So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

Isn't this the problem? Has the worship of Trump become the be-all and end-all of conservatism.
Not at all...But the Cheney's, you know the very people you attacked relentlessly when Daddy was VP, are now your hero's because they sided with the TDS Democrats that only can see visions of utterly destroying him....And why? I'll tell you, because he was an outsider, that upended the swamp apple cart and exposed you sniveling cowards for who you really are. Cheney is just another example of how decades of trying to go along, to get along with you shits didn't work, and so she made her choice, and she can rot for it...After November she'll be nothing but a memory.

It's not just Lynn Cheney, of course. You guys hate Romney now. You hate McCain. You hate the Bush family. You even hate guys like Pence and Barr who had expressed regrets for enabling Trump as far as they did.
See, that's how little you really understand about your opposition. We aren't like Democrats that "hate" people, but there are some stark differences between the path going forward, and the past. People like the Bush's, Cheney's, and McCain are relics of the past. Stupid people that couldn't realize that when Democrats want to negotiate, what they mean really is all their way or nothing...So you wanted it that way, now you have the gall to complain when that is the shit sandwich we feed you back...Well, get ready loser, November is coming.

Christian Family Value types are excusing a guy who cheated with a porn star while his third wife was at home having his fifth kid.
And your boy Clinton sat in the oval shoving a cigar up the pus of an intern while he was on the phone with another leader...So, shove your Alinsky tactics up your ass.

You support raping high school girls in the bathroom and defend the rapist that's YOUR family values.

National Security types rationalize a guy who sucks up to Putin even after he invades the Ukraine, and undermined NATO.

More lies. That's all you have after all Biden set the stage for Putin....Hell, he rolled out the red carpet and told him we'd do nothing....There's your Putin lover, Joe Biden.

Fiscal Conservatives rationalize 8 Trillion in new Debt and huge government giveaways to keep laid off workers from being angry.

LOL....Biden tried to do that in one year!

Libertarians rationalize a guy who threw people into concentration camps without due process

LOL, say what now? Good grief you are full of it...

So, what is it you guys stand for at this point? Not being able to admit you made a mistake?

I don't know who "you guy's" are, but I can tell you what I stand for....

Less government
Lower taxes
Strong National Defense
Less regulation

As for mistake, I don't think it was, and the screaming like a stuck pig from your side tells me I am right.
This isn't about my position in life. I own my own home, make a good salary, own a business and rental property. I'm doing fine. I worry a bit about after I hit retirement, though, if I live that long. One serious illness would probably wipe me out, as it would most people.

I worry about that 40% because the reason why you have "communist" revolutions is when the majority has no real stake in the system.

So let's review, shall we.

The bottom 40% controls less than 1% of the wealth.
The middle 20% controls 4% of the wealth.
The next to top 20% (which is where I would place, based on my income and assets) controls 8% of the wealth.
The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth and the top 1% controls 43% of the wealth.

And that income gap continues to grow.

This simply isn't sustainable. The only reason why the 80% kind of put up with it is that the GOP is very good at using racial, religious and sexual fears to keep really stupid white people voting against their own economic interests. I don't make enough to vote Republican, and neither do you.
I am familiar with the pablum...Like is said it is drivel...
Most Republicans are for Ukraine.

All those who are not are anti-American losers who are fair game.
Not at all...But the Cheney's, you know the very people you attacked relentlessly when Daddy was VP, are now your hero's because they sided with the TDS Democrats that only can see visions of utterly destroying him....And why? I'll tell you, because he was an outsider, that upended the swamp apple cart and exposed you sniveling cowards for who you really are. Cheney is just another example of how decades of trying to go along, to get along with you shits didn't work, and so she made her choice, and she can rot for it...After November she'll be nothing but a memory.

I wasn't aware anyone attacked Lynn Cheney in protesting the Iraq War (oh, the Iraq War, something else you guys take no responsibility for now)

Trump actually accomplished very little compared to Bush or Reagan, because even though his party was in charge for half his presidency, he just didn't have the discipline to get things done.

Now I'm not sure what you do for a living, (or even if you can hold down a job with your anger issues), but I've never seen anyone who was successful by being unable to get along with his peers and upending the apple carts.

See, that's how little you really understand about your opposition. We aren't like Democrats that "hate" people, but there are some stark differences between the path going forward, and the past. People like the Bush's, Cheney's, and McCain are relics of the past. Stupid people that couldn't realize that when Democrats want to negotiate, what they mean really is all their way or nothing...So you wanted it that way, now you have the gall to complain when that is the shit sandwich we feed you back...Well, get ready loser, November is coming.

Actually, quite the contrary, hate is all you guys have left. You hate the gays, you hate the transsexuals, you hate Mexicans, you hate the blacks.

While Bush, et. al. were partially responsible for laying the foundation for some of that hate, there were at least some good ideas in there.

November is coming, and you guys will do exactly what you did in 2010 and 1994- convince the majority of the country you're fucking nuts.

And your boy Clinton sat in the oval shoving a cigar up the pus of an intern while he was on the phone with another leader...So, shove your Alinsky tactics up your ass.

You support raping high school girls in the bathroom and defend the rapist that's YOUR family values.

Guy, not that I am going to relitigate that case, but we already proved that the girl in question invited him to fuck her in the wingnuts just lied about it because transphobia is the new flavor of hate you have.

Clinton didn't stick a cigar up anyone's who-ha talking to another leader. There was an allegation he was getting serviced while talking to a member of Congress, but the member of congress denies it. (I don't know anyone who can carry on a conversation during a blow job that didn't heavily consist of "Oh, God, Oh, God."

More lies. That's all you have after all Biden set the stage for Putin....Hell, he rolled out the red carpet and told him we'd do nothing....There's your Putin lover, Joe Biden.

Actually, he stated what our treaty obligations were.. and that Putin would face consequences. Trump is the guy who spent four years undermining NATO.

I don't know who "you guy's" are, but I can tell you what I stand for....

Less government
Lower taxes
Strong National Defense
Less regulation

Okay.. Except Trump gave us more government, he only lowered taxes on rich people (not you), he weakened our military, and he increased government control of stuff with tariffs and an unnecessary trade war.

I am familiar with the pablum...Like is said it is drivel...

Naw, man, you can't really refute it, so you REFUSE to see it. We get that. It's not easy to admit you got conned. The con has been going on since Tricky Dick, and you keep falling for it.
Really? All of them? LOL!

Pretty much. Let's review, shall we?

2020- Trump
2008 - Bush Jr.
2001 - Bush Jr.
1990 - Bush Sr.
1982 - Reagan
1980 - Carter - Okay, that guy was almost a Democrat.
1975 - Ford
1969 - Tricky Dick
1960- Ike

Well, you get the idea. Recessions aren't a bug of REpublican Rule, they are a design feature.
Pretty much. Let's review, shall we?

2020- Trump
2008 - Bush Jr.
2001 - Bush Jr.
1990 - Bush Sr.
1982 - Reagan
1980 - Carter - Okay, that guy was almost a Democrat.
1975 - Ford
1969 - Tricky Dick
1960- Ike

Well, you get the idea. Recessions aren't a bug of REpublican Rule, they are a design feature.

Wilson 1918
Wilson 1920
Roosevelt 1937
Roosevelt 1945
Truman 1948
Carter 1980
Wilson 1918
Wilson 1920
Roosevelt 1937
Roosevelt 1945
Truman 1948
Carter 1980

You have to go back 42 years to find a Democratic Recession... and another 32 years before that to find another.


We just had a 7% increase in GDP... we are nowhere near a recession, but we know you keep hoping for one.

You have to go back 42 years to find a Democratic Recession... and another 32 years before that to find another.


We just had a 7% increase in GDP... we are nowhere near a recession, but we know you keep hoping for one.

View attachment 614785

I know, your claim "all", was wrong.

We just had a 7% increase in GDP...

For the 4th quarter.

we are nowhere near a recession

We just had 7.0% inflation in December, 7.5% inflation in January and 7.9% last month.
Highest in 40 years.

You don't think the Fed is going to dampen growth when they finally hike rates? LOL!
American history is "SOviet Propaganda"?
The version you've been programmed with is. Your Howard Zinn books are only suitable for leveling a couch. All you can learn from them is how to hate America.
Hey, how many right wingers are supporting Putin right now?
By my count, pretty close to zero. It's like white supremacists -- the left insists there are far, far more than there actually are. You guys do need your boogeymen, don't you?
Really? I'd love to belong to a union, get good medical benefits instead of an HMO, good pension benefits instead of a 401K, and real job security instead of having to worry about the next recession.

If that's exploitation, sign me the fuck up.
Of course you want to belong to a union. Union leadership supports Democrats regardless of what the rank-and-file want, and you're a good Party member.
This simply isn't sustainable. The only reason why the 80% kind of put up with it is that the GOP is very good at using racial, religious and sexual fears to keep really stupid white people voting against their own economic interests.
Still bitterly clinging to those ridiculous lies? You really are nothing more than a programmed sheep.

And programmed sheep don't get to dictate to me what my economic interests are.
I worry a bit about after I hit retirement, though, if I live that long. One serious illness would probably wipe me out, as it would most people.

It's only property, right?

You have repeatedly excused subhuman criminal shit who steal and destroy what does not belong to them, with the excuse that it's only property, and is therefore less important than the lives or other interests of subhuman criminal shit.

So, if you get financially wiped out, why should you or anyone else care?
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