So What Was The Point of Obamacare Again?

what about all the people who's healthcare got substantially worse after the switch, or did everyone forget about them?

I am not doubting they may be some, but most of what I have heard are accusations and assertions that are not proven or substantiated. I have people, ON US MESSAGE BOARD, assert that their premiums have skyrocketed and when asked for details, have not had any.

The biggest complaint I have heard is, "Tax payers are subsidizing people to have health insurance through the ADA."

That may be true, but who was paying for the visits that the uninsured were making on a regular basis to the ER and paying through the nose.......Yes, the Tax Payer.
One, sky rocketing prices have . . . not . . . happened.

Two, the tax payer paid before and will be continuing to do so.

I have an older low-income (that's SS and IRAs but house is paid and no other bills except living expenses) is going renew his own plan through IHC.

It will cost $7 more per month (about a 4% increase) and MHS has been added.

Only one person's story but where all the stories of the supposed horrors occurring.

If you have em, bring em forward.
The following is another good piece on the poorly thought out, although over 1000 pages, POS legislation. Not read before or after passage and IS more expensive it HAS to be more expensive there is NO way around it.

For the example that the left wing seems not to get. My company is a really large utility. They were kicking in 3000 per year to their retirees to off set health care costs. They were also letting those below medicare into their group plan, fantastic. Along come Obama care, away goes the 3000, why? Away goes the group plan with the big company and the retirees are now throw into a much smaller group of retirees. So the only option is to go to the exchanges which are by far much more expensive, much ore. So yes, using the excuse of Obama care companies are putting it to their employees and retirees.

But the Unions are pathetic. I bet they still passed out flyers for democrats that voted them into Obamacare. But after all isn't that what the stupid Unions wanted in the first place. Now with the Republican majority the Unions will only be able to cry.

Obamacare’s Hierarchy of Privilege

From the AFL/CIO

So what is it (ACA) about? On Wednesday, the Nevada AFL-CIO passed a resolution declaring that “the unintended consequences of the ACA will lead to the destruction of the 40-hour work week.” That’s quite an accomplishment for a “health” “care” “reform” law. But the poor old union heavies who so supported Obamacare are now reduced to bleating that they should be entitled to the same opt-outs secured by big business and congressional staffers. It’s a very strange law whose only defining characteristic is that no one who favors it wants to be bound by it.

Meanwhile, on the very same day as the AFL-CIO was predicting the death of the 40-hour week, the University of Virginia announced plans to boot working spouses off its health plan beginning January 1 because the Affordable Care Act has made it unaffordable: It’s projected to add $7.3 million dollars to the university’s bill in 2014 alone.

Obamacare s Hierarchy of Privilege National Review Online
hm, your numbers have been rebuked time and again.

You don't get "just once more." Shut up.
NO they HAVEN"T!
How can you rebuke the FACT 10 million of the Census' 46 million are NOT CITIZENS??? REBUKE THAT!
How in the f...k can you rebuke what the CENSUS said was an undercounting of Medicaid and putting them into the "UNINSURED" category!
14 million people that qualified for Medicaid and all need do is register but the ineffective Obama couldn't even do that right!
That leaves 22 million!
NOW YOU f...king rebuke this fact: 18 million people under age 34 don't need health insurance... but could afford their employers' health plans
as they made over $50,000 a year YET you idiots can't obviously see the distinction!
They never wanted health insurance YET they bogusly were counted as part of the 46 million UNINSURED!

REBUKE THOSE simple numbers PLEASE show me where the Census didn't agree
1) 10 million not citizens 2) 14 million already qualified for Medicaid 3) 18 million don't want!
That leaves 4 million NOT 46 million that you and your ilk for some stupid reason still don't understand!
How can any one get through your dim skulls that you are bogusly phonily hyping the number by 42 million!
4 million NOT 46 million!
REBUKE those please! Prove the Census was wrong. That 18 million WANTED health insurance that are under 34 and can afford but don't buy!
Jakethefake hasn't realized yet that Tuesday's results repudiates him as much as Obama. Everny Jake has said about Republicans has gone wrong. Jake, shouldn't have bad mouthed every Republican and then claimed to be one, that is just dishonest just like the democrats.
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.
When I was born (1963) the hospital stay cost my parents $50.

Can we go back to that?

I've come to the conclusion that what we pay in co-pays is what health care would cost if there were no insurance whatsoever. By making health insurance a tax deductible benefit for corporations (thanks to FDR's wage controls), the net result has been to suppress wage growth while money is funneled to Big Insurance Government Cronies.

I will not argue there is some waste.

But I have been to the vet and watched how capitalism in that odd healthcare field works. Stuff is still expensive enough it makes you send spot to the grave.
Once again, the results are the exact opposite of the stated liberal intent.


From the WSJ:

Early signals suggest the majority of the 2.2 million people who sought to enroll in private insurance through new marketplaces through Dec. 28 were previously covered elsewhere, raising questions about how swiftly this part of the health overhaul will be able to make a significant dent in the number of uninsured.

Insurers, brokers and consultants estimate at least two-thirds of those consumers previously bought their own coverage or were enrolled in employer-backed plans.

So What Was The Point of Obamacare Again National Review Online

This article is from January of this year, before an additional 5 million were enrolled through the Exchanges.
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's no point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.
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I don't know, I hope the Republicans repeal it. That would put the American "health care system" crisis back in the headlines, front-and-center, as millions lose "insurance coverage" and revert to the prior conditions. Let Republicans own their medieval ways.

Spot on. Turn it back to the for-profit corporations who only watch the bottom line and keep their shareholders happy. Because this screw will turn on everyone who needs insurance and has a health problem. That's pretty much everyone.

Let the insurance companies dictate preventative healthcare and stop it in its tracks. The cost can be the difference between a $35,000 problem and a $1,300,000 problem that ended up with lawsuits and endless fighting with Empire Blue. True story. It was mine.
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Have you socked away hundreds of thousands of dollars in case you get cancer? Heart disease requiring a bypass? SIt down and shut up.
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Have you socked away hundreds of thousands of dollars in case you get cancer? Heart disease requiring a bypass? SIt down and shut up.

I'm not a tacky person who discusses her income or wealth on message boards.

Clearly, you are yet another low info troglodyte who doesn't grok the concept of what insurance is. Proper insurance is for catastrophic situations. Instead, what we have is such coverage combined with incredibly expensive prepaid care. The latter is what is driving up costs, and making the catastrophic coverage less meaningful due to enormous deductibles.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Have you socked away hundreds of thousands of dollars in case you get cancer? Heart disease requiring a bypass? SIt down and shut up.

I'm not a tacky person who discusses her income or wealth on message boards.


Then don't make your personal finances a key part of your argument.
I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Have you socked away hundreds of thousands of dollars in case you get cancer? Heart disease requiring a bypass? SIt down and shut up.

I'm not a tacky person who discusses her income or wealth on message boards.


Then don't make your personal finances a key part of your argument.

I'm not. I expressed my personal preferences for the type of insurance that I'd like to have, and recommended a financial management strategy.

So shove it.
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Where does the 'investment' money come from when a family of, say, four, currently covered by Medicaid,

loses their Medicaid as people like you would like to see happen? Magic?
Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Have you socked away hundreds of thousands of dollars in case you get cancer? Heart disease requiring a bypass? SIt down and shut up.

I'm not a tacky person who discusses her income or wealth on message boards.


Then don't make your personal finances a key part of your argument.

I'm not. I expressed my personal preferences for the type of insurance that I'd like to have, and recommended a financial management strategy.

So shove it.

Fine. then answer my question in the previous post.
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Where does the 'investment' money come from when a family of, say, four, currently covered by Medicaid,

loses their Medicaid as people like you would like to see happen? Magic?

You Progs always resort to burning your phony strawmen.

Don't you realize that you are contributing to AGW?
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

I'd be perfectly happy to keep my tax money to invest in my own health savings account, to pay for regular health care services on my own, and have a catastrophic care policy. This combination would be far less expensive than the government enabled health care insurance monstrosity which is just a way to make prepaid health care incredibly expensive.

Oh my. When my father died in 03/04 he ran up almost $100,000 worth of bills.

My fairly well off father in law is probably nearing the half million mark. I don't know if the average person can save that much. But hey, if you would live with throwing my father in law and yours out on the street to wait for the savior in sandals to come heal him I guess it would be fair.

You are a moron. There's not point explaining to you what catastrophic and long term care policies are. Nor would you understand the concept of investing one's own money to care for oneself instead of paying taxes to a corrupt centralized bureaucracy that skims most of it for its own preservation.

Where does the 'investment' money come from when a family of, say, four, currently covered by Medicaid,

loses their Medicaid as people like you would like to see happen? Magic?

You Progs always resort to burning your phony strawmen.

Don't you realize that you are contributing to AGW?

So you support Medicaid? The cornerstone of the American socialist War on Poverty?

Very funny. I should get a dollar for every RWnut on this board who goes on and on about the evils of socialism and the failure of the war on poverty,

that I've exposed as being a closet supporter of Medicaid.

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