So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?

GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.
That's not Trump's fault, moron.
It demonstrates what happens when you put someone in office who has no business being there.

Like saying a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel isn’t responsible for plowing into a minivan. It’s not like he tried to run them over.

It demonstrated nothing of the sort, moron. A senile 78 year-old pedophile has no business being President.
Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that Biden is a cannibal.

Trump screwed up. He was asleep at the wheel. He’s not fit for the job. The results speak for themselves.
Nope. You're blaming him for things he has no control over. The things I said about Biden are true. He's senile, and he's a pedophile.
He could have control over it but since he has no idea what he’s doing, that didn’t happen.
How could he have control over it, by groveling before Democrat mayors and governors?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.

There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting with the likes of you.

So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

What,the looting and rioting?
So you admit the dems are using intimidation tactics?

The looting and rioting doesn’t have anything to do with the election.

It’s just that Trump has no idea how to make this better.

This isn’t a threat, it’s just recognizing reality. I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to you.
So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

We don't have 4 mores years of tantrums. Trump will call in the national guard or whatever else is necessary to stop it. Biden will temporarily appease them, which will ultimately embolden then to do even more harm(throw a bigger tantrum) when the next thing they don't like comes along....sure it won't be long.
So, what, national guard patrols the country for the next 4 years?

That’s not how you stop it. The country is a powder keg. You need to address the problem and soldiers in the streets is literally the opposite of solving the problem.

So what is the solution? It can't possibly be to hold the rioter accountable, right? Clearly that is NOT what the Democrats want to do.
They want them rioting. Then they can try to use the riots as leverage against the voters.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.

There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting with the likes of you.

So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

What,the looting and rioting?
So you admit the dems are using intimidation tactics?

The looting and rioting doesn’t have anything to do with the election.

It’s just that Trump has no idea how to make this better.

This isn’t a threat, it’s just recognizing reality. I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to you.

It has everything to do with the election. Defeating Trump is the sole motive for it. You prove that every time you blame Trump for it.
GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.
That's not Trump's fault, moron.
It demonstrates what happens when you put someone in office who has no business being there.

Like saying a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel isn’t responsible for plowing into a minivan. It’s not like he tried to run them over.

It demonstrated nothing of the sort, moron. A senile 78 year-old pedophile has no business being President.
Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that Biden is a cannibal.

Trump screwed up. He was asleep at the wheel. He’s not fit for the job. The results speak for themselves.
Nope. You're blaming him for things he has no control over. The things I said about Biden are true. He's senile, and he's a pedophile.
He could have control over it but since he has no idea what he’s doing, that didn’t happen.
How could he have control over it, by groveling before Democrat mayors and governors?
Better testing at points of entry. Mandatory quarantine. Contact tracing.

You know, being competent. The virus came into the country from overseas. Who is the person that has control over immigration and entry into this country?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.

There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting with the likes of you.

So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

What,the looting and rioting?
So you admit the dems are using intimidation tactics?

The looting and rioting doesn’t have anything to do with the election.

It’s just that Trump has no idea how to make this better.

This isn’t a threat, it’s just recognizing reality. I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to you.

It has everything to do with the election. Defeating Trump is the sole motive for it. You prove that every time you blame Trump for it.

Nope. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. The civil unrest is due to injustice in policing, not Trump.

All I’m saying is that he has no idea how to fix it.

See what I mean? People have a hard time comprehending that Trump isn’t the center of the universe.
So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

We don't have 4 mores years of tantrums. Trump will call in the national guard or whatever else is necessary to stop it. Biden will temporarily appease them, which will ultimately embolden then to do even more harm(throw a bigger tantrum) when the next thing they don't like comes along....sure it won't be long.
So, what, national guard patrols the country for the next 4 years?

That’s not how you stop it. The country is a powder keg. You need to address the problem and soldiers in the streets is literally the opposite of solving the problem.

So what is the solution? It can't possibly be to hold the rioter accountable, right? Clearly that is NOT what the Democrats want to do.
You can hold as many rioters accountable as you want. That doesn’t fix the problem. There will continue to riots. The solution is to figure out how to build trust between police and community. There’s far more to it than that, but it’s a start.

Step one with any problem is admitting there is a problem. Trump hasn’t gotten there yet.
It’s not about the police anymore. Infact it was probably never about the police.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Actually if you look at the sixties, it does. As long as the "protestors" and rioters were handled with kid gloves the problems went on, when the various levels of government got hardnosed and started prosecuting them it stopped.
Nope. Government got better. Viet Nam ended. Nixon was kicked the curb.
You may be able to use authoritarian government to suppress protests for a little while, but it’ll keep happening unless government changes. See China.
You've obviously never heard of "revolutionary" groups, I call them terrorists, like the Black Panthers, Symbionese Liberation Front, Weathermen and the Weather Underground. They continued bombing and killing people until either killed or caught, tried and imprisoned. The only thing that stopped when Vietnam ended were the draft and anti-war riots. And since the anti-war movement was being funded by the GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) that makes sense. Even the Soviets didn't throw money away for no purpose.
Unrest doesn’t get better until you address the root of the problem. Yes, you try and convict people, but unless you address civil unrest, the revolutionaries keep coming.

The root of the problem is the democrat party and its willingness to do anything to get power....including turning loose joe biden voters to burn, loot and murder Americans in primarily black neighborhoods just before an election.
So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

We don't have 4 mores years of tantrums. Trump will call in the national guard or whatever else is necessary to stop it. Biden will temporarily appease them, which will ultimately embolden then to do even more harm(throw a bigger tantrum) when the next thing they don't like comes along....sure it won't be long.
So, what, national guard patrols the country for the next 4 years?

That’s not how you stop it. The country is a powder keg. You need to address the problem and soldiers in the streets is literally the opposite of solving the problem.

So what is the solution? It can't possibly be to hold the rioter accountable, right? Clearly that is NOT what the Democrats want to do.
You can hold as many rioters accountable as you want. That doesn’t fix the problem. There will continue to riots. The solution is to figure out how to build trust between police and community. There’s far more to it than that, but it’s a start.

Step one with any problem is admitting there is a problem. Trump hasn’t gotten there yet.
It’s not about the police anymore. Infact it was probably never about the police.

It was never about police...since the facts, stats and reality don't back up the claims of the joe biden voters....they just used it as cover to launch their attacks.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,

Hell yes he’s exploiting it. Trump isn’t speaking to the protesters, he’s speaking to his base, demonizing the other side, scaring his supporters. Thats not what leaders do. Not ones who actually give a damn about their country.

Trump sees this as his best chance at winning the election. He loves it.

We dont negotiate with terrorist.
Well unless your name is Barry Soteros anyway....

Was it last year that Trump tried to invite the Taliban to camp David?

Calling everyone who opposes Trump or opposes police brutality or supports BLM a terrorist is the exact wrong thing to do.

You cant negotiate with someone who has made up grievances.
And at this point you losers haven't stepped up to taliban levels of violence.
If ya do it'll be easy to rid the world of ya dumbshits...all ya gotta do is search all the basements in the NE and the west coast.
GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.
That's not Trump's fault, moron.
It demonstrates what happens when you put someone in office who has no business being there.

Like saying a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel isn’t responsible for plowing into a minivan. It’s not like he tried to run them over.

It demonstrated nothing of the sort, moron. A senile 78 year-old pedophile has no business being President.
Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that Biden is a cannibal.

Trump screwed up. He was asleep at the wheel. He’s not fit for the job. The results speak for themselves.
Nope. You're blaming him for things he has no control over. The things I said about Biden are true. He's senile, and he's a pedophile.
He could have control over it but since he has no idea what he’s doing, that didn’t happen.
How could he have control over it, by groveling before Democrat mayors and governors?
Better testing at points of entry. Mandatory quarantine. Contact tracing.

You know, being competent. The virus came into the country from overseas. Who is the person that has control over immigration and entry into this country?
Trump can't impose quarantines on American citizens, moron. It's unconstitutional. No country in the world is implementing contract tracing. Every time Trump tries do do something with immigration, leftwing judges overrule him. Furthmore, Biden and Piglosi called him a racist for implementing a travel ban. Do you actually believe the Dims would allow Trump to bar entry to anyone who tested positive at a port of entry? The easier solution is simply to bar all immigration until this shit storm is over, and Trump has already done that.
He is not an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath like the current President.

Vote Biden 2020!
All lefties are racists. The lady that wrote your progressive bible “ White Fragility” openly admits to being racist. And so do her followers.
A racist believes a certain race is inferior mentally or physically, not whatever garbage new GOP definition you are working with, brainwashed functional moron.
You idiots on the left do believe blacks are mentally inferior. Which is why you have to give them social credits to make them measure up to your standards.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.

There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting with the likes of you.

So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

What,the looting and rioting?
So you admit the dems are using intimidation tactics?

The looting and rioting doesn’t have anything to do with the election.

It’s just that Trump has no idea how to make this better.

This isn’t a threat, it’s just recognizing reality. I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to you.

It has everything to do with the election. Defeating Trump is the sole motive for it. You prove that every time you blame Trump for it.

Nope. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. The civil unrest is due to injustice in policing, not Trump.

All I’m saying is that he has no idea how to fix it.

See what I mean? People have a hard time comprehending that Trump isn’t the center of the universe.

Wrong. It's due to a gang of Marxists trying to push Trump out of office. Trump is the center of your universe.

You aren't fooling anyone.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.

There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting with the likes of you.

So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

What,the looting and rioting?
So you admit the dems are using intimidation tactics?

The looting and rioting doesn’t have anything to do with the election.

It’s just that Trump has no idea how to make this better.

This isn’t a threat, it’s just recognizing reality. I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to you.

It has everything to do with the election. Defeating Trump is the sole motive for it. You prove that every time you blame Trump for it.

Nope. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. The civil unrest is due to injustice in policing, not Trump.

All I’m saying is that he has no idea how to fix it.

See what I mean? People have a hard time comprehending that Trump isn’t the center of the universe.

The rioting will calm down shortly after the election, no matter who wins it. How much would you like to get on that?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Actually if you look at the sixties, it does. As long as the "protestors" and rioters were handled with kid gloves the problems went on, when the various levels of government got hardnosed and started prosecuting them it stopped.
Nope. Government got better. Viet Nam ended. Nixon was kicked the curb.
You may be able to use authoritarian government to suppress protests for a little while, but it’ll keep happening unless government changes. See China.
You've obviously never heard of "revolutionary" groups, I call them terrorists, like the Black Panthers, Symbionese Liberation Front, Weathermen and the Weather Underground. They continued bombing and killing people until either killed or caught, tried and imprisoned. The only thing that stopped when Vietnam ended were the draft and anti-war riots. And since the anti-war movement was being funded by the GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) that makes sense. Even the Soviets didn't throw money away for no purpose.
Unrest doesn’t get better until you address the root of the problem. Yes, you try and convict people, but unless you address civil unrest, the revolutionaries keep coming.

The root of the problem is the democrat party and its willingness to do anything to get power....including turning loose joe biden voters to burn, loot and murder Americans in primarily black neighborhoods just before an election.
I do thank colfax, though.

He has been most fortright in letting us know what is in store for us if we do not vote for the candidate hand selected by the globalists to represent their interests.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,

Hell yes he’s exploiting it. Trump isn’t speaking to the protesters, he’s speaking to his base, demonizing the other side, scaring his supporters. Thats not what leaders do. Not ones who actually give a damn about their country.

Trump sees this as his best chance at winning the election. He loves it.

We dont negotiate with terrorist.
Well unless your name is Barry Soteros anyway....

Was it last year that Trump tried to invite the Taliban to camp David?

Calling everyone who opposes Trump or opposes police brutality or supports BLM a terrorist is the exact wrong thing to do.

You cant negotiate with someone who has made up grievances.
And at this point you losers haven't stepped up to taliban levels of violence.
If ya do it'll be easy to rid the world of ya dumbshits...all ya gotta do is search all the basements in the NE and the west coast.

You really think black communities have no grievances?
GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.
That's not Trump's fault, moron.
It demonstrates what happens when you put someone in office who has no business being there.

Like saying a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel isn’t responsible for plowing into a minivan. It’s not like he tried to run them over.

It demonstrated nothing of the sort, moron. A senile 78 year-old pedophile has no business being President.
Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that Biden is a cannibal.

Trump screwed up. He was asleep at the wheel. He’s not fit for the job. The results speak for themselves.
Nope. You're blaming him for things he has no control over. The things I said about Biden are true. He's senile, and he's a pedophile.
He could have control over it but since he has no idea what he’s doing, that didn’t happen.
How could he have control over it, by groveling before Democrat mayors and governors?
Better testing at points of entry. Mandatory quarantine. Contact tracing.

You know, being competent. The virus came into the country from overseas. Who is the person that has control over immigration and entry into this country?
Trump can't impose quarantines on American citizens, moron. It's unconstitutional. No country in the world is implementing contract tracing. Every time Trump tries do do something with immigration, leftwing judges overrule him. Furthmore, Biden and Piglosi called him a racist for implementing a travel ban. Do you actually believe the Dims would allow Trump to bar entry to anyone who tested positive at a port of entry? The easier solution is simply to bar all immigration until this shit storm is over, and Trump has already done that.
Yes, he can impose quarantines. This has been adjudicated over a century ago.

You don’t know what you’re talking about and neither does Trump.

Which is why you need someone who knows what they’re doing.
Okay. Black people are stopped more often. They’re searched more often. They arrested more often. They’re charged more often. Their sentences are more severe. They’re policed differently. They do not get the same benefit of the doubt as other people, therefore they see the police as a force that is trying to get them rather than help them. When that happens, shit falls apart.
13% of the population. THIRTEEN PERCENT and still producing staggering numbers of criminal acts.
Blacks have been doing this to themselves by breaking laws that govern our society, and they have been doing it at dramatically higher rates. Their sentencing will vary and will of course depend on prior violations and severity. Just because a black person "may feel" like he is being treated in excess because of his skin color.. does not necessarily make it so.. and is nearly impossible to prove.
Arrests by offense, age, and race

A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,

Hell yes he’s exploiting it. Trump isn’t speaking to the protesters, he’s speaking to his base, demonizing the other side, scaring his supporters. Thats not what leaders do. Not ones who actually give a damn about their country.

Trump sees this as his best chance at winning the election. He loves it.

We dont negotiate with terrorist.
Well unless your name is Barry Soteros anyway....

Was it last year that Trump tried to invite the Taliban to camp David?

Calling everyone who opposes Trump or opposes police brutality or supports BLM a terrorist is the exact wrong thing to do.

You cant negotiate with someone who has made up grievances.
And at this point you losers haven't stepped up to taliban levels of violence.
If ya do it'll be easy to rid the world of ya dumbshits...all ya gotta do is search all the basements in the NE and the west coast.

You really think black communities have no grievances?

None that they haven't brought on themselves.
If blacks behaved like the white people in my neighborhood they wouldnt have these problems.
Of course fatherless households have a huge part in it.
So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?
1. He will raise our taxes to cover for doubling the Federal spending each year (adding $4 TRILLION)
2. He will 'redirect' funding from Police across the country.
3. He will continue to let rioters get bailed out of jail, and implement a no cash bail policy like New York has.
4. He will slash the Defense budget.
5. He will make Critical Race Theory standard in the Federal government.
6. He will gut our nations energy industries and rely on windmills and solar alone.
7. He will confiscate all guns with Beto ORourke in charge.
8. His VP is a fascist who threw 1600 people in jail for pot while she was smoking it nearly every day.
9. Biden will bind up our economy with Paris Climate Accords and other frivolous stuff not owned by Democrats.
10. His life is hanging by a thread with the Pot Nazi Harris waiting to take his place in the WH.
What utter morons are happy with this?

He's not Trump. Good enough for me.

PS: Your list is bullshit.

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