So, this is why Trump won in 2016 and will again in 2020

By 2020, the Mueller report will be out

Trump will either be disgraced or in jail
Two more years is going to do it huh.

Dems are going to take the House in 2018. The next two years will be filled with investigations and impeachment proceedings

Crooked Donnie will have to testify....he is doomed
First of all you’re on drugs. Second, half of the liberal snowflakes won’t make it two more years without sticking a gun in their mouth. And third, what the heck is left to investigate?
After the GOP whitewash for the last year and a half we need to conduct a REAL investication

Money laundering
Obstruction of justice
Failure to disclose foreign contacts
Oh the real investigation this time. Up until now you’ve all just been fluffing each other with fantasy investigations. Time to do some real legal shit now huh?

BTW- since you just admitted this whole mewler thing was a sham how do you think you’re going to convict someone of obstruction and perjury based on it? OMG! He lied about and obstructed our fraud of an investigation! Impeach!

Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

you twat defending hack.

"a bit vulgar"

Fuck off.

I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?

Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.
Only Homophobes Have the Will to Survive

I wonder why the sex drive is so strong, intense, and constant when people want to have children anyway. There must be more to it than we are told by the academics who opine on human behavior.
Two more years is going to do it huh.

Dems are going to take the House in 2018. The next two years will be filled with investigations and impeachment proceedings

Crooked Donnie will have to testify....he is doomed
First of all you’re on drugs. Second, half of the liberal snowflakes won’t make it two more years without sticking a gun in their mouth. And third, what the heck is left to investigate?
After the GOP whitewash for the last year and a half we need to conduct a REAL investication

Money laundering
Obstruction of justice
Failure to disclose foreign contacts
Oh the real investigation this time. Up until now you’ve all just been fluffing each other with fantasy investigations. Time to do some real legal shit now huh?

BTW- since you just admitted this whole mewler thing was a sham how do you think you’re going to convict someone of obstruction and perjury based on it? OMG! He lied about and obstructed our fraud of an investigation! Impeach!

Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute

You folks don't know what is going on. You really don't have a clue.

On the Criminal Referral of Comey, Clinton et al: Will the Constitution Hold and the Media Continue to Suppress the Story?
On the Criminal Referral of Comey, Clinton et al: Will the Constitution Hold and the Media Continue to Suppress the Story?

"Named in the referral to the DOJ for possible violations of federal law are: Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey; former Attorney General Loretta Lynch; former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe; FBI Agent Peter Strzok; FBI Counsel Lisa Page; and those DOJ and FBI personnel “connected to” work on the “Steele Dossier,” including former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates and former Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente.

With no attention from corporate media, the referral was sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah John Huber. Sessions appointed Huber months ago to assist DOJ Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz. By most accounts, Horowitz is doing a thoroughly professional job. As IG, however, Horowitz lacks the authority to prosecute; he needs a U.S. Attorney for that. And this has to be disturbing to the alleged perps.

This is no law-school case-study exercise, no arcane disputation over the fine points of this or that law. Rather, as we say in the inner-city, “It has now hit the fan.” Criminal referrals can lead to serious jail time. Granted, the upper-crust luminaries criminally “referred” enjoy very powerful support. And that will come especially from the mainstream media, which will find it hard to retool and switch from Russia-gate to the much more delicate and much less welcome “FBI-gate.”"
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner isn't....but when you shitstains support a man who raped at least 3 women, sexually assaulted about a dozen more and your candidate, hilary, was the one who led the team to destroy the victims to keep him in office.... well, we learned your lesson...and as soon as you hold your rapists accountable and lose power to do it, then we will take a look at an adulterer who keeps kicking your ass.....
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

let me guess,in your warped world, Obama and Clinton did NOT spew hates and lies about him right?:haha::iyfyus.jpg: the fact that USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger clicked on a like for this OP,proves to be it is BS i would ask him to remove the like to be taken serious.:haha:
All you liberals crybabies need to accept the reality that The Great Donald Trump not only be elected in 2020, but in 2024 and 2028. He will only leave office when decides to retire, not before.

And when does retire, his hand picked successor will be Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, or maybe Ivanka Trump.

Predictions for 2018:
  • Trump will order that Obama be arrested for faking his birth certificate. He will be deported, his presidency annulled.
  • Comey and Mueller will be convicted of crimes against the president. They will be sentenced to death so that no future president can pardon them.
  • Trump make a deal so that NK and SK become new states added to US.
  • Trump will release deep state secret documents proving NASA faked the moon landing, and the Fake Media was part of the cover-up
Last edited:
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

Nobody cares about abortion besides the extremists on both sides of the aisle.
Two more years is going to do it huh.

Dems are going to take the House in 2018. The next two years will be filled with investigations and impeachment proceedings

Crooked Donnie will have to testify....he is doomed
First of all you’re on drugs. Second, half of the liberal snowflakes won’t make it two more years without sticking a gun in their mouth. And third, what the heck is left to investigate?
After the GOP whitewash for the last year and a half we need to conduct a REAL investication

Money laundering
Obstruction of justice
Failure to disclose foreign contacts
Oh the real investigation this time. Up until now you’ve all just been fluffing each other with fantasy investigations. Time to do some real legal shit now huh?

BTW- since you just admitted this whole mewler thing was a sham how do you think you’re going to convict someone of obstruction and perjury based on it? OMG! He lied about and obstructed our fraud of an investigation! Impeach!

Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute
FFS you're an idiot. Mewler is a joke, his entire team is there because of a democrat/clinton paid for bullshit dossier. And you actually think that's going to result in some "real" crimes?
Dems are going to take the House in 2018. The next two years will be filled with investigations and impeachment proceedings

Crooked Donnie will have to testify....he is doomed
First of all you’re on drugs. Second, half of the liberal snowflakes won’t make it two more years without sticking a gun in their mouth. And third, what the heck is left to investigate?
After the GOP whitewash for the last year and a half we need to conduct a REAL investication

Money laundering
Obstruction of justice
Failure to disclose foreign contacts
Oh the real investigation this time. Up until now you’ve all just been fluffing each other with fantasy investigations. Time to do some real legal shit now huh?

BTW- since you just admitted this whole mewler thing was a sham how do you think you’re going to convict someone of obstruction and perjury based on it? OMG! He lied about and obstructed our fraud of an investigation! Impeach!

Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute
FFS you're an idiot. Mewler is a joke, his entire team is there because of a democrat/clinton paid for bullshit dossier. And you actually think that's going to result in some "real" crimes?

Mueller has already gotten convictions in return for a plea deal

He wouldn’t offer unless the person has information to deal.

Mueller is biding his time while he connects all the dots
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

you twat defending hack.

"a bit vulgar"

Fuck off.

I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?

Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

Nobody cares about abortion besides the extremists on both sides of the aisle.
And the children aborted. But they don't get to vote I guess. Their moms get to live with it though. I've often wondered how a woman who had an abortion views child sex crimes, child murder, hell child sex slavery, abuse etc. Kinda seems to me once you've murdered your own child in utero you don't have much moral ground to stand on.
First of all you’re on drugs. Second, half of the liberal snowflakes won’t make it two more years without sticking a gun in their mouth. And third, what the heck is left to investigate?
After the GOP whitewash for the last year and a half we need to conduct a REAL investication

Money laundering
Obstruction of justice
Failure to disclose foreign contacts
Oh the real investigation this time. Up until now you’ve all just been fluffing each other with fantasy investigations. Time to do some real legal shit now huh?

BTW- since you just admitted this whole mewler thing was a sham how do you think you’re going to convict someone of obstruction and perjury based on it? OMG! He lied about and obstructed our fraud of an investigation! Impeach!

Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute
FFS you're an idiot. Mewler is a joke, his entire team is there because of a democrat/clinton paid for bullshit dossier. And you actually think that's going to result in some "real" crimes?

Mueller has already gotten convictions in return for a plea deal

He wouldn’t offer unless the person has information to deal.

Mueller is biding his time while he connects all the dots
He hasn't got a conviction yet. He has a plea based on his bullshit investigation which will not end well for him.

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