So When Do the Statues Come Down and Renaming Begin?

Yet it seems they do not believe it when the Intel community tells them of Russian interference in the 2016 election. That does seem to be blaming "the entire community," doesn't it? When their combined information leads them to a specific conclusion and the Trumpsters say .... naw.
I have not met or heard of anyone who thinks the Russians did not interfered in the 2016 election, including Trump.

What people disagree over, is whether the Russians were able to change votes. A bunch of social media trolls do not change votes. All they might do is cause some arguments in social media forums, or forums like this one. But did the Russians change the outcome of the election? No.
I have heard the same folks who hated Dr. King babble about he was having extra-marital affairs. Funny though you cherish and follow a man off the cliff who was paying hookers while his wife was at home with a newborn. All the hell Dr. King was enduring he probably needed some trim to help him just cope with the racist he was dealing with on a daily basis.

People should take these FBI documents with a few grains of salt. The FBI of this era was so corrupt, and used and abused by JFK and LBJ, as were most of the executive agencies. These tapes and documents may be manufactured so as to try and destroy the man, and his movement.

I'm not naive enough to think King was perfect. He was a man, and probably spent time with some loose women and professionals. But as corrupted as the FBI was under those two presidents, I really have to reserve a large measure of doubt, that this information was untainted.
MLK was a player and what happened was between he and his wife.

Personally I couldn't care less.

It's the usual right wing, racist, ass clowns at work. They would love to try and discredit Dr. King because they hate watching a black man who is a world icon, but they will praise a lying narcissist.

Most people couldn't care less be they Reps or Dems.

What happened in his marriage is between he and his wife.

Calling Trump a lying narcissist is exactly what one would expect from a lefty loon.

Carry on dipshit.
..and the woman who was allegedly raped.
This is a thread about consistency of the Left.

At what point will the Left demand his name and image be eradicated from history and public view?

Sealed FBI audio tapes allege Martin Luther King Jr. had affairs with 40 women and watched while a friend raped a woman, a report claims

So, to you,having affairs etc is the same as enslaving, torturing, lynching people.

How many affairs has Trump had & you sassfuckls love him. Is there a number that you find acceptable 5, 10, 20?
You guys hate Trump for sleeping around, remember? You guys ranted about Stormy for months. Wheres your outrage now?
MLK was a player and what happened was between he and his wife.

Personally I couldn't care less.

It's the usual right wing, racist, ass clowns at work. They would love to try and discredit Dr. King because they hate watching a black man who is a world icon, but they will praise a lying narcissist.

Most people couldn't care less be they Reps or Dems.

What happened in his marriage is between he and his wife.

Calling Trump a lying narcissist is exactly what one would expect from a lefty loon.

Carry on dipshit.
..and the woman who was allegedly raped.

I don't know that a woman was raped, I do know the sacrifice Dr. King made and the impact of that sacrifice.

Funny you Trump Humpers don't care about the women who Trump has allegedly assaulted.
This is a thread about consistency of the Left.

At what point will the Left demand his name and image be eradicated from history and public view?

Sealed FBI audio tapes allege Martin Luther King Jr. had affairs with 40 women and watched while a friend raped a woman, a report claims

So, to you,having affairs etc is the same as enslaving, torturing, lynching people.

How many affairs has Trump had & you sassfuckls love him. Is there a number that you find acceptable 5, 10, 20?
Who has a statue that tortured and lynched people?
MLK was a player and what happened was between he and his wife.

Personally I couldn't care less.

It's the usual right wing, racist, ass clowns at work. They would love to try and discredit Dr. King because they hate watching a black man who is a world icon, but they will praise a lying narcissist.

Most people couldn't care less be they Reps or Dems.

What happened in his marriage is between he and his wife.

Calling Trump a lying narcissist is exactly what one would expect from a lefty loon.

Carry on dipshit.
..and the woman who was allegedly raped.

I don't know that a woman was raped, I do know the sacrifice Dr. King made and the impact of that sacrifice.

Funny you Trump Humpers don't care about the women who Trump has allegedly assaulted.
Trump assaulted a woman?
I do know the sacrifice Dr. King made and the impact of that sacrifice.
Our Founders risked their lives every day for years but they were just slave owners and MLK was just a rapist, at least in liberal la la land!

This is a thread about consistency of the Left.

At what point will the Left demand his name and image be eradicated from history and public view?

Sealed FBI audio tapes allege Martin Luther King Jr. had affairs with 40 women and watched while a friend raped a woman, a report claims

So, to you,having affairs etc is the same as enslaving, torturing, lynching people.

How many affairs has Trump had & you sassfuckls love him. Is there a number that you find acceptable 5, 10, 20?
Who has a statue that tortured and lynched people?
Statures of those that supported & fought so they could enslaven, torture & lynch black people. They fought for the "Southern Mentality" of treating black people as lesser people & sat idly by as they were lynched.

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