So, what do libs think we should do about North Korea?

You're right NOT a situation we want the ah trump to decide on

Then what?
Well first of all there was no great situation like this with obama SO my suggestion would be to tell trump to shut his fn mouth and see what transpires next The ah un knows we can blow up his country so he's all mouth a little like trump

So you're saying just do nothing. Just ignore them.
NO I'm saying I don't want an AH like Trump making that huge decision

What would Pence do?
Don't rightly know but there is no one I'd trust less than trump with a huge decision like that
Then what?
Well first of all there was no great situation like this with obama SO my suggestion would be to tell trump to shut his fn mouth and see what transpires next The ah un knows we can blow up his country so he's all mouth a little like trump

So you're saying just do nothing. Just ignore them.
NO I'm saying I don't want an AH like Trump making that huge decision

What would Pence do?
Don't rightly know but there is no one I'd trust less than trump with a huge decision like that

Trust him. besides, do you want to merely exist like you did the last 8 years, or go out in a blaze of glory?

I'm not afraid Are you?
Then what?
Well first of all there was no great situation like this with obama SO my suggestion would be to tell trump to shut his fn mouth and see what transpires next The ah un knows we can blow up his country so he's all mouth a little like trump

So you're saying just do nothing. Just ignore them.
NO I'm saying I don't want an AH like Trump making that huge decision

What would Pence do?
Don't rightly know but there is no one I'd trust less than trump with a huge decision like that

The joint chiefs will make the call when the time comes
Well first of all there was no great situation like this with obama SO my suggestion would be to tell trump to shut his fn mouth and see what transpires next The ah un knows we can blow up his country so he's all mouth a little like trump

So you're saying just do nothing. Just ignore them.
NO I'm saying I don't want an AH like Trump making that huge decision

What would Pence do?
Don't rightly know but there is no one I'd trust less than trump with a huge decision like that

The joint chiefs will make the call when the time comes

That's how it works. How long were they poised to take out bin Laden, before Obama gave the go-ahead? Obama did nothing but say "ok".
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Advice for the President:
a. Stop mocking KIm Jung-Un
b. Stop with the Brinkmanship
c. Speak softly and less often
d. Listen to advisers, on both sides of the issue, and the Atlantic
e. Listen to our allies in S. Korea and Japan
f. Research the Cuban Missile Crisis
h. Stop making promises, and stop lying
I. Drain the damn swamp (Esp. of those you've appointed)
j. Listen to Pope Francis
k. Stay off the Golf Course and learn you job
l. Apologize to President Obama, and HRC

And then you may be able to survive impeachment, if you have not yet committed high crimes and misdemeanors. If you have, put America First, resign and live quietly in Florida and maybe OJ will play golf with you, and you will avoid Federal Prison.
They think we should give them nuclear weapons along with missile tech. Its not fair that we should have better weapons them they do
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Advice for the President:
a. Stop mocking KIm Jung-Un
b. Stop with the Brinkmanship
c. Speak softly and less often
d. Listen to advisers, on both sides of the issue, and the Atlantic
e. Listen to our allies in S. Korea and Japan
f. Research the Cuban Missile Crisis
g. Stop lying
h. Stop making promises
I. Drain the damn swamp (Esp. of those you've appointed)
j. Listen to Pope Francis
k. Stay off the Golf Course and learn you job
l. Apologize to President Obama, and HRC

And then you may be able to survive impeachment, if you have not yet committed high crimes and misdemeanors. If you have, put America First, resign and live quietly in Florida and maybe OJ will play golf with you, and you will avoid Federal Prison.

Once again a fool feels these comments are "funny"; yet lacks the education and level of intelligence to write a rebuttal to anyone of the dozen bullet points.
Trump believes nuclear weapons are there to be used. And he asked the joint chiefs to build him more, because his nuclear arsenal was smaller than previous presidents. Call it plutonium envy.
Trump believes nuclear weapons are there to be used. And he asked the joint chiefs to build him more, because his nuclear arsenal was smaller than previous presidents. Call it plutonium envy.

If his hands and tweets are any indication, it is Penis Envy.
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

How is that different than Trumps threat of "Fire and Fury"?

I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

Why did they ? Geez , people act as if we are on the other side of the planet minding our own biz and this little country wants to start shit with us because they have nothing better to do .
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

How is that different than Trumps threat of "Fire and Fury"?

I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.

Not at all. I enlisted in 1967, and fully understand (and understood at the time) what Kerry felt upon separation from Active Duty. I did too.
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


Ummm. How about we leave them alone ?

Answer this question : why are we enemies of North Korea ?

Could be because they keep threatening to lob nukes at us.

How is that different than Trumps threat of "Fire and Fury"?

I believe that was in response to the half pint's threat to lob nukes.

You're used to the Obama/Neville Chamberlin art of appeasement.

Is NK invading everyone seeking to start an empire ? No .

Just leave them be .

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