So They Change The Name Of Mount McKinley.Fine,Then Lets Change The Name Of The Willis Tower Too!

Does anyone else feel compelled to do the kind thing and let this guy Rexx ( formerly a tiger ) know that he isn't funny.

Allowing him to keep after an attempt to say something funny is cruel, folks. Have a heart.
Does anyone else feel compelled to do the kind thing and let this guy Rexx ( formerly a tiger ) know that he isn't funny.

Allowing him to keep after an attempt to say something funny is cruel, folks. Have a heart.
You do know that GT does not think your funny?
Does anyone else feel compelled to do the kind thing and let this guy Rexx ( formerly a tiger ) know that he isn't funny.

Allowing him to keep after an attempt to say something funny is cruel, folks. Have a heart.
You do know that GT does not think your funny?

Yeah. He told me.
i always wondered what made artist such whiney little bitches?

OK...this is weird now.
all the challenges and problems this country is having and obama runs off like a golf outing to rename a mountain
if obama is anything he's a lazy ass
:argue::offtopic: And remember way back when, when they changed the name of "The Sears Tower" to "The Willis Tower"? Then came the jokes/humor in regards to the catch phrase "Whatcha Talking About Wills". Now isn't that catch phrase associated with a comedy series starring a black child? Yes, therefore we need to change the name of "The Tower Formerly Known as The Sears Tower". Just hang in there, eventually we will have to change the name of the Rocky Mountains because the term "Rocky" is racist!!:crybaby:
Cape Canaveral ...Cape Kennedy...Cape what.

The tears of those who will cry over anything done under President Obama's Administration are delicious.
You know.............that mountain was originally called Denali by the native Alaskans and the people who lived there.

The name was changed to Mt. McKinley when a prospector discovered gold up there, and renamed it Mt. McKinley in honor of presidential CANDIDATE McKinley, because one of his campaign promises was to keep America on the gold standard, and the prospector renamed the mountain in honor of him.

The locals didn't like it, and have been fighting ever since to have the name of the mountain returned to the original name.

Me? I support this, and I'm pretty sure that even the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil Palin would support it as well.
She has called it Denali in speeches before.
I see honky butt hurt every where....
does this mean that all hotels with the word "Honky" will soon be ordered to change their names too?
only the tonks...
im gonna miss spending weekends at the "White Ass Honky Inn".
I had to give it up years ago....just don't hurt yourself masturbating constantly...
Democrats dont have a sense of humor, i am not surprised they dont think i am funny, yet after being here for 8 months, i have already surpassed the 2000 mark.

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