So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?

A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,

Hell yes he’s exploiting it. Trump isn’t speaking to the protesters, he’s speaking to his base, demonizing the other side, scaring his supporters. Thats not what leaders do. Not ones who actually give a damn about their country.

Trump sees this as his best chance at winning the election. He loves it.

We dont negotiate with terrorist.
Well unless your name is Barry Soteros anyway....

Was it last year that Trump tried to invite the Taliban to camp David?

Calling everyone who opposes Trump or opposes police brutality or supports BLM a terrorist is the exact wrong thing to do.

You cant negotiate with someone who has made up grievances.
And at this point you losers haven't stepped up to taliban levels of violence.
If ya do it'll be easy to rid the world of ya dumbshits...all ya gotta do is search all the basements in the NE and the west coast.

You really think black communities have no grievances?

None that they haven't brought on themselves.
If blacks behaved like the white people in my neighborhood they wouldnt have these problems.
Of course fatherless households have a huge part in it.

Philando Castile was driving his girlfriend and her child home from the grocery store when he was pulled over and killed because he fit a description

How should have he acted more white?

He was killed because he reached for a gun and refused to follow orders.
The dude was an obvious idiot,he'd been pulled over 49 times in 13 years for various traffic violations.
Who the fuck does that?
I havent even been pulled over once in the last 20 years.
No big loss.

He wasn’t reaching for his gun. He was reaching for his wallet which had his ID that he was ordered to give to the officer.

So you’re saying the black man was pulled over 49 times in 13 years and you still want me to believe there’s no difference in how black Americans are policed?

As for your assessment that he was “no big loss”, I think you’re a great example of why Black Lives Matter even exists. You’re casual disregard for his life is indicative that society doesn’t think they matter.

He didnt follow orders dipshit.
If a cop tells you not to reach you dont. It's really that simple.

Cop said not to reach for his gun. He wasn’t reaching for his gun.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Trump is the president and he has NOT done nothing NADA to address any of these issues.
We are moron because we support Biden? Really? You are supporting an incompetent, liar, inept, corrupted and disgusting puppet president. WHAT tells us who supports Trump?

Tell that former republican governors and others that endorse Biden.

Exclusive: Biden garners more Republican endorsements, this time from ex-governors

(Reuters) - Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president on Thursday, including one-time 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld and the former Republican governors of Michigan and New Jersey, people involved in the effort told Reuters.
He offers nothing but creepy gropes...

A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
So that excuses making the worse choice to lead our country, right?
All because leftists have been "Orange Man Bad" the whole time? Ask me how I know your thinking is as deep as a Miami sidewalk mudpuddle on a hot summer day?
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.

Moron eh! Tell that to veterans that endorse Biden.

A progressive veterans group is warning President Donald Trump that he’s lost the support of the U.S. military at the ballot box.
“Donald Trump is panicking,” a new video from VoteVets said. “Finding any excuse to show up in military communities. He knows if the election were held today, he’d lose the military vote in a landslide.”
It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Some of us are intelligent enough to notice that it is actually the media manipulating people as they TWIST what he says by lifting statements out of context and re-phrasing what he actually said.

Obviously, some of us lack that intelligence.
Did you even watch his rallies or his RNC? The democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader of a country that attack his own fellow Americans? Trump only catered to cultist like you. Talking about intelligence.
I'm sorry that your IQ is in the 70s, dude, I really am. The luck of the draw just sucks some times

The truth of the matter is that it is leftists who are burning cars and buildings, it is leftists trying to burn people alive and it is leftists who are indulging in all this domestic terrorism.

The violence is coming from all over the map. The entire country is at each other’s throats.

Not that we should be surprised. Trump ran on creating as much hatred and fear amongst us as he can.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
So that excuses making the worse choice to lead our country, right?
All because leftists have been "Orange Man Bad" the whole time? Ask me how I know your thinking is as deep as a Miami sidewalk mudpuddle on a hot summer day?
A worse choice? Because choosing Trump has worked out super great. I mean, just look at how the country is going.

Trump asked in 2016 what we had to lose? Turns out a lot.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.

Moron eh! Tell that to veterans that endorse Biden.

A progressive veterans group is warning President Donald Trump that he’s lost the support of the U.S. military at the ballot box.
“Donald Trump is panicking,” a new video from VoteVets said. “Finding any excuse to show up in military communities. He knows if the election were held today, he’d lose the military vote in a landslide.”
No, leftist fags like Charwin95 are panicking. Your income is about to be ceased, shill.
A supermajority of Americans support Trump, and you're a lying POS.
Tell me more about Palm Springs, dud. :auiqs.jpg:
What the main "drag" AKA "street" there? Hmm? Name it or be exposed for the lying POS you are.
I know..boy. Indeed I do.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

It wouldn't be too big a surprise, considering the world is slipping toward idiocracy day by day.

Has more to do with democrats/communist poisoning the education well for a long time now.

Oh, and polls are fun! just ask Hillary!
He is not an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath like the current President.

Vote Biden 2020!
You're right.

He's an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath who likes to sniff little girls hair. Fucking Creepy.

He also likes to creep around in the swamp and take advantage of his public servant positions to enrich himself and his family.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.

Moron eh! Tell that to 70 former Republicans
National security officials.

WASHINGTON — More than 70 former national security officials from the last several Republican administrations and other GOP officials endorsed Joe Biden for president on Thursday.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

There's a LOT more motivated Americans than the college-indoctrinated at this point in time, you stupid goober.
Many people realize that this one's for ALL the marbles.
You don't even know what marbles are, huh?
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

It wouldn't be too big a surprise, considering the world is slipping toward idiocracy day by day.

Has more to do with democrats/communist poisoning the education well for a long time now.

Oh, and polls are fun! just ask Hillary!

Slipping to idiocy? Yeah. Big step forward the day we elected Trump.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

It wouldn't be too big a surprise, considering the world is slipping toward idiocracy day by day.

Has more to do with democrats/communist poisoning the education well for a long time now.

Oh, and polls are fun! just ask Hillary!

Slipping to idiocy? Yeah. Big step forward the day we elected Trump.
Did you elect Trump? Tell the truth now..
You may be including that in "we", but you didn't elect Trump..don't lie..
He is not an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath like the current President.

Vote Biden 2020!
You're right.

He's an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath who likes to sniff little girls hair. Fucking Creepy.

He also likes to creep around in the swamp and take advantage of his public servant positions to enrich himself and his family.

Dude Trump is currently accused by 25 women of improper behavior conduct. One is suing for rape waiting for DNA.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

It wouldn't be too big a surprise, considering the world is slipping toward idiocracy day by day.

Has more to do with democrats/communist poisoning the education well for a long time now.

Oh, and polls are fun! just ask Hillary!

Slipping to idiocy? Yeah. Big step forward the day we elected Trump.
Did you elect Trump? Tell the truth now..
You may be including that in "we", but you didn't elect Trump..don't lie..

I didn’t elect him. I don’t have the power to do that. The nation did. I’m a part of this country so that’s where the “we” comes in. “We” elect people in this country.

Did you have a point or is this just pointless trolling?
He is not an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath like the current President.

Vote Biden 2020!
You're right.

He's an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath who likes to sniff little girls hair. Fucking Creepy.

He also likes to creep around in the swamp and take advantage of his public servant positions to enrich himself and his family.

Dude Trump is currently accused by 25 women of improper behavior conduct. One is suing for rape waiting for DNA.
You keep clinging to that lifesaver, cupcake. :itsok:

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