So what's next week's smear against Romney Obama will pull out of his ass ?

Romney has the country's 16 trillion dollars of debt hidden in a Swiss bank account.......
Are we through talking about Romney's mysterious tax records?

Not at all. The Obama camp released this ad yesterday and I would expect it'll be on the air in key states fairly soon.

[ame=]"Son of Boss" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube[/ame]

These are the kind of ads I hope to see from the right..

[ame=]Top Priority - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Jennifer - YouTube[/ame]

Oh! And one on all the one's that lost their jobs when Solyndra went under.. they should have an ad with interviews.. I'd say they're quite upset that they put their stock in a company the President promised would work.. that didn't. Obama's obviously responsible for their job loss and whatever happened to them after that.
Are we through talking about Romney's mysterious tax records?

Not at all. The Obama camp released this ad yesterday and I would expect it'll be on the air in key states fairly soon.

[ame=]"Son of Boss" - Obama for America TV Ad - YouTube[/ame]

These are the kind of ads I hope to see from the right..

[ame=]Top Priority - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Jennifer - YouTube[/ame]

Oh! And one on all the one's that lost their jobs when Solyndra went under.. they should have an ad with interviews.. I'd say they're quite upset that they put their stock in a company the President promised would work.. that didn't. Obama's obviously responsible for their job loss and whatever happened to them after that.

How do this sound to you for a plan to give more American jobs to non-native students??

•Every foreign student who obtains an advanced degree in math, science, or engineering at a U.S. university should be granted permanent residency.

Sound good to you?
Romney has the country's 16 trillion dollars of debt hidden in a Swiss bank account.......

I apologize, i was wrong, it will be Harry Reid making that accusation. Followed by every moonbat available demanding Romney release his tax records to prove it isn't true....:cool:
John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kerry’s crew members who were there that day do not agree with Elliott’s characterization of the event in his 2004 affidavits. They contend that the enemy soldier, although wounded, was still a threat. For example, one of them, Fred Short, said, "The guy was getting ready to stand up with a rocket on his shoulder, coming up. And Mr. Kerry took him out … he would have been about a 30-yard shot. … [T]here's no way he could miss us."[45] Del Sandusky, Kerry’s second in command, described the consequences to the lightly armored Swift Boat: "Charlie would have lit us up like a Roman candle because we're full of fuel, we're full of ammunition."[46] Another witness stated that the VC "had an entry wound at the side of his chest and exit wound at the opposite side of the chest cavity, a wound that was consistent with reports of the man turning to fire a second B-40 rocket."[47]

The only member of SBVT who was present that day, Larry Clayton Lee, has stated he believes Kerry earned the Silver Star.[4]
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they claimed he got his silver medal by faking a report

You realize it was called a "Silver Star", and that yeah, there were some questions about that action..

First, he beached his boat. Frankly, that was just reckless, because it rendered his boat's gun useless. (It pointed away from the battle.) If things went badly, they'd have lost the boat.

Second, he shot a vietnamese kid. There were questions about whether that kid was running away or not, or whether he was armed.

In any event, the highest award the Army gave out for that same engagement was the Army Commendation medal.. which is quite a bit below the Silver Star.

Of course, the issue was not whether he deserved the medals. The issue was whether or not he threw them back at Congress.

The issue was whether he slandered teh troops.

The issue was whether he engaged in conduct unbecoming while an anti-war protester while still being technically in the Naval Reserve. (It should be pointed out that his records look like they were heavily scrubbed in the late 1970's.)

Ike would be ashamed of you
Now how can the party that LIED for months about a silver star winner complain about someone calling robmoney out for being a corprate raider?

you people are fucking sick
"In June, jobless ranks were higher in nearly 90 percent of U.S. cities."
Mitt Romney, Sunday, August 5th, 2012.

"Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."
Mitt Romney, Monday, August 6th, 2012.

President Obama’s lawsuit claims it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period.

President Obama was saying success "is the result of government," not "hard-working people," when he said, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Stimulus dollars paid for "windmills from China."

Says stimulus money went to buy electric cars from Finland as a payback to Obama supporters.
John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kerry’s crew members who were there that day do not agree with Elliott’s characterization of the event in his 2004 affidavits. They contend that the enemy soldier, although wounded, was still a threat. For example, one of them, Fred Short, said, "The guy was getting ready to stand up with a rocket on his shoulder, coming up. And Mr. Kerry took him out … he would have been about a 30-yard shot. … [T]here's no way he could miss us."[45] Del Sandusky, Kerry’s second in command, described the consequences to the lightly armored Swift Boat: "Charlie would have lit us up like a Roman candle because we're full of fuel, we're full of ammunition."[46] Another witness stated that the VC "had an entry wound at the side of his chest and exit wound at the opposite side of the chest cavity, a wound that was consistent with reports of the man turning to fire a second B-40 rocket."[47]

The only member of SBVT who was present that day, Larry Clayton Lee, has stated he believes Kerry earned the Silver Star.[4]

the republican party LIED about the service of a silver star winner for poltical advantage.

it doesnt get lower than that
dear fucking lair.

the one man in the swiftboat buttheads who was there that day said KERRY DESERVED THE MEDAL
John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kerry’s crew members who were there that day do not agree with Elliott’s characterization of the event in his 2004 affidavits. They contend that the enemy soldier, although wounded, was still a threat. For example, one of them, Fred Short, said, "The guy was getting ready to stand up with a rocket on his shoulder, coming up. And Mr. Kerry took him out … he would have been about a 30-yard shot. … [T]here's no way he could miss us."[45] Del Sandusky, Kerry’s second in command, described the consequences to the lightly armored Swift Boat: "Charlie would have lit us up like a Roman candle because we're full of fuel, we're full of ammunition."[46] Another witness stated that the VC "had an entry wound at the side of his chest and exit wound at the opposite side of the chest cavity, a wound that was consistent with reports of the man turning to fire a second B-40 rocket."[47]

The only member of SBVT who was present that day, Larry Clayton Lee, has stated he believes Kerry earned the Silver Star.[4]

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