So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

The 1950's called, they want their paranoia back.
Quit being a Communist and I might start trusting you. Until then...nope.
As opposed to the rich using people with guns to keep what they have? Whose interests do you think the police and military protect?

I'm actually fine with what I have. I own three properties (A rental, a summer place and my primary residence), make good money, and am relatively comfortable. I don't need a mansion or a sport car and don't want them.

But I realize that when you have a situation where 1% of the population has 43% of the wealth and 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth, that society is not sustainable. Or as Jim Morrison once said, "They've got the guns, but we've got the numbers!"

Sure, I could live out the rest of my life in my nice comfy suburb until I retire, and hope my savings and investments last longer than I do. But because I actually, you know, care about this country, I realize we can't keep doing what we are doing.
It's funny how to leftists, "the rich" are always people who have just a little more than they do.

You're bourgeoisie, and your fellow revolutionaries will put you against a wall in a heartbeat.
Sure Dave... you are totally stable... :rolleyes:
I don't hate people for disagreeing with me. I don't wish violence against people for believing differently than I do.

That's you guys.
Nope, pointing out the obvious. If Republicans didn't have racism, homophobia, misogyny to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, they'd never win an election.
LOL! So it's in my economic interest to vote for the party that hates me and will raise my taxes and micromanage my life.

Yeah, think I'll pass.
Tuckerization infecting millions.
As usual, leftists are misusing a word.

Tuckerization is the act of using a person's name in an original story as an in-joke (e.g. Mount Kirby in Kurt Busiek's "Astro City" comics). The term is derived from Wilson Tucker, an American science fiction writer and fanzine editor, who made a practice of using his friends' names for minor characters in his stories. For example, Harry Harrison's "To the Stars" character: "Old Lundwall, who commands the "Sverige", should have retired a decade ago, but he is still the best there is." Sam J Lundwall is a well-known Swedish science fiction publisher and writer, as well as the godfather of Harrison's daughter. A tuckerization can also be the use of a person's character or personal attributes with a new name as an in-joke, such as Ian Arnstein in S.M. Stirling's "Island in the Sea of Time" trilogy, clearly modeled on his good friend Harry Turtledove, albeit an alternate history Turtledove. Many science fiction authors auction off tuckerizations at science fiction conventions with the proceeds going to charity.

But you were told to use it, so you're going to use it. How much do you get per mindless repetition?
I have no obligation to validate your delusions, boy.

And you've started drinking early this Friday evening. Luckily, Biden's insanely high gas prices mean you can drink or you can drive. You can't do both.

Is Biden to blame for high prices in all modern western societies also?
Huh? Youre brain dead. An intellectual vacuum
Your strawman is stupid and ugly. Did you model it after yourself?
According to the higher quality right wing websites such as gatewaypundit, babylonbee, breitbart, and journalists of very high integrity such as tucker carlson, hannity, and alex jones, roughly 1 million illegals are being bussed to the border every month (or maybe week) by Bill Gates and George Soros, and after a short walk across are met by more busses sent by Biden, and from there sent throughout the USA, many to camps set up by Obama for the ISIS fighters that trained there previously. After a week of training, massages, and education, they are given a choice; go to jobs, or stay in the camps, complete with food, 3-bedroom homes with installed cable TV, Internet, and maid service. This will all be paid for by confiscating the IRA and 401k accounts of registered Republicans, plus higher taxes on the trumpf family.

Preliminary reports indicate most are choosing to stay in the camps, hence the worker shortage continues
Those are meaningless constructs formulated by the Fabian Socialists to confuse people.

There are collectivist governments, and individualist leaning governments. The US was founded as a Constitutional Republic to protect the Rights of the individual from an over bearing government.

Thus the government was designed to be adversarial, and difficult to get laws passed. The Founders knew that once the duopoly formed, they would try and destroy individual Rights.

As we are seeing now.
By itself, Government vs No-government axis is meaningless. The question is HOW MUCH government is desired, and what type of policies.
Liberal (left) vs Conservative (right) is more realistic, but also simplistic by itself. Like the Physics world, we live in multiple dimensions.

Our country's founders created a Constitution that forms a government, which includes 3 branches. Our government supports both individuals and business entities that "should" work together. We need a government that works for all citizens.
According to the higher quality right wing websites such as gatewaypundit, babylonbee, breitbart, and journalists of very high integrity such as tucker carlson, hannity, and alex jones, roughly 1 million illegals are being bussed to the border every month (or maybe week) by Bill Gates and George Soros, and after a short walk across are met by more busses sent by Biden, and from there sent throughout the USA, many to camps set up by Obama for the ISIS fighters that trained there previously. After a week of training, massages, and education, they are given a choice; go to jobs, or stay in the camps, complete with food, 3-bedroom homes with installed cable TV, Internet, and maid service. This will all be paid for by confiscating the IRA and 401k accounts of registered Republicans, plus higher taxes on the trumpf family.

Preliminary reports indicate most are choosing to stay in the camps, hence the worker shortage continues
Seek professional help.
According to the higher quality right wing websites such as gatewaypundit, babylonbee, breitbart, and journalists of very high integrity such as tucker carlson, hannity, and alex jones, roughly 1 million illegals are being bussed to the border every month (or maybe week) by Bill Gates and George Soros, and after a short walk across are met by more busses sent by Biden, and from there sent throughout the USA, many to camps set up by Obama for the ISIS fighters that trained there previously. After a week of training, massages, and education, they are given a choice; go to jobs, or stay in the camps, complete with food, 3-bedroom homes with installed cable TV, Internet, and maid service. This will all be paid for by confiscating the IRA and 401k accounts of registered Republicans, plus higher taxes on the trumpf family.

Preliminary reports indicate most are choosing to stay in the camps, hence the worker shortage continues
And now they are getting caught pedaling more conspiracies;
I don't watch Fox. I don't watch any teevee news but the local stuff.
Sure you don't.
You sure can regurgitate their opinions well.
But it's funny watching you regurgitate leftist talking points about what the right watches. Have you ever considered thinking for yourself?
Sure, I'll just book a flight to Dallas and wait for JFK Jr. to appear.
I don't watch Fox. I don't watch any teevee news but the local stuff.

But it's funny watching you regurgitate leftist talking points about what the right watches. Have you ever considered thinking for yourself?
Meetoo. I watch WTN
Whitey News Netork
It's funny how to leftists, "the rich" are always people who have just a little more than they do.

You're bourgeoisie, and your fellow revolutionaries will put you against a wall in a heartbeat.
I haven't met any of these revolutionaries you keep talking about.

I think the last time I saw an ACTUAL communist was in College, and they spent most of their time arguing with each other over who was worse, Trotsky or Stalin.

Here's the thing, America wasn't "Communist" when 33% of our workers belonged to Unions and the rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%. At that time, Americans, at least white Americans, enjoyed a greater level of prosperity. The ironic thing is that we romanticize the 1950's without realizing why the 1950's were so awesome - that 20 years of New Deal policies had finally paid off.

I don't hate people for disagreeing with me. I don't wish violence against people for believing differently than I do.

That's you guys.
Sorry, Dave, you don't come off as very stable... you really don't.

LOL! So it's in my economic interest to vote for the party that hates me and will raise my taxes and micromanage my life.

Yeah, think I'll pass.
Says the guy who spent his whole life living off the teet of the military-industrial complex.
Isn't it amazing they all claim that they never listen to Hate Radio or watch Fox News, but they all repeat the talking points like they had an original idea.
That's the result of having principles. One does not have to hear another person say a thing to come to the same conclusion. Unlike liberals who flit about driven by base emotions and must be guided by one outside voice.
Here's the thing, America wasn't "Communist" when 33% of our workers belonged to Unions and the rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%. At that time, Americans, at least white Americans, enjoyed a greater level of prosperity.

So, you're longing for a time where the working middle was beholden to the Union bosses, and the wealthy gave their lion share of their wealth to the government?

While I do think there is a place for unions, from what I have seen throughout my life is that it is a pendulum. Right now, they aren't very popular because they don't represent their people very well, and are blatantly corrupt. As for wealth, more people now are considered wealthy in the United states than at any time in our history....

So, what you are saying is that you want to destroy that...Why?
I don't watch Fox. I don't watch any teevee news but the local stuff.

But it's funny watching you regurgitate leftist talking points about what the right watches. Have you ever considered thinking for yourself?
Hey, since we are on the subject of talking points, explain to us again how Liz Cheney went overnight from a strong Christian Conservative to a Communist traitor.

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