So, this is what passes for leadership, now?

Papdouche's response the last couple posts is exactly what is wrong with Conservatism...insecure, rushed, sloppy, lazy people who are more consumed with preserving their egos than they are actually understanding things. Fucking babies, all of them. Why are these people allowed to participate in the political discourse anymore? They should have been kicked to the kiddie table after Bush the Dumber and never allowed back.
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...

Or to make it about themselves, but only within the parameters they set...which they can change later on as the circumstances suit them. These people are such clowns...they have given zero thought to health care, and it shows in these responses.
Either post where I said I get kidney stones daily or apologize you lying piece of shit!


"Fine, I apologize for saying that you said you get kidney stones daily. "

It was literally in the post you quoted in your stupid reply.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ...right-wingers are so insecure!

Calling me a fucking twat in your apology is what you call an apology? You are not sincere, you aren't really apologizing. You are a lying sack of crap. The fact is you don't care about anyone but your stupid agenda, you are willing to minimize others and their illnesses to make your god point. You are dishonest and you have no scruples. You think you have got all the answers? You have a kidney stone one in 38 years and say you are familiar? Lol! You proved you are a cold hearted lefty. Why would I or anyone else trust you and your opinions? Because this whole thread you have been dishonest and twisted my words. Im tired of you ramblings and excuses, then when you,don't get your way, you throw profanities at me during an apology. You are a piece of work. You are heartless, maybe you should have your gall bladder removed. :dunno:
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...

Or to make it about themselves, but only within the parameters they set...which they can change later on as the circumstances suit them. These people are such clowns...they have given zero thought to health care, and it shows in these responses.

There you go, showing your apology was insincere, that didn't take long did it, stupid little liar.
There you go, showing your apology was insincere, that didn't take long did it, stupid little liar.

LOL! So, I acknowledged your claim, apologized for it, now you're searching for a red herring in order to avoid having to answer questions you know you can't.

Fuck dude...get over yourself.
There you go, showing your apology was insincere, that didn't take long did it, stupid little liar.

LOL! So, I acknowledged your claim, apologized for it, now you're searching for a red herring in order to avoid having to answer questions you know you can't.

Fuck dude...get over yourself.

You called me a fucking twat in an apology? Fuck you asshole! That wasn't an apology, you spent the whole post justifying your apology and you lie. You are a lying piece of shit. Nothing else to say.
Calling me a fucking twat in your apology is what you call an apology? You are not sincere, you aren't really apologizing. You are a lying sack of crap. The fact is you don't care about anyone but your stupid agenda, you are willing to minimize others and their illnesses to make your god point. You are dishonest and you have no scruples. You think you have got all the answers? You have a kidney stone one in 38 years and say you are familiar? Lol! You proved you are a cold hearted lefty. Why would I or anyone else trust you and your opinions? Because this whole thread you have been dishonest and twisted my words. Im tired of you ramblings and excuses, then when you,don't get your way, you throw profanities at me during an apology. You are a piece of work. You are heartless, maybe you should have your gall bladder removed. :dunno:

Christ, what a fucking snowflake. So words don't mean what they mean now? LOL! In the age of Trump, I can't say I'm surprised. My agenda is altruistic. You are the one who wants to take health care away from people while making it un-affordable at the same time. So you better recognize that, pal.

You are also the one who submitted your own personal "illness" -that I'm still not sure you even have- into this debate, yet when that is subject to scrutiny you cry foul, search for red herrings, and play the victim. What a baby.

I never pretended I have all the answers, but I sure as shit have more answers than you do. I think you grow frustrated that this undeniably false narrative you are creating around what you think health care should be has so many holes, it cannot hold any water. That as I poke and poke and poke at it, it starts crumbling, forcing you to search for a red herring, posture offense even though you've arrogantly been spreading crap on these boards.

You call me cold-hearted, but you want to take health care away from people while making it more expensive, and has the inevitable consequence of people having to prostitute themselves for health care (or pay with chickens). Because if you don't have the cash to pay for health care, what else are you supposed to offer in exchange? That's not a rhetorical question, by the way.
You called me a fucking twat in an apology? Fuck you asshole! That wasn't an apology, you spent the whole post justifying your apology and you lie. You are a lying piece of shit. Nothing else to say.

Well, you are a fucking twat. And you being a fucking twat doesn't have any bearing on me apologizing for getting the jumbled mess of nonsense you've regurgitated on these boards confused. Maybe if you actually had a story that made sense, I wouldn't make mistakes like that. I only work with what you give me, and what you give me is shit.
You called me a fucking twat in an apology? Fuck you asshole! That wasn't an apology, you spent the whole post justifying your apology and you lie. You are a lying piece of shit. Nothing else to say.

Well, you are a fucking twat. And you being a fucking twat doesn't have any bearing on me apologizing for getting the jumbled mess of nonsense you've regurgitated on these boards confused. Maybe if you actually had a story that made sense, I wouldn't make mistakes like that. I only work with what you give me, and what you give me is shit.

You didn't apologize and that is pretty plain to see.

The story made sense you can't fucking read, you lying little bitch. You are one dumb son of a bitch.
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...

If I supported Trump you may have a point but you don't. He made promises he couldn't keep, he wasn't a leader, he was a bull in a China Shop. Now that he is President, I still wouldn't vote for him.
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...

If I supported Trump you may have a point but you don't. He made promises he couldn't keep, he wasn't a leader, he was a bull in a China Shop. Now that he is President, I still wouldn't vote for him.
Oh. So, you were just one of the enablers. Got it.
Oh shit! Since Papageorgio wants to take this time to spew anti-ACA rhetoric, this just in, Trump's own DHHS says that the ACA is humming along famously:

New data have been released contradicting Republican propaganda about the “failing” Affordable Care Act. What may be more embarrassing to the hardliners pushing repeal is that it comes from the government, specifically the Department of Health and Human Services.

Under Secretary Tom Price, the department has been a fount of anti-ACA rhetoric. But in an annual report about the ACA’s risk-management provisions issued Friday, Health and Human Services established that the key programs are “working as intended,” protecting insurers from unexpectedly large risks and moderating premiums for consumers.

Not only that, the data “would seem to refute the commonly held belief that the marketplace population is becoming sicker,” observes health economist Timothy Jost, writing in Health Affairs. In fact, according to the figures from 2016 in the latest report, the customer base is getting healthier and the risk pools have been stabilizing.

"Both the transitional reinsurance program and the permanent risk adjustment program are working as intended.”*-*Department of Health and Human Services

The conclusions in the Department of Health and Human Services report confirm that the ACA marketplace was stabilizing through 2016, despite GOP claims to the contrary. In fact, the marketplace did better than expected.

Oops...that seems to kinda blow holes in Papageorgio's "We were so much better off before Obamacare" lament...
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...

If I supported Trump you may have a point but you don't. He made promises he couldn't keep, he wasn't a leader, he was a bull in a China Shop. Now that he is President, I still wouldn't vote for him.
Oh. So, you were just one of the enablers. Got it.

Enabled who Hillary? Trump? I have been accused by both sides. If I don't go along with establishment assholes I get labeled. I got labeled that when Obama beat McCain, but he was a terrible candidate. I am good with that your labeling, I figure when I piss off both ignorant sides I am doing something right. Actually if the Dems weren't such dumb shits I would have voted for Bernie. I would have broke and voted Bernie. Kasich was my first choice, but Sanders was ahead of Cruz, Trump, Clinton and one other guy but I can't remember who he was off hand, it was a Republican.
Oh shit! Since Papageorgio wants to take this time to spew anti-ACA rhetoric, this just in, Trump's own DHHS says that the ACA is humming along famously:

New data have been released contradicting Republican propaganda about the “failing” Affordable Care Act. What may be more embarrassing to the hardliners pushing repeal is that it comes from the government, specifically the Department of Health and Human Services.

Under Secretary Tom Price, the department has been a fount of anti-ACA rhetoric. But in an annual report about the ACA’s risk-management provisions issued Friday, Health and Human Services established that the key programs are “working as intended,” protecting insurers from unexpectedly large risks and moderating premiums for consumers.

Not only that, the data “would seem to refute the commonly held belief that the marketplace population is becoming sicker,” observes health economist Timothy Jost, writing in Health Affairs. In fact, according to the figures from 2016 in the latest report, the customer base is getting healthier and the risk pools have been stabilizing.

"Both the transitional reinsurance program and the permanent risk adjustment program are working as intended.”*-*Department of Health and Human Services

The conclusions in the Department of Health and Human Services report confirm that the ACA marketplace was stabilizing through 2016, despite GOP claims to the contrary. In fact, the marketplace did better than expected.

Oops...that seems to kinda blow holes in Papageorgio's "We were so much better off before Obamacare" lament...

We will see. Wonder what counties that can't get Obamacare will do this next year? Go without? :dunno:
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...

If I supported Trump you may have a point but you don't. He made promises he couldn't keep, he wasn't a leader, he was a bull in a China Shop. Now that he is President, I still wouldn't vote for him.
Oh. So, you were just one of the enablers. Got it.

Enabled who Hillary? Trump? I have been accused by both sides. If I don't go along with establishment assholes I get labeled. I got labeled that when Obama beat McCain, but he was a terrible candidate. I am good with that your labeling, I figure when I piss off both ignorant sides I am doing something right. Actually if the Dems weren't such dumb shits I would have voted for Bernie. I would have broke and voted Bernie. Kasich was my first choice, but Sanders was ahead of Cruz, Trump, Clinton and one other guy but I can't remember who he was off hand, it was a Republican.
Well, I presume that you either voted third party, or didn't vote, because both candidates were "equally bad"? Now that you have had a chance to experience Lord Dampnuts for 6 months, you still think that? You really think that a Clinton administration would have been this big of a train wreck? Really?
Oh shit! Since Papageorgio wants to take this time to spew anti-ACA rhetoric, this just in, Trump's own DHHS says that the ACA is humming along famously:

New data have been released contradicting Republican propaganda about the “failing” Affordable Care Act. What may be more embarrassing to the hardliners pushing repeal is that it comes from the government, specifically the Department of Health and Human Services.

Under Secretary Tom Price, the department has been a fount of anti-ACA rhetoric. But in an annual report about the ACA’s risk-management provisions issued Friday, Health and Human Services established that the key programs are “working as intended,” protecting insurers from unexpectedly large risks and moderating premiums for consumers.

Not only that, the data “would seem to refute the commonly held belief that the marketplace population is becoming sicker,” observes health economist Timothy Jost, writing in Health Affairs. In fact, according to the figures from 2016 in the latest report, the customer base is getting healthier and the risk pools have been stabilizing.

"Both the transitional reinsurance program and the permanent risk adjustment program are working as intended.”*-*Department of Health and Human Services

The conclusions in the Department of Health and Human Services report confirm that the ACA marketplace was stabilizing through 2016, despite GOP claims to the contrary. In fact, the marketplace did better than expected.

Oops...that seems to kinda blow holes in Papageorgio's "We were so much better off before Obamacare" lament...

We will see. Wonder what counties that can't get Obamacare will do this next year? Go without? :dunno:
There is nothing to "We'll see..." about. The report is out, and your claims are officially bullshit. I mean, "didn't get" Obamacare?!?! Do you even know what Obamacare is? You realise that it isn't insurance that one can get, or not get, right?
You gotta love how the Trump cultists have managed to take a thread that was about the lack of leadership by Trump, and his delusional, absolutely unrealistic perceptions of the issue of healthcare reform, and turned it into an opportunity to, again, try to convince everyone how horrible Obamacare is...

If I supported Trump you may have a point but you don't. He made promises he couldn't keep, he wasn't a leader, he was a bull in a China Shop. Now that he is President, I still wouldn't vote for him.
Oh. So, you were just one of the enablers. Got it.

Enabled who Hillary? Trump? I have been accused by both sides. If I don't go along with establishment assholes I get labeled. I got labeled that when Obama beat McCain, but he was a terrible candidate. I am good with that your labeling, I figure when I piss off both ignorant sides I am doing something right. Actually if the Dems weren't such dumb shits I would have voted for Bernie. I would have broke and voted Bernie. Kasich was my first choice, but Sanders was ahead of Cruz, Trump, Clinton and one other guy but I can't remember who he was off hand, it was a Republican.
Well, I presume that you either voted third party, or didn't vote, because both candidates were "equally bad"? Now that you have had a chance to experience Lord Dampnuts for 6 months, you still think that? You really think that a Clinton administration would have been this big of a train wreck? Really?

I went third party. I didn't want to but I didn't have a good choice, I could have voted for corruption or corruption. Don't care for either.

I'm not sure if Clinton would have been any better or not. One thing I have enjoyed has been the lefts melt down since Trump was elected, it has provided good entertainment.

Trump has me really concerned with his interfering with this investigation on Russia. He needs to step away and let the chips fall where they may. I am keeping the same stance with this as with Benghazi, I'll wait for the facts to come in and then decide. Benghazi was a nothing story. I dislike and distrust Putin and Russia, it pisses me off that they got involved in our election.
Oh shit! Since Papageorgio wants to take this time to spew anti-ACA rhetoric, this just in, Trump's own DHHS says that the ACA is humming along famously:

New data have been released contradicting Republican propaganda about the “failing” Affordable Care Act. What may be more embarrassing to the hardliners pushing repeal is that it comes from the government, specifically the Department of Health and Human Services.

Under Secretary Tom Price, the department has been a fount of anti-ACA rhetoric. But in an annual report about the ACA’s risk-management provisions issued Friday, Health and Human Services established that the key programs are “working as intended,” protecting insurers from unexpectedly large risks and moderating premiums for consumers.

Not only that, the data “would seem to refute the commonly held belief that the marketplace population is becoming sicker,” observes health economist Timothy Jost, writing in Health Affairs. In fact, according to the figures from 2016 in the latest report, the customer base is getting healthier and the risk pools have been stabilizing.

"Both the transitional reinsurance program and the permanent risk adjustment program are working as intended.”*-*Department of Health and Human Services

The conclusions in the Department of Health and Human Services report confirm that the ACA marketplace was stabilizing through 2016, despite GOP claims to the contrary. In fact, the marketplace did better than expected.

Oops...that seems to kinda blow holes in Papageorgio's "We were so much better off before Obamacare" lament...

We will see. Wonder what counties that can't get Obamacare will do this next year? Go without? :dunno:
There is nothing to "We'll see..." about. The report is out, and your claims are officially bullshit. I mean, "didn't get" Obamacare?!?! Do you even know what Obamacare is? You realise that it isn't insurance that one can get, or not get, right?

I do but in several areas you won't be able to get ACA because it has no providers, they pulled out. That is where I am watching this play out. If insurance companies keep backing out like they have, we are going to Ave a real problem. Too bad the Dems didn't allow insurance companies to cross state lines. If it were me I would have allowed those that participated to offer it in every state. It would have correct the current issue.
Dishonest coming from you.
Says the guy who just got caught calling someone a liar, for posting a true honest opinion, anyway. I mean I have no proof that you are delusional. After all, you might not actually believe the bullshit you're spewing. In which case you wouldn't be delusional, you'd just be a liar.

You didn't post a true statement, you posted a misleading statement based off of some stupid random thought of your. I expect it from you.
So, you didn't say that we were getting by just fine before Obamacare? Because I'll be happy to like to the post where you did.

So you didn't say "I'm glad it don't live there"?

How was anyone to know the context you dishonest nutjob? And when I asked for clarification, you didn't clarify yourself again! You are a dumb dishonest person. Now, do you have anything new to really add?
By employing reading comprehension, which you apparently are incapable of. My comment was made after pointing out that you live in a delusional world, based on your claim that a period of time when 48 million Americans were uninsured was getting by just fine.

It's not my fault that you are incapable of understanding the words that you read.

Back in the 1950s most people got along without health insurance including my very own family. Medical care was cheaper back then of course.

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