So Trump Is Not Right In The Head?,Really?,Then Explain Pocahontas,Pelosi,Schumer,Franken & The Rest

Sometimes I wonder how someone can be so dumb as to actually vote for Trump, then I log in here and remember how dumb some in this country are. There is literally no hope or prospects for any of you. None.
He may be uncouth or unpolished, to a degree, but he is not mentally unstable. Nor does it make him dumb. They only wish he was.

PHe is brilliant. Others just can't see it.
You don't rise to the top of the New York real estate market if you're a moron.
Don't forget this

:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:
The fact you find Trump mentally stable, automatically renders you a non motherfucken factor around here....Next?
Do you have big giant lips?
President Trump has my support 100 percent. When you see the globalist garbage, garbage media and their minions attacking him like they have? You know damn well that Trump is a threat to the establishment. None of these fuckwads are going to silence me or bully me.

Please define "globalist garbage" and why you believe that reporting the news is "garbage media"; examples of both will be much appreciated.

I don't know about "these fuckwads" but I assure you, your posts are the best argument for liberal and progressive ideas than any garbage which you can make up.

The banking oligarchs and their commie puppets. Save your spew, asswipe. "Progressive" is just another term for communist". You are a useful idiot....nothing more, nothing less.

I'm much more than you want to believe, I'm able in two short paragraphs to get you into a defensive mode, and to manipulate you into posting a 100% emotional tirade.

Now define the terms you used above, as well as why you seem to believe calling other people "fuckwads demonstrates you are civilized and/or educated - in fact it defines you as a ne're do well.

"I'm much more than you want to believe"

Spare me, douche....I have read enough of your rants to know that you are lamer than a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen pond.

"I'm able in two short paragraphs to get you into a defensive mode, and to manipulate you into posting a 100% emotional tirade"

Defensive? have no "offense". I am simply tired of you uneducated commie POS.

"Now define the terms you used above, as well as why you seem to believe calling other people "fuckwads demonstrates you are civilized and/or educated - in fact it defines you as a ne're do well"

There is a "Search" feature's in the upper right hand corner....let your fingers do the walking and look up my postings putting in my name and "globalist". I get really tired of repeating myself so this will save us time. As far as me calling you and your pals names that has offended your sense of decorum? "Tough titty" said the kitty when her kittens complained about the temperature of her milk....but yet it was still sweet. Ne'er-do-well? Hardly..... but I will just consider the source from whence it came.

Any other questions, "comrade"????

A couple.

Q. Why do you call me and all progressives communists?
A. You use the word as a pejorative, simply because you lack the education, training and maturity to write clear, concise and substantive rebuttals.

Q. Why do you call me "Comrade"?
A. Because its what fascists do, driven by hate, fear, ignorance; and driven to name calling, a childlike habit usually superseded at maturity.

For the record, I am a Liberal Democrat, fiscally responsible and socially tolerant. I admit to being intolerant of people like you - you and unfortunately others who have a pathological hate for others they do not know, never have met and never will.
A couple.

Q. Why do you call me and all progressives communists?
A. You use the word as a pejorative, simply because you lack the education, training and maturity to write clear, concise and substantive rebuttals.

Q. Why do you call me "Comrade"?
A. Because its what fascists do, driven by hate, fear, ignorance and driven to name calling, a childlike habit usually superseded at maturity.

For the record, I am a Liberal Democrat, fiscally responsible and socially tolerant. I admit to being intolerant of people like you - you and unfortunately others who have a pathological hate for others they do not know, never have met and never will.
He was wrong to call you a communist as you were wrong to call him a fascist. Having said that, "a hack" would have sufficed.
He may be uncouth or unpolished, to a degree, but he is not mentally unstable. Nor does it make him dumb. They only wish he was.

PHe is brilliant. Others just can't see it.
You don't rise to the top of the New York real estate market if you're a moron.

That's true, but a narcissist is not a moron, and by his words and actions trump a narcissist on steroids.
A couple.

Q. Why do you call me and all progressives communists?
A. You use the word as a pejorative, simply because you lack the education, training and maturity to write clear, concise and substantive rebuttals.

Q. Why do you call me "Comrade"?
A. Because its what fascists do, driven by hate, fear, ignorance and driven to name calling, a childlike habit usually superseded at maturity.

For the record, I am a Liberal Democrat, fiscally responsible and socially tolerant. I admit to being intolerant of people like you - you and unfortunately others who have a pathological hate for others they do not know, never have met and never will.
He was wrong to call you a communist as you were wrong to call him a fascist. Having said that, "a hack" would have sufficed.

Ah, but I define the characteristics of a fascist, and they are manifested time and again in his posts.
A couple.

Q. Why do you call me and all progressives communists?
A. You use the word as a pejorative, simply because you lack the education, training and maturity to write clear, concise and substantive rebuttals.

Q. Why do you call me "Comrade"?
A. Because its what fascists do, driven by hate, fear, ignorance and driven to name calling, a childlike habit usually superseded at maturity.

For the record, I am a Liberal Democrat, fiscally responsible and socially tolerant. I admit to being intolerant of people like you - you and unfortunately others who have a pathological hate for others they do not know, never have met and never will.
He was wrong to call you a communist as you were wrong to call him a fascist. Having said that, "a hack" would have sufficed.

Ah, but I define the characteristics of a fascist, and they are manifested time and again in his posts.
Don't be silly Wry. The only thing you defined was yourself as a hack.
He may be uncouth or unpolished, to a degree, but he is not mentally unstable. Nor does it make him dumb. They only wish he was.

PHe is brilliant. Others just can't see it.
You don't rise to the top of the New York real estate market if you're a moron.

That's true, but a narcissist is not a moron, and by his words and actions trump a narcissist on steroids.
IOW, he's become a politician.
:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:
wasnt it Nancy Pelosi who once felt so sorry for the 500 Million people who were losing their jobs every month?
(sigh)....not another nut posting around here, ugh!!

I think that every time I see your signature stupidity.

This lying cvnt actually took potential jobs away from AUTHENTIC NATIVE AMERICANS.



She lied about being an Indian to land jobs and to obtain funding.

This lying cvnt actually took potential jobs away from AUTHENTIC NATIVE AMERICANS.



She lied about being an Indian to land jobs and to obtain funding.

And she got jobs that should have gone to ACTUAL Native Americans.

Lies are only bad to snowflakes if it's the other side that is lying.
Taken right out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. He would be proud.
President Trump has my support 100 percent. When you see the globalist garbage, garbage media and their minions attacking him like they have? You know damn well that Trump is a threat to the establishment. None of these fuckwads are going to silence me or bully me.

Please define "globalist garbage" and why you believe that reporting the news is "garbage media"; examples of both will be much appreciated.

I don't know about "these fuckwads" but I assure you, your posts are the best argument for liberal and progressive ideas than any garbage which you can make up.

The banking oligarchs and their commie puppets. Save your spew, asswipe. "Progressive" is just another term for communist". You are a useful idiot....nothing more, nothing less.

I'm much more than you want to believe, I'm able in two short paragraphs to get you into a defensive mode, and to manipulate you into posting a 100% emotional tirade.

Now define the terms you used above, as well as why you seem to believe calling other people "fuckwads demonstrates you are civilized and/or educated - in fact it defines you as a ne're do well.

"I'm much more than you want to believe"

Spare me, douche....I have read enough of your rants to know that you are lamer than a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen pond.

"I'm able in two short paragraphs to get you into a defensive mode, and to manipulate you into posting a 100% emotional tirade"

Defensive? have no "offense". I am simply tired of you uneducated commie POS.

"Now define the terms you used above, as well as why you seem to believe calling other people "fuckwads demonstrates you are civilized and/or educated - in fact it defines you as a ne're do well"

There is a "Search" feature's in the upper right hand corner....let your fingers do the walking and look up my postings putting in my name and "globalist". I get really tired of repeating myself so this will save us time. As far as me calling you and your pals names that has offended your sense of decorum? "Tough titty" said the kitty when her kittens complained about the temperature of her milk....but yet it was still sweet. Ne'er-do-well? Hardly..... but I will just consider the source from whence it came.

Any other questions, "comrade"????

A couple.

Q. Why do you call me and all progressives communists?
A. You use the word as a pejorative, simply because you lack the education, training and maturity to write clear, concise and substantive rebuttals.

Q. Why do you call me "Comrade"?
A. Because its what fascists do, driven by hate, fear, ignorance; and driven to name calling, a childlike habit usually superseded at maturity.

For the record, I am a Liberal Democrat, fiscally responsible and socially tolerant. I admit to being intolerant of people like you - you and unfortunately others who have a pathological hate for others they do not know, never have met and never will.
:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Stop lying, loon.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison
:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Stop lying, loon.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

Trump was never competent and clearly not qualified to ever be POTUS--and you all know it. You have elected an emotionally unstable MALE drama queen--and you know that too. You are just in your denial stage of making one yuuuge mistake.


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:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Stop lying, loon.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

Trump was never competent and clearly not qualified to ever be POTUS--and you all know it. You have elected an emotionally unstable MALE drama queen--and you know that too. You are just in your denial stage of making one fucking yuuuge mistake.

Delaware-Tea-Party.jpg, I don't know any of those things.

I'm quite confident of Trump's mental stability. I'm not so confident of yours, though.

It will be okay, snowflake.
:argue: :banana: :cow: Oh comon now!, The left has just claimed that President Trump is not mentally competent to be President?
Really? So in other words, the likes of Pelosi.Reid,Waters,Shelia Jackson,Hank Johnson,Chuck U. Schumer, Biden and the rest are "Perfectly Normal Minded Human Beings"? :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:
And wasn't it the Governor of New York that associated "Fake News" as the equivalent of calling an non-white person the N word? :eusa_think: :eek: :wtf:

To give you a good example of a lunatic. Trump and Senate Republican & House leaders had a private meeting with Trump a couple of weeks ago, not to necessarily talk about government issues. Trump went into a speech about how he really won the popular vote, because 3 to 5 million Illegals had voted. (Of course no illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.)

Nancy Pelosi walked out of that room, with this look on her face that she had just met someone crazier than herself. In fact, they were all pale with disbelief.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Stop lying, loon.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

Trump was never competent and clearly not qualified to ever be POTUS--and you all know it. You have elected an emotionally unstable MALE drama queen--and you know that too. You are just in your denial stage of making one fucking yuuuge mistake.

Delaware-Tea-Party.jpg, I don't know any of those things.

I'm quite confident of Trump's mental stability. I'm not so confident of yours, though.

It will be okay, snowflake.

Get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News you're in for quite a ride.


Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
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