So, this is why Trump won in 2016 and will again in 2020

Two more years is going to do it huh.

Dems are going to take the House in 2018. The next two years will be filled with investigations and impeachment proceedings

Crooked Donnie will have to testify....he is doomed
investigate what?


the butthurt is simply amazing and never ending all around.
Let’s see.....investigate what?

Money laundering
Illegal campaign contributions
Failure to disclose meetings with foreign agents
Obstruction of justice

Should keep Crooked Donnie tied up for years. Can’t wait for him to testify under oath
that list applies to both sides it would seem but your ass only aches for it against trump.

i want justice and the same rules to apply to all. you just want to go after trump.


You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.
The idea that democrats used to push was that abortions should be safe, legal and rare. The point: they were a necessary thing but not a good thing. That "necessary" part is of course highly debatable, but i digress. Now, democrats damn near celebrate abortions and the women that have them.

I could maybe get on board with the idea that it'll cost them the election if you could make a convincing argument for why the populous is becoming more virtuous. The country's population is rapidly becoming less so.
The idea that democrats used to push was that abortions should be safe, legal and rare. The point: they were a necessary thing but not a good thing. That "necessary" part is of course highly debatable, but i digress. Now, democrats damn near celebrate abortions and the women that have them.

I could maybe get on board with the idea that it'll cost them the election if you could make a convincing argument for why the populous is becoming more virtuous. The country's population is rapidly becoming less so.
there are many more americans that are pro life.
there are many more americans that are pro life.
Then why aren't republicans ahead in the mid-terms? Abortion isn't all that people care about, and i've venture to guess that while it's one of the most polarizing issues, it probably has little to do with how people end up voting (if they're actually not sure which way they want to go) because abortion isn't something that people are faced with on a day to day basis.
there are many more americans that are pro life.
Then why aren't republicans ahead in the mid-terms? Abortion isn't all that people care about, and i've venture to guess that while it's one of the most polarizing issues, it probably has little to do with how people end up voting (if they're actually not sure which way they want to go) because abortion isn't something that people are faced with on a day to day basis.
no one said it was. In fact, illegal immigration is what got uncle Don the presidency. Tax Cuts. Yet people do care about abortion and handing money to planned parenthood to kill babies. mid terms haven't happened yet, so how can republicans be behind? you know hitlery had the white house right? how'd that work out? Republicans don't interfere in elections by doing polls to flagrantly lie about people and positions and anything else ahead of an election.
no one said it was. In fact, illegal immigration is what got uncle Don the presidency. Tax Cuts. Yet people do care about abortion and handing money to planned parenthood to kill babies. mid terms haven't happened yet, so how can republicans be behind? you know hitlery had the white house right? how'd that work out? Republicans don't interfere in elections by doing polls to flagrantly lie about people and positions and anything else ahead of an election.
I'm just talking pure numbers. Where republicans have won, it's been by far fewer points than normal. They've lost seats already and polls are showing democrats largely ahead, though by probably not as much as they would be if they were a median level functioning political party.

If you're highlighting anything, it's that if republicans aren't interested in just enabling rich people and hating on minorities, then they have a serious messaging problem. If abortion is such a big deal, and it's proponents are so amoral within a largely moral society, then why aren't republicans waxing the democrats in elections? As of 2016, democrats purged their last pro-life members on a federal level and most of them want abortion until birth.

You can say that republicans will win in 2018 all you want but it's unlikely. Yes, Trump defied odds but there's no Hillary in the mid-terms to run against. Even if Trump wasn't such a lightning rod, the incumbent party always loses to a degree in the mid-terms anyway.
By 2020, the Mueller report will be out

Trump will either be disgraced or in jail
Two more years is going to do it huh.

Dems are going to take the House in 2018. The next two years will be filled with investigations and impeachment proceedings

Crooked Donnie will have to testify....he is doomed
First of all you’re on drugs. Second, half of the liberal snowflakes won’t make it two more years without sticking a gun in their mouth. And third, what the heck is left to investigate?
After the GOP whitewash for the last year and a half we need to conduct a REAL investication

Money laundering
Obstruction of justice
Failure to disclose foreign contacts
Dems are going to take the House in 2018. The next two years will be filled with investigations and impeachment proceedings

Crooked Donnie will have to testify....he is doomed
investigate what?


the butthurt is simply amazing and never ending all around.
Let’s see.....investigate what?

Money laundering
Illegal campaign contributions
Failure to disclose meetings with foreign agents
Obstruction of justice

Should keep Crooked Donnie tied up for years. Can’t wait for him to testify under oath
that list applies to both sides it would seem but your ass only aches for it against trump.

i want justice and the same rules to apply to all. you just want to go after trump.


You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.

Republicans have set the bar

7 years on Whitewater
3 years on Lewinsky
5 years on Benghazi
4 years on email

We are just getting started on Crooked Donnie
investigate what?


the butthurt is simply amazing and never ending all around.
Let’s see.....investigate what?

Money laundering
Illegal campaign contributions
Failure to disclose meetings with foreign agents
Obstruction of justice

Should keep Crooked Donnie tied up for years. Can’t wait for him to testify under oath
that list applies to both sides it would seem but your ass only aches for it against trump.

i want justice and the same rules to apply to all. you just want to go after trump.


You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.

Republicans have set the bar

7 years on Whitewater
3 years on Lewinsky
5 years on Benghazi
4 years on email

We are just getting started on Crooked Donnie
we have years to go before we sleep,,,,,Frost
Let’s see.....investigate what?

Money laundering
Illegal campaign contributions
Failure to disclose meetings with foreign agents
Obstruction of justice

Should keep Crooked Donnie tied up for years. Can’t wait for him to testify under oath
that list applies to both sides it would seem but your ass only aches for it against trump.

i want justice and the same rules to apply to all. you just want to go after trump.


You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.

Republicans have set the bar

7 years on Whitewater
3 years on Lewinsky
5 years on Benghazi
4 years on email

We are just getting started on Crooked Donnie
we have years to go before we sleep,,,,,Frost

These things take time
Republicans have been covering up for two years now. It will take years to get to the truth
that list applies to both sides it would seem but your ass only aches for it against trump.

i want justice and the same rules to apply to all. you just want to go after trump.


You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.

Republicans have set the bar

7 years on Whitewater
3 years on Lewinsky
5 years on Benghazi
4 years on email

We are just getting started on Crooked Donnie
we have years to go before we sleep,,,,,Frost

These things take time
Republicans have been covering up for two years now. It will take years to get to the truth
give em the Hillary treatment ,,,How long have they been after her? 20 years? 25?
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

The fuck does that have to do with anything? Is Michelle running against him?

You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.

Republicans have set the bar

7 years on Whitewater
3 years on Lewinsky
5 years on Benghazi
4 years on email

We are just getting started on Crooked Donnie
we have years to go before we sleep,,,,,Frost

These things take time
Republicans have been covering up for two years now. It will take years to get to the truth
give em the Hillary treatment ,,,How long have they been after her? 20 years? 25?

It’s just a case of being thorough

Just like Republicans were
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

You're not even aware of what the thread is about. This is very sad.

As I said in the OP, if you yourself cannot discern what's wrong, then there's no point in my even explaining it. You're both blind and deaf.

I put the part that is most concerning in red bold print.

Also, I don't doubt that many Republicans secretly conceal abortions, but has nothing to do with the premise of the thread. There's no speech more "hateful" and "depraved" than joking about dead and mutilated babies.

The fact that you cannot even register this without someone explaining it to you is very sad.

YOU set Michelle as the reason why Trump would win, so now we have to look at Trump by comparison.

it's not rocket science, ffs.
If they weren’t disgusted by Donald’s ACTUAL immoral behavior — cheating on his wife as she recovered from birth, paying off porn stars he had affairs with, leering at naked underaged girls in locker rooms, sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pussies against their will, making fun of a disabled reporter, making racist remarks about Latinos — then I don’t think they’ll be concerned with the jokes of a comedian

The difference mouth breathers like you never get is Trump isn't trying to force his lifestyle or morals on anyone else via government fiat, unlike progressive cucks like you.

progressives back up their vulgarity will fines, fees, and witch hunts.
Yeah Donald is only the POTUS. It’s not like anyone pays attention to what he says. We all know Trump-piss-drinkers like you will excuse him for anything

The more dimwits like you focus on his antics the more he gets done with his actual agenda.

Keep falling for it, oxygen thieves....
So, you approve of his vulgarity, but shed tears over the jokes of a comedian.

How do you look yourself in the mirror?
what vulgarity? that puke comic? yeah really bad comedian there bubba.
Donald’s vulgarity. Dipshit. Or do you not recall Donald bragging about grabbing women by the pussy and “moving on them like a bitch”?
no one said it was. In fact, illegal immigration is what got uncle Don the presidency. Tax Cuts. Yet people do care about abortion and handing money to planned parenthood to kill babies. mid terms haven't happened yet, so how can republicans be behind? you know hitlery had the white house right? how'd that work out? Republicans don't interfere in elections by doing polls to flagrantly lie about people and positions and anything else ahead of an election.
I'm just talking pure numbers. Where republicans have won, it's been by far fewer points than normal. They've lost seats already and polls are showing democrats largely ahead, though by probably not as much as they would be if they were a median level functioning political party.

If you're highlighting anything, it's that if republicans aren't interested in just enabling rich people and hating on minorities, then they have a serious messaging problem. If abortion is such a big deal, and it's proponents are so amoral within a largely moral society, then why aren't republicans waxing the democrats in elections? As of 2016, democrats purged their last pro-life members on a federal level and most of them want abortion until birth.

You can say that republicans will win in 2018 all you want but it's unlikely. Yes, Trump defied odds but there's no Hillary in the mid-terms to run against. Even if Trump wasn't such a lightning rod, the incumbent party always loses to a degree in the mid-terms anyway.
and you can say democrats will all you want. It doesn't mean a fking thing until the vote is in jack. Again, why isn't hitlery president then? Polls showed her with an 80% victory. WTF happened jack. again, you think cause polls exist they are the actual vote. sorry jr. that ain't true at-all. When dems can focus on an area of the country, they steal the seat by using illegal voters. we know it. mid terms hurt them because they can't focus on the entire country. The only blue wave is the jets in the sky called Blue Angels.
investigate what?


the butthurt is simply amazing and never ending all around.
Let’s see.....investigate what?

Money laundering
Illegal campaign contributions
Failure to disclose meetings with foreign agents
Obstruction of justice

Should keep Crooked Donnie tied up for years. Can’t wait for him to testify under oath
that list applies to both sides it would seem but your ass only aches for it against trump.

i want justice and the same rules to apply to all. you just want to go after trump.


You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.

Republicans have set the bar

7 years on Whitewater
3 years on Lewinsky
5 years on Benghazi
4 years on email

We are just getting started on Crooked Donnie
and like i said - you're not after justice but revenge. which means you don't really know or care if he's guilty - only that it is "your turn" to bitch and whine about it.

like all children do.

Let’s see.....investigate what?

Money laundering
Illegal campaign contributions
Failure to disclose meetings with foreign agents
Obstruction of justice

Should keep Crooked Donnie tied up for years. Can’t wait for him to testify under oath
that list applies to both sides it would seem but your ass only aches for it against trump.

i want justice and the same rules to apply to all. you just want to go after trump.


You guys have been investigating Hillary for 25 years and have nothing to show for it

Crooked Donnie’s turn
I didn't bring the bitch up. You did.

And you now say you want revenge not right and wrong to prevail. That's the bullshit mentality keeping us fighting.

Republicans have set the bar

7 years on Whitewater
3 years on Lewinsky
5 years on Benghazi
4 years on email

We are just getting started on Crooked Donnie
and like i said - you're not after justice but revenge. which means you don't really know or care if he's guilty - only that it is "your turn" to bitch and whine about it.

like all children do.

Were the Clinton investigations about revenge?
The difference mouth breathers like you never get is Trump isn't trying to force his lifestyle or morals on anyone else via government fiat, unlike progressive cucks like you.

progressives back up their vulgarity will fines, fees, and witch hunts.
Yeah Donald is only the POTUS. It’s not like anyone pays attention to what he says. We all know Trump-piss-drinkers like you will excuse him for anything

The more dimwits like you focus on his antics the more he gets done with his actual agenda.

Keep falling for it, oxygen thieves....
So, you approve of his vulgarity, but shed tears over the jokes of a comedian.

How do you look yourself in the mirror?
what vulgarity? that puke comic? yeah really bad comedian there bubba.
Donald’s vulgarity. Dipshit. Or do you not recall Donald bragging about grabbing women by the pussy and “moving on them like a bitch”?
Billy boi Clinton had no issues from you leftists with pssy grabbing, why? until you can explain that to me, you get no more responses from me on this subject.
Yeah Donald is only the POTUS. It’s not like anyone pays attention to what he says. We all know Trump-piss-drinkers like you will excuse him for anything

The more dimwits like you focus on his antics the more he gets done with his actual agenda.

Keep falling for it, oxygen thieves....
So, you approve of his vulgarity, but shed tears over the jokes of a comedian.

How do you look yourself in the mirror?
what vulgarity? that puke comic? yeah really bad comedian there bubba.
Donald’s vulgarity. Dipshit. Or do you not recall Donald bragging about grabbing women by the pussy and “moving on them like a bitch”?
Billy boi Clinton had no issues from you leftists with pssy grabbing, why? until you can explain that to me, you get no more responses from me on this subject.
Deflection noted.


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