So What Do You Think Is A Fair And Decent Wage?...

Project much Mac? They said the same things to Henry Ford after he raised wages for his workers.

But it is so nice to see you so concerned that CEO's and other executives that you worship might have to take a cut in their more than sufficient pay checks so that their employees could make a little better wages.

Yea i can see the suffering that a man or woman making a million dollars a year would have if they only made $900,000k.

Why I just don't think an executive can get by on 900,000 thousand dollars a year. Or even 750,000. How would they do it Mac?

Face it Mac, you make your living (financial planning?) working with the more affluent among us. You don't want to say anything bad about them (rich people). That's how you make YOUR money. But really. Have a little more empathy for people like me who work for a living.

If your beloved executives made a little less so their employees could make a little more, it would be alright Mac. The world wouldn't end if the top 1% had a decrease in their income. Really. And some things (like the economy) would actually improve.

For the record, a couple dozen of my clients are small business owners, people who are busting their ass seven days a week to run and grow their businesses. You know, the same people who "didn't build that". Since you're so concerned about people making too much money, I'd think a good idea would be for Our Great & Glorious Leaders in Central Planning to impose income caps. Would you like that?

But I'm glad you didn't dispute my points, you evidently realized you could not and decided instead to throw a few straw men at me. Good, I appreciate that.

Raise the minimum wage to $50 an hour, I truly don't care. I've pretty much completed my grieving process for this country and I'm happy to observe.


You didn't dispute his, either. You changed the subject, and then tried to end the thread.

I have long since given up burning time trying to shoot down intellectually dishonest straw men thrown out by partisan ideologues.

I described what will likely happen. He got emotional and told me what I "think".

If I'm wrong, perhaps you can tell me how. Certainly you folks know much more about business than I, let me have it.

By the way, precisely how does one "end a thread"?

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For the record, a couple dozen of my clients are small business owners, people who are busting their ass seven days a week to run and grow their businesses. You know, the same people who "didn't build that". Since you're so concerned about people making too much money, I'd think a good idea would be for Our Great & Glorious Leaders in Central Planning to impose income caps. Would you like that?

But I'm glad you didn't dispute my points, you evidently realized you could not and decided instead to throw a few straw men at me. Good, I appreciate that.

Raise the minimum wage to $50 an hour, I truly don't care. I've pretty much completed my grieving process for this country and I'm happy to observe.


You didn't dispute his, either. You changed the subject, and then tried to end the thread.

I have long since given up burning time trying to shoot down intellectually dishonest straw men thrown out by partisan ideologues.

I described what will likely happen. He got emotional and told me what I "think".

If I'm wrong, perhaps you can tell me how. Certainly you folks know much more about business than I, let me have it.

By the way, precisely how does one "end a thread"?


Oh, c'mon. Just this once. Pretend you are on an actual debate team, and answer his questions. If not, then the win is his.

Of course, the first thing the companies will have to do is downsize their minimum wage workforce, cut the hours of many others, and heap more responsibilities on those who remain. It should be interesting to see how much work a low-skilled minimum wage worker can stand. Kinda like a science experiment, cool.

Then, of course, those who have lost their jobs and those who had their hours cut and those who didn't get the jobs because the employers aren't hiring will end up on welfare.

I guess then the government can step in again and force companies to hire minimum wage workers whether they need them or not. Because that's the job of government: Step in and force.

More and more and more power to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning, because they love us and they care.

Great stuff, let's do it, this should be fun.


Project much Mac? They said the same things to Henry Ford after he raised wages for his workers.

But it is so nice to see you so concerned that CEO's and other executives that you worship might have to take a cut in their more than sufficient pay checks so that their employees could make a little better wages.

Yea i can see the suffering that a man or woman making a million dollars a year would have if they only made $900,000k.

Why I just don't think an executive can get by on 900,000 thousand dollars a year. Or even 750,000. How would they do it Mac?

Face it Mac, you make your living (financial planning?) working with the more affluent among us. You don't want to say anything bad about them (rich people). That's how you make YOUR money. But really. Have a little more empathy for people like me who work for a living.

If your beloved executives made a little less so their employees could make a little more, it would be alright Mac. The world wouldn't end if the top 1% had a decrease in their income. Really. And some things (like the economy) would actually improve.

For the record, a couple dozen of my clients are small business owners, people who are busting their ass seven days a week to run and grow their businesses. You know, the same people who "didn't build that". Since you're so concerned about people making too much money, I'd think a good idea would be for Our Great & Glorious Leaders in Central Planning to impose income caps. Would you like that?

But I'm glad you didn't dispute my points, you evidently realized you could not and decided instead to throw a few straw men at me. Good, I appreciate that.

Raise the minimum wage to $50 an hour, I truly don't care. I've pretty much completed my grieving process for this country and I'm happy to observe.


Dispute what point Mac. The fact that low wage workers with more money to spend is good for the overall economy. That is a fact. Nothing to dispute. Why don't you know this stuff?

And an executive making 900,000 k a year will survive just fine Mac. That is a fact also.

So what is it that you think I ignored in your "points"? And how come you ignored ole Henry Ford. He raised wages and things worked out well for the Ford Motor Company. You want to dispute that statement?

You know what a "reduction to the ridiculous" close is Mac? If not, look it up. But people like you that hate the idea of raising minimum wages always do the opposite of the reduction to the ridiculous. You do the "increase to the ridiculous."

WELL IF 15 DOLLARS IS GOOD JUST RAISE IT TO 50 DOLLARS. What bullshit. That's the kind of stuff you do when you don't have a good argument, isn't it?

You understand how petty that makes you sound? No one that is an advocate of raising the minimum wage has said anything about 50 dollars an hour for minimum wage.

But look at it this way mac. If people made at minimum 50 dollars an hour, you would have more clients. And more than likely, the people you work with make close to 50 an hour now. More money for YOU Mac. Would that be a bad thing?
You didn't dispute his, either. You changed the subject, and then tried to end the thread.

I have long since given up burning time trying to shoot down intellectually dishonest straw men thrown out by partisan ideologues.

I described what will likely happen. He got emotional and told me what I "think".

If I'm wrong, perhaps you can tell me how. Certainly you folks know much more about business than I, let me have it.

By the way, precisely how does one "end a thread"?


Oh, c'mon. Just this once. Pretend you are on an actual debate team, and answer his questions. If not, then the win is his.

"The win"? What is this, junior high? And let me guess, you'll be the judge, right?


Tell you what: Even though Zeke successfully avoided addressing my specific points, and even though you're clearly more than willing to help him do so, I'll be happy to answer any questions. I don't play Zeke's avoidance game.

Do me a favor and translate Zeke's emotional diatribe into coherent, mature, civil questions and, unlike Zeke, I'll respond.


Yeah take it from someone else.

Zeke can be the arbiter of what portion you deserve to keep of your earnings and what you must give to support him.
Project much Mac? They said the same things to Henry Ford after he raised wages for his workers.

But it is so nice to see you so concerned that CEO's and other executives that you worship might have to take a cut in their more than sufficient pay checks so that their employees could make a little better wages.

Yea i can see the suffering that a man or woman making a million dollars a year would have if they only made $900,000k.

Why I just don't think an executive can get by on 900,000 thousand dollars a year. Or even 750,000. How would they do it Mac?

Face it Mac, you make your living (financial planning?) working with the more affluent among us. You don't want to say anything bad about them (rich people). That's how you make YOUR money. But really. Have a little more empathy for people like me who work for a living.

If your beloved executives made a little less so their employees could make a little more, it would be alright Mac. The world wouldn't end if the top 1% had a decrease in their income. Really. And some things (like the economy) would actually improve.

For the record, a couple dozen of my clients are small business owners, people who are busting their ass seven days a week to run and grow their businesses. You know, the same people who "didn't build that". Since you're so concerned about people making too much money, I'd think a good idea would be for Our Great & Glorious Leaders in Central Planning to impose income caps. Would you like that?

But I'm glad you didn't dispute my points, you evidently realized you could not and decided instead to throw a few straw men at me. Good, I appreciate that.

Raise the minimum wage to $50 an hour, I truly don't care. I've pretty much completed my grieving process for this country and I'm happy to observe.


Dispute what point Mac. The fact that low wage workers with more money to spend is good for the overall economy. That is a fact. Nothing to dispute. Why don't you know this stuff?

And an executive making 900,000 k a year will survive just fine Mac. That is a fact also.

So what is it that you think I ignored in your "points"? And how come you ignored ole Henry Ford. He raised wages and things worked out well for the Ford Motor Company. You want to dispute that statement?

You know what a "reduction to the ridiculous" close is Mac? If not, look it up. But people like you that hate the idea of raising minimum wages always do the opposite of the reduction to the ridiculous. You do the "increase to the ridiculous."

WELL IF 15 DOLLARS IS GOOD JUST RAISE IT TO 50 DOLLARS. What bullshit. That's the kind of stuff you do when you don't have a good argument, isn't it?

You understand how petty that makes you sound? No one that is an advocate of raising the minimum wage has said anything about 50 dollars an hour for minimum wage.

But look at it this way mac. If people made at minimum 50 dollars an hour, you would have more clients. And more than likely, the people you work with make close to 50 an hour now. More money for YOU Mac. Would that be a bad thing?

Were you planning on addressing what I actually said? Just curious.

And if you're not happy with how much executives make, what is your fix for that? Precisely?

I have long since given up burning time trying to shoot down intellectually dishonest straw men thrown out by partisan ideologues.

I described what will likely happen. He got emotional and told me what I "think".

If I'm wrong, perhaps you can tell me how. Certainly you folks know much more about business than I, let me have it.

By the way, precisely how does one "end a thread"?


Oh, c'mon. Just this once. Pretend you are on an actual debate team, and answer his questions. If not, then the win is his.

"The win"? What is this, junior high? And let me guess, you'll be the judge, right?


Tell you what: Even though Zeke successfully avoided addressing my specific points, and even though you're clearly more than willing to help him do so, I'll be happy to answer any questions. I don't play Zeke's avoidance game.

Do me a favor and translate Zeke's emotional diatribe into coherent, mature, civil questions and, unlike Zeke, I'll respond.



All his posts have been in English, and he used reasonably small words.

Your request for a translator is denied.

Start with his post above the one I am responding to.
I have long since given up burning time trying to shoot down intellectually dishonest straw men thrown out by partisan ideologues.

I described what will likely happen. He got emotional and told me what I "think".

If I'm wrong, perhaps you can tell me how. Certainly you folks know much more about business than I, let me have it.

By the way, precisely how does one "end a thread"?


Oh, c'mon. Just this once. Pretend you are on an actual debate team, and answer his questions. If not, then the win is his.

"The win"? What is this, junior high? And let me guess, you'll be the judge, right?


Tell you what: Even though Zeke successfully avoided addressing my specific points, and even though you're clearly more than willing to help him do so, I'll be happy to answer any questions. I don't play Zeke's avoidance game.

Do me a favor and translate Zeke's emotional diatribe into coherent, mature, civil questions and, unlike Zeke, I'll respond.



WTF? Manno Mac. Put you in a corner and you go off the fucking deep end. Don't cha?

I can't do it on my own...... take it from somebody successful and give it to me

Crowd has weighed in.

Okay, I tried.

Full disclosure, I wasn't expecting anything, but I tried.

Bottom line: Raise the minimum wage to whatever you want. Tomorrow. I'll watch.


I can't decide if you are the Cowardly Lion or the Tin Man.

Either way, you are nothing but hot air.

I asked you to ask me specific questions, and you refused. You avoided.

I'm right here, ready to answer them.

You are nothing but a partisan ideologue.


Okay, I tried.

Full disclosure, I wasn't expecting anything, but I tried.

Bottom line: Raise the minimum wage to whatever you want. Tomorrow. I'll watch.


I can't decide if you are the Cowardly Lion or the Tin Man.

Either way, you are nothing but hot air.

I asked you to ask me specific questions, and you refused. You avoided.

I'm right here, ready to answer them.

You are nothing but a partisan ideologue.


His questions are there, and you are using an incredibly weak rejoinder to avoid them.

You already folded. DO stop embarrassing yourself.

Of course, the first thing the companies will have to do is downsize their minimum wage workforce, cut the hours of many others, and heap more responsibilities on those who remain. It should be interesting to see how much work a low-skilled minimum wage worker can stand. Kinda like a science experiment, cool.

Then, of course, those who have lost their jobs and those who had their hours cut and those who didn't get the jobs because the employers aren't hiring will end up on welfare.

I guess then the government can step in again and force companies to hire minimum wage workers whether they need them or not. Because that's the job of government: Step in and force.

More and more and more power to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning, because they love us and they care.

Great stuff, let's do it, this should be fun.


OK. One by one. First, you are projecting. If a company has 50 minimum wage workers and they have a pay increase of 3 dollar an hour. Lets see, thats 150 dollars times 8 hours equals 1200 dollars a day times 365 equals 438,000 dollars a year. ( I know its on the high side because they won't work 365 days. But it balances out the FICA increase.)

So the company has had an increase in wages for minimum wage workers of 438,000 dollars. Now how to pay for that you might ask.

Well the executive payroll totals 3.5 million dollars for lets say 10 people.

So for a reduction in executive payroll of about 12%, this hypothetical company can give 50 of it's lowest paid workers a nice increase and STILL be paying their executives a really NICE salary.

And the government didn't have anything to do with it. Just the good will of the companies executives who realized they were way overpaid and that their minimum wage workers were worth more money.

Did I address the first point or was that to hysterical for you?

Of course, the first thing the companies will have to do is downsize their minimum wage workforce, cut the hours of many others, and heap more responsibilities on those who remain. It should be interesting to see how much work a low-skilled minimum wage worker can stand. Kinda like a science experiment, cool.

Then, of course, those who have lost their jobs and those who had their hours cut and those who didn't get the jobs because the employers aren't hiring will end up on welfare.

I guess then the government can step in again and force companies to hire minimum wage workers whether they need them or not. Because that's the job of government: Step in and force.

More and more and more power to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning, because they love us and they care.

Great stuff, let's do it, this should be fun.


OK. One by one. First, you are projecting. If a company has 50 minimum wage workers and they have a pay increase of 3 dollar an hour. Lets see, thats 150 dollars times 8 hours equals 1200 dollars a day times 365 equals 438,000 dollars a year. ( I know its on the high side because they won't work 365 days. But it balances out the FICA increase.)

So the company has had an increase in wages for minimum wage workers of 438,000 dollars. Now how to pay for that you might ask.

Well the executive payroll totals 3.5 million dollars for lets say 10 people.

So for a reduction in executive payroll of about 12%, this hypothetical company can give 50 of it's lowest paid workers a nice increase and STILL be paying their executives a really NICE salary.

And the government didn't have anything to do with it. Just the good will of the companies executives who realized they were way overpaid and that their minimum wage workers were worth more money.

Did I address the first point or was that to hysterical for you?

See if you just take someone's earnings and give it to Zeke everybody wins.
Just curious. I'm really interested in hearing what you all consider a fair & decent Wage. I'd like to get some straight-forward answers without the Political debates and diatribes. I'm only interested in the numbers. Just list the numbers you think an average American should be able to survive on. I think it's a very interesting and important question. It should be fascinating in terms of numbers, seeing what Americans think an average American can or should be able to survive on. Thanks all for your participation.
It is the wrong question to ask.

More appropriate question would be what value does my labor bring to the worker/employer relationship.

That is the bottom floor of all and any discussion regarding wages. Fair is far to subjective an issue. I can bring zero value to an employer and think that for me, a fair wage is 25 dollars an hour.

You cannot disassociate the value returned with the value paid. That is the fallacy of the 'living wage' argument.

Okay, I tried.

Full disclosure, I wasn't expecting anything, but I tried.

Bottom line: Raise the minimum wage to whatever you want. Tomorrow. I'll watch.


I can't decide if you are the Cowardly Lion or the Tin Man.

Either way, you are nothing but hot air.

Mac likes to pretend he is the MAN when it comes to ..........whatever financial topic is being discussed.

But he doesn't take questions well. Cause he's the MAN. And if you don't agree with him, he don't argue his points. He just declares that I am crazy and he is done and we should just do what ever we want. And he will watch.

Sometimes it is weird.
Hey Oddalloop. Don't you bring ANYTHING to the table that is worth reading? I mean ANYTHING that makes a little sense?

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