So typical: Leftist university bans conservative speaker to protect their whiny, brainwashed progen

To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Try that one on someone who is whining about his rights.

I'm pointing out the blatant intolerance, narcissism and cowardice of the PC Police.

I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
But isnt that the Universities position ?They intend to offer him the chance to speak when there will be speakers with alternate views. Better for everybody that he can be shown up for what he is.

You're an idiot who is against the First Amendment. Stalin would be so proud.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Try that one on someone who is whining about his rights.

I'm pointing out the blatant intolerance, narcissism and cowardice of the PC Police.

I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
But isnt that the Universities position ?They intend to offer him the chance to speak when there will be speakers with alternate views. Better for everybody that he can be shown up for what he is.
Yes, and it's the university's option to be intolerant, narcissistic and cowardly.

No, actually, it's not. It's a public university. Which means it's not allowed to discriminate against speakers because of their opinions.

Best to give the crazies the spotlight so they can hang themselves, unless you're afraid they'll change some minds.

The college years are the best time to experience the free and open exchange of ideas and opinions. To stimulate and challenge critical thinking and beliefs. All the time. Unfortunately, most of our colleges appear to be afraid of it and are far to willing to pass that cowardice to their students.

Unfortunately, that's not what happens in public universities these days. Students are exposed to a relentless diet of leftism. They are getting brainwashed.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Try that one on someone who is whining about his rights.

I'm pointing out the blatant intolerance, narcissism and cowardice of the PC Police.

I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
But isnt that the Universities position ?They intend to offer him the chance to speak when there will be speakers with alternate views. Better for everybody that he can be shown up for what he is.
Yes, and it's the university's option to be intolerant, narcissistic and cowardly.

Best to give the crazies the spotlight so they can hang themselves, unless you're afraid they'll change some minds.

The college years are the best time to experience the free and open exchange of ideas and opinions. To stimulate and challenge critical thinking and beliefs. All the time. Unfortunately, most of our colleges appear to be afraid of it and are far to willing to pass that cowardice to their students.
The University have a responsibility to their students. They also have a duty of care. I think they have found a reasonable solution here.

You believe that because you're a Stalinist idiot. "Care" doesn't include preventing them from being exposed to views that differ from the steady diet of Marxist gruel the university dishes out.
Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.

I would think that these Universities who have their funding provided by taxpaying citizens should not be refusing anyone's point of view.

Freedom of speech is just that. They do not have to provide them with a platform. I'm fine with that.

In turn, if they want to deny that freedom of speech, then fine.

They should find funding elsewhere. Not at the expense of the taxpayers, as some who are funding them may also disagree.

Silencing those who provide your resources is unacceptable.

But you sir, have no problem with that.

You sir, are the nutter.
They havent silenced him. They are inviting him back to share a platform with opposing views. What is he scared of ?

Why should he have to do that? Do they require leftwing speakers to share a platform with opposing views?

What are they scared of?
The school should have any and all publ8c funding suspended, immediately.

Yes, because of this very minor kerfuffle, let's go ahead and delay the education of thousands. Hey, let's shut down the government when we don't get everything we want? Hey, let's kick out the U.N. when they disagree with us. All or nothing gets you nothing.
Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.
And here, folks, is a perfect example of what is happening on campus.

These people have zero interest in the free exchange of ideas, none.

They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
And they're doing so now without any pretense. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. It's in your face.

What are they doing? She was rightfully fired. Move along now.

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