So typical: Leftist university bans conservative speaker to protect their whiny, brainwashed progen

Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God, you have a leading candidate that thinks he is going to put his foot down on China even though he gets most of his shit made in China. As for your "spiritual morality", it is nothing but a little meme that means nothing. Your "spiritual morality" is what oked slavery, women being treated as property, and gays being beaten and killed. So go fuck yourself and your bible. If I could, I would wipe my ass with your bible and send it to you fedex you fucking douche-bag biblethumper.

You could not have been born this stupid. You either need to stop huffing spray paint, or huff a lot more and finish off that frontal lobe. First of all, people on "my side" who say stupid shit about rape babies are shunned and ostracised because they're just as fringe and kooky as common bed wetters like you. Trump isn't on "my side", he's about as conservative as John McCain, and sniveling parasites like you have insisted for years that he is the sort of "moderate" the republicrats needed to nominate. Well now you turds have that moderate and you still hate him, so go fuck yourself parasite.

Lastly, just to display your utter ignorance you parrot some asinine bullshit about "spiritual morality" and slavery. I couldn't make a bigger fool of you than you did yourself. Slavery has been around since the dawn of time. "Spiritual morality" is what led to the eradication of it in western culture. Insipid pukes like you like to ignore the fact that it continues to exist all over the world though, because you like to pretend that only rich white southern baptists had slaves.

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Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.

You have to be the most pathetic knee-jerk leftwing drone in the entire forum. You're worse than Right Winger, and that's quite a feat.
I do find this quite disturbing. As it's been mentioned, this kind of censorship stunts ones ability to think critically. Even as an individual with strong personal opinions and little patience for "stupid" find listening to "the other side's" opinions very helpful in life in general - and very much so in work environment's where one has to smile and let go many disliked opinions (be those of customers, co-workers, or bosses.) This is a critical skill for advancement in a good job. I suppose it is little wonder that todays youth can't function in even low-income jobs, they've not learned to deal with any challenges... Such a waste of the mind...

Teach your children to think for themselves and to remain curious about all things.
Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God,
Snipped the rest of your bigotry. So, if the baby was born, you would gladly discriminate against it? You'd tell the person they should never have been born?

What a pathetic piece of shit you are. All babies are a gift from God you fucking asshole.
Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God,
Snipped the rest of your bigotry. So, if the baby was born, you would gladly discriminate against it? You'd tell the person they should never have been born?

What a pathetic piece of shit you are. All babies are a gift from God you fucking asshole.

Glad you support rape as long as a baby is produced asshole. Karma is a bitch and maybe when your family member is impregnated by rape you can make her feel better by saying her rape was a gift from God you prick.
I don't know whether the Lefties posting here are representative of the Breed, but it is abundantly clear that none of these people have any idea what the issues are.

Speech that makes people "uncomfortable" is not "hate speech." Even if the people being made uncomfortable are Black, Jewish, women, gay, or WASP.

Ben Shapiro says things that make people uncomfortable, and often they are Black or Feminist or members of some other "victim" group. For example, he has often pointed out that the "Hands up - don't shoot!" narrative coming out of Missouri was total BS. ALL of the relevant evidence proved that Michael Brown never held his hands up, and never said the words originally attributed to him. It was a blatant lie by someone who had not even been in the area when the shooting took place. Pointing out unhelpful facts is NOT "hate speech."

As for this speech giving Shapiro "credibility," one can only shake one's head in wonderment. Shapiro has published several best-selling books, he is a radio talk show host, and a nationally syndicated columnist. Giving this speech is an act of kindness to the school, that it clearly does not deserve.

A university is a place where the some of the speech IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. The Lefties who rule academe are the same empty-headed assholes who led the campus Anti-War demonstrations in the 1960's and THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THOSE DEMONSTRATIONS WAS TO MAKE PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE. But now they want to implement a policy of removing or preventing any speech that MAKES THEM uncomfortable.

It is to laugh.
Snipped the rest of your bigotry. So, if the baby was born, you would gladly discriminate against it? You'd tell the person they should never have been born?

What a pathetic piece of shit you are. All babies are a gift from God you fucking asshole.


In whatever sphincter that constitutes the "mind" of a libturd, humans are no more valuable than any other creature. These are bitter, resentful people consumed with envy and hatred, so they project that hatred on to those who do value life and believe that living according to God's laws merits your status in this life and the after. The most notorious murderers the world has ever known were leftist despots, and they were all rabid atheists. Yet the bed wetters want to pretend the Christians in the western world are the problem

These sniveling parasites insist there is no God, and spend more time attempting to marginalize those who know better than they spend doing something productive. So fuck Disgruntled Bedwetter and all the pathetic parasites like him.

Their day will come.

Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God,
Snipped the rest of your bigotry. So, if the baby was born, you would gladly discriminate against it? You'd tell the person they should never have been born?

What a pathetic piece of shit you are. All babies are a gift from God you fucking asshole.

Glad you support rape as long as a baby is produced asshole. Karma is a bitch and maybe when your family member is impregnated by rape you can make her feel better by saying her rape was a gift from God you prick.
You are a retarded asshole. I never said I supported rape, but if a woman decided that the life of the child was important, I wouldn't harass her like you obviously would. Your hatred probably extends to all women not aborting their babies. Stupid fuck!
I don't know whether the Lefties posting here are representative of the Breed, but it is abundantly clear that none of these people have any idea what the issues are.

Speech that makes people "uncomfortable" is not "hate speech." Even if the people being made uncomfortable are Black, Jewish, women, gay, or WASP.

Ben Shapiro says things that make people uncomfortable, and often they are Black or Feminist or members of some other "victim" group. For example, he has often pointed out that the "Hands up - don't shoot!" narrative coming out of Missouri was total BS. ALL of the relevant evidence proved that Michael Brown never held his hands up, and never said the words originally attributed to him. It was a blatant lie by someone who had not even been in the area when the shooting took place. Pointing out unhelpful facts is NOT "hate speech."

As for this speech giving Shapiro "credibility," one can only shake one's head in wonderment. Shapiro has published several best-selling books, he is a radio talk show host, and a nationally syndicated columnist. Giving this speech is an act of kindness to the school, that it clearly does not deserve.

A university is a place where the some of the speech IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. The Lefties who rule academe are the same empty-headed assholes who led the campus Anti-War demonstrations in the 1960's and THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THOSE DEMONSTRATIONS WAS TO MAKE PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE. But now they want to implement a policy of removing or preventing any speech that MAKES THEM uncomfortable.

It is to laugh.
Thank you. Ben Shapiro is probably one of the brightest of his generation.
So Republicans are defending white supremacists. Wow, so surprised. Didn't see that coming at all.
I'm neither a Republican nor a conservative and I'll defend white supremacists too.

Do you have any idea why, any idea whatsoever?

I'll even give you a hint: America.

I'll give you a other hint: My sig.

Okay, take a guess. Let's see how you do.
So Republicans are defending white supremacists. Wow, so surprised. Didn't see that coming at all.
I'm neither a Republican nor a conservative and I'll defend white supremacists too.

Do you have any idea why, any idea whatsoever?

I'll even give you a hint: America.

I'll give you a other hint: My sig.

Okay, take a guess. Let's see how you do.
In which way is this nutters freedom of speech compromised ?
Leftists have ONE agenda when it comes to THEIR agenda, and that is to SHUT YOU THE FUCK UP if you do NOT agree with them.

Well it sure as fuck ain't working. I get to listen to whacked out right wingers every fucking day.

Where are the right wingers who have been shut up? I want to listen to them.

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