So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

You are, a gullible moron at that.

Poor RETODD, can't even keep his talking points straight.

Of course, he gets them from other retards.

A new report from Senate Republicans alleges that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million payment from the wealthy wife of Moscow's former mayor.

"Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow," the Republican report, which was the result of an investigation led by GOP Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, explained as one of its "key findings."

From the wife of a former mayor?

Biden never received $3.5 million.

A company received the $$$.

"On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a “Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.”

In 2019, The Financial Times described Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC as an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden.

Another senate report found it was false.

"Any credible investigation would have sought the underlying financial records at issue and spoken to the involved parties," they continued. "At Chairman Johnson’s request, HSGAC authorized 46 subpoenas across four business meetings related to his current investigations, none of which sought information that could substantiate or verify the information in these documents."

46 subpoena's and still couldn't prove a damned thing.

Hillary's Uranium One donors were people connected to Russia or former Soviet republics.
Man you are one dumb guy….Our technology for extraction is much cleaner than Venezuela for Christ sake…It’s one world, so the oil is going to come from somewhere, why not the cleanest place?
Thanks to gubmint regulations.
nato exists to keep peace in EUROPE---it exists more for their interests than ours. The european nations have spent centuries of wars with each other---Nato was supposed to put an end to that.
Wars in Europe have gone World Wide TWICE in the last hundred years

THAT is why it matters
As long as we lump everyone into two groups then blame everything on the other group
allows us to never have too clean up our own back yard.
or work towards any thing that may benefit both groups.
Common sense has left the building.
How is it Biden's fault a judge stopped Biden's plan for more drilling?

Show where I said we should put American boots on the ground.

Your dodging and weaving is showing what a coward you are. Your lies are piling up!
Biden didn't even try to fight. He knew it would get cancelled.

You and Biden aren't fooling anyone.
Everything is about your poor life choices, and being held responsible for them. It's everyone else's fault but your own.
Not at all, I've done fine with my life, thanks. But I would still have loved to not have to have dealt with bullshit over the years because Republicans gutted the middle class like a fish.

Not when the taxpayers are footing the bill, and not when the negotiations between the governments in question and the Unions aren't adversarial negotiations like in private industry, but a one sided kick the can down the street game of giving the unions whatever they want for their member's votes.

Actually, sounds kind of awesome...

Now, I do have my criticisms of some public service unions. The FOP and PBA for instance, I have little use for, as well as the Teacher Unions. But government workers need unions for the exact same reason the rest of us do... to protect us from bad bosses.

As usual, you don't get a joke line.
A joke is supposed to be "funny".
Youre a patriots arsehole. You cannot bring yourself to openly admit you are supporting trump and consequently support communism.
You haven't the guts to admit it. Youre nothing but a pimple on the arse of freedom.
I have no obligation to validate your delusions, boy.

And you've started drinking early this Friday evening. Luckily, Biden's insanely high gas prices mean you can drink or you can drive. You can't do both.

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