So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Which just proves the laws aren't being enforced in any meaningful way.

Over the last two decades, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives let some of the Midwest’s most notorious gun sellers off the hook for serious violations of federal law, including selling to straw purchasers, transferring guns without background checks, and doctoring sales records.

The Trace and USA TODAY obtained ATF inspection records for 13 gun dealers singled out by the city of Chicago as suppliers of a disproportionate number of guns used in city crimes. The records show the agency found more than 120 violations of the federal Gun Control Act of 1968 at these stores. Only one store passed its inspection with no violations.


That investigation found that between 2015 and 2017, the ATF regularly downgraded penalties for lawbreaking retailers across the U.S. The review of more than 2,000 gun dealers showed that many had brazenly flouted federal laws, selling weapons to convicted felons and domestic abusers, lying to inspectors, and falsifying ledgers to hide their misconduct. When the ATF discovered these violations, it often issued warnings, sometimes repeatedly, and allowed stores to stay open.

In four agency inspections at Blythe’s Sports Shop in Griffith, Indiana, between 2000 and 2009, the ATF issued warnings to owner Rodger Blythe for violations that included selling to underage customers and to someone who identified themself as a convicted felon, failing to notify the ATF of multiple sales, and failing to properly record firearm transfers.

In a 2011 inspection, investigators found that the store had “aided the making of false statements” on federally mandated purchasing forms and sold to a person buying weapons on behalf of someone else — a federal crime known as “straw purchasing.”

According to ATF guidelines, Blythe’s 2011 violations, alongside his history of previous warnings, warranted the revocation of his license to sell guns. Instead, inspectors chose to warn Blythe again.
Lawlessness and incompetence in the Lori Lightfoot enclave of, "hey, I need a pay raise''.

Golly, gee. Someone alert The Trace.
Uh, guy, here's why I don't post links.

Because when I do, you guys pretend you didn't see them, or you claim they are from a biased source. Then you go on and keep making the same claims over and over again.

The point is, EVERY mass shooter is able to get a gun, despite either histories of mental illness or criminal records that SHOULD disqualify them if we actually performed meaningful background checks.

It's why every time there is a mass shooter, we find out EVERYONE in their lives knew they were nuts... and they were able to get guns anyway.

Established fact... the two cases I cited involved guys who were legally barred from buying guns. You can add to that the Texas Church shooter, who was given a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force from domestic battery.

Look it up yourself.
You don't post links because you like to make shit up
Funny thing. Every time we have a mass shooting, we find out that person had no problem passing a background check, even if they have a history of crime or mental illness.

Every. Fucking. Time.
Every time we have a mass shooting, we get nothing but lies and demagoguery from the right.

Conservatives lie about guns being ‘banned’; conservatives lie about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Every time we have a mass shooting conservatives circle the wagons with slippery slope fallacies and lies, refusing to consider solutions to address the problem of gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as UBCs.
Violations? You mean they mispelled idiot. And there you are, your government god, "Government," keeps failing, yet you blame normal gun owning Americans....for the failure of your God.....

Let us have the gun laws we want... and then we can talk about failure. The problem is, you ammosexuals have neutered the ATF and then you complain when they don't do their jobs.

These gun dealers should have had their licenses pulled and their inventories confiscated. Period. Full fucking stop.

You need to go after your government and leave normal gun owners alone...we have all the gun laws we need to arrest and lock up straw buyers...but your government keeps letting them slave owning political party, the democrat party, keeps releasing the most violent, dangerous gun felons over and over again, and keeps releasing the straw buyers supplying them...and you still vote for them.....

It's not the straw buyers that are the problem, it's the gun stores. We don't have prison space for the straw buyers, and prisons should ONLY be for people who are dangerous.

Prisons don't solve the problem, it just makes them worse.
Uh, guy, here's why I don't post links.

Because when I do, you guys pretend you didn't see them, or you claim they are from a biased source. Then you go on and keep making the same claims over and over again.

I can completely support this. I can (and have, and have seen many others) post incontrovertible links about whatever-the-subject, from the world's foremost experts or the direct source, only to have it brushed aside as you said, or (if they have no response) simply ignored. Then, people who have more spare time than I do post link after link from dubious (at best) sources, then claim it was "proven." Why would I spend my days off tracing down links and providing sources for nothing?

I still do, sometimes, of course, but I limit myself to reliable, least-biased sources, and I've started adding a media bias check to them when I do. It probably won't help, but what can I say. I live in hope.
Not sure how it's Lightfoot's fault that some gun store in Indiana keeps selling guns to crooks from Chicago.
I don't see your silly conspiracy theories as being helpful. Criminals with Firearms are a protected class in so many of the leftist run cities. And yes, why would we hold a leftist hack responsible for anything? What is her job?

It's just a game that leftisexuals play. They will enable criminals, enable criminals with illegal Firearms and make allowances for dozens of people being shot in a single weekend so they can whine and moan about ''we need more gun laws''. More gun laws only serve as an attempt to disarm law abiding people. Nothing is being done in the large, leftist run cities to stop criminals with guns. That's not the plan.
Let us have the gun laws we want... and then we can talk about failure. The problem is, you ammosexuals have neutered the ATF and then you complain when they don't do their jobs.

These gun dealers should have had their licenses pulled and their inventories confiscated. Period. Full fucking stop.

It's not the straw buyers that are the problem, it's the gun stores. We don't have prison space for the straw buyers, and prisons should ONLY be for people who are dangerous.

Prisons don't solve the problem, it just makes them worse.

You lying asshole.......straw buyers can already be arrested......lying on the gun form for the mandated Federal Background check is already a felony....and you can be arrested.....

The ATF can arrest these people all day long.....

Straw buyers and theft are the way criminals get their illegal guns and background checks don't stop either one....
I can completely support this. I can (and have, and have seen many others) post incontrovertible links about whatever-the-subject, from the world's foremost experts or the direct source, only to have it brushed aside as you said, or (if they have no response) simply ignored. Then, people who have more spare time than I do post link after link from dubious (at best) sources, then claim it was "proven." Why would I spend my days off tracing down links and providing sources for nothing?

I still do, sometimes, of course, but I limit myself to reliable, least-biased sources, and I've started adding a media bias check to them when I do. It probably won't help, but what can I say. I live in hope.

And that is a bunch of guys post from sources that we discredit, easily, with facts and truth, then you whine and moan that it isn't fair that we countered your fake sources with facts and truth....
Not sure how it's Lightfoot's fault that some gun store in Indiana keeps selling guns to crooks from Chicago.

She is releasing the worst gun offenders over and over again........the police catch them, she releases them.....and then files charges against the doofus.
Uh, guy, here's why I don't post links.

Because when I do, you guys pretend you didn't see them, or you claim they are from a biased source. Then you go on and keep making the same claims over and over again.

The point is, EVERY mass shooter is able to get a gun, despite either histories of mental illness or criminal records that SHOULD disqualify them if we actually performed meaningful background checks.

It's why every time there is a mass shooter, we find out EVERYONE in their lives knew they were nuts... and they were able to get guns anyway.

Established fact... the two cases I cited involved guys who were legally barred from buying guns. You can add to that the Texas Church shooter, who was given a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force from domestic battery.

Look it up yourself.
Strike 3.

Here's the bottom line. I don't do those things you so conveniently ascribe to me as an excuse to run away. Therefore, you have no good reason to not post links, and quite frankly, that's a stupid reason to not support your position, and basically you're admitting that you won't post them because you don't have them. See, if you had simply complained that people were able to get a gun even though they were mentally ill, there's no arguing because it's true, mental illness is not well treated, and sick people do get guns. That's not what you did, however. You went way beyond that and stated that shooters PASSED BACKGROUND CHECKS when they should not have. That's where you went wrong, because you should be able to back that up, and should have had the integrity to admit that you couldn't prove it. Now, because you CAN'T back it up, you're backtracking. First, you say in essence, "Well, I'm not going to prove it to you because you'll just ignore it anyway, I'm taking my ball and going home". You know, ignoring evidence sounds a lot like what you do when you continue to post things that have been debunked years ago. Next, you want to move the goalposts. Instead of insisting that criminals can buy guns because they can pass background checks even with felony convictions in their past, you just want to complain that they can get guns. Not happening, because you made a statement and when called out on it won't back it up.

Believe me when I say that this will come up again when you want to make emotional claims that sound good but aren't true. If you want me to believe the DC snipers passed background checks to buy their guns, post the evidence that they did. Don't try vague obfuscation that they were barred from buying guns but somehow got them, don't try to claim people should have known they were killers and sold them guns anyway, prove that they passed background checks with felonies on their records.
Oh, good grief, are you STILL claiming all that nonsense? You would think reality would have sunk in by now, but here we are.

Of course he is. Being a disciple of Goebbels, Joey repeats The Big Lie dozens of times.

You mean the kid who never passed a background check which you insist "Every time we have a mass shooting, we find out that person had no problem passing a background check''.

There are others, of course, but this is just another instance of your frantic claims being totally fraudulent and another instance of your failed attempt to sidestep your false claims.

He doesn't even bother...he just keeps repeating The Big Lie.
Uh, guy, here's why I don't post links.

Because when I do, you guys pretend you didn't see them, or you claim they are from a biased source. Then you go on and keep making the same claims over and over again.

This, class, is a PERFECT example of Joey projecting his own shortcomings on others.

Established fact... the two cases I cited involved guys who were legally barred from buying guns. You can add to that the Texas Church shooter, who was given a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force from domestic battery.

Look it up yourself.

You mean the guy who SHOULD have been prohibited, but the Air Force didn't bother to REPORT anything? That guy?

The point is, cars have a potential for harm, even when operated without ill intent. That's why they make you go to court for every minor fender-bender.
Every time we have a mass shooting, we get nothing but lies and demagoguery from the right.

Conservatives lie about guns being ‘banned’; conservatives lie about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Every time we have a mass shooting conservatives circle the wagons with slippery slope fallacies and lies, refusing to consider solutions to address the problem of gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as UBCs.
Gun free zones are dangerous.
I can completely support this. I can (and have, and have seen many others) post incontrovertible links about whatever-the-subject, from the world's foremost experts or the direct source, only to have it brushed aside as you said, or (if they have no response) simply ignored. Then, people who have more spare time than I do post link after link from dubious (at best) sources, then claim it was "proven." Why would I spend my days off tracing down links and providing sources for nothing?

I still do, sometimes, of course, but I limit myself to reliable, least-biased sources, and I've started adding a media bias check to them when I do. It probably won't help, but what can I say. I live in hope.

My rule is that I post a link if I find something interesting.

I don't bother when a nitwit tells me "Prove the sky is blue", because that's just meant to bog down a debate making me prove every point, and frankly, why bother.

Not that I think the religious fanatics and the gun fetishists can be reasoned with. It's pretty clear they can't.
You lying asshole.......straw buyers can already be arrested......lying on the gun form for the mandated Federal Background check is already a felony....and you can be arrested.....

The ATF can arrest these people all day long.....

Straw buyers and theft are the way criminals get their illegal guns and background checks don't stop either one....

We lock up 2 million people. We don't have room to lock someone up for filling out a form wrong.
We have to let old murderers out now because we don't have room for the new murderers.
We currently spend 90 BILLION on the prison industrial complex and another 120 Billion on police. Where is that money going to come from to arrest people who "filled out the form wrong after the gun store told them to."

And that is a bunch of guys post from sources that we discredit, easily, with facts and truth, then you whine and moan that it isn't fair that we countered your fake sources with facts and truth....

Guy, posts from Ammosexual Website claiming things like 'John Lott proved there were 5 million DGU's after he did a phone survey of 5000 people" are absurd on their face.

Here's the bottom line. I don't do those things you so conveniently ascribe to me as an excuse to run away. Therefore, you have no good reason to not post links, and quite frankly, that's a stupid reason to not support your position, and basically you're admitting that you won't post them because you don't have them.

I don't post links because you never read them. I have never seen a right winger respond to a link with, "Wow, I didn't know that." Nope, they invariably post "FAKE NEWS", or they pretend they didn't see it and go back to making the same idiotic claims.

You mean the guy who SHOULD have been prohibited, but the Air Force didn't bother to REPORT anything? That guy?

Again, shouldn't be the Air Force's job.

When I applied for my mortgage last year, the bank did not simply check my FICO score. (Which was 803, btw). Even though I had been doing business with that bank for 22 years, they did a THOROUGH check of not only me, but the property I was looking to buy, that I had secured a buyer for my previous property, all my sources of income, the status of a vacation property I co-own with five other people, etc. They had even asked about a line of credit I got with a furniture store. (Since I was moving into a new place, I wasn't going to bring the same crappy furniture I had in my home since 2004 with me.)

When I applied for my current job, they just didn't trust what was on my resume. They did a financial background check. They talked to several of my previous employers. They talked to several former co-workers. A question came up on my start date on a certain job (I was a contractor for several months before I was hired full time). But they did a thorough check.

When I applied for a FOID Card, they charged me $11.00 and made me pinky-swear that I wasn't mentally ill or a criminal. That's it. And people like 2TinyGuy will SCREAM that FOID Cards are a violation of his constitutional rights.

So imagine this. When a person applies to buy a gun, they actually do an investigation. Someone CALLS the Air Force about Devin Patrick Kelley, and finds out about his bad conduct discharge. Someone calls Anschutz's Student Mental Health Services and finds out about James "Joker" Holmes mental illness issues.

Oh, incidentally, the Air Force had to pay this church 230 MILLION dollars because some enlisted man failed to enter this fool's name into the database.

The gun store that sold him the guns, not so much.
We lock up 2 million people. We don't have room to lock someone up for filling out a form wrong.
We have to let old murderers out now because we don't have room for the new murderers.
We currently spend 90 BILLION on the prison industrial complex and another 120 Billion on police. Where is that money going to come from to arrest people who "filled out the form wrong after the gun store told them to."

Guy, posts from Ammosexual Website claiming things like 'John Lott proved there were 5 million DGU's after he did a phone survey of 5000 people" are absurd on their face.

I don't post links because you never read them. I have never seen a right winger respond to a link with, "Wow, I didn't know that." Nope, they invariably post "FAKE NEWS", or they pretend they didn't see it and go back to making the same idiotic claims.

Again, shouldn't be the Air Force's job.

When I applied for my mortgage last year, the bank did not simply check my FICO score. (Which was 803, btw). Even though I had been doing business with that bank for 22 years, they did a THOROUGH check of not only me, but the property I was looking to buy, that I had secured a buyer for my previous property, all my sources of income, the status of a vacation property I co-own with five other people, etc. They had even asked about a line of credit I got with a furniture store. (Since I was moving into a new place, I wasn't going to bring the same crappy furniture I had in my home since 2004 with me.)

When I applied for my current job, they just didn't trust what was on my resume. They did a financial background check. They talked to several of my previous employers. They talked to several former co-workers. A question came up on my start date on a certain job (I was a contractor for several months before I was hired full time). But they did a thorough check.

When I applied for a FOID Card, they charged me $11.00 and made me pinky-swear that I wasn't mentally ill or a criminal. That's it. And people like 2TinyGuy will SCREAM that FOID Cards are a violation of his constitutional rights.

So imagine this. When a person applies to buy a gun, they actually do an investigation. Someone CALLS the Air Force about Devin Patrick Kelley, and finds out about his bad conduct discharge. Someone calls Anschutz's Student Mental Health Services and finds out about James "Joker" Holmes mental illness issues.

Oh, incidentally, the Air Force had to pay this church 230 MILLION dollars because some enlisted man failed to enter this fool's name into the database.

The gun store that sold him the guns, not so much.
This is funny stuff. Yeah, its strange the left didn't lock up Hunter Biden for his lies on a firearm purchase application.

When you say 'we' let murderers out of prison to make way for the new ones, you really mean 'we leftists'. Let's be honest, it is leftists with the criminal promoting agenda that is the source of murderers being let loose on the public while leftist DA's and prosecutors are not bothering to bring charges for myriad crimes.

  • Left-wing prosecutors overseeing Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia and San Francisco have embraced soft-on-crime approaches, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.
  • Several top district attorneys vowed not to prosecute specific crimes as a matter of policy.
  • Multiple analyses have shown left-wing prosecutors dropping or diverting more charges than their predecessors.
  • Super PACs backed by billionaire George Soros are major funders for several left-wing prosecutors taking soft-on-crime approaches.
Guy, leftisexual slogans stolen from 1960's hippies such as the ''prison industrial complex'' serve what purpose?
This is funny stuff. Yeah, its strange the left didn't lock up Hunter Biden for his lies on a firearm purchase application.

Well, probably because he didn't lie. The question on that form is so badly worded that you'd literally have to be doing a line of coke on the form while filling it out to be lying.

Again, we don't have the prison space to lock up people for not filling out forms properly.

When you say 'we' let murderers out of prison to make way for the new ones, you really mean 'we leftists'. Let's be honest, it is leftists with the criminal promoting agenda that is the source of murderers being let loose on the public while leftist DA's and prosecutors are not bothering to bring charges for myriad crimes.

Uh, no, it's actually been right wing judges who had demanded we reduce the prison population. Brown v. Plata required California to release 30,000 prisoners to keep their prison capacity at 130% (it had been at 200%)

Left-wing prosecutors overseeing Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia and San Francisco have embraced soft-on-crime approaches, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.

The Daily Caller? Really?

Guy, leftisexual slogans stolen from 1960's hippies such as the ''prison industrial complex'' serve what purpose?

It accurately describes what happened in this country. We made prison a for-profit industry. We created the bullshit "War on Drugs" to put millions of people in prison, and companies made obscene profits off prison labor, prison services, etc.


  • Several top district attorneys vowed not to prosecute specific crimes as a matter of policy.
  • Multiple analyses have shown left-wing prosecutors dropping or diverting more charges than their predecessors.
Which is sensible. Penalizing poverty is not a solution. Now, if you send rich white kids to the same prisons you send poor black kids to, then we MIGHT have something to talk about.

Super PACs backed by billionaire George Soros are major funders for several left-wing prosecutors taking soft-on-crime approaches.

Ooooh, George Soros... The quintessential bogeyman of the right.
She is releasing the worst gun offenders over and over again........the police catch them, she releases them.....and then files charges against the doofus.

Last time I checked, Lightfoot doesn't have any say on who is locked up.
Now, you'd have a better argument if it were Kim Foxx... but Foxx has the same problem Alverez had.. no where to lock people up.

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