So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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Imagine the sort of human soul who believes sick children deserve to die because they cost too much for the richest, most powerful nation to bear. Then imagine that same soul having no problem with Trump costing us 3 million dollars each time he flies to his own property to golf.

Imagine the sort of human soul who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ demanding sickmchildrenmeshew their medical treatment because those children do not deserve to be here.

Imagine the sort of human soul who combs through the records of pediatric hospitals to find sick immigrant children in order to deport them.

Imagine that sort of human soul and ask yourself; why should we heed what they have to say?
Use the proper "door" and abide in the law and there will not be an issue. Why aren't you on the phone locating help for these children in their own countries since you are so concerned?
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
Why should the American tax payer foot the bill for these people. They aren't Americans. They should all be deported along with all of their family.

You sure are stupid.

I'd much rather be thought of as kind, caring and stupid than whatever you are...

This is a cruel and inhumane policy, but that's the point.

Bullshit. You are just looking for something to bitch about that involves Trump.

If you want to pay for these people then whip out your wallet and pay away.

American taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for these invaders. I couldn't care less about their medical needs. We taxpayers shouldn't be footing bill for these assholes.

Hope Trump boots them all out.

I'm pretty sure I could list a lot of things I don't think the American taxpayers should have to pay for...but medical care for a small handful of kids who had the bad luck of getting sick here would not be among them.

We know you're uncaring and lack empathy. That's part and parcel for Republicans.

Oh blow it out your ass. Your a bleeding heart who wants other people money to take care of your bleeding heart.

I couldn't care less about these invaders and I sure as hell don't want to spend my money taking care of them.

Piss off idiot.
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
Why should the American tax payer foot the bill for these people. They aren't Americans. They should all be deported along with all of their family.

You sure are stupid.

I'd much rather be thought of as kind, caring and stupid than whatever you are...

This is a cruel and inhumane policy, but that's the point.

Bullshit. You are just looking for something to bitch about that involves Trump.

If you want to pay for these people then whip out your wallet and pay away.

American taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for these invaders. I couldn't care less about their medical needs. We taxpayers shouldn't be footing bill for these assholes.

Hope Trump boots them all out.

I'm pretty sure I could list a lot of things I don't think the American taxpayers should have to pay for...but medical care for a small handful of kids who had the bad luck of getting sick here would not be among them.

We know you're uncaring and lack empathy. That's part and parcel for Republicans.
------------------------------- slippery slope as the one dying kid in need of Care and Comfort becomes a Flood / invasion of sick kids that need Care and Comfort in their home countries HOSPICE or 'familia' homes . [same as its always been until the USA came along eh Seawitch ]
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?

But obviously they can receive better health care in countries that have socialized medicine.

Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?

One thing is for sure; if we go with the Democrats plan of Socialized medicine, not only will we suffer with less quality care and access, but these poor kids will have to find some other country that will offer them good healthcare. Maybe it is the dimwit Democrats who are really going to harm children with their lack of insight.
Imagine the sort of human soul who believes sick children deserve to die because they cost too much for the richest, most powerful nation to bear. Then imagine that same soul having no problem with Trump costing us 3 million dollars each time he flies to his own property to golf.

Imagine the sort of human soul who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ demanding sickmchildrenmeshew their medical treatment because those children do not deserve to be here.

Imagine the sort of human soul who combs through the records of pediatric hospitals to find sick immigrant children in order to deport them.

Imagine that sort of human soul and ask yourself; why should we heed what they have to say?
---------------------------- I think this thread is about one kid that has an INCURABLE Disease NKing .

No, retard, it's about a cruel repealing of a policy that let sick people stay until they get better or die..The article talked about one kid.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Is this supposed to tug on our heartstrings when the left champions killing babies by the millions? Do not care.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?

But obviously they can receive better health care in countries that have socialized medicine.

Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?

One thing is for sure; if we go with the Democrats plan of Socialized medicine, not only will we suffer with less quality care and access, but these poor kids will have to find some other country that will offer them good healthcare. Maybe it is the dimwit Democrats who are really going to harm children with their lack of insight.

Non sequitur that didn't answer the question. You're the one who insisted we were founded as a "Christian nation". Is sending kids with cancer away to die something Jesus would do?

By the way, universal healthcare works just fine in other developed nations. Why do you have such little faith in America that we can't do as well or better at universally covering all OUR citizens than other first world countries do? Where's your faith in American exceptionalism?
as I have been trying to find out , where is the dying kid from and how many more are there that are also dying of incurable disease Seawitch .
[chuckle] Obvious answer is that we don't want your style of healthcare Seawitch .
USA was a practical nation and was run by practical people at one time Tipsy .
I guess that its a KNOWN fact that No Cure exists for the kid . So even if the kid stays in the USA there is 'No Life Saving Care' or Cure available for the kid Seawitch .

So why not just put a pillow over the kids face now? That'd save all kinds of money. :rolleyes:
---------------------------- that action wouldn't be correct in the Secular and Christian Influenced Nation of the USA Seawitch .
I guess that its a KNOWN fact that No Cure exists for the kid . So even if the kid stays in the USA there is 'No Life Saving Care' or Cure available for the kid Seawitch .

So why not just put a pillow over the kids face now? That'd save all kinds of money. :rolleyes:
---------------------------- that action wouldn't be correct in the Secular and Christian Nation of the USA Seawitch .
Imagine the sort of human soul who believes sick children deserve to die because they cost too much for the richest, most powerful nation to bear. Then imagine that same soul having no problem with Trump costing us 3 million dollars each time he flies to his own property to golf.

Imagine the sort of human soul who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ demanding sickmchildrenmeshew their medical treatment because those children do not deserve to be here.

Imagine the sort of human soul who combs through the records of pediatric hospitals to find sick immigrant children in order to deport them.

Imagine that sort of human soul and ask yourself; why should we heed what they have to say?
---------------------------- I think this thread is about one kid that has an INCURABLE Disease NKing .

No, retard, it's about a cruel repealing of a policy that let sick people stay until they get better or die..The article talked about one kid.
------------------------------------ so you do agree with the USA becoming a taxpayer funded HOSPICE for foreign and sick kids eh Seawitch ???
I guess that its a KNOWN fact that No Cure exists for the kid . So even if the kid stays in the USA there is 'No Life Saving Care' or Cure available for the kid Seawitch .

So why not just put a pillow over the kids face now? That'd save all kinds of money. :rolleyes:
---------------------------- that action wouldn't be correct in the Secular and Christian Nation of the USA Seawitch .
Its in their genes, Pismoe. That means California will be taking care of a lot of children with it.

Research Article
Prevalence of Gene Rearrangements in Mexican Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Population Study—Report from the Mexican Interinstitutional Group for the Identification of the Causes of Childhood Leukemia
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?

But obviously they can receive better health care in countries that have socialized medicine.

Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?

One thing is for sure; if we go with the Democrats plan of Socialized medicine, not only will we suffer with less quality care and access, but these poor kids will have to find some other country that will offer them good healthcare. Maybe it is the dimwit Democrats who are really going to harm children with their lack of insight.

Non sequitur that didn't answer the question. You're the one who insisted we were founded as a "Christian nation". Is sending kids with cancer away to die something Jesus would do?

By the way, universal healthcare works just fine in other developed nations. Why do you have such little faith in America that we can't do as well or better at universally covering all OUR citizens than other first world countries do? Where's your faith in American exceptionalism?

Would Jesus be okay with killing millions of babies in the womb?
Imagine the sort of human soul who believes sick children deserve to die because they cost too much for the richest, most powerful nation to bear. Then imagine that same soul having no problem with Trump costing us 3 million dollars each time he flies to his own property to golf.

Imagine the sort of human soul who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ demanding sickmchildrenmeshew their medical treatment because those children do not deserve to be here.

Imagine the sort of human soul who combs through the records of pediatric hospitals to find sick immigrant children in order to deport them.

Imagine that sort of human soul and ask yourself; why should we heed what they have to say?
---------------------------- I think this thread is about one kid that has an INCURABLE Disease NKing .

No, retard, it's about a cruel repealing of a policy that let sick people stay until they get better or die..The article talked about one kid.
------------------------------------ so you do agree with the USA becoming a taxpayer funded HOSPICE for foreign and sick kids eh Seawitch ???
God please make it so. If we can afford to fly a fat criminal to a golf course, please God let us be a refuge for sick and dying children.
What do you think happened at Ellis Island? The sick were deported immediately. We will not become the world's free clinic.
---------------------------------------------- and Tipsy makes a very good point , check it out Seawitch .
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Nothing like asking The Taxpayer to support the 10 Children of an Illegal Alien Rapist. 5 Rapes committed in just one month in this Maryland shit hole sanctuary city.

Fifth Illegal Immigrant Accused of Rape Arrested In Maryland County In Less Than A Month

It's tough to argue that Montgomery County, Maryland hasn't been impacted by a porous southern border. A fifth illegal immigrant was recently arrested by local authorities after allegedly crawling into a 16-year-old girl's bed and raping her at knifepoint.

Reyes-Medrano is a father of 10 children, six of whom are under the age 18. He has worked as a baker in Prince George’s County since 2016.

Illegal immigrant rape suspect released from Maryland jail, violating detainer policy, ICE says

ICE: Undocumented immigrants in Md. rape friend's 11-year-old sister on separate occasions


These two scumbags have 8 children between them that The Taxpayer is supporting. So between these three rapists I listed, they have 18 children and themselves which makes 21. It is estimated that each of these people will receive $1 Million in benefits over their lifetime.

So not only do you get a bunch of rapes from these monsters, you have to pay out $21 Million to support these pigs, and then there is all the money we have to spend to find and deport them multiple times.

Great System....

Right here is a 3 individual crime wave costing millions of dollars, and Left Tards be like "let's just be compassionate" all the while they don't give a shit about the victims or taxpayers.
Last edited:
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Nothing like asking The Taxpayer to support the 10 Children of an Illegal Alien Rapist. 5 Rapes committed in just one month in this Maryland shit hole sanctuary city.

Fifth Illegal Immigrant Accused of Rape Arrested In Maryland County In Less Than A Month

It's tough to argue that Montgomery County, Maryland hasn't been impacted by a porous southern border. A fifth illegal immigrant was recently arrested by local authorities after allegedly crawling into a 16-year-old girl's bed and raping her at knifepoint.

Reyes-Medrano is a father of 10 children, six of whom are under the age 18. He has worked as a baker in Prince George’s County since 2016.

Illegal immigrant rape suspect released from Maryland jail, violating detainer policy, ICE says

ICE: Undocumented immigrants in Md. rape friend's 11-year-old sister on separate occasions

It's a comfort knowing American citizens are not rapists, only immigrants are rapists. I guess we should lock up everyone who looks like an immigrant just to be safe.

Or maybe we should find people who look like immigrants and promptly shoot them on sight. At least that's how the thinking goes. 'Murcia!

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