So Trump Gets A Meeting With N. Korea And Liberals Want To Talk About Hookers


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It's strange how Trump has a gift for showing us the true colors of the left.

Instead of kissing Kim Jong Un's pudgy butt, like Obama did, Trump took his insults and threw them back at him. He called him Rocket Man, and made fun of him. This triggered the left and caused them to scream that he was gonna cause another WW.
All during the Olympics NBC was kissing Kim's sister, Kim So Hot's butt. They made fun of Trump and VP Pence and applauded that snobbish woman who was Kim's minister of propaganda.

Trump basically told them that his (Nuke) button was bigger and that his button worked.......and now Kim wants to meet with Trump personally.
The left can't understand what standing up to a bully can do. Now LGBT pundits like Rachell Maddow are saying that meeting with the N. Korean dictator and talking peace might be a bad idea......but only because Trump may accomplish something.
So they criticized everything he does regardless.
Rachel Maddow interviewed Hillary on this subject last year.....and now Hillary and Rachel both look like fools. Apparently Hillary's tactics never worked. You can't bribe a dictator into being peaceful. All they'll do is take your money and keep doing what they were doing before.
Hillary says this is so complicated and that everyone else doesn't understand how this works. Hillary said Trump was being played by Kim Jong Un. Now it looks like Trump was playing him.
Well, it looks like Hillary doesn't know shit.
I suspect it was planned from the beginning, and Russia was involved. After all Russia and N.K. are buds.
I suspect it was planned from the beginning, and Russia was involved. After all Russia and N.K. are buds.

Yeah ... The last time Russia and America were involved in Korea it resulted in the Korean War ... And a divided Korea.

The only ones talking about porn stars is Media and it ain't liberal. Add Mudwhistle and other conservative snowflakes to the list too. Hookers? You righties must love being played by Donnie and crew? Distraction followed by distraction. By the way Clinton and Bush also had talks see link.

What is kinda funny is Trump plays the snowflakes on the right like a banjo and they follow.

"Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them."

Factbox: History of failure: Efforts to negotiate on North Korean...

It's strange how Trump has a gift for showing us the true colors of the left.

Instead of kissing Kim Jong Un's pudgy butt, like Obama did, Trump took his insults and threw them back at him. He called him Rocket Man, and made fun of him. This triggered the left and caused them to scream that he was gonna cause another WW.
All during the Olympics NBC was kissing Kim's sister, Kim So Hot's butt. They made fun of Trump and VP Pence and applauded that snobbish woman who was Kim's minister of propaganda.

Trump basically told them that his (Nuke) button was bigger and that his button worked.......and now Kim wants to meet with Trump personally.
The left can't understand what standing up to a bully can do. Now LGBT pundits like Rachell Maddow are saying that meeting with the N. Korean dictator and talking peace might be a bad idea......but only because Trump may accomplish something.
So they criticized everything he does regardless.
Rachel Maddow interviewed Hillary on this subject last year.....and now Hillary and Rachel both look like fools. Apparently Hillary's tactics never worked. You can't bribe a dictator into being peaceful. All they'll do is take your money and keep doing what they were doing before.
Hillary says this is so complicated and that everyone else doesn't understand how this works. Hillary said Trump was being played by Kim Jong Un. Now it looks like Trump was playing him.
Well, it looks like Hillary doesn't know shit.

You're so fucking stupid it defies logic. Every US President to this point has kept the most severe sanctions in place on N Korea that have been established. Kim has been playing Trump since he was elected because the Russians told him Trump is a fool in their back pocket and they can easily play them. They tested a hydrogen bomb successfully, and test fired long range missiles right over Japan. On Trumps watch.

And now Kim is going to play him again by legtimizing an ilegitimate country we are techinically still at war with.

That border between the north and the south isn't an internationally recognized border between two countries shit for brains. It is a demiltarized zone that was agreed to as part of a cease fire that is still ongoing. It was reached because 54,246 Americans fought and died achieving it. 7,747 of which are still missing.

If Trump takes that meeting, I better not ever hear the word appeasement come out of another loud mouth right winger ever again.
The only ones talking about porn stars is Media and it ain't liberal. Add Mudwhistle and other conservative snowflakes to the list too. Hookers? You righties must love being played by Donnie and crew? Distraction followed by distraction. By the way Clinton and Bush also had talks see link.

What is kinda funny is Trump plays the snowflakes on the right like a banjo and they follow.

"Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them."

Factbox: History of failure: Efforts to negotiate on North Korean...

:abgg2q.jpg: The media ain't liberal....
Well we know all about Clintons affairs thanks to the GOP. Going back to when he first became Gov. Yes its relevant.

Wonder if Melania will "stand by her man" like Hillary did.
It's strange how Trump has a gift for showing us the true colors of the left.

Instead of kissing Kim Jong Un's pudgy butt, like Obama did, Trump took his insults and threw them back at him. He called him Rocket Man, and made fun of him. This triggered the left and caused them to scream that he was gonna cause another WW.
All during the Olympics NBC was kissing Kim's sister, Kim So Hot's butt. They made fun of Trump and VP Pence and applauded that snobbish woman who was Kim's minister of propaganda.

Trump basically told them that his (Nuke) button was bigger and that his button worked.......and now Kim wants to meet with Trump personally.
The left can't understand what standing up to a bully can do. Now LGBT pundits like Rachell Maddow are saying that meeting with the N. Korean dictator and talking peace might be a bad idea......but only because Trump may accomplish something.
So they criticized everything he does regardless.
Rachel Maddow interviewed Hillary on this subject last year.....and now Hillary and Rachel both look like fools. Apparently Hillary's tactics never worked. You can't bribe a dictator into being peaceful. All they'll do is take your money and keep doing what they were doing before.
Hillary says this is so complicated and that everyone else doesn't understand how this works. Hillary said Trump was being played by Kim Jong Un. Now it looks like Trump was playing him.
Well, it looks like Hillary doesn't know shit.

You're so fucking stupid it defies logic. Every US President to this point has kept the most severe sanctions in place on N Korea that have been established. Kim has been playing Trump since he was elected because the Russians told him Trump is a fool in their back pocket and they can easily play them. They tested a hydrogen bomb successfully, and test fired long range missiles right over Japan. On Trumps watch.

And now Kim is going to play him again by legtimizing an ilegitimate country we are techinically still at war with.

That border between the north and the south isn't an internationally recognized border between two countries shit for brains. It is a demiltarized zone that was agreed to as part of a cease fire that is still ongoing. It was reached because 54,246 Americans fought and died achieving it. 7,747 of which are still missing.

If Trump takes that meeting, I better not ever hear the word appeasement come out of another loud mouth right winger ever again.

Amazing how you libs can be on both sides of an issue and still be able to spew your lies with a straight face.
You criticize when he trades insults with the little dictator but then immediately switch to criticizing him for taking a meeting with the little prick.....
I suspect it was planned from the beginning, and Russia was involved. After all Russia and N.K. are buds.
Lol, Russia is a third world nation, that has a big military. But Putin rules your thoughts. Russia didn't collude with Trump, he colluded with liberals. That's all you can talk about.
While even CNN praised President Trump for initiating de-nuclearization talks with North Korea, MSNBC’s Morning Joe panel just couldn’t bring themselves to accept that Trump might be making the world a better place. Instead they insisted that the entire situation has been orchestrated in order to distract from the allegations of an affair with a porn star.

MSNBC: Trump North Korea Breakthrough Is Fake News To Distract From Porn Star Allegations

While even CNN praised President Trump for initiating de-nuclearization talks with North Korea, MSNBC’s Morning Joe panel just couldn’t bring themselves to accept that Trump might be making the world a better place. Instead they insisted that the entire situation has been orchestrated in order to distract from the allegations of an affair with a porn star.
View attachment 181446

MSNBC: Trump North Korea Breakthrough Is Fake News To Distract From Porn Star Allegations

Lol, they said with Clinton, that his affairs were none of our business. Now with Trump that business is bigger than this. Trump could do what no other president has denuclearize North Korea. No bias there.

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