So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

You are an unAmerican Russian troll.
Your position is that Putin is right and this is all the fault of ANY Democrats.
You people of the fascist far right are despicable.

Your position is that Putin is right

You're lying.

and this is all the fault of ANY Democrats.

Democrats are worthless and weak.
The political leanings of a former KGB agent in Russia is obvious and isolated from US definitions in that it is based in a former socialist autocratic system that has thankfully never been in place in the United States. The difference ultimately between Nazi and soviet is the propaganda used to initiate the power of the regime. Once installed, how are they not the same? Well, except for the Soviets being more deadly and the Nazis breaking the treaty first.

The decline in US petroleum production has had a corresponding net gain for the Russian president in his stated desire to rebuild the old Soviet empire. The economic influence coupled with the political power associated with being an energy provider for most of the West has allowed for military action to gain standing in a cost benefit analysis for Russia. The narratives aside the US being a net exporter of energy, cleaner energy than is currently being utilized, and having the economic and political standing to make demands is what was missing that allowed expansionism in Russia to be pushed forward.

If anyone believed that Putin wanted Trump over Biden they are missing the fact that Putin doesn't care who is US President but, does care about US energy and foreign policy. A fact often overlooked is that President Trump was the first president since Eisenhower not to start a foreign conflict or war. This was due to policies that were designed to be domestically driven and to be more isolationist than many globalist ideologs who are prominent in US politics today. This is not an endorsement of Trump but a neutral assessment of policies and the corresponding outcomes.

If climate concern is truly the motive for the energy policies of the US currently then it is counterproductive for the world to have the least regulated and highest carbon producers be the source of energy for the vast majority of the energy produced. The fastest cure for poverty is cheap available energy and having production cut and redirected at less governed and less controlled sources has the opposite of the stated desired effect.

I tend to believe that climate concern is a pretext for global wealth leveling as is indicated by the exemption of the 2 worst polluters in the world in every "climate accord" proposed. If a climate catastrophe is imminent then excluding production in less regulated areas and enhancing energy production in well regulated areas would be obvious and the idea of a "carbon credit" or exemption would be unheard of. Actions show that the catastrophic projections are actually a propaganda tool and are extremely unlikely to be close to actual outcomes.

As long as autocratic world leaders have the reigns of energy production and distribution we are enhancing their power and diminishing ours. We are also loosing valuable ability to control the emissions of and pollution associated with the creation of energy. If this isn't the case then please explain how the environment and the developing world are benefitted by the current energy production situation and for those who want to blame oil producers, why would you think they suddenly don't like money? We were energy exporters in January 2021 and energy companies were making a fortune, now we aren't and they are not making as large of a fortune so if policies didn't curtail production what happened? Did they decide they don't like money anymore?
If you think anything Bush did between Jan 20, 2001 and March 2001, when the recession began, could have been responsible for the recession, you're probably dumb enough to have believed Clinton, in 1992, when he said we had the worst economy in the last 50 years.

You're probably dumb enough to believe Obama prevented a depression when the recession ended in June 2009.

Actually, recessions are ongoing things. In fact, they are defined as at least 2 quarters of negative GDP growth. The Recession of 2001 had 2 quarters of low growth, capped off by the attack on 9/11.

Was Bush responsible? Um, yeah, he was president.
Lose the condescension, dude. You don't have the horsepower to pull it off.
Sez the guy who ducks a straight question. LOL

Still not able to answer the question, eh? As I said, I never expect retards to be able to respond. :itsok:
In fact, they are defined as at least 2 quarters of negative GDP growth. The Recession of 2001 had 2 quarters of low growth, capped off by the attack on 9/11.

And it started in March 2001. Before anything he did could have any economic impact.

Was Bush responsible? Um, yeah, he was president.

You're half right. A much better average than your usual.
Wrong. Putin is a right-wing authoritarian admired by Trump and Trumpers who are now rushing away from him with their tails between their legs. All faux conservatives have now are lies and gaslighting.
Putin is a Soviet. The energy production and sanctions kept his expansion in check so what are you talking about?
Oh, 4 legs good…2 legs bad, right?
If I get ill and have to sell all my stuff, because we are the only country in the world that doesn't have universal health care, that's a serious concern.

But it's only property, right?

Good on you, that you can afford enough insurance to cover you if your property is destroyed or stolen. Not everyone can.

And property represents our ability to survive, our ability to keep a roof over our heads, food on our tables, to get to and from our jobs, and otherwise to meet our basic survival needs.

You are very quick to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit who steal or destroy property that does not belong to them, but you have no sympathy at all for actual human beings, who are affected by the actions of your kind in stealing or destroying property.

Whether by the acts of your fellow subhuman criminals pieces of shit, or by other economic loss, if you were to lose everything, and die starving and homeless on the streets, as you easily wish on actual human beings, then that would be poetic justice.

That this happens at all to people would concern you, if you were a decent human being and not a Mormon.

I do not think there is anyone on this entire forum who is stupid enough to see you as any kind of authority as to what constitutes a decent human being. You, more than just about anyone else here (aside from a very small handful of others who are about as subhuman and depraved as you appear to be), are pretty much the most exact possible opposite of such.

you're too stupid to know what your economic interests are.

It's a good thing, then that we have a genius like you to tell us what our economic interests are, since we are obviously too stupid to know for ourselves what is best for us. :laughing0301:
Okay, we have 7% GDP Growth in the fourth quarter. That's kind of the opposite of what a recession is, Mormon Bob.

We also have 3.6% unemployment, a little over a year since the last recession. Which is amazing, really. Usually it takes YEARS to recover from a recession.

Now, we are in a unique situation with employment, in that we have baby boomers retiring faster than Millenials [sic] can replace them (much less their experience) in the workforce. That actually IS a legitimate concern. This, along with gas prices are spuring [sic] inflation.

Your side deliberately, maliciously created the latest recession. Your side deliberately sabotaged the economy. There is no spin that you can put on it, to hide the malice and malfeasance that your side is guilty of, or to deflect the blame for it anywhere else.

And now your side wants to take credit for easing up a bit on the sabotage, and allowing a partial recovery from the disaster that your side created in the first place, leaving us still in a much, much, much worse position than if your side had never sabotaged us in the first place.

How stupid do you think anyone is to give any credence at all to the absurd bullshit that you are spewing, here.
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Why are you supporting Putin?

Fuck Putin.

Fuck Zelenskyy.

Their fight is their fight, not mine,

To you on the left wrong, their fight is a convenient distraction with which to draw the American People's attention away from what you LIbEal filth are doing to our country, and to us, here at home.

The Russians are not our enemy. The Ukrainians are not our enemy. YOU Democraps are our enemy. And nothing that happens between the Russians and the Ukrainians will ever change that.
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