So typical: Leftist university bans conservative speaker to protect their whiny, brainwashed progen

Leftists have ONE agenda when it comes to THEIR agenda, and that is to SHUT YOU THE FUCK UP if you do NOT agree with them.

Well it sure as fuck ain't working. I get to listen to whacked out right wingers every fucking day.

Where are the right wingers who have been shut up? I want to listen to them.

Just go to any college campus.
They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.

Why is it a shame not to listen to lies and propaganda?
When did lies and propaganda get elevated to the same level as truth?

Or in your PC correct world is there no such thing as truths?
Blow me bed wetter, WHO on "my side" is a nutball?
LMAO. You are a fucking nutball dude. Slimeball too.
They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
Why is it a shame not to listen to lies and propaganda?
When did lies and propaganda get elevated to the same level as truth?

Or in your PC correct world is there no such thing as truths?
So you're in charge of what is "truth", "lies" and "propaganda", are ya?

And let me guess - most of it comes from "those other guys". Not so much from "your side".

Wow, the self-importance and self-delusion under which you people operate is always fascinating.

I'm not afraid of people saying what they're thinking, of people with whom I disagree being heard. You are.
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So Republicans are defending white supremacists. Wow, so surprised. Didn't see that coming at all.
I'm neither a Republican nor a conservative and I'll defend white supremacists too.

Do you have any idea why, any idea whatsoever?

I'll even give you a hint: America.

I'll give you a other hint: My sig.

Okay, take a guess. Let's see how you do.
In which way is this nutters freedom of speech compromised ?
Freedom of Speech? First Amendment rights? Not compromised at all.

Which, of course, has never been my point, which is that you folks are afraid of the words of others.
So Republicans are defending white supremacists. Wow, so surprised. Didn't see that coming at all.
I'm neither a Republican nor a conservative and I'll defend white supremacists too.

Do you have any idea why, any idea whatsoever?

I'll even give you a hint: America.

I'll give you a other hint: My sig.

Okay, take a guess. Let's see how you do.
In which way is this nutters freedom of speech compromised ?
Freedom of Speech? First Amendment rights? Not compromised at all.

Which, of course, has never been my point, which is that you folks are afraid of the words of others.
As far as I can see he has not been prevented from saying anything he wants. That the Uni doesnt want to give him a platform to do so is surely their right. Mr Shapiro has multiple opportunities to spout his bile and makes a good living in doing so.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Try that one on someone who is whining about his rights.

I'm pointing out the blatant intolerance, narcissism and cowardice of the PC Police.

I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Try that one on someone who is whining about his rights.

I'm pointing out the blatant intolerance, narcissism and cowardice of the PC Police.

I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
But isnt that the Universities position ?They intend to offer him the chance to speak when there will be speakers with alternate views. Better for everybody that he can be shown up for what he is.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Try that one on someone who is whining about his rights.

I'm pointing out the blatant intolerance, narcissism and cowardice of the PC Police.

I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
But isnt that the Universities position ?They intend to offer him the chance to speak when there will be speakers with alternate views. Better for everybody that he can be shown up for what he is.
Yes, and it's the university's option to be intolerant, narcissistic and cowardly.

Best to give the crazies the spotlight so they can hang themselves, unless you're afraid they'll change some minds.

The college years are the best time to experience the free and open exchange of ideas and opinions. To stimulate and challenge critical thinking and beliefs. All the time. Unfortunately, most of our colleges appear to be afraid of it and are far to willing to pass that cowardice to their students.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Try that one on someone who is whining about his rights.

I'm pointing out the blatant intolerance, narcissism and cowardice of the PC Police.

I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
But isnt that the Universities position ?They intend to offer him the chance to speak when there will be speakers with alternate views. Better for everybody that he can be shown up for what he is.
Yes, and it's the university's option to be intolerant, narcissistic and cowardly.

Best to give the crazies the spotlight so they can hang themselves, unless you're afraid they'll change some minds.

The college years are the best time to experience the free and open exchange of ideas and opinions. To stimulate and challenge critical thinking and beliefs. All the time. Unfortunately, most of our colleges appear to be afraid of it and are far to willing to pass that cowardice to their students.
The University have a responsibility to their students. They also have a duty of care. I think they have found a reasonable solution here.
I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.

And just what is the value that you place on views you think are repugnant?

You think listening to a person saying all white people are trailer trash is going g to change your opinion of white people?
I'm not afraid of the open exchange of ideas, regardless of how repugnant I may find a person's views.
And just what is the value that you place on views you think are repugnant?

You think listening to a person saying all white people are trailer trash is going g to change your opinion of white people?
The value I place on views I think are repugnant is (a) the ability to shine a light on the crazies and (b) the opportunity I have to challenge them with their own words.

I can't believe I even have to say that. I'd think it would be obvious.
Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.

I would think that these Universities who have their funding provided by taxpaying citizens should not be refusing anyone's point of view.

Freedom of speech is just that. They do not have to provide them with a platform. I'm fine with that.

In turn, if they want to deny that freedom of speech, then fine.

They should find funding elsewhere. Not at the expense of the taxpayers, as some who are funding them may also disagree.

Silencing those who provide your resources is unacceptable.

But you sir, have no problem with that.

You sir, are the nutter.
So Republicans are defending white supremacists. Wow, so surprised. Didn't see that coming at all.
I'm neither a Republican nor a conservative and I'll defend white supremacists too.

Do you have any idea why, any idea whatsoever?

I'll even give you a hint: America.

I'll give you a other hint: My sig.

Okay, take a guess. Let's see how you do.
In which way is this nutters freedom of speech compromised ?
Freedom of Speech? First Amendment rights? Not compromised at all.

Which, of course, has never been my point, which is that you folks are afraid of the words of others.
As far as I can see he has not been prevented from saying anything he wants. That the Uni doesnt want to give him a platform to do so is surely their right. Mr Shapiro has multiple opportunities to spout his bile and makes a good living in doing so.
To whine about his "rights" rather demeans the many legitimate complaints about the denial of freedom of speech in other fields.
Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.

I would think that these Universities who have their funding provided by taxpaying citizens should not be refusing anyone's point of view.

Freedom of speech is just that. They do not have to provide them with a platform. I'm fine with that.

In turn, if they want to deny that freedom of speech, then fine.

They should find funding elsewhere. Not at the expense of the taxpayers, as some who are funding them may also disagree.

Silencing those who provide your resources is unacceptable.

But you sir, have no problem with that.

You sir, are the nutter.
They havent silenced him. They are inviting him back to share a platform with opposing views. What is he scared of ?
Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.

I would think that these Universities who have their funding provided by taxpaying citizens should not be refusing anyone's point of view.

Freedom of speech is just that. They do not have to provide them with a platform. I'm fine with that.

In turn, if they want to deny that freedom of speech, then fine.

They should find funding elsewhere. Not at the expense of the taxpayers, as some who are funding them may also disagree.

Silencing those who provide your resources is unacceptable.

But you sir, have no problem with that.

You sir, are the nutter.
They havent silenced him. They are inviting him back to share a platform with opposing views. What is he scared of ?
Do they share the same platform with opposing views with other speakers?

If no, then your point is moot.

I'm always open to opposing views. I wouldn't say he is scared.

Personally, I have never heard of the guy.

I'm not going to defend him.

But I will defend the rights of anyone who wants to speak.

Even if I disagree with what they are saying.

I don't agree with most of what you say, as I view you as an intolerant bigot.

But I will defend your right to be that intolerant bigot.

Now. Answer my first question!

What, in your own words, is a "nutter?"

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