So we have to bail out the insurance companies when they lose money?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Can I please have my company signed up with the government. I want a guaranteed profit damnit.

If you like your profit you can keep it, period. Your doctor? Not so much
Not only is there a taxpayer bailout of insurance companies built-in to the ACA, but since the subsidy payment part of the website isn't built yet, the WH plans to just let insurance companies estimate how much they should be paid in subsidies, and HHS will cut a check and maybe reconcile it later on.

Heck, it's not Obama's money, so just shovel it out!
So, the real issue here is that the website is still having issues. People who believe they have coverage after enrolling will get the shock of their lives come January 1st, 2014. They will be uninsured.

I'm telling you liberals, the backlash is going to be tremendous. Obama has established himself to be a habitual liar, and now he's trying to cover his backside by bailing out insurance companies for losing money because of Obamacare. And here I thought he didn't advocate big business. Ooops! There another one of 'dem lies he told!

So we have to bail out the insurance companies when they lose money?


Don't think so.

Our President promised us 4 things for sure:

1) If we like out healthcare plans, we can keep them;

2) If we like our Doctor, we can keep them;

3) Each family will save $2500 a year on health care;

4) Taxes won't increase and neither the annual deficit nor the national debt will increase under ObamaCare.

If the Taxpayers have to bail out the insurance companies because young people don't behave stupidly and pay good money to subsidize old people--then this last one would be a Lie.

The President does not Lie---ask Jay Carney.


But, there is this page or two out of the 2000 page ObamaCare Act...which the President must have missed...which says the Government will bailout insurance companies if they lose money helping him out with his great Socialist experiment. It looks like like it is going to cost taxpayers a huge amount.

The fact is that no President has told so many Lies, so often, to so many citizens...and been caught so red-handed. ObamaCare is the largest FRAUD ever perpetrated in American history. Madoff stands in awe of its audacity....and if Obama wasn't Black...impeachment proceeding would likely already have started.

Admittedly, the country has no appetite for impeaching the first Black President.

But, if he had pulled this scam as a private the business world...he would be in the hoosegow with Madoff....yes criminal fraud....and every person could sue him civilly for fraudulent misrepresentation...punitive damages.

And every citizen would win.
Not only is there a taxpayer bailout of insurance companies built-in to the ACA, but since the subsidy payment part of the website isn't built yet, the WH plans to just let insurance companies estimate how much they should be paid in subsidies, and HHS will cut a check and maybe reconcile it later on.

Heck, it's not Obama's money, so just shovel it out!


Another nail in da' coffin for the remaining middle-class.

Taxed enough already?
So obama fluffers...getting chapped lips yet?
But no worries,I'm sure Chapstick is covered under obammy care.
So this law basically bails out the poor and uber rich at the expense of the middle class.
So this law basically bails out the poor and uber rich at the expense of the middle class.

See? And you all think Obama is so horrible compared to his predecessors.
Where was your anger when Hank Paulson (ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs and Secty of Treasury to Bush) gave the banks $750,000,000,000 when Bear Stearns collapsed?

The other fucking banks didn't! But they all got money anyway!
So this law basically bails out the poor and uber rich at the expense of the middle class.

See? And you all think Obama is so horrible compared to his predecessors.
Where was your anger when Hank Paulson (ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs and Secty of Treasury to Bush) gave the banks $750,000,000,000 when Bear Stearns collapsed?

The other fucking banks didn't! But they all got money anyway!

The anger was there for all to see you just chose to ignore it.

So this law basically bails out the poor and uber rich at the expense of the middle class.

This is where the Socialists screwed up.

They sent the bill, or a big part of it anyway, directly to the Middle Class...payable immediately.

The rest of the cost, the part they hid from us...the Insurance Company Bailout...they'll put that on the Chinese Credit card for our children to pay.
Can I please have my company signed up with the government. I want a guaranteed profit damnit.

If you like your profit you can keep it, period. Your doctor? Not so much

you are not the super rich and you don't feed the scrapes from your table to the dimocrap scum.

Until you get there - don't expect them to provide middle class money to make you even richer.
So this law basically bails out the poor and uber rich at the expense of the middle class.

that is what the left ALWAYS does.

It robs the middle class to benefit the rich ( the poor not so much, but they scream about it to divert attention from their real beneficiaries of the robbery).
The process is there until there is no more middle class - it is all government-depending "poor" and the very rich and the left has the power grip that is permanent.

NOW the real fun starts - as they finally turn towards the ones they plan to rob as well, just did not have had the possibility yet - those stupid very rich who supported the left by the scrapes from their table and thought in their greedy ignorance that the history won't repeat itself ;)
eventual scenario differs form simple fleeing to being murdered, but, honestly I kind of don't feel sympathy for the leftard enablers with deep pockets, as they deserve it.

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