So, what do libs think we should do about North Korea?

What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

Why did they ? Geez , people act as if we are on the other side of the planet minding our own biz and this little country wants to start shit with us because they have nothing better to do .

NOKO is a lot of mouth, that mouth is writing checks their ass can't cash.
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

How is that different than Trumps threat of "Fire and Fury"?

I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.

Is NK invading everyone seeking to start an empire ? No .

Just leave them be .

Good grief you're such a whiny little pacifist

I imagine you got stuffed in many a locker
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

Why did they ? Geez , people act as if we are on the other side of the planet minding our own biz and this little country wants to start shit with us because they have nothing better to do .

NOKO is a lot of mouth, that mouth is writing checks their ass can't cash.

Great. Except this isn’t grade school recess .

The war machine always needs a bad guy, NK is the latest . A blast from the past . So to speak.
Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

How is that different than Trumps threat of "Fire and Fury"?

I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.

Is NK invading everyone seeking to start an empire ? No .

Just leave them be .

Good grief you're such a whiny little pacifist

I imagine you got stuffed in many a locker

Lol. And you are just the mindless sucker that war hawks love .

Nk is no threat to US . The only reason they saber rattle is because we’ve been bullying them for 60 years .
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

Why did they ? Geez , people act as if we are on the other side of the planet minding our own biz and this little country wants to start shit with us because they have nothing better to do .

NOKO is a lot of mouth, that mouth is writing checks their ass can't cash.

Great. Except this isn’t grade school recess .

The war machine always needs a bad guy, NK is the latest . A blast from the past . So to speak.

Well why don't you and your fellow loons go over and sing kumbaya, eat rainbow stew and drink Bubble Up with them and make it all better
If North Korea is our enemy because they threaten to lob nukes at us.
How can russia ever be our friend?
Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

How is that different than Trumps threat of "Fire and Fury"?

I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.

Is NK invading everyone seeking to start an empire ? No .

Just leave them be .

Good grief you're such a whiny little pacifist

I imagine you got stuffed in many a locker

Lol. And you are just the mindless sucker that war hawks love .

Nk is no threat to US . The only reason they saber rattle is because we’ve been bullying them for 60 years .

You're a whiny pacifist that nobody loves
Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

Why did they ? Geez , people act as if we are on the other side of the planet minding our own biz and this little country wants to start shit with us because they have nothing better to do .

NOKO is a lot of mouth, that mouth is writing checks their ass can't cash.

Great. Except this isn’t grade school recess .

The war machine always needs a bad guy, NK is the latest . A blast from the past . So to speak.

Well why don't you and your fellow loons go over and sing kumbaya, eat rainbow stew and drink Bubble Up with them and make it all better

Let’s do your idea . Nuke war! Let’s kill millions of people to stroke your ego while you stay safe a 1/2 planet away .
How is that different than Trumps threat of "Fire and Fury"?

I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.

Is NK invading everyone seeking to start an empire ? No .

Just leave them be .

Good grief you're such a whiny little pacifist

I imagine you got stuffed in many a locker

Lol. And you are just the mindless sucker that war hawks love .

Nk is no threat to US . The only reason they saber rattle is because we’ve been bullying them for 60 years .

You're a whiny pacifist that nobody loves

And you are a mindless meathead. Go on and buy into the propaganda .
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea? should realize that Kim Jung Un is just a "smaller" version of YOUR hero, Trump.........Both idiots have hefty doses of:

Low self esteem,
Desires to be constantly praised
Armed with nukes
....and an "adoring" cult like crowd of idiots......

So, given your penchant to lick asses, Kim Jung Un should be YOUR hero, not mine.
I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.

Is NK invading everyone seeking to start an empire ? No .

Just leave them be .

Good grief you're such a whiny little pacifist

I imagine you got stuffed in many a locker

Lol. And you are just the mindless sucker that war hawks love .

Nk is no threat to US . The only reason they saber rattle is because we’ve been bullying them for 60 years .

You're a whiny pacifist that nobody loves

And you are a mindless meathead. Go on and buy into the propaganda .

You really don't think I give a shit what you say do you, well dweller?

Blockade them, bring China to the table but keep a finger on the trigger
Oh NOW you're worried about debt and defict after Ear's 10 trillon dollar run.


I've always been worried about the deficit, which is why I didn't complain when Obama cut the deficit by 60%.

Can you name a republican to ever leave office with a smaller deficit than he started with? Hint it hasn't happened since IKE.
Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

Why did they ? Geez , people act as if we are on the other side of the planet minding our own biz and this little country wants to start shit with us because they have nothing better to do .

NOKO is a lot of mouth, that mouth is writing checks their ass can't cash.

Great. Except this isn’t grade school recess .

The war machine always needs a bad guy, NK is the latest . A blast from the past . So to speak.

Well why don't you and your fellow loons go over and sing kumbaya, eat rainbow stew and drink Bubble Up with them and make it all better

Let’s do your idea . Nuke war! Let’s kill millions of people to stroke your ego while you stay safe a 1/2 planet away .

I never said strike with nukes first, dipshit
Oh NOW you're worried about debt and defict after Ear's 10 trillon dollar run.


I've always been worried about the deficit, which is why I didn't complain when Obama cut the deficit by 60%.

Can you name a republican to ever leave office with a smaller deficit than he started with? Hint it hasn't happened since IKE.

You have an O ring around your mouth.

Any further discussion with you is a no sum game. Merry Christmas
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

Their leader is a punk. He knows, and even if he ignores it, N. Korea will cease to exist if they attack the United States. Within minutes he will die and his generals know they and their families will too, thus they won't let him.

China knows this too, and this is not 1950.

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