So we're back to the "root causes of illegal immigration" malarkey

Done, you are simply incapable of being honest here.
According to the White House, here is what VP Harris plans to do to stop illegal immigration by addressing the root causes of it:

Desired End State

A democratic, prosperous, and safe Central America, where people advance economically, live, work, and learn in safety and dignity, contribute to and benefit from the democratic process, have confidence in public institutions, and enjoy opportunities to create futures for themselves and their families at home.

First of all, why Central America, when so many of the illegal immigrants are from Mexico, which is North America, not to mention illegal immigrants from all over the world, who are flocking to Mexico to take advantage of Biden's open border?

But, how in the world is Kamala Harris going to bring prosperity and safety to Central America? If she had the ability to do that, shouldn't her efforts be spent on Democratic Party-controlled cities in the United States first?
What are the root causes of bank robbery?

can we improve the economic situation of criminals that will deter them from robbing banks?
Where is the Dem's compassion for the other 4 billion poor people on earth? Oh that's right, they don't need those poor people to RIG elections just a few million from south of the border.
Done, you are simply incapable of being honest here.
Done, you are simply incapable of admitting that lowlife foreigners who snuck into our country with bogus asylum claim are usurping Americans who are waiting for a subsidized apartment (once they drop their taxpayer-supported little anchor).

We could go a long way to discouraging the swarm if we got rid of the birthright amendment. It was never intended for foreigners to swarm in in order to get taxpayer money for giving birth within months, and then suck a lifetime of benefits from American taxpayers.
Guess how many illegals qualify to come to America legally under our immigration laws...yeah none of them. Even if a few did is it okay for them to take cuts and jump to the front of the line, just sneak across the border illegally and ignore our laws??
Done, you are simply incapable of admitting that lowlife foreigners who snuck into our country with bogus asylum claim are usurping Americans who are waiting for a subsidized apartment (once they drop their taxpayer-supported little anchor).

We could go a long way to discouraging the swarm if we got rid of the birthright amendment. It was never intended for foreigners to swarm in in order to get taxpayer money for giving birth within months.

There is a system to change the Constitution if you wish. No one is stopping anyone from pursuing that.
They're only seeking "asylum" to game the system, fool.
Illegals come here and by last count over 1/3rd of all illegals are engaged in a massive tax fraud scam. Billions of dollars in fraudulent tax refunds, paid for by Americans. The IRS says it's powerless to stop it unless congress acts and Democrats have blocked all attempts at stopping the scam.

This is the quality of immigrants Dems are allowing to pour across our borders, law breakers, scammers, people of low character and criminal intent.
Wow, I said Trump won my state big. You were not able of comprehend that?
I’m multi-threading. Missed it. Please accept my apologies for such an inexcusable oversight. It’s a worse action that sneaking into someone else’s country in order to soak their taxpayers into supporting my kids.
No "maybe so" about it....They're gaming the system and you're too intellectually dishonest to admit it straight up.
Democrats are enabling them to game the system, why? Because Democrats can't convince a majority of Americans to let them in legally, they would be wiped out in elections. So as is typical of Dems they lie, scheme and game the system ignoring the law.
Illegals come here and by last count over 1/3rd of all illegals are engaged in a massive tax fraud scam. Billions of dollars in fraudulent tax refunds, paid for by Americans. The IRS says it's powerless to stop it unless congress acts and Democrats have blocked all attempts at stopping the scam.

This is the quality of immigrants Dems are allowing to pour across our borders, law breakers, scammers, people of low character and criminal intent.
They’re the worst of the worst. The middle class people with jobs and homes aren’t coming here.….the bottom of the barrel is, and that’s who the Dems want: a permanent underclass that will vote (eventually) for freebies.

There is a system to change the Constitution if you wish. No one is stopping anyone from pursuing that.

That takes a long time, and the harm that 30 million illegals will have done to our country, with another 30 million or more of their anchors, will be irreversible.

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