So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

It hurts when you can't cut through. Does it keep you awake knowing those democrats are having opinions that could stop the march of fascism under Trump?
Bugger the democracy shit. Shoot all the dems and life is better.

Fascism? Damn, you're an emotional, fact-free little twit, aren't you?
It hurts when you can't cut through. Does it keep you awake knowing those democrats are having opinions that could stop the march of fascism under Trump?
Bugger the democracy shit. Shoot all the dems and life is better.
Yeah! Just say no to Trump's fascism! We should all embrace the Democratic Party's kinder, gentler, more inclusive fascism...or else!
No but I do have a bad habit of saying the truth.
You can uncross your fingers any time for falsely claiming President Trump supports communism. I bet you thought you could get away with that little white lie, the same as Nancy Pelosi thought lying her ass off about Trump through the Senate and House Reports, the Mueller Report, and several other attempts to smear Trump with lies would get him impeached.. The reports found no truth in the sideswipe that President Trump "colluded with the Russians." And so she rattled the DNC and deep state cage about impeachment, that resulted in her squishy lies and gold pen celebration that she had impeached a president fell on her hateful face.

Every time President Trump does something good for the people, you start salivating along with the Deep State haters when another lie appears about hating on the donald. Meh!!
Sounds like she lives in your head. Mindless hatred will do that to you.
LOL Poor trumptard. You started this by saying, "But it's funny watching you regurgitate leftist talking points about what the right watches. Have you ever considered thinking for yourself?

So, I gave you a chance to prove how you "think" for yourself. Naturally, as a true trumptard, you dodged the question!

Next time, choose your words, carefully. You will be called out on it. :itsok:
You can uncross your fingers any time for falsely claiming President Trump supports communism. I bet you thought you could get away with that little white lie,
Little white lie my arse. He openly praised putin 3 times and not one republican including you denounced it. Not one. You are a communist also simply by association. You hypocrites will sacrifice the country to have that ratbag re instated. You have the principles of an alley cat like all you jesus junkies.
the same as Nancy Pelosi thought lying her ass off about Trump through the Senate and House Reports,
She was smart enough to get him impeached twice so she wasn't lying then.
the Mueller Report, and several other attempts to smear Trump with lies would get him impeached..
it did
The reports found no truth in the sideswipe that President Trump "colluded with the Russians."
Of course they did when they hold the numbers.
And so she rattled the DNC and deep state cage about impeachment, that resulted in her squishy lies and gold pen celebration that she had impeached a president fell on her hateful face.
That is how you interpret it but she's still there and Trump is gone forever
Every time President Trump does something good for the people, you start salivating along with the Deep State haters
Trump invented the deep state rubbish it never existed . Yiu all said Obama and Hilary are going to jail. How's that going?
when another lie appears about hating on the donald. Meh!!
It doesn't matter now. He will never be returned by the gop.
Keep praying to your hideous God. I can how it helped you and Trump.
It hurts when you can't cut through. Does it keep you awake knowing those democrats are having opinions that could stop the march of fascism under Trump?
Bugger the democracy shit. Shoot all the dems and life is better.
Is it keeping you awake nights thinking that the least fascist president in the last 50 years was Donald Trump? Delegation to state leader ship? That’s fascist? Employing the separation of powers is fascist as well? Do you know the definition of the word fascism? You made the accusation now substantiate it. By what merit do you claim the former president advanced fascism?
Little white lie my arse. He openly praised putin 3 times and not one republican including you denounced it. Not one. You are a communist also simply by association. You hypocrites will sacrifice the country to have that ratbag re instated. You have the principles of an alley cat like all you jesus junkies.

She was smart enough to get him impeached twice so she wasn't lying then.

it did

Of course they did when they hold the numbers.

That is how you interpret it but she's still there and Trump is gone forever

Trump invented the deep state rubbish it never existed . Yiu all said Obama and Hilary are going to jail. How's that going?

It doesn't matter now. He will never be returned by the gop.
Keep praying to your hideous God. I can how it helped you and Trump.
Your convenient rewriting the past to fit the Deep State sick narrative has done zero, nada, nothing to stop the Chinese from killing one hundred thousand Americans addicted to their drugs with fentanyl that kills and kills absolutely a hundred thousand a year in this nation they delivered their diabolical Covid virus using our own people who caught it while visiting China and have eliminated close to a million Americans now, and millions worldwide with no regrets that are visible to us. Putin didn't get ugly on Trump's watch, because Trump did the admirable thing to get people off welfare by offering them well-paying jobs, three fourths of which Biden and the Democrats have cancelled to continue their jackass farting around, after stealing the votes from Republicans and replacing them with phoney votes for the most unpopular President ever rushed through an American election with few people attending his boring and pointless rallies that were unappealing to mainstream America. The Democrats sought power they know they don't deserve in the least, considering a hidden camera pretty much showed America one of the three dozen ways in which they actively substituted nonexistent votes next-day-express boxes full of copies of Biden votes, counted, and then recounted, and then recounted as many times as were needed with the mathematical formulas handed down from the Deep State War Room into the hands of Soros-rewarded anti-constitutionalists who manned the Democrat precincts with omeurta in the forefront thinking nobody would ever,no never, dare believe they pulled a fast one in every last key state that suddenly had such stunning highs of voting that several of them counted more votes than there were people in the precinct. And conveniently, the State legislators were snubbed when the Deep state put its criminal force in the rules-making bodies to change it so they could put lots and lots of votes in by people who had no proof of address, age, or anything else that would qualify them to vote by state rules that should not have been changed without legal legislation being done by the state's legislature according to their state Constitutions in accordance with the US Constitution giving that right tolegislators, not party poops. God is good to those who trust in him by the way.
Is it keeping you awake nights thinking that the least fascist president in the last 50 years was Donald Trump?
not me. He was the one who orchestrated a coup to overthrow democracy, encouraged his goons to smash the WH yet you think he wasn't a fascist??? Are you mad?
Delegation to state leader ship? That’s fascist? Employing the separation of powers is fascist as well?
rubbish. He wanted control over evetything as fascists do.
Do you know the definition of the word fascism? You made the accusation now substantiate it.

Yes. Here it is better explained. You'll love it and see similarities to Trump.

By what merit do you claim the former president advanced fascism?
He tried to overthrow democracy. What more evidence do you been?
Why are you deliberately understating that? I know it's embarrassing bug you can't deny that is exactly what it was and the world agreed. But an intellectual mountain like you from no where has better knowledge. Piss off.
not me. He was the one who orchestrated a coup to overthrow democracy, encouraged his goons to smash the WH yet you think he wasn't a fascist??? Are you mad?

rubbish. He wanted control over evetything as fascists do.

Yes. Here it is better explained. You'll love it and see similarities to Trump.

He tried to overthrow democracy. What more evidence do you been?
Why are you deliberately understating that? I know it's embarrassing bug you can't deny that is exactly what it was and the world agreed. But an intellectual mountain like you from no where has better knowledge. Piss off.
Facts are this the democrats stole an election and now the USA and Ukraine are paying a huge price.

The January 6th crowd tried to save democracy not destroy it
Facts are this the democrats stole an election and now the USA and Ukraine are paying a huge price.
Facts ay??? Can you produce those facts because the sc hasn't seen them. How can anyone be blamed because you got sucked in by Trump.
Youre pathetic.
The January 6th crowd tried to save democracy not destroy it
By smashing the capitol,
Threatening to kill their own vp because he was preparing to certify democracy, searching for others saying they would gang them??? 5 people eventually died from it in the name of saving democracy???
Thats saving democracy??
Youre a brain dead fool.
Facts ay??? Can you produce those facts because the sc hasn't seen them. How can anyone be blamed because you got sucked in by Trump.
Youre pathetic.

By smashing the capitol,
Threatening to kill their own vp because he was preparing to certify democracy, searching for others saying they would gang them??? 5 people eventually died from it in the name of saving democracy???
Thats saving democracy??
Youre a brain dead fool.
Miss the Forrest from the trees?

Putin wouldn't of invaded Ukraine if Trump was president that's a fact.
And it started in March 2001. Before anything he did could have any economic impact.

Was Bush responsible? Um, yeah, he was president.

You're half right. A much better average than your usual.

Um, no, Bush was completely responsible because the markets had no faith in him to restore the economy. The people had rejected him, and he peddled the same old Republican Rat Poison of deregulation and irresponsible fiscal policy.

The only reason why his recession didn't drag on for years is because he got us into a war.
But it's only property, right?

Good on you, that you can afford enough insurance to cover you if your property is destroyed or stolen. Not everyone can.

And property represents our ability to survive, our ability to keep a roof over our heads, food on our tables, to get to and from our jobs, and otherwise to meet our basic survival needs.

Um... okay. And property can be replaced. It's not worth killing people over... which is what you think people should do, kill people over mild property crimes, right after you are done killing people for having sex you don't like and practicing forms of birth control you don't approve of.

Who's a bloodthirsty little cultist? you are.. you are...

You are very quick to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit who steal or destroy property that does not belong to them, but you have no sympathy at all for actual human beings, who are affected by the actions of your kind in stealing or destroying property.

Whether by the acts of your fellow subhuman criminals pieces of shit, or by other economic loss, if you were to lose everything, and die starving and homeless on the streets, as you easily wish on actual human beings, then that would be poetic justice.

Again, when you are fine with racism, poverty, untreated mental illness and addiction, you really don't get to complain about broken property. You made this. enjoy it.

I do not think there is anyone on this entire forum who is stupid enough to see you as any kind of authority as to what constitutes a decent human being. You, more than just about anyone else here (aside from a very small handful of others who are about as subhuman and depraved as you appear to be), are pretty much the most exact possible opposite of such.

For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a cult started by a guy who was engaged in multiple instances of fraud, theft, political violence and pederasty... before he was taken out and lynched by an angry mob. So when Bob expresses his desire to murder people who don't live up to his "moral' standards, it's good to keep that in mind.

It's a good thing, then that we have a genius like you to tell us what our economic interests are, since we are obviously too stupid to know for ourselves what is best for us.

It's pretty clear you are. For 40 years, you guys have gone along with the rich getting richer, and the working class getting poorer, because the Republicans play on your racial and sexual fears.

Here's the thing. At 60, I've never had a gay person do me wrong, I've never had a person of color do me wrong. Most of the wrongs inflicted on me have been by other white people with more money than I have...

Your side deliberately, maliciously created the latest recession. Your side deliberately sabotaged the economy. There is no spin that you can put on it, to hide the malice and malfeasance that your side is guilty of, or to deflect the blame for it anywhere else.

Okay, let's look at that one. besides the fact that the recession was already under way before Covid and the necessary countermeasures. (The 1Q GDP Shrinkage in 2020 was -5%, before the first deaths even happened in the US) even companies that were immune to lockdowns still suffered setbacks. The company I consulted for in 2020 was classified as a necessary industry, but they STILL had to shut down operations when someone came in with the Rona.

The countries that DIDN'T have Trump in charge all recovered even faster than we did, and had far less deaths.

And now your side wants to take credit for easing up a bit on the sabotage, and allowing a partial recovery from the disaster that your side created in the first place, leaving us still in a much, much, much worse position than if your side had never sabotaged us in the first place.

The only person who sabotaged the country was Trump, by not taking countermeasures early, he allowed it to be a lot worse than it needed to be.

How stupid do you think anyone is to give any credence at all to the absurd bullshit that you are spewing, here.

Well, you're a Mormon, and frankly, that makes you one of the stupidest people on the planet. Only a complete moron would actually think Joseph Smith was talking to God.
Yes he did, and mealey mouth there also said he forgot more stuff than I'll ever know in front of God and everybody. :lmao:
Beautress is this you?
But they are totally not in a cult!
r/PoliticalHumor - Spotted in the wild today. “Donald Trump is Jesus Christ.”
Isn't there something in bible about worshipping false god being sin

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