So we finally get to see why Generals hate Trump....

These Bolshevik Jews will “ reap the whirlwind “
You got to be shitting me. He is trying to overturn constitutional election, even as we speak. Been in violatio of the emoluments clasue since day one when he started profiting at his hotels off the public dole and with increase foreign travel to his properties because he was president. Good riddance to the grandson of whore monger of the western united states.
Whether you believe it or not...and I think you do....but your hate for Trump keeps you from acknowledging it.....there are a lot of irregularities and suspicious results as well as probable unconstitutional rule changes at the state level in this national election...and Trump or Joe if it were him should be able to challenge those anomalies fully.....
There have been irregularities in all elections, but does not mean they were rigged on a national or state or even city changing scale, at least not in this election. I don't hate trump. True, I do not like him, as I just do not approve of his self serving, anti rule of law nature nor the direction he leads his followers, towards a top down autocracy over my country, if he could have pulled it off. I save my hate for people that actually attack me and mine and then get over it after they are dealt with.
This is different....its massive and blatant....and one day the truth will come out....
The truth came out every day they went to court. The truth was there was no evidence and when the judges asked if team trump was alleging fraud or illegal activities by people, trump's lawyers answered "NO". I guess he just could not find lawyers that would answer "yes" in a court of law (as we are a country of laws) in front of a republican or democratic judge. Now team trump has even distanced themselves from the chick claiming computer fraud that was going to shake Georgia. :eek:
You need to deal with this. Your boy lost the election because America chose Biden, because they did not and do not trust or approve of Donnie. That is the truth that will come to you one day, hopefully soon.
He didn't lose....if Biden takes office it will be fraudulently....just like in 3rd world nations.....enjoy.....
He fittingly lost, the same way he won, 306 to 232. Sounds like you prefer a banana republic where rule of law and the will of the people just don't matter.
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

So you want to tell us a billionaire brat who never or his family or kids served a day in the Army are more patriot than the Generals that risked their lives for this country?
If I were in charge I would rip his medals off his uniform for saying this....disgusting....seditious prick.....why should we fight to be less than 1st?...we shouldn't.....
When radio host Howard Stern asked Trump in September 2002 if he is "for invading Iraq," Trump responded, "Yeah, I guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly."

Dude or girl you to stop being a stupid slave, use your brain....trump has 0 patriotism in his bone, all he cares about is his image.
If I were in charge I would rip his medals off his uniform for saying this....disgusting....seditious prick.....why should we fight to be less than 1st?...we shouldn't.....
When radio host Howard Stern asked Trump in September 2002 if he is "for invading Iraq," Trump responded, "Yeah, I guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly."

Dude or girl you to stop being a stupid slave, use your brain....trump has 0 patriotism in his bone, all he cares about is his image.
He has done more for the middle class than any president in many many decades !!
Yes T loves his image and is a narcissist but he loves America even more
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

An American general in the 1930s made about the same argument.

He was posted in Central America.

He came to realize, he says, that the American army (such as it was in the 1920s & 1930s) was sent to those banana republics to support the entrenched interests, not the common people.

Boy! Are we paying for that mistake now!

(On the Web, read about General Smedley Butler.)
Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is urging Joe Biden to dump President Trump’s “America first” foreign policy for a more “cooperative” approach with the country’s allies around the globe.

Unbelievable that he said this openly....but I'm glad he did because if we return to war we will know who encouraged it......

Trump doesn’t have any policies. He had an agenda. A criminals agenda. And he’s going to pay for it.

You have to be a total fool to choose a criminal con man over actual competent generals on something like foreign policy issues.
Most generals only got there by politics

America doesn't need generals who don't support America First.

Did Mattis have a stroke or something?
No they’re all political Hacks whether in a filthy dirty black robe or a military uniform with many fake patches and medals
If you want to have loyalty, they need more jingles !
They hate him because he didn’t listen to their “advice”. He refused to overthrow Assad and plunge us into more wars.
You are badly informed. Actually as Trump’s first Secretary of Defense it fell to Mattis to convince Trump the U.S. should not try to assassinate Assad.

America First” was just a slogan for Trump. His policy was basically to ally with dictators everywhere and butchers like the Saudi Crown Prince MbS in the Persian Gulf. It was everywhere self-defeating. On the other side, more sophisticated men like Biden and Mattis and CIA types have always believed in the ...American Empire First.”

I wrote this on General Mattis & Trump earlier:
SassyIrishLass said:
I can't believe Mad Dog Mattis went all puppy
Then DON’T believe this nonsense.

What NOBODY should believe is the childish simplifications one reads ... in most USMB comments.

Trump liked the nickname “Mad Dog Mattis” and met him for a little chat before appointing him Defense Secretary in 2016. Mattis had a reputation as a fine Marine military man, in Trump’s words “A True General’s General.” He was also in fact a highly experienced military administrator, but was known to Trump above all as somebody the Obama Administration had not trusted because of what it felt were his too aggressive militarist inclinations in the Middle East:

As head of Central Command, Mattis oversaw the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and was responsible for a region that includes Syria, Iran, and Yemen. He lobbied the Obama administration for a more aggressive response to Iran, including more covert operations and disruption of Iranian arms shipments to Syria and Yemen. According to Leon Panetta, the Obama Administration did not place much trust in Mattis because he was perceived as too eager for a military confrontation with Iran. Panetta later said Mattis lacked "the maturity to look at all of the options that a president should look at in order to make the right decisions.”

Jim Mattis - Wikipedia

Yet Mattis was no toady to the inexperienced and impulsive Trump:

Mattis occasionally voiced his disagreement with certain Trump administration policies such as the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, withdrawals of troops from Syria and Afghanistan, and ... dissuaded Trump from attempting to assassinate Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria. On December 20, 2018, after failing to convince Trump to reconsider his decision to withdraw all American troops from Syria, Mattis announced his resignation effective the end of February 2019 ... After Mattis's resignation generated significant media coverage, Trump abruptly accelerated Mattis departure date to January 1, stating that he had essentially fired Mattis. On June 3, 2020 ... Mattis publicly criticized Trump, calling him "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us."

Jim Mattis - Wikipedia

Mattis is a retired fighting man, a classic leader of soldiers. His patriotism and intelligence are undeniable. But he is not a political leader. Whatever disagreements one may have with him about larger political issues, there is no doubt that as a man and leader he is incomparably superior to that egomaniacal demagogue & tweet-addicted incompetent — our own conman President Donald Trump.
Yea sure. :cuckoo:
Just to back up the point about Mattis dissuading Trump from assassinating Assad, which Hillary & Obama had rejected, here is Trump in his own words: Trump Claims He Wanted To Assassinate Syrian President Assad, But Mattis Opposed It
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They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

I think this is where you are a little confused. Our policy since WWII has been to be part of alliances where other people are doing most of the fighting and dying. That was True of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and even Korea.

There's a Chinese person hiding under your bed, right now.

It's amazing how the so called Patriots and Real Americans turn on men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving this country when it comes to a man who refused to serve his country and has done nothing but cater to himself and his rich buddies. If he were to see most of these Trump Humpers on the street he wouldn't even speak to them.
They hate him because he didn’t listen to their “advice”. He refused to overthrow Assad and plunge us into more wars.
You are badly informed. Actually as Trump’s first Secretary of Defense it fell to Mattis to convince Trump the U.S. should not try to assassinate Assad.

America First” was just a slogan for Trump. His policy was basically to ally with dictators everywhere and butchers like the Saudi Crown Prince MbS in the Persian Gulf. It was everywhere self-defeating. On the other side, more sophisticated men like Biden and Mattis and CIA types have always believed in the ...American Empire First.”

I wrote this on General Mattis & Trump earlier:
SassyIrishLass said:
I can't believe Mad Dog Mattis went all puppy
Then DON’T believe this nonsense.

What NOBODY should believe is the childish simplifications one reads ... in most USMB comments.

Trump liked the nickname “Mad Dog Mattis” and met him for a little chat before appointing him Defense Secretary in 2016. Mattis had a reputation as a fine Marine military man, in Trump’s words “A True General’s General.” He was also in fact a highly experienced military administrator, but was known to Trump above all as somebody the Obama Administration had not trusted because of what it felt were his too aggressive militarist inclinations in the Middle East:

As head of Central Command, Mattis oversaw the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and was responsible for a region that includes Syria, Iran, and Yemen. He lobbied the Obama administration for a more aggressive response to Iran, including more covert operations and disruption of Iranian arms shipments to Syria and Yemen. According to Leon Panetta, the Obama Administration did not place much trust in Mattis because he was perceived as too eager for a military confrontation with Iran. Panetta later said Mattis lacked "the maturity to look at all of the options that a president should look at in order to make the right decisions.”

Jim Mattis - Wikipedia

Yet Mattis was no toady to the inexperienced and impulsive Trump:

Mattis occasionally voiced his disagreement with certain Trump administration policies such as the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, withdrawals of troops from Syria and Afghanistan, and ... dissuaded Trump from attempting to assassinate Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria. On December 20, 2018, after failing to convince Trump to reconsider his decision to withdraw all American troops from Syria, Mattis announced his resignation effective the end of February 2019 ... After Mattis's resignation generated significant media coverage, Trump abruptly accelerated Mattis departure date to January 1, stating that he had essentially fired Mattis. On June 3, 2020 ... Mattis publicly criticized Trump, calling him "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us."

Jim Mattis - Wikipedia

Mattis is a retired fighting man, a classic leader of soldiers. His patriotism and intelligence are undeniable. But he is not a political leader. Whatever disagreements one may have with him about larger political issues, there is no doubt that as a man and leader he is incomparably superior to that egomaniacal demagogue & tweet-addicted incompetent — our own conman President Donald Trump.
Yea sure. :cuckoo:
Just to back up the point about Mattis dissuading Trump from assassinating Assad, which Hillary & Obama had rejected, here is Trump in his own words: Trump Claims He Wanted To Assassinate Syrian President Assad, But Mattis Opposed It
Yea, they wanted to INVADE Syria and cause a long drawn out war. If he just had to be removed, then why not just assassinate him? Oh, because it turns out that’s not what it’s really about. It’s really about the big defense contracts that come with a big war. It was brilliant of President Trump to say that to expose the warmongers’ true intentions.
Trump was all talk and no action. Nothing changed under him.
True that he was all talk and no action.trump fans don’t want to hear this,they never address it that he was all talk and no action. He said he was going to get rid of the fed,he never lifted a finger to even try.he said he was going to drain the swamp,well why did he not lift one finger to get rid of the cia,fbi,and nsa? Why did he not demand for a new independent investigation into 9/11.? Why has he not demanded the media to stop lying about the jfk assassination? I asked one trump supporter these questions once and he accused me of getting bent out of shape just for asking these fair questions and even said I insulted him. :uhoh3::cuckoo: Hopefully the other trump supporters will be more reasonable.

in that regard,yes you are correct,nothing changed under are incorrect though on this front though,he was a refreshing change over the last five corrupt administrations we had before him,all presidents that were warmongers,he was the first president sense carter to not start any wars that is why the elite want him out as they did with carter as well. I am not a trump supporter in the fact he had four years to drain the swamp but did nothing.I only want trump In for a second term because same as last time with hitlery,the alternative is five times worse.

Plus this election has nothing to do with trump,it’s way bigger than that,if this massive voter fraud is allowed to stand,then America will cease to be america again,that’s what is at stake here,it is way bigger than trump.
.the armchair Generals want us back in the nation rebuilding game and back to war....and they hate Trump for pulling us out.....
Don't discount Israels influence- or Saudi- or the Petro Dollar hegemony- I read that Trump was about to do a JFK, so, he was defeated politically vs being shot- much cleaner and it keep Israel relevant-
Yeah people here don’t seem to understand that he really is on par with JFk in stepping in some powerful toes,most here overlook the Israel connection,the mossad was heavily involved in the jfk assassination with the CIA because he cut off side to them. Most of trumps first term,Israel was pleased with him especially after he cut off aide to the Palestine’s but did not do the same to Israel as he should have. He was playing ball with them at that point,now however he has not been playing ball with them and they are pissed at him for signing the Israel,Palestine peace plan,they want him out now. Their influence is a major factor in the elite trying to get rid of him and out the door,and the saudis have a lot of influence on it as well.well said.:thup:

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