So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

He hasn't lost yet, Eddie. Ukraine yesterday seemed to agree to being a demiliterized state, if Russia could offer believable guarantees of non-aggression, but they would not cede Eastern Ukriane or even Crimea. How they expect to get Crimea back is beyond me, but Russia is owed money and Ukraine still needs carbon.

But what guarantee could Putin offer? None, he's invaded them three times in six years. He's even violated his own agreed to Minsk accords and a cease fire. The only guarantee would be three armor brigades and assorted infantry as well as air support.
I'm wondering if Putin thinks things will slowly get back to normal after this, that sanctions and restrictions will fade, and I'm wondering if he's right.
Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin has gambled everything and lost

Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin has gambled everything and lost​

Until Vladimir Putin lunched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the early hours of February 24, he was winning his standoff with the West. He had compelled the United States and Europe to take his demands seriously; he experienced the pleasure of being treated as the leader of a great power; and he had succeeded in intimidating the Ukrainians as well as Russia’s other neighboring states and the wider world.

Exactly HOW does one "lunched a full-scale invasion..."

Was it a sandwich buffet? Did he order pizzas for everybody?
Was it a catered affair??

I've never seen a full-scale lunch invasion..........I'm curious if Youtube has this on video.

You expect people to take you seriously when you cannot even spell?
Hey, since we are on the subject of talking points, explain to us again how Liz Cheney went overnight from a strong Christian Conservative to a Communist traitor.
Easy, she exposed herself because of her hatred for Trump...
I'm wondering if Putin thinks things will slowly get back to normal after this, that sanctions and restrictions will fade, and I'm wondering if he's right.
I don't think he cares....
So, in other words, to be a "true Conservative", you should be in lock-step with der Fuhrer. All others are considered traitors/communists?
I said nothing about "True conservative" anything....that was your strawman....What I am saying is that she let her hatred of Trump get in the way of doing what's best for the Republican's and sided with Pelosi and democrats....

But you know all of that already.
I said nothing about "True conservative" anything....that was your strawman....What I am saying is that she let her hatred of Trump get in the way of doing what's best for the Republican's and sided with Pelosi and democrats....

But you know all of that already.
Again, my question - So, criticizing der Fuhrer means losing your Conservative credentials - Yes or No?
As usual, leftists are misusing a word.

Tuckerization is the act of using a person's name in an original story as an in-joke (e.g. Mount Kirby in Kurt Busiek's "Astro City" comics). The term is derived from Wilson Tucker, an American science fiction writer and fanzine editor, who made a practice of using his friends' names for minor characters in his stories. For example, Harry Harrison's "To the Stars" character: "Old Lundwall, who commands the "Sverige", should have retired a decade ago, but he is still the best there is." Sam J Lundwall is a well-known Swedish science fiction publisher and writer, as well as the godfather of Harrison's daughter. A tuckerization can also be the use of a person's character or personal attributes with a new name as an in-joke, such as Ian Arnstein in S.M. Stirling's "Island in the Sea of Time" trilogy, clearly modeled on his good friend Harry Turtledove, albeit an alternate history Turtledove. Many science fiction authors auction off tuckerizations at science fiction conventions with the proceeds going to charity.

But you were told to use it, so you're going to use it. How much do you get per mindless repetition?
Irrelevant to the point. I made it up.
I'm wondering if Putin thinks things will slowly get back to normal after this, that sanctions and restrictions will fade, and I'm wondering if he's right.
That was always my thinking. There’s no way to scrape the shit off this shitsandwich.
I haven't met any of these revolutionaries you keep talking about.

I think the last time I saw an ACTUAL communist was in College, and they spent most of their time arguing with each other over who was worse, Trotsky or Stalin.

Here's the thing, America wasn't "Communist" when 33% of our workers belonged to Unions and the rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%. At that time, Americans, at least white Americans, enjoyed a greater level of prosperity. The ironic thing is that we romanticize the 1950's without realizing why the 1950's were so awesome - that 20 years of New Deal policies had finally paid off.

Sorry, Dave, you don't come off as very stable... you really don't.

Says the guy who spent his whole life living off the teet of the military-industrial complex.
Nothing but Soviet propaganda. You really suck at this.
So, you're longing for a time where the working middle was beholden to the Union bosses, and the wealthy gave their lion share of their wealth to the government?

While I do think there is a place for unions, from what I have seen throughout my life is that it is a pendulum. Right now, they aren't very popular because they don't represent their people very well, and are blatantly corrupt. As for wealth, more people now are considered wealthy in the United states than at any time in our history....
Unions have become that which they were formed to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money.

So, what you are saying is that you want to destroy that...Why?
He really has no idea.
Hey, since we are on the subject of talking points, explain to us again how Liz Cheney went overnight from a strong Christian Conservative to a Communist traitor.
I have no idea. She doesn't appear on my radar at all.

I expect you think about her enough for the both of us.
That's the result of having principles.

Racism and homophobia are "principles"?

So, you're longing for a time where the working middle was beholden to the Union bosses, and the wealthy gave their lion share of their wealth to the government?

While I do think there is a place for unions, from what I have seen throughout my life is that it is a pendulum. Right now, they aren't very popular because they don't represent their people very well, and are blatantly corrupt. As for wealth, more people now are considered wealthy in the United states than at any time in our history....

Bullsthit, Anger Issues. The gap between the rich and poor has never been wider.

First, I doubt one out of 20 Americans is a "millionaire". But even if they were, that's only 5% of the population. What about the other 95%?

40% of Americans control less than 1% of the wealth.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Easy, she exposed herself because of her hatred for Trump...

Isn't this the problem? Has the worship of Trump become the be-all and end-all of conservatism.

It's not just Lynn Cheney, of course. You guys hate Romney now. You hate McCain. You hate the Bush family. You even hate guys like Pence and Barr who had expressed regrets for enabling Trump as far as they did.

Christian Family Value types are excusing a guy who cheated with a porn star while his third wife was at home having his fifth kid.
National Security types rationalize a guy who sucks up to Putin even after he invades the Ukraine, and undermined NATO.
Fiscal Conservatives rationalize 8 Trillion in new Debt and huge government giveaways to keep laid off workers from being angry.
Libertarians rationalize a guy who threw people into concentration camps without due process

So, what is it you guys stand for at this point? Not being able to admit you made a mistake?

Nothing but Soviet propaganda. You really suck at this.

American history is "SOviet Propaganda"? Hey, how many right wingers are supporting Putin right now?

Unions have become that which they were formed to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money.

Really? I'd love to belong to a union, get good medical benefits instead of an HMO, good pension benefits instead of a 401K, and real job security instead of having to worry about the next recession.

If that's exploitation, sign me the fuck up.
Bullsthit, Anger Issues. The gap between the rich and poor has never been wider.

First, I doubt one out of 20 Americans is a "millionaire". But even if they were, that's only 5% of the population. What about the other 95%?

40% of Americans control less than 1% of the wealth.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

View attachment 614758
Oh, you don't like what is reported by a reputable site so, instead of believing that, we are supposed to believe your jealous rant about "rich" people...Is that about right?

All you are doing is parroting communist drivel...It is immoral for government to believe they are entitled to 95% of anyone's earned income...The so called 40% that you cry about (if that is the number) already pay the lion share of taxes in this country...So, instead of trying to tear them down, why don't you get off your ass and try and better your own position in life?
Oh, you don't like what is reported by a reputable site so, instead of believing that, we are supposed to believe your jealous rant about "rich" people...Is that about right?

All you are doing is parroting communist drivel...It is immoral for government to believe they are entitled to 95% of anyone's earned income...The so called 40% that you cry about (if that is the number) already pay the lion share of taxes in this country...So, instead of trying to tear them down, why don't you get off your ass and try and better your own position in life?

This isn't about my position in life. I own my own home, make a good salary, own a business and rental property. I'm doing fine. I worry a bit about after I hit retirement, though, if I live that long. One serious illness would probably wipe me out, as it would most people.

I worry about that 40% because the reason why you have "communist" revolutions is when the majority has no real stake in the system.

So let's review, shall we.

The bottom 40% controls less than 1% of the wealth.
The middle 20% controls 4% of the wealth.
The next to top 20% (which is where I would place, based on my income and assets) controls 8% of the wealth.
The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth and the top 1% controls 43% of the wealth.

And that income gap continues to grow.

This simply isn't sustainable. The only reason why the 80% kind of put up with it is that the GOP is very good at using racial, religious and sexual fears to keep really stupid white people voting against their own economic interests. I don't make enough to vote Republican, and neither do you.

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