So Think Of A National Cost-of-Living Adjustment--Or Senator Harris. . .Or. . .


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Senator Kamala Harris is running for President, a lawyer and former prosecutor. . .maybe not too good(?). Kavanaugh was confirmed(?). People may be noticing that the Senator approaches Law as a lot of abstract symbols. The Comparison is with all the economic proposals, most of which are just arithmetic: Using common symbols applicable in arithmetic.

Kamala Harris’s new basic income-style bill is so frustratingly close to being great

The Moses Atrocity of Millennia Ago was also just arithmetic. E.G., Deut 23:19-20, admonishes Israel to not charge usury amongst one another. That would be left to the basic source of Worldwide Anti-Semitism: To charge it to everyone else instead. A worldwide community of believers was clearly not being proposed. Them V. Us was being proposed. The Medieval Christian Princes appear to have found a way to raise a lot of money. Any Christians were foreigners to Israel.

So many might wonder if the Senator has learned something about the role of the abstract--in her case, laws--in human affairs. New Testament would succinctly describe usury in Matthew 25:14-30 (KJV). Post-Hellenic New Testament would further propose arithmetic suited to a worldwide community of believers: Matthew 20:1-16. Regardless if the taxpayer had worked all the year or not(?): Even the Obama, "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," would pay an equal amount to the eligible--in the abstract law--regardless if they had worked all the year or not. Elsewhere noted, Mohammed the Prophet, Adam Smith, Karl Marx and Keynes would take no notice of either Old Testament, or the New Testament stories. Bank of Dubai and Bank of Israel are left in the quandary even now--all about the alleged deity arithmetic prescription math, of the original Atrocity.

Senator George McGovern, coincidentally up against the Nixon usury-based wage and price controls: Was going to pay everyone $1000. Senator Harris now makes that $3000 in monthly installments. It tends to phase out, and may not be sufficiently inclusive. So Rent Relief and teacher subsidies--and Medicare for all--are included in a giant basket of platform goodies.

A Cost-of-Living Adjustment, comparing: Is based on what the market uses to feed all participants, a "Market Basket."

Big Abstract Law, is different from Big Government. See how Law And Arithmetic tend even to divide human beings--each and everyone--from one another: In the paragraph noted.

So the Republicans had created an equal-amount per child Tax Credit to offset the regressive, usury computing of the fixed percentage payroll tax. Big Arithmetic applied in Big Law. That was after McGovern-Nixon. Now Older Hippies had figured that out long ago, and had lobbied--even going to court.

The Democrats would raise and index the equal amount Standard Deduction, and Personal Exemptions, in the US Tax Reform of 1986. Big Arithmetic was being applied in Big Law.

Not even Bush-Cheney would notice that mostly everyone was only being thrown off of the Tax Rolls. No real market-friendly benefit could happen from a Tax Cut.

Big Law had been screwed by Big Arithmetic.

A market with purchasing power needs the purchasing power. Obama's credit was all about that. Indexing that amount would be like the basis arithmetic in the 1986 Tax Reform. The value of the money has to keep up. Paying the money--Harris has noted--is inclusive. What is missing is that even The US Constitution provides that Congress has to regulate the value of the money. If the people don't get any: There is nothing to regulate. If the money is increasingly worthless, then value regulation has not occurred. The market needs the money. It has to have purchasing power.

What has been the Big Law, now has a basis in Big Arithmetic. Because it is arithmetic, it provides spending, becoming income, getting taxed: Then paying off agenda like Medicare for all--everything else tending to less a priority. College tuitions and faculty pay are victims, too: Of the original Moses Atrocity. They don't need the money. They need to learn about the role of Big Arithmetic, in Big Law. These are teachers, (in really giant print!).

Now after Nixon v. McGovern, then the Ford equal amount Tax Refunds, then the 1986 Tax Reform--following the equal-amount per-child credit: There is actually a compare and contrast.

Big Arithmetic is Now More Commonplace in Law--and even in law, a remedy.

The fact that fewer and fewer even pay any taxes would be said to be more like something a deity might suggest to an America in Old Testament. Some might conclude that, "America is Full!" No one in American has any money anymore(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some say that "Jews Will Not Replace(?). . .Erase(?). . .Disgrace(?). . .Misplace(?). . .Deface(?). . .Something(?): Anyone Relevant(?)!" The Holy Father, and Her Majesty's Anglicans--Mohammed's Followers, too--do not at all seem to be very much engaged or involved(?)!)
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