft> they put 'your' money in one hand, & took it ( plus more ) back with their other hand. what you got in yer paycheck is being eaten up with the increase in premiums, food, & all the little cheap chinese gadgets america loves.................... btw - that there tax cuts for big corp?

they are permanent. but worker bee tax cuts? temp-or-ar-y. :113:
/—-/ You corporation hating libtards are stuck on stupid. Corporations pass tax hikes on to consumers. That means you pay the tax via higher prices. You want higher corporate taxes, including oil companies which means the price of gas goes up then you blame Trump for more expensive gasoline. A stupid viscous cycle or your secret agenda?

what i want is for them to pay their FAIR SHARE. what they 'pay' on paper vs what the effective tax rate are 2 different animals. oh please 'spalin why - in that there tax cut - the estate tax doubled from 11 million to 20 million b4 one penny of taxes are paid? how does that help *you* ?

The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities in the world, put it this way: “Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing ‘nice guys.’ They might make great Christian leaders but the United States needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!”

There’s a very high cost to our politics for celebrating the Trump style, but what is most personally painful to me as a person of the Christian faith is the cost to the Christian witness. Nonchalantly jettisoning the ethic of Jesus in favor of a political leader who embraces the ethic of Thrasymachus and Nietzsche—might makes right, the strong should rule over the weak, justice has no intrinsic worth, moral values are socially constructed and subjective—is troubling enough.

But there is also the undeniable hypocrisy of people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who are now embracing a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator (“Individual 1”) in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him while he was married to his third wife, who had just given birth to their son.

1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '
/——/ It’s not our responsibility and the Gubmint has proven it’s incapable of managing money efficiently, besides democRATs will squander any additional tax revenue. What doesn’t Mexico give them medical care?

mmmmm.... you mean like that trillion dollar giveaway that (R)s gave to their uber rich 1%? cutting 880 billion to medicare & medicaid to pay for it? that the huuuuuge tax savings given to big corp & they gave a measley 70 million to their worker bees in the form of one time bonus' whilst keeping 720 million for stock buy backs & then raising premiums on health insurance that wiped them bonus' out? or the temporary raised pittance you see in yer paycheck will be negated with all the tariffs imposed & donny lies that the chinese are paying but it's really us?

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: ................ that's a good one.

Most working people did get a tax break. I know I did. Besides the little extra in your paycheck, you likely got more of an income tax refund last year if you were paying attention. Next year, no more Commie Care fines either; a penalty created directly for the lower and middle-class.

i never said there weren't.... what i said - ray ray - that pittance of what? 20, maybe 40 extra a week is only temporary.... & it's getting eaten up by the ever increasing price of everything.... & in a few short years *poof* all gone.

but not for big corp. or big pharma too.................
You claim that Trump supporters are being "tested by God".

That is a lie. You are an atheist, you dont' believe in God.

If you did, it would be some agnostic free form shit, that you would not expect to do personal "tests" for people.

That spelled out clear enough for you?
It's only the Christian Trump supporters that are being tested by God. God gave them an F.

how does a devout Christian support Trump? He's the antithesis of everything Christ stood for.

The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities in the world, put it this way: “Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing ‘nice guys.’ They might make great Christian leaders but the United States needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!”

There’s a very high cost to our politics for celebrating the Trump style, but what is most personally painful to me as a person of the Christian faith is the cost to the Christian witness. Nonchalantly jettisoning the ethic of Jesus in favor of a political leader who embraces the ethic of Thrasymachus and Nietzsche—might makes right, the strong should rule over the weak, justice has no intrinsic worth, moral values are socially constructed and subjective—is troubling enough.

But there is also the undeniable hypocrisy of people who once made moral character, and especially sexual fidelity, central to their political calculus and who are now embracing a man of boundless corruptions. Don’t forget: Trump was essentially named an unindicted co-conspirator (“Individual 1”) in a scheme to make hush-money payments to a porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him while he was married to his third wife, who had just given birth to their son.

1. Your claims of "might makes right" and such, is made up garbage. It is dismissed and you are ridiculed.

2. The sexual infidelity is a valid point. But it was vote for someone who was wiling to work with the Christians, ie Trump, or someone who would be actively hostile to them, ie Hillary.

the so called 'christians' that voted for trump & the 'party of family values' were all in for 3 specific reasons.

1) to overturn roe v wade
2) tax cuts
3) all things israel.

everything else didn't matter--- including christ's teachings. my sister is one of them thar hallelujah raise the hands to the sky - praise jesus till the cows come home.... except when it comes to paying higher taxes to help their fellow brethren, even after their wanting forced births & the cord is cut....but especially if they are brown brothers & sisters, or a brown bebé.

' hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace '

We spent over 50 billion in foreign aid just in 2017. How much more do you want us to spend?

This is on top of the dozens of private charities that give money to people overseas to help with starvation, disease and poverty.

Oh, but that's not enough. It never is. That's the problem with helping other people. You can never give enough.

how about corporate welfare huh? start with THAT.
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?

Because that's Trump's personality. He jokes about everything.

It's true the left has no sense of humor. You people are miserable from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, and the media takes advantage of that. So if Trump says something sarcastically, they print it as if he was serious, and you on the left eat that up like a dog with a steak.

Trump was joking about how when a windmill stops, so does your electricity. People were writing the media and saying how stupid Trump is that he doesn't understand how renewable energy works. HE WAS JUST KIDDING! It was a joke son, don't you get it, just a joke!

Other than them covering for his stupid and often illegal comments, what indication is there that he is “joking” when he says these stupid and illegal things? Does he waggle his eyebrows? Does he wink?
/——/ He smirks. You’re just so filled with anger and hatred you don’t notice.
View attachment 277139

that smirk is known as duper's delight. google it.
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/——/ It’s not our responsibility and the Gubmint has proven it’s incapable of managing money efficiently, besides democRATs will squander any additional tax revenue. What doesn’t Mexico give them medical care?

mmmmm.... you mean like that trillion dollar giveaway that (R)s gave to their uber rich 1%? cutting 880 billion to medicare & medicaid to pay for it? that the huuuuuge tax savings given to big corp & they gave a measley 70 million to their worker bees in the form of one time bonus' whilst keeping 720 million for stock buy backs & then raising premiums on health insurance that wiped them bonus' out? or the temporary raised pittance you see in yer paycheck will be negated with all the tariffs imposed & donny lies that the chinese are paying but it's really us?

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: ................ that's a good one.
/—-/ What’s Funny is your stupidity. Letting people keep more of their own money is not a give away. Welfare is. And the worker bees got a tax cut too.

<pfffft> they put 'your' money in one hand, & took it ( plus more ) back with their other hand. what you got in yer paycheck is being eaten up with the increase in premiums, food, & all the little cheap chinese gadgets america loves.................... btw - that there tax cuts for big corp?

they are permanent. but worker bee tax cuts? temp-or-ar-y. :113:
/—-/ You corporation hating libtards are stuck on stupid. Corporations pass tax hikes on to consumers. That means you pay the tax via higher prices. You want higher corporate taxes, including oil companies which means the price of gas goes up then you blame Trump for more expensive gasoline. A stupid viscous cycle or your secret agenda?

what i want is for them to pay their FAIR SHARE. what they 'pay' on paper vs what the effective tax rate are 2 different animals. oh please 'spalin why - in that there tax cut - the estate tax doubled from 11 million to 20 million b4 one penny of taxes are paid? how does that help *you* ?

/----/ "pay their FAIR SHARE"
What is a fair share - you dolt?
Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.
/—-/ Fake News, the President never said he would pardon law breakers.

Then why is the White House insisting he was just joking?

Because that's Trump's personality. He jokes about everything.

It's true the left has no sense of humor. You people are miserable from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, and the media takes advantage of that. So if Trump says something sarcastically, they print it as if he was serious, and you on the left eat that up like a dog with a steak.

Trump was joking about how when a windmill stops, so does your electricity. People were writing the media and saying how stupid Trump is that he doesn't understand how renewable energy works. HE WAS JUST KIDDING! It was a joke son, don't you get it, just a joke!

Other than them covering for his stupid and often illegal comments, what indication is there that he is “joking” when he says these stupid and illegal things? Does he waggle his eyebrows? Does he wink?

Are you kidding me? Do you think if Trump was serious, he would have announced that in front of a bunch of people? It's called dry humor. It's like if somebody jumped off a building in NYC, and Trump said it wasn't bad until the last few feet. Would you really think he meant it?

Like I said, you people on the left are totally humorless. You take things out of context literally because you can't imagine any sarcasm in what he says.

trump has no filter & says what pops into his brain at any given moment - - - which is why he repeats himself when his needle gets stuck & then he'll backtrack when his people start telling him that he fucked up.... again....

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