So What Was The Point of Obamacare Again?

Obamacare was simply a windfall for insurance companies in the short term and a stepping stone to single payer.

It's so awful that the outcry will be great and then the idiots who gave us this disaster will tell us that single payer is the only thing that can save it.

It's a scam, a disaster, and the majority of Americans fell for it.

it's like putting Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in charge of reforming our banking system. It's like making Hannibal Lecter White House Chef

Wait! Hannibal might be a good choice.
Obamacare was simply a windfall for insurance companies in the short term and a stepping stone to single payer.

It's so awful that the outcry will be great and then the idiots who gave us this disaster will tell us that single payer is the only thing that can save it.

It's a scam, a disaster, and the majority of Americans fell for it.
I think taking back the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014 shows the majority did not fall for it.

It just takes time.

The people's House of Reps repealed it numerous times.

Senators better get on board or more get fired in 2016.

That is one epic case of denial you have going there. Good luck with that, lol.
I don't know, I hope the Republicans repeal it. That would put the American "health care system" crisis back in the headlines, front-and-center, as millions lose "insurance coverage" and revert to the prior conditions. Let Republicans own their medieval ways.

Beg your pardon? My insurance has never been cancelled. I have had insurance for me and my family for over 40 years. Yours? Wasn't it something like 4-5 million people, who HAD insurance, only to have their policies cancelled when Obamacare came into being? So the net "gain" if you will, is around a million and a half people who have actually enrolled and, nearly 300,000 of THOSE haven't paid a premium since the day they enrolled - citing that they "thought it was free".

As for republicans "owning" their "medieval ways" - what the hell does that mean? OBarrycare was passed without ONE republican vote. Why do you suppose that was? Could it be because the republicans KNEW it was a worthless piece of crap legislation -designed strictly to make Washington democrats feel good about themselves?

But hey - don't be so butthurt. The republicans will most likely re-work it to make it workable and competitive with private insurance companies. Win-Win - if you ask me.....
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

You mean the medicare that was available before this debacle? That medicare?
Yeah, the single payer government provided program that has been around for decades and is wildly popular. Too bad all those 'conservative' Medicare recipients won't even support partially subsidized private insurance for the lower income uninsured. I guess as long as they get their much more generous government handouts they are ok.
I don't know, I hope the Republicans repeal it. That would put the American "health care system" crisis back in the headlines, front-and-center, as millions lose "insurance coverage" and revert to the prior conditions. Let Republicans own their medieval ways.

Beg your pardon? My insurance has never been cancelled. I have had insurance for me and my family for over 40 years. Yours? Wasn't it something like 4-5 million people, who HAD insurance, only to have their policies cancelled when Obamacare came into being? So the net "gain" if you will, is around a million and a half people who have actually enrolled and, nearly 300,000 of THOSE haven't paid a premium since the day they enrolled - citing that they "thought it was free".

As for republicans "owning" their "medieval ways" - what the hell does that mean? OBarrycare was passed without ONE republican vote. Why do you suppose that was? Could it be because the republicans KNEW it was a worthless piece of crap legislation -designed strictly to make Washington democrats feel good about themselves?

But hey - don't be so butthurt. The republicans will most likely re-work it to make it workable and competitive with private insurance companies. Win-Win - if you ask me.....
The ACA has competition with private insurance companies.... that is what it is. It is almost completely based on ideas from conservative think tanks and the insurance companies as an alternative to Hillarycare.
It would have been easy for Obama and the Dems to just not go there and leave millions without heath insurance, but that was not an option. Those silly Dems think they can help people. So they pushed the ACA through and millions of Americans are now getting good health insurance. Over the shouts of the GOP, the Dems pushed it through.

Yesterday, they were punished for that effort, or to a large degree they were. Yes, the Dems lost in the short term, but in the long run the country will be stronger and better and the voters will finally realize who cares about them and who would rather see the insurance companies control care and keep pushing the rates up.
what about all the people who's healthcare got substantially worse after the switch, or did everyone forget about them?
what about all the people who's healthcare got substantially worse after the switch, or did everyone forget about them?
Health insurance generally became more comprehensive across the board but premiums did go up for healthy and young people with higher incomes to make it more affordable for lower incomes and folks with pre existing conditions. It isn't a perfect solution and it doesn't work any magic but there are some cost savings measures built into the plan.
The point of ObamaCare was to benefit Big Government and it's this particular case, Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Fine, get rid of it. BTW, I hope you're willing to give up your Medicare.

You mean the medicare that was available before this debacle? That medicare?
Yeah, the single payer government provided program that has been around for decades and is wildly popular. Too bad all those 'conservative' Medicare recipients won't even support partially subsidized private insurance for the lower income uninsured. I guess as long as they get their much more generous government handouts they are ok.

Why would you bring it up? It's not like it's going anywhere.
And the low income people can fuck themselves,thats what medicare is for.
I don't know, I hope the Republicans repeal it. That would put the American "health care system" crisis back in the headlines, front-and-center, as millions lose "insurance coverage" and revert to the prior conditions. Let Republicans own their medieval ways.
For the umpteenth TIME!!!
1) 10 million of the so-called 46 million "uninsured" are NOT citizens according to the Census! Leaves 36 million!
Proof: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
2) 14 million are people that qualified for medicaid BEFORE ACA... so due to Medicaid ineptness they are bogusly counted as part of the 46 million!
But why didn't Obama admit the failure of his administration to enroll 14 million people eligible BEFORE ACA? People that were at the poverty level to be covered by Medicaid BEFORE ACA! So if Obama's administration was more effective then there would NOT be 14 million uninsured!
The Census agrees with the above and says they have UNDERCOUNTED those people!
That leaves 22 million!
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.
These people are being forced to buy and they don't WANT! They don't and won't use it yet they were counted!

The FACT that 4 million people wanted and need health insurance is the true number.
And those 4 million could have BEEN EASILY covered simply by taxing lawyers that cause the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine cost.
The $27 billion at 10% of lawyers $270 billion would pay a $5,000 premium for each of the 4 million truly uninsured!
hm, your numbers have been rebuked time and again.

You don't get "just once more." Shut up.
This country was made and is supported on the backs of low-income people.

Now thats a load of horseshit.
This country was built on a strong work ethic,and the belief that anything was possible for those that work hard,and the belief that you didnt have to stay a low income worker.

If you seriously think that then you don't know your history friend.
the point of Obamacare was to get it, provide health insurance to 10 million people, have the Republicans control both houses of congress, take health insurance away from 10 million people, and never win an election of any kind for decades to come.

But don't tell the Republicans, let them find out for themselves. They need to get this country moving in the right direction.
This country was made and is supported on the backs of low-income people.

Now thats a load of horseshit.
This country was built on a strong work ethic,and the belief that anything was possible for those that work hard,and the belief that you didnt have to stay a low income worker.

If you seriously think that then you don't know your history friend.

You some kind of socialist utopian?
So where did these low income people get these jobs you speak of?
Here's one explanation for who's still uninsured, and why:

The ACA has competition with private insurance companies.... that is what it is. It is almost completely based on ideas from conservative think tanks and the insurance companies as an alternative to Hillarycare.

You are incredibly misinformed.

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