So when is Florida suppose to be gone? Hey stupid warmers, when?

Fuck you, pathetic blind god damn know it all PROPAGANDIST.
Let us all know if it is global warming, why they (get that? THEY) changed the term to a more ambiguous term.....climate change?
Ever see how many of those same fucking scientists (all rely on government grants mind you) got their predictions wrongfrom 40 years ago?
How many green companies went bust after receiving hundreds of millions of dollars? I stopped counting at 36.
Fucking moron. Take your pathetic fucking claims of science and your 97% FUCKING LIE and shove it in your ass.

Wow. I don't think I've ever seen someone lose it that badly on so little provocation.

AGW is real. Among mainstream scientists there is no longer any debate. It is accepted science. The 97% is more like the 98.5% these days and is, of course, quite real. Your position is based entirely on errors and ignorance. And, in your case personally, a propensity to severe intellectual insecurity.
What are you babbling about, kook? You're actually claiming Gore said all of Florida would be under water by 2013? Who feeds you this stupid crap, and why do you fall for it?
They just say stupid stuff.

The liberterians and the extreme right no longer values the truth and thinks they know everything no matter the field. These people are insane. America is in deep trouble.
The Texas coast being at basically sea level they've been saying for years we're fucked.
I keep waiting for more flounder gigging territory but it hasnt happened.
I feel cheated....
Any day's a done deal. Consensus! . Science!!
Take it to the carbon credit bank!
Ever see how many of those same fucking scientists (all rely on government grants mind you) got their predictions wrongfrom 40 years ago?
Yes, about 10%. You get taken in by politicians and magazines then blame climate scientists. Well, it's what dumb fuck rightards do, no question there. But here, I'll show you, because I know you're never going to produce the information.


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The Texas coast being at basically sea level they've been saying for years we're fucked.
I keep waiting for more flounder gigging territory but it hasnt happened.
I feel cheated....

Ummm... how many coastlines do you know that aren't basically at sea level?
Another one getting his climate science from politicians. Must be a dumb fuck rightard.
Are you are paying member of the Church of AGW?

Sorry if I insulted your religious beliefs.
Nobody who denies science should be accusing others of too much religion on this issue.

Science and religion are on opposite ends of the spectrum.
AGW is not science. It is leftist politics. Your inability to make the distinction, does you no favors.
To believe what you do you would have to be convinced that the science being done in every country across the world is in some gigantic conspiracy.

There is no way to do that with science.

Science rewards those who prove things false. Einstein is known for blowing away pretty much the whole physics world of his day - an awesome opponent if there was anything to this nonsense of conspiracies of scientists.

You hold a belief. That is on the OTHER end of the spectrum - the end that ignores science for some reason.

In this case, it's probably because of Exxon and the rest who have a vested interest in not just ignoring science, but attacking it as a threat to their fabulous wealth.
Fuck you, pathetic blind god damn know it all PROPAGANDIST.

Let us all know if it is global warming, why they (get that? THEY) changed the term to a more ambiguous term.....climate change?

Ever see how many of those same fucking scientists (all rely on government grants mind you) got their predictions wrongfrom 40 years ago?

How many green companies went bust after receiving hundreds of millions of dollars? I stopped counting at 36.

Fucking moron. Take your pathetic fucking claims of science and your 97% FUCKING LIE and shove it in your ass.
Dear silly little cocksuck. That you are a moron is readily ascertainable from your posts. You continuously flap yap, yet never present anything but your puerile nonsense.

The rate of sea-level rise has increased from the 19th century to the 20th, and for the past 20 years the rate of global sea-level rise has been about 80% faster than the best estimate of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third Assessment Report released only a few years ago. The discrepancy is attributed to previously unreckonable contributions of water from melting ice reservoirs. Recent estimates of melt-water contributions support a sea level in 2100 that is significantly higher than projected by the last IPCC, and the estimates indicate that sea level will continue to rise long after 2100.

That was written in 2010, since then the sea level rise around Florida has exceeded their projections.
Are you are paying member of the Church of AGW?

Sorry if I insulted your religious beliefs.
Nobody who denies science should be accusing others of too much religion on this issue.

Science and religion are on opposite ends of the spectrum.
AGW is not science. It is leftist politics. Your inability to make the distinction, does you no favors.
To believe what you do you would have to be convinced that the science being done in every country across the world is in some gigantic conspiracy.

There is no way to do that with science.

Science rewards those who prove things false. Einstein is known for blowing away pretty much the whole physics world of his day - an awesome opponent if there was anything to this nonsense of conspiracies of scientists.

You hold a belief. That is on the OTHER end of the spectrum - the end that ignores science for some reason.

In this case, it's probably because of Exxon and the rest who have a vested interest in not just ignoring science, but attacking it as a threat to their fabulous wealth.
Fuck you, pathetic blind god damn know it all PROPAGANDIST.

Let us all know if it is global warming, why they (get that? THEY) changed the term to a more ambiguous term.....climate change?

Ever see how many of those same fucking scientists (all rely on government grants mind you) got their predictions wrongfrom 40 years ago?

How many green companies went bust after receiving hundreds of millions of dollars? I stopped counting at 36.

Fucking moron. Take your pathetic fucking claims of science and your 97% FUCKING LIE and shove it in your ass.
Dear silly little cocksuck. That you are a moron is readily ascertainable from your posts. You continuously flap yap, yet never present anything but your puerile nonsense.

The rate of sea-level rise has increased from the 19th century to the 20th, and for the past 20 years the rate of global sea-level rise has been about 80% faster than the best estimate of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third Assessment Report released only a few years ago. The discrepancy is attributed to previously unreckonable contributions of water from melting ice reservoirs. Recent estimates of melt-water contributions support a sea level in 2100 that is significantly higher than projected by the last IPCC, and the estimates indicate that sea level will continue to rise long after 2100.

That was written in 2010, since then the sea level rise around Florida has exceeded their projections.

Oh you silly little Tinker Bell.
God, that really put him in his place.

Do you have anything pertinent to say here?
What's your point? The coastline is the boundary between water and land, down there where you see the white swash. It's at sea level. The coastline is always at sea level. Part of its definition. This lovely cliff face (Seven Sisters, perhaps) is within the coastline.
Notice how they have systematically gotten out of the prediction game. Since, all of their predictions from 10 years ago are 100% wrong.


So, now that it is 2017 and Florida according to Gore was suppose to be gone in 2013, and NYC was suppose to be gone in Feb of 2016, when should we all be preparing for now?

What is soros saying? Oh, he isn't anymore? 100 years? Yeeeeah.

Stupid asses.

How deep is the ocean? Oh you dont know? Well that means ....something to the OP
What's your point? The coastline is the boundary between water and land, down there where you see the white swash. It's at sea level. The coastline is always at sea level. Part of its definition. This lovely cliff face (Seven Sisters, perhaps) is within the coastline.

I didnt say coastline. Most people with average intelligence understand that the coast means anywhere near the water.
How near is "near"? And wouldn't being near water mean you're near sea level? Yeah, it would.

It's not important. Unless you're the one losing your home or your business from rising sea levels. No one's insurance will cover this. What's going to happen the next time Miami-Dade gets a good storm surge? An extra billion or so in losses? Uncovered losses? Doesn't matter to you. I understand. But that's why it's a good idea to elect people who care and who are smart enough to understand issues like this.

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