So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

No, you didn't.
You're just stupid enough to think you Trump.
Remain an idiot, I'm sure you won't disappoint.
Yes I did asshole. You’re just a whiny, crying, butthurt little bitch. Now bringing up Trump. Pathetic. Like always. Stay stupid you moron.
Isn't it amazing they all claim that they never listen to Hate Radio or watch Fox News, but they all repeat the talking points like they had an original idea.
Kind of like you assholes who claim you never watch Fox, but can quote everything they say and hang on every word. Talking point repetition is a leftard disease. You have it so you should know.
Yes, that's what you've been told to believe.

From FOX's talk show host to their cults comments.................are the same.
I'm sure that made sense inside your head, but out here, not so much.

November 1 2021
They seem to be running late.

Hundreds of conspiracy theorists gathered at the AT&T Discovery Plaza in Dallas to await the arrival of former President Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr., whom they expected to announce an unlikely campaign for the White House around 12:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Clinton, March 2001.

Clinton wasn't president in March 2001. Bush was.

It's only property, right?

You have repeatedly excused subhuman criminal shit who steal and destroy what does not belong to them, with the excuse that it's only property, and is therefore less important than the lives or other interests of subhuman criminal shit.

So, if you get financially wiped out, why should you or anyone else care?

If my property were destroyed, I have insurance... So I don't worry about that.

If I get ill and have to sell all my stuff, because we are the only country in the world that doesn't have universal health care, that's a serious concern. That this happens at all to people would concern you, if you were a decent human being and not a Mormon.

Still bitterly clinging to those ridiculous lies? You really are nothing more than a programmed sheep.

And programmed sheep don't get to dictate to me what my economic interests are.

you're too stupid to know what your economic interests are.
Or look at what is happening, right now, under Biden.

Okay, we have 7% GDP Growth in the fourth quarter. That's kind of the opposite of what a recession is, Mormon Bob.

We also have 3.6% unemployment, a little over a year since the last recession. Which is amazing, really. Usually it takes YEARS to recover from a recession.

Now, we are in a unique situation with employment, in that we have baby boomers retiring faster than Millenials can replace them (much less their experience) in the workforce. That actually IS a legitimate concern. This, along with gas prices are spuring inflation.
Idiot OP assumes that Republicans, in general, supported Putin.

Just because we didn't root for one side in a war on the other side of the world, which doesn't involve us, does not mean that we were rooting for the other side either.
You far right people are supporting him because you’re unAmerican. Your focus is the destruction of our country.
Clinton wasn't president in March 2001. Bush was.

Clinton wasn't president in March 2001. Bush was.

If you think anything Bush did between Jan 20, 2001 and March 2001, when the recession began, could have been responsible for the recession, you're probably dumb enough to have believed Clinton, in 1992, when he said we had the worst economy in the last 50 years.

You're probably dumb enough to believe Obama prevented a depression when the recession ended in June 2009.

From FOX's talk show host to their cults comments.................are the same.
And yet again -- I don't listen to talking heads on the teevee.

But your talking heads insist I do, so you believe I do.

November 1 2021
They seem to be running late.

Hundreds of conspiracy theorists gathered at the AT&T Discovery Plaza in Dallas to await the arrival of former President Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr., whom they expected to announce an unlikely campaign for the White House around 12:30 p.m. Tuesday.

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you're too stupid to know what your economic interests are.
And you're smart enough to know what mine are?

Odd, isn't it, how anyone who claims to know what's in people's best interests always say it's to vote for their party?

Not interesting in what you've been told to say by people manipulating you because you're stupid.
Is that why Hillary gave the Russians a reset button? Because she's un-American?
Is that why Obama offered Putin more flexibility? Because he's un-American?
You are an unAmerican Russian troll.
Your position is that Putin is right and this is all the fault of ANY Democrats.
You people of the fascist far right are despicable.

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