So What Was Trump's Big Reveal?

What's inside? Obama gets report on Russia hacking, as Republicans spar on claims

"Trump and his allies have cast doubt on the claims. The latest detail to raise questions is confirmation from the Democratic National Committee that the FBI did not examine their servers.

A spokesman confirmed to Fox News that “the FBI never requested access to the DNC's computer servers,” though the DNC had several meetings with FBI and other officials during the investigation. BuzzFeed first reported the FBI did not inspect the servers before issuing their report."

Folks, you just can't make this shit up. The DNC states the FBI never examined their servers. What?

You mean the servers that Hillary bleachbitted then hammered?
so how is it they can write a report to say the DNC was hacked when their servers weren't even examined? And how the fk do they know that hitlery's were when they were bleachbitted? And they doubt us bubba!!!!!


Here take a look at our servers to see if the Russians hacked into them -- HRC


Oh, here's my cell phone too -- HRC
I want to hear from someone other than McLoser. And I find it hilarious this statement:

"3) There's no way to tell what the electoral impact was of Russia's meddling

No one alleging Russia hacking has insinuated that Russia's hacking propelled Trump to victory, and intelligence officials repeated that Thursday.

Clapper: “We have no way of gauging the impact, certainly the intelligence community can’t gauge the impact, it had on choices the electorate made.”"

But yet that is the entire fking accusation!!!!! folks I can't believe it. So it didn't influence anything. what was that that was said during the IRS investigation? we shouldn't waste tax payer money? sorry but,

and there's this as well,

4) Intelligence leaders feel the need to defend themselves from attacks like Trump's

The quote that will probably make the most headlines from this hearing comes from Clapper, who said skepticism of intelligence is healthy (“the intelligence community is not perfect”) but that “I think there is a difference between skepticism and disparagement.”
I want to hear from someone other than McLoser. And I find it hilarious this statement:

"3) There's no way to tell what the electoral impact was of Russia's meddling

No one alleging Russia hacking has insinuated that Russia's hacking propelled Trump to victory, and intelligence officials repeated that Thursday.

Clapper: “We have no way of gauging the impact, certainly the intelligence community can’t gauge the impact, it had on choices the electorate made.”"

But yet that is the entire fking accusation!!!!! folks I can't believe it. So it didn't influence anything. what was that that was said during the IRS investigation? we shouldn't waste tax payer money? sorry but,

and there's this as well,

4) Intelligence leaders feel the need to defend themselves from attacks like Trump's

The quote that will probably make the most headlines from this hearing comes from Clapper, who said skepticism of intelligence is healthy (“the intelligence community is not perfect”) but that “I think there is a difference between skepticism and disparagement.”

like I said, you're much smarter than all the fucking intelligence in the country.. you're on a RW message board !!
I want to hear from someone other than McLoser. And I find it hilarious this statement:

"3) There's no way to tell what the electoral impact was of Russia's meddling

No one alleging Russia hacking has insinuated that Russia's hacking propelled Trump to victory, and intelligence officials repeated that Thursday.

Clapper: “We have no way of gauging the impact, certainly the intelligence community can’t gauge the impact, it had on choices the electorate made.”"

But yet that is the entire fking accusation!!!!! folks I can't believe it. So it didn't influence anything. what was that that was said during the IRS investigation? we shouldn't waste tax payer money? sorry but,

and there's this as well,

4) Intelligence leaders feel the need to defend themselves from attacks like Trump's

The quote that will probably make the most headlines from this hearing comes from Clapper, who said skepticism of intelligence is healthy (“the intelligence community is not perfect”) but that “I think there is a difference between skepticism and disparagement.”

like I said, you're much smarter than all the fucking intelligence in the country.. you're on a RW message board !!
so what did I copy and paste wrongly here? isn't that what was in the link? their words, right? how you figure me posting their comments makes me smarter than them? the ability to copy and paste?
Back in the days when we wrote our secrets on paper, the Russians never got our secrets.

Yeah. Just ask Trump! He knows things other people don't know!

Better yet, I bet Trump's puppeteer and the head of the KGB, Vladimir Putin, will confirm this.

There is no such thing as a former KGB man. - Vladimir Putin
back when there people with brains?
I want to hear from someone other than McLoser. And I find it hilarious this statement:

"3) There's no way to tell what the electoral impact was of Russia's meddling

No one alleging Russia hacking has insinuated that Russia's hacking propelled Trump to victory, and intelligence officials repeated that Thursday.

Clapper: “We have no way of gauging the impact, certainly the intelligence community can’t gauge the impact, it had on choices the electorate made.”"

But yet that is the entire fking accusation!!!!! folks I can't believe it. So it didn't influence anything. what was that that was said during the IRS investigation? we shouldn't waste tax payer money? sorry but,

and there's this as well,

4) Intelligence leaders feel the need to defend themselves from attacks like Trump's

The quote that will probably make the most headlines from this hearing comes from Clapper, who said skepticism of intelligence is healthy (“the intelligence community is not perfect”) but that “I think there is a difference between skepticism and disparagement.”

like I said, you're much smarter than all the fucking intelligence in the country.. you're on a RW message board !!
so what did I copy and paste wrongly here? isn't that what was in the link? their words, right? how you figure me posting their comments makes me smarter than them? the ability to copy and paste?

  • 1) Intelligence officials think Russia definitely meddled in the U.S. election

    They hacked into party databases and candidate emails, and they tried to spread propaganda and fake news. Basically, they tried everything they could to meddle in the presidential election, intelligence officials said Thursday. (The CIA and FBI are in agreement Russia wanted to help Trump win.)

    Why'd they do all this? We have to take a 30,000-foot view to answer that question.

    “The Russians are bent on establishing a presence in the Western hemisphere” for a variety of reasons, Clapper said. He said they want to gain military allies, sell equipment, set up air bases and, crucially, set up intelligence-gathering facilities.

    And intelligence officials think Russia is getting more and more aggressive in trying to extend their reach to our side of the world; their hacking into Democratic emails is exhibit A.

    Reuters Clapper: Russia is 'bent on establishing a presence in the' West At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Jan. 5, National Intelligence Director James Clapper responded to a question from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.).
    2) Russia's leaders authorized some of the hacking

    Reuters Clapper: Intelligence community has little 'respect' for Assange Senate Armed Services Committee Chair John McCain (R-Ariz.) asked National Intelligence Director James Clapper and Cyber Command Chief Admiral Mike Rogers their opinions about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a hearing Jan. 5.
    The three intelligence officers released a statement before the hearing. One key line in it read that only “Russia's senior-most officials” could have authorized the hacking of the Democratic Party's emails.

    You'll recall some of those emails were leaked on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in the summer and resulted in the resignation of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.).

    This assertion directly flies in the face of Trump's insistence on repeatedly giving Russian President Vladimir Putin the benefit of the doubt. Shortly before the new year, Trump praised Putin for not retaliating to Obama's sanctions on Russia for the hacking.

    Donald J. Trump

I want to hear from someone other than McLoser. And I find it hilarious this statement:

"3) There's no way to tell what the electoral impact was of Russia's meddling

No one alleging Russia hacking has insinuated that Russia's hacking propelled Trump to victory, and intelligence officials repeated that Thursday.

Clapper: “We have no way of gauging the impact, certainly the intelligence community can’t gauge the impact, it had on choices the electorate made.”"

But yet that is the entire fking accusation!!!!! folks I can't believe it. So it didn't influence anything. what was that that was said during the IRS investigation? we shouldn't waste tax payer money? sorry but,

and there's this as well,

4) Intelligence leaders feel the need to defend themselves from attacks like Trump's

The quote that will probably make the most headlines from this hearing comes from Clapper, who said skepticism of intelligence is healthy (“the intelligence community is not perfect”) but that “I think there is a difference between skepticism and disparagement.”

like I said, you're much smarter than all the fucking intelligence in the country.. you're on a RW message board !!
so what did I copy and paste wrongly here? isn't that what was in the link? their words, right? how you figure me posting their comments makes me smarter than them? the ability to copy and paste?

  • 1) Intelligence officials think Russia definitely meddled in the U.S. election

    They hacked into party databases and candidate emails, and they tried to spread propaganda and fake news. Basically, they tried everything they could to meddle in the presidential election, intelligence officials said Thursday. (The CIA and FBI are in agreement Russia wanted to help Trump win.)

    Why'd they do all this? We have to take a 30,000-foot view to answer that question.

    “The Russians are bent on establishing a presence in the Western hemisphere” for a variety of reasons, Clapper said. He said they want to gain military allies, sell equipment, set up air bases and, crucially, set up intelligence-gathering facilities.

    And intelligence officials think Russia is getting more and more aggressive in trying to extend their reach to our side of the world; their hacking into Democratic emails is exhibit A.

    Reuters Clapper: Russia is 'bent on establishing a presence in the' West At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Jan. 5, National Intelligence Director James Clapper responded to a question from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.).
    2) Russia's leaders authorized some of the hacking

    Reuters Clapper: Intelligence community has little 'respect' for Assange Senate Armed Services Committee Chair John McCain (R-Ariz.) asked National Intelligence Director James Clapper and Cyber Command Chief Admiral Mike Rogers their opinions about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a hearing Jan. 5.
    The three intelligence officers released a statement before the hearing. One key line in it read that only “Russia's senior-most officials” could have authorized the hacking of the Democratic Party's emails.

    You'll recall some of those emails were leaked on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in the summer and resulted in the resignation of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.).

    This assertion directly flies in the face of Trump's insistence on repeatedly giving Russian President Vladimir Putin the benefit of the doubt. Shortly before the new year, Trump praised Putin for not retaliating to Obama's sanctions on Russia for the hacking.

    Donald J. Trump

I don't know what to tell you other than what in that is evidence of anything other than conjecture?

They use the word leaked. LeAkEd
I want to hear from someone other than McLoser. And I find it hilarious this statement:

"3) There's no way to tell what the electoral impact was of Russia's meddling

No one alleging Russia hacking has insinuated that Russia's hacking propelled Trump to victory, and intelligence officials repeated that Thursday.

Clapper: “We have no way of gauging the impact, certainly the intelligence community can’t gauge the impact, it had on choices the electorate made.”"

But yet that is the entire fking accusation!!!!! folks I can't believe it. So it didn't influence anything. what was that that was said during the IRS investigation? we shouldn't waste tax payer money? sorry but,

and there's this as well,

4) Intelligence leaders feel the need to defend themselves from attacks like Trump's

The quote that will probably make the most headlines from this hearing comes from Clapper, who said skepticism of intelligence is healthy (“the intelligence community is not perfect”) but that “I think there is a difference between skepticism and disparagement.”

like I said, you're much smarter than all the fucking intelligence in the country.. you're on a RW message board !!
so what did I copy and paste wrongly here? isn't that what was in the link? their words, right? how you figure me posting their comments makes me smarter than them? the ability to copy and paste?

  • 1) Intelligence officials think Russia definitely meddled in the U.S. election

    They hacked into party databases and candidate emails, and they tried to spread propaganda and fake news. Basically, they tried everything they could to meddle in the presidential election, intelligence officials said Thursday. (The CIA and FBI are in agreement Russia wanted to help Trump win.)

    Why'd they do all this? We have to take a 30,000-foot view to answer that question.

    “The Russians are bent on establishing a presence in the Western hemisphere” for a variety of reasons, Clapper said. He said they want to gain military allies, sell equipment, set up air bases and, crucially, set up intelligence-gathering facilities.

    And intelligence officials think Russia is getting more and more aggressive in trying to extend their reach to our side of the world; their hacking into Democratic emails is exhibit A.

    Reuters Clapper: Russia is 'bent on establishing a presence in the' West At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Jan. 5, National Intelligence Director James Clapper responded to a question from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.).
    2) Russia's leaders authorized some of the hacking

    Reuters Clapper: Intelligence community has little 'respect' for Assange Senate Armed Services Committee Chair John McCain (R-Ariz.) asked National Intelligence Director James Clapper and Cyber Command Chief Admiral Mike Rogers their opinions about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a hearing Jan. 5.
    The three intelligence officers released a statement before the hearing. One key line in it read that only “Russia's senior-most officials” could have authorized the hacking of the Democratic Party's emails.

    You'll recall some of those emails were leaked on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in the summer and resulted in the resignation of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.).

    This assertion directly flies in the face of Trump's insistence on repeatedly giving Russian President Vladimir Putin the benefit of the doubt. Shortly before the new year, Trump praised Putin for not retaliating to Obama's sanctions on Russia for the hacking.

    Donald J. Trump

Funny, the Washington Post is the most egregious perpetrator in spreading propaganda and fake news in an attempt to meddle in the presidential election. The irony of them bashing Russia is beyond the pale.
You ever notice that whenever Trump is cornered on his bullshit, he says he is going to come out with a big reveal in a few days, and then runs away?

A few days ago, it happened again. Trump was pressed on the mounting evidence Russia interfered in our electoral process, and so he had to come up with something.

"I know a lot about hacking." He actually said this! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

There isn't anything Trump doesn't know a lot about. He knows more about war than generals. He knows more about hacking than our intelligence agencies. I bet he thinks he knows more about hamburgers than McDonalds.

Trump's solution to hacking? You're going to want to sit down. He said you should write stuff down and send it by courier.

I kid you not.

Trump then bragged, "I also know things that other people don’t know."

When pressed on this, he said, "“You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

So...anyone? What was this master huckster's big reveal?

Or did he not follow through again, just like always?
He said chuck Schumer was a fucking clown...everyone knew that...but no one would say it. I guess that's a reveal....

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