So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt? Yeah, I think you morons were, so now instead of having the US foot the bill for these people who shouldn't be, let their own countries deal with it? Or are you now going to allow President Trump to increase the debt?

We can live with a little increase to help sick and dying children a lot easier than that massive tax giveaway to the rich.

I don't recall any giveaway to the rich. I recall taking less from them. After all, they pay most of the income taxes for the rest of us.

you are cray cray, ray ray...............

Trumpybear is the Chosen One.

His will supplants that of the former, or fallen, Chosen one.

We must check the childs country of origin and/or their parents ability to pay before we offer our charity. (um I mean services)

His will be done.

Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

Offended? I just asked if you were 90. Are you? His nicknames are funny. Yours? Well are you 90?
i expect nothing less than those who call themselves christians. i bet mike pence is totally on board with it....

Christianity is the religion of following Jesus. Jesus promoted people giving of themselves, not taking from people for government to give.

uh-huh.... & jesus sure didn't ask for an insurance card when he healed them dirty brown skinned lepers, raymond.
Trumpybear is the Chosen One.

His will supplants that of the former, or fallen, Chosen one.

We must check the childs country of origin and/or their parents ability to pay before we offer our charity. (um I mean services)

His will be done.

Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.
Trumpybear is the Chosen One.

His will supplants that of the former, or fallen, Chosen one.

We must check the childs country of origin and/or their parents ability to pay before we offer our charity. (um I mean services)

His will be done.

Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

Offended? I just asked if you were 90. Are you? His nicknames are funny. Yours? Well are you 90?

donny has the mentality of a 5th grader........... his 'insults' are both literally & figuratively very juvenile. & he's not even very original when it comes to them either... he likes to recycle them cause his brain is stuck on a loop................
Trumpybear is the Chosen One.

His will supplants that of the former, or fallen, Chosen one.

We must check the childs country of origin and/or their parents ability to pay before we offer our charity. (um I mean services)

His will be done.

Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

Why are you stalking me again? Find where I was “offended” LMAO. I just asked if the poster was 90 and triggered him!
Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

Offended? I just asked if you were 90. Are you? His nicknames are funny. Yours? Well are you 90?

donny has the mentality of a 5th grader........... his 'insults' are both literally & figuratively very juvenile. & he's not even very original when it comes to them either... he likes to recycle them cause his brain is stuck on a loop................

One man’s music is another man’s noise. I find them hilarious.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt? Yeah, I think you morons were, so now instead of having the US foot the bill for these people who shouldn't be, let their own countries deal with it? Or are you now going to allow President Trump to increase the debt?
I agree

We should hold off on building a wall until the debt is paid off

& FLA is given what FEMA $ can be spared & scrounged up.............
Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

Why are you stalking me again? Find where I was “offended” LMAO. I just asked if the poster was 90 and triggered him!

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................i stalk no one. you are here on an open message board, buttercup.
Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

Offended? I just asked if you were 90. Are you? His nicknames are funny. Yours? Well are you 90?

donny has the mentality of a 5th grader........... his 'insults' are both literally & figuratively very juvenile. & he's not even very original when it comes to them either... he likes to recycle them cause his brain is stuck on a loop................

One man’s music is another man’s noise. I find them hilarious.

no doubt you do.
Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

Why are you stalking me again? Find where I was “offended” LMAO. I just asked if the poster was 90 and triggered him!

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................i stalk no one. you are here on an open message board, buttercup.

Stalking and flirting. Man you’re desperate.
Offended? I just asked if you were 90

Awe does "Hahahhaha Fuck you" sound offended in your world.

Why would using Trumpybear as a nickname for that fucking asshole indicate ones age? Did they have Trumpybears in 1929?

You’re the one swearing and having a temper tantrum. Did I hurt your feelings? Need a safe space? So you’re not 90? LOL
Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

Offended? I just asked if you were 90. Are you? His nicknames are funny. Yours? Well are you 90?

donny has the mentality of a 5th grader........... his 'insults' are both literally & figuratively very juvenile. & he's not even very original when it comes to them either... he likes to recycle them cause his brain is stuck on a loop................

One man’s music is another man’s noise. I find them hilarious.

no doubt you do.

You probably don’t like comedy. You’re a fat and homely housewife. Sad. I have two words for you. Gym membership.
Trumpybear is the Chosen One.

His will supplants that of the former, or fallen, Chosen one.

We must check the childs country of origin and/or their parents ability to pay before we offer our charity. (um I mean services)

His will be done.

Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

A Gerontophobia Snowflake at that!
I guess that its a KNOWN fact that No Cure exists for the kid . So even if the kid stays in the USA there is 'No Life Saving Care' or Cure available for the kid Seawitch .

So why not just put a pillow over the kids face now? That'd save all kinds of money. :rolleyes:

if donny walked down the corridor of children's ward, shot every brown child whose last name ended in a ' z ' or pretty much any vowel.... he wouldn't lose any voters.
Trumpybear? Are you like 90?

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

A Gerontophobia Snowflake at that!

So you are 90. Drink some warm milk and chill.
Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

Offended? I just asked if you were 90. Are you? His nicknames are funny. Yours? Well are you 90?

donny has the mentality of a 5th grader........... his 'insults' are both literally & figuratively very juvenile. & he's not even very original when it comes to them either... he likes to recycle them cause his brain is stuck on a loop................

One man’s music is another man’s noise. I find them hilarious.

no doubt you do.

You probably don’t like comedy. You’re a fat and homely housewife. Sad. I have two words for you. Gym membership.

& that's why trump's your guy..................
Offended? I just asked if you were 90. Are you? His nicknames are funny. Yours? Well are you 90?

donny has the mentality of a 5th grader........... his 'insults' are both literally & figuratively very juvenile. & he's not even very original when it comes to them either... he likes to recycle them cause his brain is stuck on a loop................

One man’s music is another man’s noise. I find them hilarious.

no doubt you do.

You probably don’t like comedy. You’re a fat and homely housewife. Sad. I have two words for you. Gym membership.

& that's why trump's your guy..................

If Trump cured cancer you would not care because you're a fat, depressed Leftist.

I would accept the invitation if I were you.

Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Is this supposed to tug on our heartstrings when the left champions killing babies by the millions? Do not care.

so how many post born breathing autonomous babies have you adopted?

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