So, this is why Trump won in 2016 and will again in 2020

After the GOP whitewash for the last year and a half we need to conduct a REAL investication

Money laundering
Obstruction of justice
Failure to disclose foreign contacts
Oh the real investigation this time. Up until now you’ve all just been fluffing each other with fantasy investigations. Time to do some real legal shit now huh?

BTW- since you just admitted this whole mewler thing was a sham how do you think you’re going to convict someone of obstruction and perjury based on it? OMG! He lied about and obstructed our fraud of an investigation! Impeach!

Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute
FFS you're an idiot. Mewler is a joke, his entire team is there because of a democrat/clinton paid for bullshit dossier. And you actually think that's going to result in some "real" crimes?

Mueller has already gotten convictions in return for a plea deal

He wouldn’t offer unless the person has information to deal.

Mueller is biding his time while he connects all the dots
He hasn't got a conviction yet. He has a plea based on his bullshit investigation which will not end well for him.
He has guilty pleas in return for testimony
SAME way they bring down mob bosses
Oh the real investigation this time. Up until now you’ve all just been fluffing each other with fantasy investigations. Time to do some real legal shit now huh?

BTW- since you just admitted this whole mewler thing was a sham how do you think you’re going to convict someone of obstruction and perjury based on it? OMG! He lied about and obstructed our fraud of an investigation! Impeach!

Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute
FFS you're an idiot. Mewler is a joke, his entire team is there because of a democrat/clinton paid for bullshit dossier. And you actually think that's going to result in some "real" crimes?

Mueller has already gotten convictions in return for a plea deal

He wouldn’t offer unless the person has information to deal.

Mueller is biding his time while he connects all the dots
He hasn't got a conviction yet. He has a plea based on his bullshit investigation which will not end well for him.
He has guilty pleas in return for testimony
SAME way they bring down mob bosses
You know that only works when you have mob bosses that committed a crime right?
Mueller is just the start

His report will be chock full of Trump crimes. The Democratic Congress will investigate and prosecute
FFS you're an idiot. Mewler is a joke, his entire team is there because of a democrat/clinton paid for bullshit dossier. And you actually think that's going to result in some "real" crimes?

Mueller has already gotten convictions in return for a plea deal

He wouldn’t offer unless the person has information to deal.

Mueller is biding his time while he connects all the dots
He hasn't got a conviction yet. He has a plea based on his bullshit investigation which will not end well for him.
He has guilty pleas in return for testimony
SAME way they bring down mob bosses
You know that only works when you have mob bosses that committed a crime right?
What is your point?
FFS you're an idiot. Mewler is a joke, his entire team is there because of a democrat/clinton paid for bullshit dossier. And you actually think that's going to result in some "real" crimes?

Mueller has already gotten convictions in return for a plea deal

He wouldn’t offer unless the person has information to deal.

Mueller is biding his time while he connects all the dots
He hasn't got a conviction yet. He has a plea based on his bullshit investigation which will not end well for him.
He has guilty pleas in return for testimony
SAME way they bring down mob bosses
You know that only works when you have mob bosses that committed a crime right?
What is your point?
My point is you have nothing. In two years you will have less than nothing. Once mewler releases his info you'll be standing there like a fish out of water gasping for air.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

Nobody cares about abortion besides the extremists on both sides of the aisle.

And yet nobody normal would joke about the mutilation of a fetus either.

These are the types of people that are at the avant-garde of modern progressivism today.
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

you twat defending hack.

"a bit vulgar"

Fuck off.

I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?

Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.
Yeah, I'd say that's right.

In their frenzied rush to denigrate Conservatives, a great many Liberals will overstep the bounds of decency, and then arrogantly flaunt their indecency.

It's really simple.

White Straight Christian America threw a flash grenade into the Blue Bus on November 8, 2016.

And, now that somebody's finally taken a stand against these arrogant Liberal phukks, more voters are climbing on that bandwagon.

It's really damned unfortunate that Trump is carrying the banner at the moment, but he's just the focal point du jour, and will be replaced by another soon enough.

What signifies, however, is that a very large percentage of America has finally had a bellyful of the arrogance of Liberal Ruling Elitists, and have acted upon that.

Michelle Dumb-Ass Whatzerface is merely the latest in a long line of insults to Decent America that the Liberals have been laughing at for so long.

You would think they would have learned to at least mask their laughter and contempt in the wake of November 8, 2016, however...

LibTards - even more than ConTards, I think - fail to learn from past mistakes and arrogantly refuse to change their ways - or, at least, their public behaviors.

Just as well.

Perhaps another four-year cycle on the sidelines will make them a little more humble... and therefore a little more palatable... but I wouldn't bet on it.
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

you twat defending hack.

"a bit vulgar"

Fuck off.

I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?

Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.

You do understand that she is a comedian and that it was a joke, right? Trump, when he is being vulgar, disgusting and crass, isn't a comedian telling a joke. She's also not President of the United States. Trumpanzies have zero moral high ground with their faux outrage.

I was there and some of her material did make people uncomfortable. But political comedy, at its best, shouldn't always be comfortable. It should make you laugh while also challenging your views. And Wolf did just that, in strong moments like this quip: “I'm 32, which is a weird age — 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.” ~ Dean Obeidallah
...You do understand that she is a comedian and that it was a joke, right?...
You DO understand that there is no such thing as a "safe" joke about the butchering of innocent babies, right?

E-S-P-E-C-I-A-L-L-Y in such a highly-respected and highly-visible setting?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... do you REALLY think the "Trump tells bad jokes too" defense is gonna work this time?

If you do... you're deluding yourself.


The appropriate response for this is...

"OK... OK... OK... one of our own phukked-up... and really badly... you got us on this one. Sorry. Now, can we move on?"

But you - collectively - just don't have that in you, based on what the rest of us are seeing in response to the offense.

That, too, is arrogance.

Ya'll keep reinforcing your own negative stereotype.

This is how you fix it with everybody besides yourselves...

1. Take ownership.

2. Apologize.

You'll get one helluva lot more respect for that than you will by spending days jumping through hoops trying to defend the indefensible.
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you twat defending hack.

"a bit vulgar"

Fuck off.

I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?
Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.

You do understand that she is a comedian and that it was a joke, right? Trump, when he is being vulgar, disgusting and crass, isn't a comedian telling a joke. She's also not President of the United States. Trumpanzies have zero moral high ground with their faux outrage.

I was there and some of her material did make people uncomfortable. But political comedy, at its best, shouldn't always be comfortable. It should make you laugh while also challenging your views. And Wolf did just that, in strong moments like this quip: “I'm 32, which is a weird age — 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.” ~ Dean Obeidallah

Stop with the "clown nose on, clown nose off" crap. It's a political attack, not comedy.

Same thing with that twat-boi Hogg, he attacks (clown nose off) then he or his supporter whine when he is countered (i,e, "just a kid) clown nose on.

And I notice it only gets spiteful when is about a conservative type.

You are such a fucking hack.
By 2020, the Mueller report will be out

Trump will either be disgraced or in jail

Whether or not that's true, an R will take the whitehouse in 2020.

Keep joking about mutilated and shredded babies. Keep defending and excusing them.
Who,on the left makes fun of abortion?

It is one of the worst decisions a woman has to make.

Never being in that place I could be all holier than thou and preach about how awful it is. But since there are so many reasons women have to make this choice I choose to keep my mouth shut.

Shame,all these old men and tut tutting women do not do the same!

However I will say this. Those same fools who are against abortion fight against birth control that could stop most abortions are just asses, two faced,hypocritical asses!
I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?
Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.

You do understand that she is a comedian and that it was a joke, right? Trump, when he is being vulgar, disgusting and crass, isn't a comedian telling a joke. She's also not President of the United States. Trumpanzies have zero moral high ground with their faux outrage.

I was there and some of her material did make people uncomfortable. But political comedy, at its best, shouldn't always be comfortable. It should make you laugh while also challenging your views. And Wolf did just that, in strong moments like this quip: “I'm 32, which is a weird age — 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.” ~ Dean Obeidallah

Stop with the "clown nose on, clown nose off" crap. It's a political attack, not comedy.

Same thing with that twat-boi Hogg, he attacks (clown nose off) then he or his supporter whine when he is countered (i,e, "just a kid) clown nose on.

And I notice it only gets spiteful when is about a conservative type.

You are such a fucking hack.

Vulgar? Your calling a teen ager that name IS VULGAR!
Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.

You do understand that she is a comedian and that it was a joke, right? Trump, when he is being vulgar, disgusting and crass, isn't a comedian telling a joke. She's also not President of the United States. Trumpanzies have zero moral high ground with their faux outrage.

I was there and some of her material did make people uncomfortable. But political comedy, at its best, shouldn't always be comfortable. It should make you laugh while also challenging your views. And Wolf did just that, in strong moments like this quip: “I'm 32, which is a weird age — 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.” ~ Dean Obeidallah

Stop with the "clown nose on, clown nose off" crap. It's a political attack, not comedy.

Same thing with that twat-boi Hogg, he attacks (clown nose off) then he or his supporter whine when he is countered (i,e, "just a kid) clown nose on.

And I notice it only gets spiteful when is about a conservative type.

You are such a fucking hack.

Vulgar? Your calling a teen ager that name IS VULGAR!

He dropped his hat into the political area, he can't hide behind his age.

Calling a spade a spade, you white-knight cuck.
I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?
Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.

You do understand that she is a comedian and that it was a joke, right? Trump, when he is being vulgar, disgusting and crass, isn't a comedian telling a joke. She's also not President of the United States. Trumpanzies have zero moral high ground with their faux outrage.

I was there and some of her material did make people uncomfortable. But political comedy, at its best, shouldn't always be comfortable. It should make you laugh while also challenging your views. And Wolf did just that, in strong moments like this quip: “I'm 32, which is a weird age — 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.” ~ Dean Obeidallah

Stop with the "clown nose on, clown nose off" crap. It's a political attack, not comedy.

Same thing with that twat-boi Hogg, he attacks (clown nose off) then he or his supporter whine when he is countered (i,e, "just a kid) clown nose on.

And I notice it only gets spiteful when is about a conservative type.

You are such a fucking hack.

Stop with the faux outrage over a comedian telling jokes while sucking the orange cock of the Vulgarian in Chief.
Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.

You do understand that she is a comedian and that it was a joke, right? Trump, when he is being vulgar, disgusting and crass, isn't a comedian telling a joke. She's also not President of the United States. Trumpanzies have zero moral high ground with their faux outrage.

I was there and some of her material did make people uncomfortable. But political comedy, at its best, shouldn't always be comfortable. It should make you laugh while also challenging your views. And Wolf did just that, in strong moments like this quip: “I'm 32, which is a weird age — 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.” ~ Dean Obeidallah

Stop with the "clown nose on, clown nose off" crap. It's a political attack, not comedy.

Same thing with that twat-boi Hogg, he attacks (clown nose off) then he or his supporter whine when he is countered (i,e, "just a kid) clown nose on.

And I notice it only gets spiteful when is about a conservative type.

You are such a fucking hack.

Stop with the faux outrage over a comedian telling jokes while sucking the orange cock of the Vulgarian in Chief.

Lol, u mad bro?

I got under your skin. I win!

And again, what she said if you are pro-life is probably the equivalent of shitting in someone's mouth. which is gross, unless you are German.
...Stop with the faux outrage over a comedian telling jokes while sucking the orange cock of the Vulgarian in Chief.
Oh, the outrage is real enough, unfortunately for you(r side)... it always is, when you're stupid enough to joke about slaughtering babies.

On a painful failed joke scale of One to Ten...

A stupid dumb-ass Trump joke about grabbing snatch is a 2

An idiotic LibTard joke about slaughtering babies is a 20.


Now...repeat after me...

"OK, we phukked-up... bad taste... bad timing... wrong place... terrible idea... sorry."​

All fixed.


p.s. - "The other guy does it too" defense stopped working in 4th grade - you're supposed to be better than them, remember?
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And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

you twat defending hack.

"a bit vulgar"

Fuck off.

I missed her bit, what vulgar language did she employ? Are comedians not supposed to "work blue" at these things?

Normal people tire of hearing it nonstop.

Then they should tell Trump to stop being so vulgar.

Trump is more crass then vulgar.

She made a joke about shoving a fetus out during an abortion as quickly as possible.

That is vulgar.

Trump is vulgar too.

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