So what's the laundry list of free shit Obama is gonna dangle in front of all the leeches tonight?

And what would you say? I say education is not the answer. Know why? Because this country is always going to have ditch diggers, factory workers, maids, walmart employees, mcD workers, etc.

What made the American middle class the greatest class the world had ever seen? Unions. High paying jobs. Sick days. Great insurance. Holiday pay. Pensions. GREAT JOBS for the masses.

It is unrealistic to say education is the key. Put everyone though nursing school, next thing you know the market is flooded with nurses and nurses then make $30K a year.

I say pay the middle class a living/decent/fair wage. My dad worked for Ford Motor Company. He has a Pension, SS, hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank and 2 homes. He never made more than $11 hr but that was good money back then. Especially when his insurance was so great. Get sick? It cost us $5 to go to the emergency room.

I know what will make America great again. But the rich and the GOP and conservatives won't like it. They'll call me a socialist commy pig. But the bottom line is, just pay your employees more.

Ever hear the story of Carl who graduated highschool and started making $17hr shoveling coal in the graveyard shift at a union factory somewhere in Michigan? That's a low skilled job. Why did he make so much? Because he was in a union. The smartest guys I know were in unions because they were at least smart enough to demand a fair wage and share of the profits.
The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We have to educate our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not for low skilled shit.

Cars used to be leading edge tech. Now they aren't. We've moved on way beyond that. Robots and third worlders do that shit now.

You say unions made us strong. That's true, to a point. But I guess you have not noticed the highest paying jobs in America, the ones in high tech fields, are almost all non-union jobs. You know why?

Because those skills are so scarce that an educated person can pretty much write their own ticket. They are marketable.

Meanwhile the low skilled jobs are going overseas, where they belong.

It wasn't unions that made us the number one economy. It was our technological edge. It wasn't low skilled jobs. It was the exact opposite of that. It was innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit which made us number one.

Unions came about because our national economy went through a transition from one in which everyone was their own boss to one which was organized around corporations with wage workers at the bottom and owners and shareholders at the top.

This protectionist bullshit for low skilled jobs is killing us. We need to maintain our edge, and that means education in the right skills. High tech skills. Tomorrow's skills.

And that means more education than ever before. We aren't even keeping up, much less staying ahead!

You can work on an automotive assembly line, if you wish. But you are retarded if you think you deserve more than $20 bucks an hour to do it. I'll be surprised if we are still making cars in America in 20 years.

Yeah, we had some that went up to Detroit a few years back and made $20.00 per hour installing tires on new cars. When Detroit went by the wayside, they came back home and had to take minimum wage jobs because the local area had no jobs for tire installers that paid more than minimum wage.

While I don't think a tire installer should make minimum wage, one damn sure shouldn't make $20/hour doing it. It takes some training but it isn't rocket science.

None of the people working at the Big 3 making over $20 hr were high skilled workers. They worked on the line, in the paint department, janitors, cooks, security. They were all paid a good wage. In your world they'd all be making minimum wage.

Why not? What other reason besides they are unionized would you have for paying them anymore? So the conservative vision of America sucks and doesn't work, unless you are rich. We could have stayed in Europe and got that. Don't forget what made America great. The world had never seen a middle class like the one we had before Reagan/Bush and the GOP changed America for the worse.
you mean the big three that required a government bail out because their expenses far outweighed their revenue?

That big 3?

Thought so.

You Americans are so gullible. You forget what bankrupted the Big 2. It wasn't the unions. Gas went over $4 a gallon. Do you think that had something to do with it? Under Bush 700,000 manufacturing jobs a month went overseas. Do you think all those people who lost their jobs were buying cars? Do you think that had something to do with it? How about all the government spending cuts and government jobs that were lost because the GOP insisted on cutting spending. Reagan and Bush were given $ and grew the government in order to help them get out of their recessions. Obama was not afforded that same luxury.

It is typical for you guys to point to the unions, Greece, the young Wallstreet Protesters, poor people who got conned into bad mortgages and say LOOK ITS THEIR FAULT. Are you being intellectually dishonest or are you stupid?

It wasn't the unions that crashed the global economy let alone the national economy. That was Bush and GOPanomics. And it looks to me like they did it on purpose.

You can't even try to tell me the GOP aren't responsible for the 2007 Great Recession. The only argument you can make is that they didn't do it on purpose. That they were just bad and wrong when it comes to trickle down. But it sure looks to me like it was all planned. Don't forget Bush laid TARP on us on his way out the door. Mother fucker. And you don't even know he's to blame. Talk about brainwashed.
The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We have to educate our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not for low skilled shit.

Cars used to be leading edge tech. Now they aren't. We've moved on way beyond that. Robots and third worlders do that shit now.

You say unions made us strong. That's true, to a point. But I guess you have not noticed the highest paying jobs in America, the ones in high tech fields, are almost all non-union jobs. You know why?

Because those skills are so scarce that an educated person can pretty much write their own ticket. They are marketable.

Meanwhile the low skilled jobs are going overseas, where they belong.

It wasn't unions that made us the number one economy. It was our technological edge. It wasn't low skilled jobs. It was the exact opposite of that. It was innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit which made us number one.

Unions came about because our national economy went through a transition from one in which everyone was their own boss to one which was organized around corporations with wage workers at the bottom and owners and shareholders at the top.

This protectionist bullshit for low skilled jobs is killing us. We need to maintain our edge, and that means education in the right skills. High tech skills. Tomorrow's skills.

And that means more education than ever before. We aren't even keeping up, much less staying ahead!

You can work on an automotive assembly line, if you wish. But you are retarded if you think you deserve more than $20 bucks an hour to do it. I'll be surprised if we are still making cars in America in 20 years.

Yeah, we had some that went up to Detroit a few years back and made $20.00 per hour installing tires on new cars. When Detroit went by the wayside, they came back home and had to take minimum wage jobs because the local area had no jobs for tire installers that paid more than minimum wage.

While I don't think a tire installer should make minimum wage, one damn sure shouldn't make $20/hour doing it. It takes some training but it isn't rocket science.

None of the people working at the Big 3 making over $20 hr were high skilled workers. They worked on the line, in the paint department, janitors, cooks, security. They were all paid a good wage. In your world they'd all be making minimum wage.

Why not? What other reason besides they are unionized would you have for paying them anymore? So the conservative vision of America sucks and doesn't work, unless you are rich. We could have stayed in Europe and got that. Don't forget what made America great. The world had never seen a middle class like the one we had before Reagan/Bush and the GOP changed America for the worse.
you mean the big three that required a government bail out because their expenses far outweighed their revenue?

That big 3?

Thought so.

You Americans are so gullible. You forget what bankrupted the Big 2. It wasn't the unions. Gas went over $4 a gallon. Do you think that had something to do with it? Under Bush 700,000 manufacturing jobs a month went overseas. Do you think all those people who lost their jobs were buying cars? Do you think that had something to do with it? How about all the government spending cuts and government jobs that were lost because the GOP insisted on cutting spending. Reagan and Bush were given $ and grew the government in order to help them get out of their recessions. Obama was not afforded that same luxury.

It is typical for you guys to point to the unions, Greece, the young Wallstreet Protesters, poor people who got conned into bad mortgages and say LOOK ITS THEIR FAULT. Are you being intellectually dishonest or are you stupid?

It wasn't the unions that crashed the global economy let alone the national economy. That was Bush and GOPanomics. And it looks to me like they did it on purpose.

You can't even try to tell me the GOP aren't responsible for the 2007 Great Recession. The only argument you can make is that they didn't do it on purpose. That they were just bad and wrong when it comes to trickle down. But it sure looks to me like it was all planned. Don't forget Bush laid TARP on us on his way out the door. Mother fucker. And you don't even know he's to blame. Talk about brainwashed.
Derp Derp Derp we go, gently down the stream.....
I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.

Obama knows that American are [GRUBER] STUPID, that they love , what in their stupidity, believe is "free stuff".

Obama knows that the parasitic element is close to 50% , and that they vote early and often.

Obama knows that in order to be electable politicians must cater to the parasitic element.

We are doomed.


Obama understands that a great nation provides for its citizens and doesn't put all its trust in the corporations. You are a fascist.
Yeah, we had some that went up to Detroit a few years back and made $20.00 per hour installing tires on new cars. When Detroit went by the wayside, they came back home and had to take minimum wage jobs because the local area had no jobs for tire installers that paid more than minimum wage.

While I don't think a tire installer should make minimum wage, one damn sure shouldn't make $20/hour doing it. It takes some training but it isn't rocket science.

None of the people working at the Big 3 making over $20 hr were high skilled workers. They worked on the line, in the paint department, janitors, cooks, security. They were all paid a good wage. In your world they'd all be making minimum wage.

Why not? What other reason besides they are unionized would you have for paying them anymore? So the conservative vision of America sucks and doesn't work, unless you are rich. We could have stayed in Europe and got that. Don't forget what made America great. The world had never seen a middle class like the one we had before Reagan/Bush and the GOP changed America for the worse.
you mean the big three that required a government bail out because their expenses far outweighed their revenue?

That big 3?

Thought so.

You Americans are so gullible. You forget what bankrupted the Big 2. It wasn't the unions. Gas went over $4 a gallon. Do you think that had something to do with it? Under Bush 700,000 manufacturing jobs a month went overseas. Do you think all those people who lost their jobs were buying cars? Do you think that had something to do with it? How about all the government spending cuts and government jobs that were lost because the GOP insisted on cutting spending. Reagan and Bush were given $ and grew the government in order to help them get out of their recessions. Obama was not afforded that same luxury.

It is typical for you guys to point to the unions, Greece, the young Wallstreet Protesters, poor people who got conned into bad mortgages and say LOOK ITS THEIR FAULT. Are you being intellectually dishonest or are you stupid?

It wasn't the unions that crashed the global economy let alone the national economy. That was Bush and GOPanomics. And it looks to me like they did it on purpose.

You can't even try to tell me the GOP aren't responsible for the 2007 Great Recession. The only argument you can make is that they didn't do it on purpose. That they were just bad and wrong when it comes to trickle down. But it sure looks to me like it was all planned. Don't forget Bush laid TARP on us on his way out the door. Mother fucker. And you don't even know he's to blame. Talk about brainwashed.
Derp Derp Derp we go, gently down the stream.....

Derp Derp Derp are the facts stupid. I love it how Americans don't even remember that it was the unregulated free market capitalists that drove us off a cliff. The bankers? Too big to fail. Wall Street? Deregulate it? What are you stupid? Deregulate the mortgage industry? What did you expect. Deregulate the media so that 7 corporations control it all? Let corporations run our elections with rigged electronic voting machines? For profit prisons?

Gently down the stream.
I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.
It really pisses me off when things provided by the government are called free. Hard working taxpayers are footing the bill for all Obama's venture socialism.
I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.

Obama knows that American are [GRUBER] STUPID, that they love , what in their stupidity, believe is "free stuff".

Obama knows that the parasitic element is close to 50% , and that they vote early and often.

Obama knows that in order to be electable politicians must cater to the parasitic element.

We are doomed.


Obama understands that a great nation provides for its citizens and doesn't put all its trust in the corporations. You are a fascist.
A great nation or hard working taxpayers?
I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.
It really pisses me off when things provided by the government are called free. Hard working taxpayers are footing the bill for all Obama's venture socialism.

Exactly. The "free stuff" they are talking about are social services and programs we have to help the less fortunate or to provide for the general public. The GOP would have you pay the same taxes you pay now but not give you any services.

One thing that makes a country great is safety nets. And as they cut these services, notice your taxes and the debt haven't gone down one bit. Only the rich are getting those savings. And it is not trickling down.

One "free stuff" thing they are talking about is medicare. They want you to have to retire and pay a fortune for your healthcare. I'm sure rich people don't like paying into this so if you are pro medicare just know you too are a "taker"
WATCH: Why did Glenn think Obama’s ad lib was a “dark and ugly” moment in the State of the Union?

Obama’s well-prepared speech had a message of unity, but Glenn believes an ad-libbed joke showed some real anger. “I have no more campaigns to run” he said, before sharply joking “I know, because I won both of them.”

“That part where he just snapped and got all dark and ugly. My gosh. Because our fact checkers were following the script. And obviously that was not in the script. Right in the middle of him saying, and you know what, I just love everybody and we all have to work together, he takes a shiv,” Glenn said.

During last night’s coverage, Glenn called attention to the president’s body language and how quickly his head snapped across the room after he told the joke.

“He was pissed,” Glenn said.

WATCH Why did Glenn think Obama 8217 s ad lib was a 8220 dark and ugly 8221 moment in the State of the Union Glenn Beck
College tuition is being priced out of reach for more and more people.

The Right will say, "There is no problem."

The Left will say, "Tax the rich more."

We are surrounded by retards.

And what would you say? I say education is not the answer. Know why? Because this country is always going to have ditch diggers, factory workers, maids, walmart employees, mcD workers, etc.

What made the American middle class the greatest class the world had ever seen? Unions. High paying jobs. Sick days. Great insurance. Holiday pay. Pensions. GREAT JOBS for the masses.

It is unrealistic to say education is the key. Put everyone though nursing school, next thing you know the market is flooded with nurses and nurses then make $30K a year.

I say pay the middle class a living/decent/fair wage. My dad worked for Ford Motor Company. He has a Pension, SS, hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank and 2 homes. He never made more than $11 hr but that was good money back then. Especially when his insurance was so great. Get sick? It cost us $5 to go to the emergency room.

I know what will make America great again. But the rich and the GOP and conservatives won't like it. They'll call me a socialist commy pig. But the bottom line is, just pay your employees more.

Ever hear the story of Carl who graduated highschool and started making $17hr shoveling coal in the graveyard shift at a union factory somewhere in Michigan? That's a low skilled job. Why did he make so much? Because he was in a union. The smartest guys I know were in unions because they were at least smart enough to demand a fair wage and share of the profits.
The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We have to educate our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not for low skilled shit.

Cars used to be leading edge tech. Now they aren't. We've moved on way beyond that. Robots and third worlders do that shit now.

You say unions made us strong. That's true, to a point. But I guess you have not noticed the highest paying jobs in America, the ones in high tech fields, are almost all non-union jobs. You know why?

Because those skills are so scarce that an educated person can pretty much write their own ticket. They are marketable.

Meanwhile the low skilled jobs are going overseas, where they belong.

It wasn't unions that made us the number one economy. It was our technological edge. It wasn't low skilled jobs. It was the exact opposite of that. It was innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit which made us number one.

Unions came about because our national economy went through a transition from one in which everyone was their own boss to one which was organized around corporations with wage workers at the bottom and owners and shareholders at the top.

This protectionist bullshit for low skilled jobs is killing us. We need to maintain our edge, and that means education in the right skills. High tech skills. Tomorrow's skills.

And that means more education than ever before. We aren't even keeping up, much less staying ahead!

You can work on an automotive assembly line, if you wish. But you are retarded if you think you deserve more than $20 bucks an hour to do it. I'll be surprised if we are still making cars in America in 20 years.

Unrealistic. Remember the burnouts in your high school? Hell, just think about out of all the people in your high school, how many of them have high skill jobs? Probably less than 25%. So what are you telling the other 75% of the kids? That they have to be smart at math and science or their screwed?

Ok, then from now on 75% of America is screwed.

We need to be paying low skilled workers more. The rest will take care of itself.

Actually, some of the kids I graduated high school with who made the lowest grades came about to be the most successful and wealthy. Some of them went into business for themselves. Being poor in school studies does not equate to being stupid and lazy.
Unrealistic. Remember the burnouts in your high school? Hell, just think about out of all the people in your high school, how many of them have high skill jobs? Probably less than 25%.

You don't even realize you are making my point for me.

The reason less than 25% have high skill jobs is because our education system let them down.

So what are you telling the other 75% of the kids? That they have to be smart at math and science or their screwed?

Ok, then from now on 75% of America is screwed.

We need to be paying low skilled workers more. The rest will take care of itself.

That is the Democratic solution to everything. Fix the symptoms instead of the disease.

We can't be churning out low skilled workers and paying them more. That is like saying we need to make trees softer so we can make cars out of styrofoam.

How can you possibly create a thriving economy that pays high wages if your labor force is backsliding into idiocy? You simply can't.

We have to train our kids for the high tech jobs of tomorrow. Our education system is a disaster. Hopefully, Common Core will fix this.

When you say, "We need to be paying low skilled workers more. The rest will take care of itself", that reminds me of this cartoon:

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Well, he knows his crowd. Entitlement douches make up a large portion of the Democratic Party electoral base. And he just doesn't give a shite. He'll be gone soon. He'll leave the Nation $20 Trillion or more in the hole, and then run around the country getting a $Million a speech. He'll be fine. But the People will be dealing with his awful mess for generations.
Tax cuts for the fucking leeching middle class. That BASTARD!!!
Tax cuts for the fucking leeching middle class. That BASTARD!!!

There won't be much of Middle Class left by the time he leaves office. He'll leave his $20 Trillion mess for generations to deal with. But he doesn't care. He'll be gone. He'll get his $Million a speech and play all the golf he wants to. The People will suffer.
I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.
It really pisses me off when things provided by the government are called free. Hard working taxpayers are footing the bill for all Obama's venture socialism.

Sad part is Obama takes credit as if the money came totally from his pocket or uses the mindset that those being forced to fund it somehow owe the leeches that get it.
Tax cuts for the fucking leeching middle class. That BASTARD!!!
Are you being sarcastic?

"One tax hike in particular was very odd, since it’s aimed almost exclusively at middle class families with kids–the exact demographic the goodies in the tax plan is targeting."

"The levy in question would increase taxes on college savings accounts known as “529 plans” (after their section in the Internal Revenue Code). By definition, these accounts are really only used by middle class families. "

"529 plans tend to be opened up by aspirational parents who are on the “mass affluent” side of the middle class earnings spectrum. They are an odd target for a tax increase.

"But there it is buried on page 9 of the leaked document: “The President’s plan will roll back expanded tax cuts for 529 education savings plans that were enacted in 2001 for new contributions…” Note that this is right before they also announce the repeal of Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (Coverdell ESAs), another similar move against the same middle class savings targets."

Obama s New State Of The Union Tax Hike On Middle Class 529 College Savers - Forbes

Dupers getting duped by the biggest liar on earth Obama the lying liar.

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