So typical: Leftist university bans conservative speaker to protect their whiny, brainwashed progen

Why don't the RW radical racists just book the local John Birch Society Hall (which they share with the KKK) and hold the event there?
How about the Mods ban you from posting in here because they don't agree with your opinions and force you to take them to Democratic Underground where you'll never go against prevailing thought?

Frankly, I would not lose any sleep over that. And, in fact, they have every right to do that if they want to.
And here, folks, is a perfect example of what is happening on campus. These people have zero interest in the free exchange of ideas, none. THEY will be the judge of who is and who is not a "nutter". They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
It is anti-intellectual.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.
We can thank 40 years of liberal indoctrination in our schools for this.
Oh stuff it, there are nutballs on all sides. Don't act like your side has no nutballs.

Blow me bed wetter, WHO on "my side" is a nutball? My side supports the Constitution as it was written. My side supports independent American unencumbered by egregious regulations in their pursuit of happiness. My side embraces a spiritual morality that has created the most civilized culture known to man, while sniveling parasites like you pretend that savage assholes only exist because Bush invaded Iraq.

There aren't words strong enough for me to articulate how hard you can go fuck yourself.

Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God, you have a leading candidate that thinks he is going to put his foot down on China even though he gets most of his shit made in China. As for your "spiritual morality", it is nothing but a little meme that means nothing. Your "spiritual morality" is what oked slavery, women being treated as property, and gays being beaten and killed. So go fuck yourself and your bible. If I could, I would wipe my ass with your bible and send it to you fedex you fucking douche-bag biblethumper.
And here, folks, is a perfect example of what is happening on campus. These people have zero interest in the free exchange of ideas, none. THEY will be the judge of who is and who is not a "nutter". They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
It is anti-intellectual.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.

There is no curiosity anymore for the far right-wingers. Their only answer to any question is "God did it". As for humility they can never admit they are wrong nor that their side has any problems. So both those are completely out the window for the far-right wingers.
Oh stuff it, there are nutballs on all sides. Don't act like your side has no nutballs.

Blow me bed wetter, WHO on "my side" is a nutball? My side supports the Constitution as it was written. My side supports independent American unencumbered by egregious regulations in their pursuit of happiness. My side embraces a spiritual morality that has created the most civilized culture known to man, while sniveling parasites like you pretend that savage assholes only exist because Bush invaded Iraq.

There aren't words strong enough for me to articulate how hard you can go fuck yourself.

Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God, you have a leading candidate that thinks he is going to put his foot down on China even though he gets most of his shit made in China. As for your "spiritual morality", it is nothing but a little meme that means nothing. Your "spiritual morality" is what oked slavery, women being treated as property, and gays being beaten and killed. So go fuck yourself and your bible. If I could, I would wipe my ass with your bible and send it to you fedex you fucking douche-bag biblethumper.
Hmmm. Would you do the same with a Quran?
Oh stuff it, there are nutballs on all sides. Don't act like your side has no nutballs.

Blow me bed wetter, WHO on "my side" is a nutball? My side supports the Constitution as it was written. My side supports independent American unencumbered by egregious regulations in their pursuit of happiness. My side embraces a spiritual morality that has created the most civilized culture known to man, while sniveling parasites like you pretend that savage assholes only exist because Bush invaded Iraq.

There aren't words strong enough for me to articulate how hard you can go fuck yourself.

Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God, you have a leading candidate that thinks he is going to put his foot down on China even though he gets most of his shit made in China. As for your "spiritual morality", it is nothing but a little meme that means nothing. Your "spiritual morality" is what oked slavery, women being treated as property, and gays being beaten and killed. So go fuck yourself and your bible. If I could, I would wipe my ass with your bible and send it to you fedex you fucking douche-bag biblethumper.
Hmmm. Would you do the same with a Quran?

Yep, I have no love for any organized religion.
Oh stuff it, there are nutballs on all sides. Don't act like your side has no nutballs.

Blow me bed wetter, WHO on "my side" is a nutball? My side supports the Constitution as it was written. My side supports independent American unencumbered by egregious regulations in their pursuit of happiness. My side embraces a spiritual morality that has created the most civilized culture known to man, while sniveling parasites like you pretend that savage assholes only exist because Bush invaded Iraq.

There aren't words strong enough for me to articulate how hard you can go fuck yourself.

Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God, you have a leading candidate that thinks he is going to put his foot down on China even though he gets most of his shit made in China. As for your "spiritual morality", it is nothing but a little meme that means nothing. Your "spiritual morality" is what oked slavery, women being treated as property, and gays being beaten and killed. So go fuck yourself and your bible. If I could, I would wipe my ass with your bible and send it to you fedex you fucking douche-bag biblethumper.
Hmmm. Would you do the same with a Quran?

Yep, I have no love for any organized religion.
Well, I shall look forward to a meltdown of similar proportions then.
Oh stuff it, there are nutballs on all sides. Don't act like your side has no nutballs.

Blow me bed wetter, WHO on "my side" is a nutball? My side supports the Constitution as it was written. My side supports independent American unencumbered by egregious regulations in their pursuit of happiness. My side embraces a spiritual morality that has created the most civilized culture known to man, while sniveling parasites like you pretend that savage assholes only exist because Bush invaded Iraq.

There aren't words strong enough for me to articulate how hard you can go fuck yourself.

Stuff it you bible thumping prick. You have folks on your side that think babies from Rape are a gift from God, you have a leading candidate that thinks he is going to put his foot down on China even though he gets most of his shit made in China. As for your "spiritual morality", it is nothing but a little meme that means nothing. Your "spiritual morality" is what oked slavery, women being treated as property, and gays being beaten and killed. So go fuck yourself and your bible. If I could, I would wipe my ass with your bible and send it to you fedex you fucking douche-bag biblethumper.
Hmmm. Would you do the same with a Quran?

Yep, I have no love for any organized religion.
Well, I shall look forward to a meltdown of similar proportions then.

When a Muslim poster comes on board in a thread I read and proclaims that they hold the "spiritual morality" over me like the dumb fuck I quoted then they will hear the same from me.
And here, folks, is a perfect example of what is happening on campus. These people have zero interest in the free exchange of ideas, none. THEY will be the judge of who is and who is not a "nutter". They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
It is anti-intellectual.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.

There is no curiosity anymore for the far right-wingers. Their only answer to any question is "God did it". As for humility they can never admit they are wrong nor that their side has any problems. So both those are completely out the window for the far-right wingers.
Blatant deflection noted.
And here, folks, is a perfect example of what is happening on campus. These people have zero interest in the free exchange of ideas, none. THEY will be the judge of who is and who is not a "nutter". They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
It is anti-intellectual.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.

There is no curiosity anymore for the far right-wingers. Their only answer to any question is "God did it". As for humility they can never admit they are wrong nor that their side has any problems. So both those are completely out the window for the far-right wingers.
Blatant deflection noted.

Nope simple fact. Sorry you hate it. Oh did God do that too?
And here, folks, is a perfect example of what is happening on campus. These people have zero interest in the free exchange of ideas, none. THEY will be the judge of who is and who is not a "nutter". They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
It is anti-intellectual.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.

There is no curiosity anymore for the far right-wingers. Their only answer to any question is "God did it". As for humility they can never admit they are wrong nor that their side has any problems. So both those are completely out the window for the far-right wingers.
Blatant deflection noted.

Nope simple fact. Sorry you hate it. Oh did God do that too?
More deflection.
It is anti-intellectual.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.

There is no curiosity anymore for the far right-wingers. Their only answer to any question is "God did it". As for humility they can never admit they are wrong nor that their side has any problems. So both those are completely out the window for the far-right wingers.
Blatant deflection noted.

Nope simple fact. Sorry you hate it. Oh did God do that too?
More deflection.
More denial.
And most liberals on these boards do not have the integrity to say this is totally wrong. Nor will they admit the media is heavily biased, nor will they admit there is no unbiased Dept of Justice in our current Administration.

Sorry, I immediately got off the tracks.
Anyway, no big news here, just your typical leftist university board banning speakers on the right who do not uphold the university’s own values. Did I say “values?” Well, that’s a stretch.

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Excerpts from the article:

California State University at Los Angeles officials have abruptly canceled an event that was to be hosted by one of their student groups, Young Americans for Freedom, due to “controversial” content in a speech by invited speaker Ben Shapiro titled, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem.”

David Hacker, spokesperson for Young Americans for Freedom, said “YAF has every bit as much right to hold this event as any other student group does, and the university can’t stop that because it prefers to water down the speaker’s message with other viewpoints that officials find more palatable to their own political views.”

“The campus fascists have taken over,” Shapiro told Breitbart News. “I pay taxes in the state of California; I’m paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists. For CSULA to pretend that they’re trying to provide a balance isn’t just stupid, it’s insultingly stupid. I am the balance, and they’re too afraid to let me speak. These aren’t diversity warriors. They’re jackbooted thugs.”
‘Campus fascists take over’: University cancels conservative speaker

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I agree. The left are so afraid to have an equal playing field for an exchange of ideas on campuses and in the media. They are so pathetic, almost none of them will even admit that is the case. What “honor” there is in that, in a nation of so-called freedom of speech and institutions of higher learning. Yuck.
Ben Shapiro's an effeminate little bitch.
That apparently inspires abject terror in liberals.
Yes, and how ironic is that.

Two critical components of intellectualism are (a) curiosity, a constant search for, and openness to, ideas and information that may challenge your belief systems, and (b) humility, the willingness to admit that you simply don't have all the answers. Those are two wonderful qualities of scientists, for example.

What's happening on college campuses now is quite the opposite. And these people are just fine with that.

There is no curiosity anymore for the far right-wingers. Their only answer to any question is "God did it". As for humility they can never admit they are wrong nor that their side has any problems. So both those are completely out the window for the far-right wingers.
Blatant deflection noted.

Nope simple fact. Sorry you hate it. Oh did God do that too?
More deflection.
More denial.
I can understand your not liking a mirror shoved in your face.

And, to anticipate your dishonest reply, I'm neither a Christian nor a conservative.

You don't have the balls to address my point. I'll let you keep playing that game.
And most liberals on these boards do not have the integrity to say this is totally wrong. Nor will they admit the media is heavily biased, nor will they admit there is no unbiased Dept of Justice in our current Administration.

Sorry, I immediately got off the tracks.
Anyway, no big news here, just your typical leftist university board banning speakers on the right who do not uphold the university’s own values. Did I say “values?” Well, that’s a stretch.

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Excerpts from the article:

California State University at Los Angeles officials have abruptly canceled an event that was to be hosted by one of their student groups, Young Americans for Freedom, due to “controversial” content in a speech by invited speaker Ben Shapiro titled, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem.”

David Hacker, spokesperson for Young Americans for Freedom, said “YAF has every bit as much right to hold this event as any other student group does, and the university can’t stop that because it prefers to water down the speaker’s message with other viewpoints that officials find more palatable to their own political views.”

“The campus fascists have taken over,” Shapiro told Breitbart News. “I pay taxes in the state of California; I’m paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists. For CSULA to pretend that they’re trying to provide a balance isn’t just stupid, it’s insultingly stupid. I am the balance, and they’re too afraid to let me speak. These aren’t diversity warriors. They’re jackbooted thugs.”
‘Campus fascists take over’: University cancels conservative speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I agree. The left are so afraid to have an equal playing field for an exchange of ideas on campuses and in the media. They are so pathetic, almost none of them will even admit that is the case. What “honor” there is in that, in a nation of so-called freedom of speech and institutions of higher learning. Yuck.
Ben Shapiro's an effeminate little bitch.
That apparently inspires abject terror in liberals.

No more so than a far lefty inspires abject terror in conservatives. Just look at far right colleges that piss their pants if someone is pro-choice.
There is no curiosity anymore for the far right-wingers. Their only answer to any question is "God did it". As for humility they can never admit they are wrong nor that their side has any problems. So both those are completely out the window for the far-right wingers.
Blatant deflection noted.

Nope simple fact. Sorry you hate it. Oh did God do that too?
More deflection.
More denial.
I can understand your not liking a mirror shoved in your face.

And, to anticipate your dishonest reply, I'm neither a Christian nor a conservative.

You don't have the balls to address my point. I'll let you keep playing that game.

I addressed it just fine, you just don't like the answer. Not my problem. You want to point to one side's problems but then piss your pants when it is shown that your side is just as bad. You don't have the balls to address MY point, but please keep playing your idiotic game. I enjoy showing your hypocrisy.
Blatant deflection noted.

Nope simple fact. Sorry you hate it. Oh did God do that too?
More deflection.
More denial.
I can understand your not liking a mirror shoved in your face.

And, to anticipate your dishonest reply, I'm neither a Christian nor a conservative.

You don't have the balls to address my point. I'll let you keep playing that game.

I addressed it just fine, you just don't like the answer. Not my problem. You want to point to one side's problems but then piss your pants when it is shown that your side is just as bad. You don't have the balls to address MY point, but please keep playing your idiotic game. I enjoy showing your hypocrisy.
Start a thread on that topic and let me know. Easy, huh?

Until then, you're just doing what you people, the PC Police, always do, like clockwork. Liars & hypocrites.

Looking forward to the thread.
And most liberals on these boards do not have the integrity to say this is totally wrong. Nor will they admit the media is heavily biased, nor will they admit there is no unbiased Dept of Justice in our current Administration.

Sorry, I immediately got off the tracks.
Anyway, no big news here, just your typical leftist university board banning speakers on the right who do not uphold the university’s own values. Did I say “values?” Well, that’s a stretch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Excerpts from the article:

California State University at Los Angeles officials have abruptly canceled an event that was to be hosted by one of their student groups, Young Americans for Freedom, due to “controversial” content in a speech by invited speaker Ben Shapiro titled, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem.”

David Hacker, spokesperson for Young Americans for Freedom, said “YAF has every bit as much right to hold this event as any other student group does, and the university can’t stop that because it prefers to water down the speaker’s message with other viewpoints that officials find more palatable to their own political views.”

“The campus fascists have taken over,” Shapiro told Breitbart News. “I pay taxes in the state of California; I’m paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists. For CSULA to pretend that they’re trying to provide a balance isn’t just stupid, it’s insultingly stupid. I am the balance, and they’re too afraid to let me speak. These aren’t diversity warriors. They’re jackbooted thugs.”
‘Campus fascists take over’: University cancels conservative speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I agree. The left are so afraid to have an equal playing field for an exchange of ideas on campuses and in the media. They are so pathetic, almost none of them will even admit that is the case. What “honor” there is in that, in a nation of so-called freedom of speech and institutions of higher learning. Yuck.
Ben Shapiro's an effeminate little bitch.
That apparently inspires abject terror in liberals.

No more so than a far lefty inspires abject terror in conservatives. Just look at far right colleges that piss their pants if someone is pro-choice.
So why are college administrations so fearful of exposing their students to differing opinions? That's really the bottom line.
And most liberals on these boards do not have the integrity to say this is totally wrong. Nor will they admit the media is heavily biased, nor will they admit there is no unbiased Dept of Justice in our current Administration.

Sorry, I immediately got off the tracks.
Anyway, no big news here, just your typical leftist university board banning speakers on the right who do not uphold the university’s own values. Did I say “values?” Well, that’s a stretch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Excerpts from the article:

California State University at Los Angeles officials have abruptly canceled an event that was to be hosted by one of their student groups, Young Americans for Freedom, due to “controversial” content in a speech by invited speaker Ben Shapiro titled, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem.”

David Hacker, spokesperson for Young Americans for Freedom, said “YAF has every bit as much right to hold this event as any other student group does, and the university can’t stop that because it prefers to water down the speaker’s message with other viewpoints that officials find more palatable to their own political views.”

“The campus fascists have taken over,” Shapiro told Breitbart News. “I pay taxes in the state of California; I’m paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists. For CSULA to pretend that they’re trying to provide a balance isn’t just stupid, it’s insultingly stupid. I am the balance, and they’re too afraid to let me speak. These aren’t diversity warriors. They’re jackbooted thugs.”
‘Campus fascists take over’: University cancels conservative speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I agree. The left are so afraid to have an equal playing field for an exchange of ideas on campuses and in the media. They are so pathetic, almost none of them will even admit that is the case. What “honor” there is in that, in a nation of so-called freedom of speech and institutions of higher learning. Yuck.
Ben Shapiro's an effeminate little bitch.
That apparently inspires abject terror in liberals.

No more so than a far lefty inspires abject terror in conservatives. Just look at far right colleges that piss their pants if someone is pro-choice.
So why are college administrations so fearful of exposing their students to differing opinions? That's really the bottom line.

Because they want to hold a monopoly on thought. That goes for right-wing colleges and left-wing colleges.

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