So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?

But obviously they can receive better health care in countries that have socialized medicine.

Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?

One thing is for sure; if we go with the Democrats plan of Socialized medicine, not only will we suffer with less quality care and access, but these poor kids will have to find some other country that will offer them good healthcare. Maybe it is the dimwit Democrats who are really going to harm children with their lack of insight.

Non sequitur that didn't answer the question. You're the one who insisted we were founded as a "Christian nation". Is sending kids with cancer away to die something Jesus would do?

By the way, universal healthcare works just fine in other developed nations. Why do you have such little faith in America that we can't do as well or better at universally covering all OUR citizens than other first world countries do? Where's your faith in American exceptionalism?

Would Jesus be okay with killing millions of babies in the womb?

priests in the OT certainly were.
So you’re not 90? LOL

Hahahahahaha fuck you! Why do you hate Merica? Huh?

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

A Gerontophobia Snowflake at that!

So you are 90. Drink some warm milk and chill.

You keep your milk, I'll take the chillum at any age.
So you’re not 90? LOL

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

A Gerontophobia Snowflake at that!

So you are 90. Drink some warm milk and chill.

You keep your milk, I'll take the chillum at any age.

You're just one giant disaster eh?
donny has the mentality of a 5th grader........... his 'insults' are both literally & figuratively very juvenile. & he's not even very original when it comes to them either... he likes to recycle them cause his brain is stuck on a loop................

One man’s music is another man’s noise. I find them hilarious.

no doubt you do.

You probably don’t like comedy. You’re a fat and homely housewife. Sad. I have two words for you. Gym membership.

& that's why trump's your guy..................

If Trump cured cancer you would not care because you're a fat, depressed Leftist.

I would accept the invitation if I were you.

View attachment 276554



One man’s music is another man’s noise. I find them hilarious.

no doubt you do.

You probably don’t like comedy. You’re a fat and homely housewife. Sad. I have two words for you. Gym membership.

& that's why trump's your guy..................

If Trump cured cancer you would not care because you're a fat, depressed Leftist.

I would accept the invitation if I were you.

View attachment 276554




Nice Bike

Triggered?!?!?! I am sorry you're old.

Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

Why are you stalking me again? Find where I was “offended” LMAO. I just asked if the poster was 90 and triggered him!

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................i stalk no one. you are here on an open message board, buttercup.

Stalking and flirting. Man you’re desperate.

no doubt you would think that. you wear delusion well.
no doubt you do.

You probably don’t like comedy. You’re a fat and homely housewife. Sad. I have two words for you. Gym membership.

& that's why trump's your guy..................

If Trump cured cancer you would not care because you're a fat, depressed Leftist.

I would accept the invitation if I were you.

View attachment 276554




Nice Bike

View attachment 276559

yep - just about 5th grade.
Lighten up cupcake, Trumpybear is the master of pet names so why would anyone be offended by Trumpybear?

azog is a snowflake.

Why are you stalking me again? Find where I was “offended” LMAO. I just asked if the poster was 90 and triggered him!

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................i stalk no one. you are here on an open message board, buttercup.

Stalking and flirting. Man you’re desperate.

no doubt you would think that. you wear delusion well.

Did I hit a nerve? LOL

Have some

azog is a snowflake.

Why are you stalking me again? Find where I was “offended” LMAO. I just asked if the poster was 90 and triggered him!

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................i stalk no one. you are here on an open message board, buttercup.

Stalking and flirting. Man you’re desperate.

no doubt you would think that. you wear delusion well.

Did I hit a nerve? LOL

Have some


sure - you go with that, child. it's what y'all do....................
“People want a fair immigration system. They don’t want an open-door invitation for everybody to come at once,” - Harry Reid
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Why are you stalking me again? Find where I was “offended” LMAO. I just asked if the poster was 90 and triggered him!

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................i stalk no one. you are here on an open message board, buttercup.

Stalking and flirting. Man you’re desperate.

no doubt you would think that. you wear delusion well.

Did I hit a nerve? LOL

Have some


sure - you go with that, child. it's what y'all do....................

I am not the one cussing and having a TDS meltdown. LMAO. Who is the child? You cannot even tell avatars apart.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................i stalk no one. you are here on an open message board, buttercup.

Stalking and flirting. Man you’re desperate.

no doubt you would think that. you wear delusion well.

Did I hit a nerve? LOL

Have some


sure - you go with that, child. it's what y'all do....................

I am not the one cussing and having a TDS meltdown. LMAO. Who is the child? You cannot even tell avatars apart.

don't believe i swore once... anyhoo - you can't say a word about who has a potty mouth CONsidering donny's filthy piehole... as far as avatars, only yours & harmonicas a couple times is all- because well, boring is boring. hasn't happened again & won't.

<pfffft> you're dismissed now.
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............

It was supposed to be a term of endearment. Why are you upset that he loves you?
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Yes. I'm fine with that.
Stalking and flirting. Man you’re desperate.

no doubt you would think that. you wear delusion well.

Did I hit a nerve? LOL

Have some


sure - you go with that, child. it's what y'all do....................

I am not the one cussing and having a TDS meltdown. LMAO. Who is the child? You cannot even tell avatars apart.

don't believe i swore once... anyhoo - you can't say a word about who has a potty mouth CONsidering donny's filthy piehole... as far as avatars, only yours & harmonicas a couple times is all- because well, boring is boring. hasn't happened again & won't.

<pfffft> you're dismissed now.

Not you, but your 90 year old pal.
Of course, because it's always one or the other, isn't it? It's always tax cuts responsible for not funding every liberal desire and program in the country.

You people could give a shit less about these kids or anything else. Just as long as you can promote your hatred of the rich is all that counts; use stories to promote your personal political agenda, just like with mass murders to advance your desire to disarm Americans.

So let's turn that around. Couldn't we have used some of that Obama Care money to take care of these kids? How about that Planned Parenthood money? What about that Cash for Clunkers money? How about that PBS or NPR money? What about that money you want to use for free College for All? Or perhaps green energy money? How can you dream of giving reparations to people who were never slaves in our country instead of these kids???

If you want to use that argument, let's have at it.
Complete load of BULLSHIT. Stop trying to convince yourself what he's doing is right. You know as well as I do what he's doing is wrong.

Everything he does is wrong to you people. We could reduce illegal immigration by at least 80% if not for you leftists. Democrats are the real problem here. You put out this welcome mat on our border with your anchor babies, sanctuary cities, drivers licenses, free schooling, welfare and medical care for the kids, and then can't figure out why we have a huge immigration problem.

Then when we on the right try to correct your mistakes, your activist judges stop us, your congress people stop us, your Mayors and Governors put out warnings to alert the illegals we're coming to take them away. You want to lock up American business people for hiring them instead of locking up the illegals which are causing the problem.

So it seems, this is Trump's effort to remove one of the many perks of coming here in the first place. So blame yourselves here as well, because all the other perks he tried to remove, you stopped Trump instead.
More bullshit and distraction, excuse making even. Stop. Nobody is buying it.

Withholding life savings medical treatments from children you could save is wrong no matter what color or nationality they are. It you cannot see that you are morally stunted.

We are fed the fuck up....LET THEM ALL DIE!
People are dying all over the world each and is immoral for you filthy fucks to set forth an effort to save only those who force their way to our soil...FUCK THAT. If you really gave two fucks you dirty bastards should be generating funds to save every dying kid in the world.
Real christian attitude ya got there pal.
F'n genetics.
no doubt you would think that. you wear delusion well.

Did I hit a nerve? LOL

Have some


sure - you go with that, child. it's what y'all do....................

I am not the one cussing and having a TDS meltdown. LMAO. Who is the child? You cannot even tell avatars apart.

don't believe i swore once... anyhoo - you can't say a word about who has a potty mouth CONsidering donny's filthy piehole... as far as avatars, only yours & harmonicas a couple times is all- because well, boring is boring. hasn't happened again & won't.

<pfffft> you're dismissed now.

Not you, but your 90 year old pal.

OMG I was just so triggered when I said "Hahahahahahaha, fuck you." But I've been to my happy place now, decompressing and all, god know don't wanna have stroke or nothin...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

Let's be honest here, if Trump found a cure for cancer, the MSM would be reporting on how many doctors and nurses will be out of work thanks to Trump policies.

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