So what should Obama have done?

Opinions and rightwing talking points are not facts.

oh brother......sorry, Ravi, facts are facts no matter which side it come from. Doesn't mean they aren't true
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

The crying shame of the events of 04/20/10, eleven senseless deaths notwithstanding, is that we apparently have the technology to make deep water drilling just like Elton John's "Rocket Man": 'just a job... five days a week...'.

Ass-u-me-ing that is that the contractor is told by the oil company that "rough spankings will ensue if anyone is ever caught installing a blow-out preventer without batteries", instead of "Psssssssssttttt. There's an extra $10 million if you cut some corners and get production running by Tuesday".
While we subsidize Brazil drilling...and allow others to come in and take what is ours...I wonder if these Enviro-Whackos will be sorry to see the rigs sail away into the a once proud Republic walks into the same Sunset?
You realize BP is "others", right?

I wish I didn't have to comb through the entire thread to read Ravi's Energy Policy.

Could you give it to me, reader's digest version?

That's no fun!

[ame=]YouTube - Getting to Know You from The King and I[/ame]
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oh brother......sorry, Ravi, facts are facts no matter which side it come from. Doesn't mean they aren't true
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

The crying shame of the events of 04/20/10, eleven senseless deaths notwithstanding, is that we apparently have the technology to make deep water drilling just like Elton John's "Rocket Man": 'just a job... five days a week...'.

Ass-u-me-ing that is that the contractor is told by the oil company that "rough spankings will ensue if anyone is ever caught installing a blow-out preventer without batteries", instead of "Psssssssssttttt. There's an extra $10 million if you cut some corners and get production running by Tuesday".

Here's to a $20 Billion corporate spanking administered by "We, The People". :beer:
May the legal entity on this planet known as 'Corporation' take note. :booze:
Dude that fail was minor in comparison to the earlier hilarity of saying boo hoo about at least 5000 oil workers losing their jobs through no fault of their own and then turning right around and accusing others of not caring about people. That has to be at least in the top5 epic fails in the history of the internet.
No fault of their own...well, they did choose to work in a dinosaur industry.

These are also theoretical jobs, btw.

Ravi........get back to reality .....please. This dinosaur industry runs the entire world, and we will always need petroleum. There is nothing dinosaur about it. But, please feel free not to drive, fly, bus, or buy or use anything plastic, such as:
Diesel fuel
Motor Oil
Bearing Grease

Floor Wax
Ballpoint Pens
Football Cleats


Bicycle Tires
Sports Car Bodies
Nail Polish
Fishing lures

Golf Bags

Dishwasher parts
Tool Boxes
Shoe Polish

Motorcycle Helmet
Petroleum Jelly
Transparent Tape

CD Player
Faucet Washers

Food Preservatives

Vitamin Capsules


Panty Hose

Life Jackets
Rubbing Alcohol

TV Cabinets
Shag Rugs
Electrician's Tape

Tool Racks
Car Battery Cases

Insect Repellent
Oil Filters

Hair Coloring

Toilet Seats
Fishing Rods

Denture Adhesive
Ice Cube Trays
Synthetic Rubber

Plastic Wood
Electric Blankets

Tennis Rackets
Rubber Cement
Fishing Boots

Nylon Rope
Trash Bags
House Paint

Water Pipes
Hand Lotion
Roller Skates
Surf Boards

Paint Rollers
Shower Curtains

Guitar Strings
Safety Glasses

Football Helmets

Ice Chests

CD's & DVD's
Paint Brushes

Sun Glasses

Heart Valves


Artificial Turf
Artificial limbs

Model Cars
Folding Doors
Hair Curlers

Cold cream
Movie film
Soft Contact lenses
Drinking Cups

Fan Belts
Car Enamel
Shaving Cream

Golf Balls
A partial list of products made from petroleum

Now don't you feel a little foolish?
Seems some of these hypocrites need to get the Hell off their computers as well...and YES ravi and the rest of you Statist Morons? That means YOU.

You may cease living a normal life as well...and go back to washing your clothing at the local stream on the nearest rocks.

Have FUN...the rest of us will press on.

ETA! Oops! That means too that YOU will cease wearing clothing that the rest of us BAD.
Last edited:
No fault of their own...well, they did choose to work in a dinosaur industry.

These are also theoretical jobs, btw.

Ravi........get back to reality .....please. This dinosaur industry runs the entire world, and we will always need petroleum. There is nothing dinosaur about it. But, please feel free not to drive, fly, bus, or buy or use anything plastic, such as:
Diesel fuel
Motor Oil
Bearing Grease

Floor Wax
Ballpoint Pens
Football Cleats


Bicycle Tires
Sports Car Bodies
Nail Polish
Fishing lures

Golf Bags

Dishwasher parts
Tool Boxes
Shoe Polish

Motorcycle Helmet
Petroleum Jelly
Transparent Tape

CD Player
Faucet Washers

Food Preservatives

Vitamin Capsules


Panty Hose

Life Jackets
Rubbing Alcohol

TV Cabinets
Shag Rugs
Electrician's Tape

Tool Racks
Car Battery Cases

Insect Repellent
Oil Filters

Hair Coloring

Toilet Seats
Fishing Rods

Denture Adhesive
Ice Cube Trays
Synthetic Rubber

Plastic Wood
Electric Blankets

Tennis Rackets
Rubber Cement
Fishing Boots

Nylon Rope
Trash Bags
House Paint

Water Pipes
Hand Lotion
Roller Skates
Surf Boards

Paint Rollers
Shower Curtains

Guitar Strings
Safety Glasses

Football Helmets

Ice Chests

CD's & DVD's
Paint Brushes

Sun Glasses

Heart Valves


Artificial Turf
Artificial limbs

Model Cars
Folding Doors
Hair Curlers

Cold cream
Movie film
Soft Contact lenses
Drinking Cups

Fan Belts
Car Enamel
Shaving Cream

Golf Balls
A partial list of products made from petroleum

Now don't you feel a little foolish?
Seems some of these hypocrites need to get the Hell off their computers as well...and YES ravi and the rest of you Statist Morons? That means YOU.

You may cease living a normal life as well...and go back to washing your clothing at the local stream on the nearest rocks.

Have FUN...the rest of us will press on.

ETA! Oops! That means too that YOU will cease wearing clothing that the rest of us BAD.

What's doubly funny is that without the very petroleum based products which they claim to abhor they have NO chance of creating a green fuel.
No fault of their own...well, they did choose to work in a dinosaur industry.

These are also theoretical jobs, btw.

Ravi........get back to reality .....please.

< snip for space >

Now don't you feel a little foolish?
Seems some of these hypocrites need to get the Hell off their computers as well...and YES ravi and the rest of you Statist Morons? That means YOU.

You may cease living a normal life as well...and go back to washing your clothing at the local stream on the nearest rocks.

Have FUN...the rest of us will press on.

ETA! Oops! That means too that YOU will cease wearing clothing that the rest of us BAD.

Way ahead of you Mr T....

If I couldn't live my life naked, I wouldn't live in The Sunshine State.​

(Insert your preferred Deity here) BLESS American Freedoms like nudity on private property!
Last edited:
Ravi........get back to reality .....please.

< snip for space >

Now don't you feel a little foolish?
Seems some of these hypocrites need to get the Hell off their computers as well...and YES ravi and the rest of you Statist Morons? That means YOU.

You may cease living a normal life as well...and go back to washing your clothing at the local stream on the nearest rocks.

Have FUN...the rest of us will press on.

ETA! Oops! That means too that YOU will cease wearing clothing that the rest of us BAD.

Way ahead of you Mr T....

If I couldn't live my life naked, I wouldn't live in The Sunshine State.​

(Insert your preferred Deity here) BLESS American Freedoms like nudity on private property!

Wow! That gives a whole new meaning to an AVE-JOE. :lol:
Ravi........get back to reality .....please.
< snip for space >
Now don't you feel a little foolish?
Seems some of these hypocrites need to get the Hell off their computers as well...and YES ravi and the rest of you Statist Morons? That means YOU.

You may cease living a normal life as well...and go back to washing your clothing at the local stream on the nearest rocks.

Have FUN...the rest of us will press on.

ETA! Oops! That means too that YOU will cease wearing clothing that the rest of us BAD.

Way ahead of you Mr T....
If I couldn't live my life naked, I wouldn't live in The Sunshine State.
(Insert your preferred Deity here) BLESS American Freedoms like nudity on private property!
Ravi........get back to reality .....please. This dinosaur industry runs the entire world, and we will always need petroleum. There is nothing dinosaur about it. But, please feel free not to drive, fly, bus, or buy or use anything plastic, such as:
Diesel fuel
Motor Oil
Bearing Grease

Floor Wax
Ballpoint Pens
Football Cleats


Bicycle Tires
Sports Car Bodies
Nail Polish
Fishing lures

Golf Bags

Dishwasher parts
Tool Boxes
Shoe Polish

Motorcycle Helmet
Petroleum Jelly
Transparent Tape

CD Player
Faucet Washers

Food Preservatives

Vitamin Capsules


Panty Hose

Life Jackets
Rubbing Alcohol

TV Cabinets
Shag Rugs
Electrician's Tape

Tool Racks
Car Battery Cases

Insect Repellent
Oil Filters

Hair Coloring

Toilet Seats
Fishing Rods

Denture Adhesive
Ice Cube Trays
Synthetic Rubber

Plastic Wood
Electric Blankets

Tennis Rackets
Rubber Cement
Fishing Boots

Nylon Rope
Trash Bags
House Paint

Water Pipes
Hand Lotion
Roller Skates
Surf Boards

Paint Rollers
Shower Curtains

Guitar Strings
Safety Glasses

Football Helmets

Ice Chests

CD's & DVD's
Paint Brushes

Sun Glasses

Heart Valves


Artificial Turf
Artificial limbs

Model Cars
Folding Doors
Hair Curlers

Cold cream
Movie film
Soft Contact lenses
Drinking Cups

Fan Belts
Car Enamel
Shaving Cream

Golf Balls
A partial list of products made from petroleum

Now don't you feel a little foolish?
Seems some of these hypocrites need to get the Hell off their computers as well...and YES ravi and the rest of you Statist Morons? That means YOU.

You may cease living a normal life as well...and go back to washing your clothing at the local stream on the nearest rocks.

Have FUN...the rest of us will press on.

ETA! Oops! That means too that YOU will cease wearing clothing that the rest of us BAD.

What's doubly funny is that without the very petroleum based products which they claim to abhor they have NO chance of creating a green fuel.

They fail to understand the ramifications of what they want. And it shows in the people they keep sending to the District Of Criminals, and I'll bet their State and Locals are criminals as well. Just look how many have already taken their States and towns down the primrose path...and now have their hands out to bail them out.

These people are Dangerous.
The true reason BHO implimented the moritorium is the fact he is an Enviro-Statist. Plain and simple.

Levin says it best...

"If nature has "intrinsic value" than nature exists for its own sake. Consequently, man is not to be preferred over any aspect of his natural surroundings. He is no better than any other organism and much worse than most because of his destructive existence. And so it is that the Enviro-Statist abandons reason for a faith that preaches human regression and self-loathing. And he does so by claiming the moral high ground-saving man from himself and nature from man. Most individuals who are sympathetic to environmental causes are unwitiing marks, responsive to the Enviro-Statist's manipulation of science, imagery, and language. Over time they self-surrender liberty for authority, abundance for scarcity, and optimism for pessimism. "Save the planet!" is the rallying cry that justifies nearly any intrusion by government into the life of the individual. The individual, after all, is expendable."

maybe you're an idiot. maybe we've learned that the idea of wells deeper than divers can access laid by companies as recklessly as BP has needs to take a breather.
The true reason BHO implimented the moritorium is the fact he is an Enviro-Statist. Plain and simple.

Levin says it best...

"If nature has "intrinsic value" than nature exists for its own sake. Consequently, man is not to be preferred over any aspect of his natural surroundings. He is no better than any other organism and much worse than most because of his destructive existence. And so it is that the Enviro-Statist abandons reason for a faith that preaches human regression and self-loathing. And he does so by claiming the moral high ground-saving man from himself and nature from man. Most individuals who are sympathetic to environmental causes are unwitiing marks, responsive to the Enviro-Statist's manipulation of science, imagery, and language. Over time they self-surrender liberty for authority, abundance for scarcity, and optimism for pessimism. "Save the planet!" is the rallying cry that justifies nearly any intrusion by government into the life of the individual. The individual, after all, is expendable."

maybe you're an idiot. maybe we've learned that the idea of wells deeper than divers can access laid by companies as recklessly as BP has needs to take a breather.

You do realize that it is fact the government who told BP to drill so deep?
The true reason BHO implimented the moritorium is the fact he is an Enviro-Statist. Plain and simple.

Levin says it best...

"If nature has "intrinsic value" than nature exists for its own sake. Consequently, man is not to be preferred over any aspect of his natural surroundings. He is no better than any other organism and much worse than most because of his destructive existence. And so it is that the Enviro-Statist abandons reason for a faith that preaches human regression and self-loathing. And he does so by claiming the moral high ground-saving man from himself and nature from man. Most individuals who are sympathetic to environmental causes are unwitiing marks, responsive to the Enviro-Statist's manipulation of science, imagery, and language. Over time they self-surrender liberty for authority, abundance for scarcity, and optimism for pessimism. "Save the planet!" is the rallying cry that justifies nearly any intrusion by government into the life of the individual. The individual, after all, is expendable."

maybe you're an idiot. maybe we've learned that the idea of wells deeper than divers can access laid by companies as recklessly as BP has needs to take a breather.

You do realize that it is fact the government who told BP to drill so deep?

You obviously don't realize that some people do not share your delusions
The true reason BHO implimented the moritorium is the fact he is an Enviro-Statist. Plain and simple.

Levin says it best...

"If nature has "intrinsic value" than nature exists for its own sake. Consequently, man is not to be preferred over any aspect of his natural surroundings. He is no better than any other organism and much worse than most because of his destructive existence. And so it is that the Enviro-Statist abandons reason for a faith that preaches human regression and self-loathing. And he does so by claiming the moral high ground-saving man from himself and nature from man. Most individuals who are sympathetic to environmental causes are unwitiing marks, responsive to the Enviro-Statist's manipulation of science, imagery, and language. Over time they self-surrender liberty for authority, abundance for scarcity, and optimism for pessimism. "Save the planet!" is the rallying cry that justifies nearly any intrusion by government into the life of the individual. The individual, after all, is expendable."

maybe you're an idiot. maybe we've learned that the idea of wells deeper than divers can access laid by companies as recklessly as BP has needs to take a breather.

You do realize that it is fact the government who told BP to drill so deep?

maybe we've learned, hog. learned.

'told them to drill' :rolleyes:
maybe you're an idiot. maybe we've learned that the idea of wells deeper than divers can access laid by companies as recklessly as BP has needs to take a breather.

You do realize that it is fact the government who told BP to drill so deep?

You obviously don't realize that some people do not share your delusions

It's a fact, three times BP applied for a waiver to drill 500' from shore, three times LA approved it, and 3 times the federal government denied and told them to move further off shore.

Now, here's the irony of your stupidity. You could legitimately blame the BOOSH Administration for this decision, but no you want to hit BP for everything so you just pretend it didn't happen.
You do realize that it is fact the government who told BP to drill so deep?

You obviously don't realize that some people do not share your delusions

It's a fact, three times BP applied for a waiver to drill 500' from shore, three times LA approved it, and 3 times the federal government denied and told them to move further off shore.

Now, here's the irony of your stupidity. You could legitimately blame the BOOSH Administration for this decision, but no you want to hit BP for everything so you just pretend it didn't happen.
You gave up finding a link for this nonsense I see.

Big surprise.
Diesel fuel - Will no longer need.
Motor Oil - We have synthetics
Bearing Grease - We have synthetics

Ink - Can be made from tree products
Floor Wax - Create floors that don't need to be waxed
Ballpoint Pens - See Ink. If the point is brass and the casing can be made of practically anything.
Football Cleats - Can be made from leather.

Upholstery - Can be made from leather.
Sweaters - Wool
Boats - Wood or steel
Insecticides - Any number of chemicals

Bicycle Tires - Rubber Trees
Sports Car Bodies - Graphite
Nail Polish - Can be made from almost anything.
Fishing lures - Can be made from other things. Fishing line made from oil is only 1 of 5 types of fishing lines.

Dresses - Can be made from cotton, silk or any number of other materials
Tires - Rubber trees
Golf Bags - Leather or other materials
Perfumes - Any number of other materials

Cassettes - CD's, DVD,s, and other storage mediums have already placed cassettes on the 'endangered products' list.
Dishwasher parts - Can be made of other materials. Originally made of metal.
Tool Boxes - Metal
Shoe Polish - Can be made of many other materials

Motorcycle Helmet - Don't need them
Caulking - is already being made from non-oil products
Petroleum Jelly - Don't need.
Transparent Tape - Don't need

CD Player - Can be made from other materials. Most important parts aren't made from oil products anyway
Faucet Washers - Neoprene Washers (which can be made from limestone)
Antiseptics - Don't have to be made from oil
Clothesline - aluminium

Curtains - cotton or other natural fibers
Food Preservatives - Not a good idea to eat foods preserved with oil products (that's why we have so many diseases)
Basketballs - leather (they're better anyway)
Soap - can be made from any number of materials.

Vitamin Capsules - use pills
Antihistamines - Salt is a natural antihistamine
Purses - leather
Shoes - leather

Dashboards - leather or fabric
Cortisone - can be made from fish oil
Deodorant - can be made from the oil of trees
Footballs - leather

Putty - Can be made from linseed oil
Dyes - Can be made from practically anything
Panty Hose - Can be made from synthetics
Refrigerant - We already have non-oil based refrigerants

Percolators - There's always instant coffee
Life Jackets - Can be made from cork
Rubbing Alcohol - Can be made from other products
Linings - can be made from practically anything.

There are two things to remember here.

1. With the exception of gasoline, the vast majority of products made from oil can and are being made from non-petroleum sources.

2. We don't need to eliminate oil based products entirely; we simply need to replace them as fuel for vehicles and fuel for power generation. Then we should have enough oil on US soil (and not in the ocean) to facilitate producing the rest, if you want to keep using oil for some thing. But it can be totally replaced in our economy by things that are:

1. Easier to get.
2. Replenishible
3. Not the threat to the environment if something goes wrong.
Diesel fuel - Will no longer need.
Motor Oil - We have synthetics
Bearing Grease - We have synthetics

Ink - Can be made from tree products
Floor Wax - Create floors that don't need to be waxed
Ballpoint Pens - See Ink. If the point is brass and the casing can be made of practically anything.
Football Cleats - Can be made from leather.

Upholstery - Can be made from leather.
Sweaters - Wool
Boats - Wood or steel
Insecticides - Any number of chemicals

Bicycle Tires - Rubber Trees
Sports Car Bodies - Graphite
Nail Polish - Can be made from almost anything.
Fishing lures - Can be made from other things. Fishing line made from oil is only 1 of 5 types of fishing lines.

Dresses - Can be made from cotton, silk or any number of other materials
Tires - Rubber trees
Golf Bags - Leather or other materials
Perfumes - Any number of other materials

Cassettes - CD's, DVD,s, and other storage mediums have already placed cassettes on the 'endangered products' list.
Dishwasher parts - Can be made of other materials. Originally made of metal.
Tool Boxes - Metal
Shoe Polish - Can be made of many other materials

Motorcycle Helmet - Don't need them
Caulking - is already being made from non-oil products
Petroleum Jelly - Don't need.
Transparent Tape - Don't need

CD Player - Can be made from other materials. Most important parts aren't made from oil products anyway
Faucet Washers - Neoprene Washers (which can be made from limestone)
Antiseptics - Don't have to be made from oil
Clothesline - aluminium

Curtains - cotton or other natural fibers
Food Preservatives - Not a good idea to eat foods preserved with oil products (that's why we have so many diseases)
Basketballs - leather (they're better anyway)
Soap - can be made from any number of materials.

Vitamin Capsules - use pills
Antihistamines - Salt is a natural antihistamine
Purses - leather
Shoes - leather

Dashboards - leather or fabric
Cortisone - can be made from fish oil
Deodorant - can be made from the oil of trees
Footballs - leather

Putty - Can be made from linseed oil
Dyes - Can be made from practically anything
Panty Hose - Can be made from synthetics
Refrigerant - We already have non-oil based refrigerants

Percolators - There's always instant coffee
Life Jackets - Can be made from cork
Rubbing Alcohol - Can be made from other products
Linings - can be made from practically anything.

There are two things to remember here.

1. With the exception of gasoline, the vast majority of products made from oil can and are being made from non-petroleum sources.

2. We don't need to eliminate oil based products entirely; we simply need to replace them as fuel for vehicles and fuel for power generation. Then we should have enough oil on US soil (and not in the ocean) to facilitate producing the rest, if you want to keep using oil for some thing. But it can be totally replaced in our economy by things that are:

1. Easier to get.
2. Replenishible
3. Not the threat to the environment if something goes wrong.

Looking at your list of replacement items, I have to say PETA would be all over your ass.

Not to mention some are just unrealistic. For example, what non petroleum based medium has replaced the cassette?

solid-state, buddy. welcome to the 21st century.

the original implication that anyone advocates total elimination of petroleum-based products was dirt stupid to start with, where does that put splitting hairs to defend it?
Diesel fuel - Will no longer need.
Motor Oil - We have synthetics
Bearing Grease - We have synthetics

Ink - Can be made from tree products
Floor Wax - Create floors that don't need to be waxed
Ballpoint Pens - See Ink. If the point is brass and the casing can be made of practically anything.
Football Cleats - Can be made from leather.

Upholstery - Can be made from leather.
Sweaters - Wool
Boats - Wood or steel
Insecticides - Any number of chemicals

Bicycle Tires - Rubber Trees
Sports Car Bodies - Graphite
Nail Polish - Can be made from almost anything.
Fishing lures - Can be made from other things. Fishing line made from oil is only 1 of 5 types of fishing lines.

Dresses - Can be made from cotton, silk or any number of other materials
Tires - Rubber trees
Golf Bags - Leather or other materials
Perfumes - Any number of other materials

Cassettes - CD's, DVD,s, and other storage mediums have already placed cassettes on the 'endangered products' list.
Dishwasher parts - Can be made of other materials. Originally made of metal.
Tool Boxes - Metal
Shoe Polish - Can be made of many other materials

Motorcycle Helmet - Don't need them
Caulking - is already being made from non-oil products
Petroleum Jelly - Don't need.
Transparent Tape - Don't need

CD Player - Can be made from other materials. Most important parts aren't made from oil products anyway
Faucet Washers - Neoprene Washers (which can be made from limestone)
Antiseptics - Don't have to be made from oil
Clothesline - aluminium

Curtains - cotton or other natural fibers
Food Preservatives - Not a good idea to eat foods preserved with oil products (that's why we have so many diseases)
Basketballs - leather (they're better anyway)
Soap - can be made from any number of materials.

Vitamin Capsules - use pills
Antihistamines - Salt is a natural antihistamine
Purses - leather
Shoes - leather

Dashboards - leather or fabric
Cortisone - can be made from fish oil
Deodorant - can be made from the oil of trees
Footballs - leather

Putty - Can be made from linseed oil
Dyes - Can be made from practically anything
Panty Hose - Can be made from synthetics
Refrigerant - We already have non-oil based refrigerants

Percolators - There's always instant coffee
Life Jackets - Can be made from cork
Rubbing Alcohol - Can be made from other products
Linings - can be made from practically anything.

There are two things to remember here.

1. With the exception of gasoline, the vast majority of products made from oil can and are being made from non-petroleum sources.

2. We don't need to eliminate oil based products entirely; we simply need to replace them as fuel for vehicles and fuel for power generation. Then we should have enough oil on US soil (and not in the ocean) to facilitate producing the rest, if you want to keep using oil for some thing. But it can be totally replaced in our economy by things that are:

1. Easier to get.
2. Replenishible
3. Not the threat to the environment if something goes wrong.

I'm patiently waiting for your dollar cost analysis. :eusa_whistle:
Diesel fuel - Will no longer need.
Motor Oil - We have synthetics
Bearing Grease - We have synthetics

Ink - Can be made from tree products
Floor Wax - Create floors that don't need to be waxed
Ballpoint Pens - See Ink. If the point is brass and the casing can be made of practically anything.
Football Cleats - Can be made from leather.

Upholstery - Can be made from leather.
Sweaters - Wool
Boats - Wood or steel
Insecticides - Any number of chemicals

Bicycle Tires - Rubber Trees
Sports Car Bodies - Graphite
Nail Polish - Can be made from almost anything.
Fishing lures - Can be made from other things. Fishing line made from oil is only 1 of 5 types of fishing lines.

Dresses - Can be made from cotton, silk or any number of other materials
Tires - Rubber trees
Golf Bags - Leather or other materials
Perfumes - Any number of other materials

Cassettes - CD's, DVD,s, and other storage mediums have already placed cassettes on the 'endangered products' list.
Dishwasher parts - Can be made of other materials. Originally made of metal.
Tool Boxes - Metal
Shoe Polish - Can be made of many other materials

Motorcycle Helmet - Don't need them
Caulking - is already being made from non-oil products
Petroleum Jelly - Don't need.
Transparent Tape - Don't need

CD Player - Can be made from other materials. Most important parts aren't made from oil products anyway
Faucet Washers - Neoprene Washers (which can be made from limestone)
Antiseptics - Don't have to be made from oil
Clothesline - aluminium

Curtains - cotton or other natural fibers
Food Preservatives - Not a good idea to eat foods preserved with oil products (that's why we have so many diseases)
Basketballs - leather (they're better anyway)
Soap - can be made from any number of materials.

Vitamin Capsules - use pills
Antihistamines - Salt is a natural antihistamine
Purses - leather
Shoes - leather

Dashboards - leather or fabric
Cortisone - can be made from fish oil
Deodorant - can be made from the oil of trees
Footballs - leather

Putty - Can be made from linseed oil
Dyes - Can be made from practically anything
Panty Hose - Can be made from synthetics
Refrigerant - We already have non-oil based refrigerants

Percolators - There's always instant coffee
Life Jackets - Can be made from cork
Rubbing Alcohol - Can be made from other products
Linings - can be made from practically anything.

There are two things to remember here.

1. With the exception of gasoline, the vast majority of products made from oil can and are being made from non-petroleum sources.

2. We don't need to eliminate oil based products entirely; we simply need to replace them as fuel for vehicles and fuel for power generation. Then we should have enough oil on US soil (and not in the ocean) to facilitate producing the rest, if you want to keep using oil for some thing. But it can be totally replaced in our economy by things that are:

1. Easier to get.
2. Replenishible
3. Not the threat to the environment if something goes wrong.

I'm patiently waiting for your dollar cost analysis. :eusa_whistle:

Good short term thinking lad, just what tomorrows children need.

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