So typical: Leftist university bans conservative speaker to protect their whiny, brainwashed progen

During his freshman year at Michigan State University, he was elected president of the campus conservative group, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

Kyle Bristow first gained notoriety when he began inviting white nationalists to speak on campus while he led the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at Michigan State University in 2006.
While attending law school in 2010, he published White Apocalypse, a novel seething with lethal white supremacist revenge fantasies against Jewish professors, Latino and American Indian activists and staffers of a group clearly modeled on the SPLC.

One of Bristow’s most inflammatory tactics was inviting virulently racist and anti-Semitic leaders to speak on the MSU campus — acts that triggered disciplinary threats from the national YAF group. Among those speakers was British National Party chairman Nick Griffin, a Holocaust-denier and white supremacist.

Yeah, can't wait to have him back on campus spreading peace and respect...
Well if you are implying some people or speakers are simply too radical or hate-filled to be allowed to speak I would have to agree with you. I would probably put Louis Farrakhan in that group, but he never seems to have a problem getting invited. I would also include the professor Bill Ayers as a disallowed terrorist, you know. Obama's good pal?

But why are you citing this article above? Who is Kyle Bristow? No one is talking about him, a radical at MSU in 2006?
Obviously the "President of the "Young Americans for Freedom" reference seems to have conveniently escaped you.

Here >>> Young Americans for Freedom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia a very long commentary on the history and makeup of Young Americans for Freedom which began in 1960 and has had numerous well known politicians and luminaries as part of their organization. It seems to have served an honorable purpose for 55 years. Now you bring in Kyle Bristow and he is not even mentioned in this article? So he was some radical 10 years ago at MSU and a member and president of the MSU chapter of YAF? Have you just destroyed this organization and impugned all its members in one name? I can give you the names of evil republicans and Catholics too. I guess that makes their operations evil as well. Don't look so desperate, it does not help your cause.
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This is what I mean when I insist that there is no use "compromising" with these sniveling libturd parasites. You don't make deals with these oxygen thieves, YOU DEFEAT THEM. You jab a finger in their eye, kick their pathetic shriveled ball sack, elbow them in the temple and curb stomp them.

Every chance they get they defeat US, their enemies are WE THE PEOPLE who have reverence for the Constitution, and appreciate being the last country on earth where people have real rights. These leftist sociopaths endeavor to turn this country into a soviet hell hole, with themselves at the top of the pecking order, and the servile insects who vote democrook believe it's about "equality".

It's about equality all right. Equal poverty across the board for the proles, and equal dominance for the elite.

Lets wait for jerkoff fakey or one of his socks to come in and babble about "reactionaries" now, as if that fuckhead even knows what the word means.

I agree 100% Pete... it's time to kick some fucking pajama boy nads up around their sissie shoulders.
Because violence is the answer when you dont agree with somebody ? Classic.
Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.

Only an honest to God apparatchik could post something this asinine.

"Protecting" people from information is the sort of Orwellian shit that inspired horror stories, and Tomass Taint is the sort of sociopath that would sleep comfortably operating a memory hole. Stalin didn't kill 50 million people by himself, he had thousands of Tomass Taints that gladly followed orders "for the people".

Keep your powder dry.

So much Democrat party adherents fear might send a ray of light into their dark corner.....
Oh stuff it, there are nutballs on all sides. Don't act like your side has no nutballs.

Blow me bed wetter, WHO on "my side" is a nutball? My side supports the Constitution as it was written. My side supports independent American unencumbered by egregious regulations in their pursuit of happiness. My side embraces a spiritual morality that has created the most civilized culture known to man, while sniveling parasites like you pretend that savage assholes only exist because Bush invaded Iraq.

There aren't words strong enough for me to articulate how hard you can go fuck yourself.

And most liberals on these boards do not have the integrity to say this is totally wrong. Nor will they admit the media is heavily biased, nor will they admit there is no unbiased Dept of Justice in our current Administration.

Sorry, I immediately got off the tracks.
Anyway, no big news here, just your typical leftist university board banning speakers on the right who do not uphold the university’s own values. Did I say “values?” Well, that’s a stretch.

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Excerpts from the article:

California State University at Los Angeles officials have abruptly canceled an event that was to be hosted by one of their student groups, Young Americans for Freedom, due to “controversial” content in a speech by invited speaker Ben Shapiro titled, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem.”

David Hacker, spokesperson for Young Americans for Freedom, said “YAF has every bit as much right to hold this event as any other student group does, and the university can’t stop that because it prefers to water down the speaker’s message with other viewpoints that officials find more palatable to their own political views.”

“The campus fascists have taken over,” Shapiro told Breitbart News. “I pay taxes in the state of California; I’m paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists. For CSULA to pretend that they’re trying to provide a balance isn’t just stupid, it’s insultingly stupid. I am the balance, and they’re too afraid to let me speak. These aren’t diversity warriors. They’re jackbooted thugs.”
‘Campus fascists take over’: University cancels conservative speaker

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I agree. The left are so afraid to have an equal playing field for an exchange of ideas on campuses and in the media. They are so pathetic, almost none of them will even admit that is the case. What “honor” there is in that, in a nation of so-called freedom of speech and institutions of higher learning. Yuck.
Ben Shapiro's an effeminate little bitch.
Because violence is the answer when you dont agree with somebody ? Classic.

It's the classic answer when it comes to leftist sociopaths when they're faced with opposition.

What was the last despotic right wing government that took control of a country, systematically disarmed and killed all of the opposition and stayed in power until a liberating army destroyed it, or it went bankrupt and dissolved?

Yeah there aren't any IN HISTORY, but the examples of leftwing governments have death tolls that reach over 100 million.

Let's worry about "violence" from people that haven't demonstrated a history of it though.

Why don't the RW radical racists just book the local John Birch Society Hall (which they share with the KKK) and hold the event there?
During his freshman year at Michigan State University, he was elected president of the campus conservative group, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

Kyle Bristow first gained notoriety when he began inviting white nationalists to speak on campus while he led the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at Michigan State University in 2006.
While attending law school in 2010, he published White Apocalypse, a novel seething with lethal white supremacist revenge fantasies against Jewish professors, Latino and American Indian activists and staffers of a group clearly modeled on the SPLC.

One of Bristow’s most inflammatory tactics was inviting virulently racist and anti-Semitic leaders to speak on the MSU campus — acts that triggered disciplinary threats from the national YAF group. Among those speakers was British National Party chairman Nick Griffin, a Holocaust-denier and white supremacist.

Yeah, can't wait to have him back on campus spreading peace and respect...
Well if you are implying some people or speakers are simply too radical or hate-filled to be allowed to speak I would have to agree with you. I would probably put Louis Farrakhan in that group, but he never seems to have a problem getting invited. I would also include the professor Bill Ayers as a disallowed terrorist, you know. Obama's good pal?

But why are you citing this article above? Who is Kyle Bristow? No one is talking about him, a radical at MSU in 2006?
Obviously the "President of the "Young Americans for Freedom" reference seems to have conveniently escaped you.

Here >>> Young Americans for Freedom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia a very long commentary on the history and makeup of Young Americans for Freedom which began in 1960 and has had numerous well known politicians and luminaries as part of their organization. It seems to have served an honorable purpose for 55 years. Now you bring in Kyle Bristow and he is not even mentioned in this article? So he was some radical 10 years ago at MSU and a member and president of the MSU chapter of YAF? Have you just destroyed this organization and impugned all its members in one name? I can give you the names of evil republicans and Catholics too. I guess that makes their operations evil as well. Don't look so desperate, it does not help your cause.
Actually desperate would be you attempting to ignore and deflect from the ideology of one of it's chapter Presidents.
Yes, please attempt to tell us that he was just a naive and misunderstood young man that believed non whites should be treated as unequal and inferior in this day and age.
Oh, there's more from other "esteemed" members, however I'n sure you will choose to attempt to deflect from their activities also.

What about "desperate"again???
And most liberals on these boards do not have the integrity to say this is totally wrong. Nor will they admit the media is heavily biased, nor will they admit there is no unbiased Dept of Justice in our current Administration.

Sorry, I immediately got off the tracks.
Anyway, no big news here, just your typical leftist university board banning speakers on the right who do not uphold the university’s own values. Did I say “values?” Well, that’s a stretch.

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Excerpts from the article:

California State University at Los Angeles officials have abruptly canceled an event that was to be hosted by one of their student groups, Young Americans for Freedom, due to “controversial” content in a speech by invited speaker Ben Shapiro titled, “When Diversity Becomes a Problem.”

David Hacker, spokesperson for Young Americans for Freedom, said “YAF has every bit as much right to hold this event as any other student group does, and the university can’t stop that because it prefers to water down the speaker’s message with other viewpoints that officials find more palatable to their own political views.”

“The campus fascists have taken over,” Shapiro told Breitbart News. “I pay taxes in the state of California; I’m paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists. For CSULA to pretend that they’re trying to provide a balance isn’t just stupid, it’s insultingly stupid. I am the balance, and they’re too afraid to let me speak. These aren’t diversity warriors. They’re jackbooted thugs.”
‘Campus fascists take over’: University cancels conservative speaker

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I agree. The left are so afraid to have an equal playing field for an exchange of ideas on campuses and in the media. They are so pathetic, almost none of them will even admit that is the case. What “honor” there is in that, in a nation of so-called freedom of speech and institutions of higher learning. Yuck.
Federal funding should be pulled for any university banning speech. The House has that power now. They re using it against the Justice Dept for not prosecuting sanctuary cities. They are cutting their budget. That got the AG's attention.
Universities have a duty of care to their students. That includes protecting them from nutters.
This is why our freedoms are in jeopardy if nut jobs like ^^^^ votes in a socialist who will appoint justices who will "protect students from nutters".
During his freshman year at Michigan State University, he was elected president of the campus conservative group, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

Kyle Bristow first gained notoriety when he began inviting white nationalists to speak on campus while he led the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at Michigan State University in 2006.
While attending law school in 2010, he published White Apocalypse, a novel seething with lethal white supremacist revenge fantasies against Jewish professors, Latino and American Indian activists and staffers of a group clearly modeled on the SPLC.

One of Bristow’s most inflammatory tactics was inviting virulently racist and anti-Semitic leaders to speak on the MSU campus — acts that triggered disciplinary threats from the national YAF group. Among those speakers was British National Party chairman Nick Griffin, a Holocaust-denier and white supremacist.

Yeah, can't wait to have him back on campus spreading peace and respect...
What a wonderful opportunity for the students at Michigan State to hear a White Supremist. I was lucky to be in the audience in the 60s to hear George Lincoln Rockwell address the student body at my college.

Guess what? Not one student joined his Nazi party that night because he was given the opportunity to speak. Most of us got to heat hate up close and we were turned off by it.
Why don't the RW radical racists just book the local John Birch Society Hall (which they share with the KKK) and hold the event there?
How about the Mods ban you from posting in here because they don't agree with your opinions and force you to take them to Democratic Underground where you'll never go against prevailing thought?
"So typical: Leftist university bans conservative speaker to protect their whiny, brainwashed progen"

So typical: a moronic rightwing thread that fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
And here, folks, is a perfect example of what is happening on campus.

These people have zero interest in the free exchange of ideas, none.

THEY will be the judge of who is and who is not a "nutter".

They're perfectly happy shutting down opposing speech. What a damn shame.
It is anti-intellectual.

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