So Trump Is Not Right In The Head?,Really?,Then Explain Pocahontas,Pelosi,Schumer,Franken & The Rest

:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Stop lying, loon.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

Trump was never competent and clearly not qualified to ever be POTUS--and you all know it. You have elected an emotionally unstable MALE drama queen--and you know that too. You are just in your denial stage of making one yuuuge mistake.


Trump (and the movement behind him) is the best thing to happen to this country since JFK...that is why the commies are attacking him at every angle....but we have got his back. The killing of the TPP, the putting up the wall? That alone has made him great......trying to keep out radical muslims is simply icing on the cake.
President Trump has my support 100 percent. When you see the globalist garbage, garbage media and their minions attacking him like they have? You know damn well that Trump is a threat to the establishment. None of these fuckwads are going to silence me or bully me.

Please define "globalist garbage" and why you believe that reporting the news is "garbage media"; examples of both will be much appreciated.

I don't know about "these fuckwads" but I assure you, your posts are the best argument for liberal and progressive ideas than any garbage which you can make up.

The banking oligarchs and their commie puppets. Save your spew, asswipe. "Progressive" is just another term for communist". You are a useful idiot....nothing more, nothing less.

I'm much more than you want to believe, I'm able in two short paragraphs to get you into a defensive mode, and to manipulate you into posting a 100% emotional tirade.

Now define the terms you used above, as well as why you seem to believe calling other people "fuckwads demonstrates you are civilized and/or educated - in fact it defines you as a ne're do well.

"I'm much more than you want to believe"

Spare me, douche....I have read enough of your rants to know that you are lamer than a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen pond.

"I'm able in two short paragraphs to get you into a defensive mode, and to manipulate you into posting a 100% emotional tirade"

Defensive? have no "offense". I am simply tired of you uneducated commie POS.

"Now define the terms you used above, as well as why you seem to believe calling other people "fuckwads demonstrates you are civilized and/or educated - in fact it defines you as a ne're do well"

There is a "Search" feature's in the upper right hand corner....let your fingers do the walking and look up my postings putting in my name and "globalist". I get really tired of repeating myself so this will save us time. As far as me calling you and your pals names that has offended your sense of decorum? "Tough titty" said the kitty when her kittens complained about the temperature of her milk....but yet it was still sweet. Ne'er-do-well? Hardly..... but I will just consider the source from whence it came.

Any other questions, "comrade"????

A couple.

Q. Why do you call me and all progressives communists?
A. You use the word as a pejorative, simply because you lack the education, training and maturity to write clear, concise and substantive rebuttals.

Q. Why do you call me "Comrade"?
A. Because its what fascists do, driven by hate, fear, ignorance; and driven to name calling, a childlike habit usually superseded at maturity.

For the record, I am a Liberal Democrat, fiscally responsible and socially tolerant. I admit to being intolerant of people like you - you and unfortunately others who have a pathological hate for others they do not know, never have met and never will.

I didn't call you a "progressive communist".....I called you a communist but I understand your confusion your confusion. Now, to address as to why . You believe in a progressive income tax and that is one of the planks of the communist party. You are against the 2nd amendment and you are for even more gun control laws.

"You use the word as a pejorative, simply because you lack the education, training and maturity to write clear, concise and substantive rebuttals"

Nope, it's a fact that not all leftards are commies but all commies are leftards. You claim that I am not well educated? In what way? "Uneducated" as in I don't have a four year degree in social science from an accredit liberal university thus I lake the critical thinking skills you believe that you possess? I have a two year technical degree and 30 years of manufacturing and R&D that got me an engineering position. I have to think critically and think "outside the box" for solutions for issues that may exist or could exist before "first article" testing ever takes place. I read constantly as well....I listen to documentaries and lectures from accredited researchers. So what do you do for a living? Let's see your alleged credentials and why you think you know more than me...

"Why do you call me "Comrade"?"

Because the communist infiltration of this country has a certain "brotherhood" to them and how the end justifies the means...comrades in the fight for collectivism.

"A. Because its what fascists do, driven by hate, fear, ignorance; and driven to name calling, a childlike habit usually superseded at maturity"

I am a pro- constitutionalist...the organic one....not the corporate charter constitution that was passed in 1871 that made you a 14th amendment "person" and "citizen" and subject to the jurisdiction thereof to the corporate headquarters located in Washington D.C. The ignorant one is you. You want to talk about hate? Have you seen what your fellow comrades have been doing in the streets since Trump won????? THAT isn't hate? You can't distance yourself from it, dude.....

"For the record, I am a Liberal Democrat, fiscally responsible and socially tolerant"

You believe in stealing the sweat equity of another in order to pay bankers that extend credit from nothing and the printing of a fiat currency? It has no intrinsic's just debt notes and a medium of exchange that the sweat of the people's brow pay for

"I admit to being intolerant of people like you - you and unfortunately others who have a pathological hate for others they do not know, never have met and never will"

What you are "tolerant" of doesn't mean diddly squat to me and I would kick your ass 8 ways to Sunday in a real time debate of what is actually happening. You are clueless and you seem downright proud of that very salient fact.
President Trump has my support 100 percent. When you see the globalist garbage, garbage media and their minions attacking him like they have? You know damn well that Trump is a threat to the establishment. None of these fuckwads are going to silence me or bully me.
:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Stop lying, loon.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

Trump was never competent and clearly not qualified to ever be POTUS--and you all know it. You have elected an emotionally unstable MALE drama queen--and you know that too. You are just in your denial stage of making one yuuuge mistake.


Trump (and the movement behind him) is the best thing to happen to this country since JFK...that is why the commies are attacking him at every angle....but we have got his back. The killing of the TPP, the putting up the wall? That alone has made him great......trying to keep out radical muslims is simply icing on the cake.

The wall is up already? You don't say.
Funny you mention commies when Trump is in bed with the top one.
View attachment 112385
President Trump has my support 100 percent. When you see the globalist garbage, garbage media and their minions attacking him like they have? You know damn well that Trump is a threat to the establishment. None of these fuckwads are going to silence me or bully me.

Really? Do tell? Which flag are you talking about? The corporate banner of USA.INC or the maritime admiralty flag with the gold fringe?

Treason? Look, little fella, you don't have the foggiest fucking clue as to what is going on....nada, zero, zilch.
:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Stop lying, loon.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

Trump was never competent and clearly not qualified to ever be POTUS--and you all know it. You have elected an emotionally unstable MALE drama queen--and you know that too. You are just in your denial stage of making one yuuuge mistake.


Trump (and the movement behind him) is the best thing to happen to this country since JFK...that is why the commies are attacking him at every angle....but we have got his back. The killing of the TPP, the putting up the wall? That alone has made him great......trying to keep out radical muslims is simply icing on the cake.

The wall is up already? You don't say.
Funny you mention commies when Trump is in bed with the top one.

The wall is going to be put up and Russia isn't an atheist and communist country and hasn't been for some time. USA.INC is more "commie friendly" than Russia. It wasn't Russia that took over the Ukraine after the E.U/. George Soros sponsored coup of the wasn't Russia that made Crimea cast their lot with them instead of the globalist E.U.

The fact of the matter is that since Putin dumped the worthless fiat dollar, kicked out the banking oligarchs and is trying to institute an honest, interest free means of exchange? He has been under attack and the powers that be have been poking at Russia trying to get them to do something so that the butthurt globalists can start WWIII. I know more than you, ya commie asshole....infinitely more. Bring some serious game before you attempt to take me on in a debate.

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