So, when Obama says climate change is a fact.....

Where is your strong evidence or good reason to confidently assert the Theory is wrong?

You dont have it. That makes You the person using this tactic.

:lol: Your desperation is duly noted! Please note the change in the official warmist dogma. The top one is from dr. Viner who's famous quote has been the butt of water cooler jokes for over a decade now...

Then look at the Nat Geo article. Notice how the warming (climate change) can make more snow? So, which is it? Does global warming make more or less snow? This is the falsifiability part here. It can do one or the other, but it can't do both. Do you now understand why? To their credit (I think even Nat Geo now understands that AGW theory is dead, they're just trying to cover their butts because they were big supporters of it) they interviewed Joe Bastardi, one of the best meteorologists out there, and an avowed sceptic.

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

As snowstorm-ravaged states on the U.S. East Coast dig out, scientists say the past week's "Snowpocalypse" could be a taste of harsh winters to come—and that, strangely enough, global warming may be to blame. Others aren't so sure.

More Mega-Snowstorms Coming -- Global Warming to Blame?

Thats why they have peer reviewed science so you can find out what they agree on instead of taking a quote from this guy and that individual.

I notice you never touch the peer reviewed stuff just random quotes and following with "Aha!" Dont look at a Nat Geo article. Or what Time mag said in the 70's. Tell me why the peer reviewed data is wrong.

Yeah, the problem with your assertion is they corrupted that process to where, in one now infamous case, the "peer reviewer" was the mans wife. With a record like they have, it's hard to take any of their "pal" reviewed papers seriously...don't you think?
written by who and peer reviewed by who?
without that info it's trash..
you'll understand that your word on it's veracity carries no weight.

I don't expect it too. However, if you would dare to open the link you would see they are legit peer reviewed studies. It doesn't get any plainer than that. If you CHOOSE to not look that is on you. The source is fine. It's your motivations and prejudices that determine what you allow yourself to look at.

A person interested in science would look. I look at everything you AGW supporters post. I want to know what is being said or researched. Why do you not want to have every possible scrap of information available to you?

Afraid of what you will discover?
love it when you falsely assume I did open the link and found no authors no accreditation nothing to corroborate the sites credibility it's a conspiracy site...that's what i DISCOVERED: Policy | Watts Up With That? THIS IS A SOURCE YOUR SOURCE USED...if you thinks it's credible then your standards are scraping bottom..

Did you even bother to peruse that site? I have been all over skeptical science's site. Before you bury yourself deeper you should look at what Watt has to say. More importantly what his guest posters have to know the PhD climatologists and other hard scientists like physicists etc. have to say.


Not very scientific, but oh so very propagandistic.
They're _still_ ranting about Al Gore? The funny thing is how they think that accomplishes something. Sure, it plays well with the denialist cult, but that's only about 8% of the USA, and insignificant on the global scale.

Same with their odd conspiracy theories about how the warming has stopped, or strange fables about how the models were wrong. All contradicted by the facts, but the point of it isn't facts, the point is to preach to the choir, which it succeeds at. After all, it's not like the cult is going to look at actual data, since the good cultists have been programmed to declare all data which contradicts the cult's teachings is part of the great global socialist conspiracy against their cult.

What was that trolling blunder? Show us links to your assertions or shut up. You're wasting space.
No, of course. If you need something that simple explained, you really have no place in the discussion.

You can thank the Bush administration for declaring that "climate change" should be used instead of "Global warming", since it was their policy. I myself prefer the very direct term "global warming", being it so unambiguously describes what's happening.

You have taken the place of the stupidest piece of shit on these boards. You think have any ability to debate me?

You prefer the term GLOBAL WARMING instead of CLIMATE CHANGE in the very fucking post that you said they are NOT THE SAME.

LOL at your fucking stupidity. Oh, and I will make it even more fucking clear for a piece of brainwashed shit like you. It is not CLIMATE CHANGE you "prefer," it is not GLOBAL WARMING either, it is MAN MADE global warming you dumb ignorant fuck.

When your fucking commie liar in chief mentioned CLIMATE CHANGE is a fact and morons like you applauded, they all equated CLIMATE CHANGE with MAN MADE global warming. You are too fucking stupid to keep up though.

You make stupid posts loaded with contradictions. Hey, go buy a carbon credit. Oh right.....that is not the "in thing" to do anymore with the left wing pieces of steaming shit like you.

So, what the fuck do you do that contributes to the environment? Don't you think it is funny how in the same post that you said climate change and global warming are not the same, that you went ahead and equated the two?

BTW, what has your piece of shit in chief done for the environment? Be specific. I will bet anything GW Bush did far more for the earth than Obama. Then again, hypocrisy, double talk and blatant fucking ignorance is all you and your pathetic types are all about.

I will be waiting for to tell me what you do for the environment, and I will be waiting for the list of things this piece of commie shit in chief has done for the environment as compared to GW Bush.

I will also bet you are fucking stupid enough to think Bush lied about WMDs to get us into a war. I will bet too that you are fucking truther who things Bush and Cheney carried out the attacks and rigged WTC 7 in order for us to get oil. I will bet you are that fucking dumb.

You are, aren't you?
the award for most pretentious poster goes to....
I don't expect it too. However, if you would dare to open the link you would see they are legit peer reviewed studies. It doesn't get any plainer than that. If you CHOOSE to not look that is on you. The source is fine. It's your motivations and prejudices that determine what you allow yourself to look at.

A person interested in science would look. I look at everything you AGW supporters post. I want to know what is being said or researched. Why do you not want to have every possible scrap of information available to you?

Afraid of what you will discover?
love it when you falsely assume I did open the link and found no authors no accreditation nothing to corroborate the sites credibility it's a conspiracy site...that's what i DISCOVERED: Policy | Watts Up With That? THIS IS A SOURCE YOUR SOURCE USED...if you thinks it's credible then your standards are scraping bottom..

Did you even bother to peruse that site? I have been all over skeptical science's site. Before you bury yourself deeper you should look at what Watt has to say. More importantly what his guest posters have to know the PhD climatologists and other hard scientists like physicists etc. have to say.


Not very scientific, but oh so very propagandistic.
wrong again! been there done that. since the source has no credibility any info it contains no matter how seemingly credible is suspect...
love it when you falsely assume I did open the link and found no authors no accreditation nothing to corroborate the sites credibility it's a conspiracy site...that's what i DISCOVERED: Policy | Watts Up With That? THIS IS A SOURCE YOUR SOURCE USED...if you thinks it's credible then your standards are scraping bottom..

Did you even bother to peruse that site? I have been all over skeptical science's site. Before you bury yourself deeper you should look at what Watt has to say. More importantly what his guest posters have to know the PhD climatologists and other hard scientists like physicists etc. have to say.


Not very scientific, but oh so very propagandistic.
wrong again! been there done that. since the source has no credibility any info it contains no matter how seemingly credible is suspect...

He buried himself deeper.

Funny isn't it? I think if there was a word that could describe a left wing piece of shit, other than bloviated, hypocritical, double talking, brainwashed, or intolerant is.....


How fucking ironic.

Lets look at these pieces of pretentious assholes, shall we?

[ame=]Funniest Liberal Gaffes - YouTube[/ame]
Did you even bother to peruse that site? I have been all over skeptical science's site. Before you bury yourself deeper you should look at what Watt has to say. More importantly what his guest posters have to know the PhD climatologists and other hard scientists like physicists etc. have to say.


Not very scientific, but oh so very propagandistic.
wrong again! been there done that. since the source has no credibility any info it contains no matter how seemingly credible is suspect...

He buried himself deeper.

Funny isn't it? I think if there was a word that could describe a left wing piece of shit, other than bloviated, hypocritical, double talking, brainwashed, or intolerant is.....


How fucking ironic.

Lets look at these pieces of pretentious assholes, shall we?

[ame=]Funniest Liberal Gaffes - YouTube[/ame]
they've got nothing on these ass hats.

[ame=]Bloopers: The GOP is The Party of Gaffes!. - YouTube[/ame]

Last edited by a moderator:
wrong again! been there done that. since the source has no credibility any info it contains no matter how seemingly credible is suspect...

He buried himself deeper.

Funny isn't it? I think if there was a word that could describe a left wing piece of shit, other than bloviated, hypocritical, double talking, brainwashed, or intolerant is.....


How fucking ironic.

Lets look at these pieces of pretentious assholes, shall we?

[ame=]Funniest Liberal Gaffes - YouTube[/ame]
they've got nothing on these ass hats.

[ame=]Bloopers: The GOP is The Party of Gaffes!. - YouTube[/ame]

Daily Kos: Top Comments: Ten of My Favorite Republican Gaffes

[ame=]Sarah Palin Can't Name a Newspaper She Reads - YouTube[/ame]

Of course they don't

[ame=]Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Dumb Liberal Hippies Don't Know Why They're Protesting - YouTube[/ame]

Check out the man made global warmers.
[ame=]Hippies - Crying Over Dead Trees - YouTube[/ame]

He buried himself deeper.

Funny isn't it? I think if there was a word that could describe a left wing piece of shit, other than bloviated, hypocritical, double talking, brainwashed, or intolerant is.....


How fucking ironic.

Lets look at these pieces of pretentious assholes, shall we?

Funniest Liberal Gaffes - YouTube
they've got nothing on these ass hats.

[ame=]Bloopers: The GOP is The Party of Gaffes!. - YouTube[/ame]

Daily Kos: Top Comments: Ten of My Favorite Republican Gaffes

[ame=]Sarah Palin Can't Name a Newspaper She Reads - YouTube[/ame]

Of course they don't

[ame=]Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Dumb Liberal Hippies Don't Know Why They're Protesting - YouTube[/ame]

Check out the man made global warmers.
[ame=]Hippies - Crying Over Dead Trees - YouTube[/ame]

I'll bet you masturbate to this crap!

Of course they don't

[ame=]Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Dumb Liberal Hippies Don't Know Why They're Protesting - YouTube[/ame]

Check out the man made global warmers.
[ame=]Hippies - Crying Over Dead Trees - YouTube[/ame]

I'll bet you masturbate to this crap!

:gay: Why am I not shocked that a thought like that would enter that fucked up mind of yours.

:gay: Why am I not shocked that a thought like that would enter that fucked up mind of yours.
so your in the closet too.
:lol: Your desperation is duly noted! Please note the change in the official warmist dogma. The top one is from dr. Viner who's famous quote has been the butt of water cooler jokes for over a decade now...

Then look at the Nat Geo article. Notice how the warming (climate change) can make more snow? So, which is it? Does global warming make more or less snow? This is the falsifiability part here. It can do one or the other, but it can't do both. Do you now understand why? To their credit (I think even Nat Geo now understands that AGW theory is dead, they're just trying to cover their butts because they were big supporters of it) they interviewed Joe Bastardi, one of the best meteorologists out there, and an avowed sceptic.

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

As snowstorm-ravaged states on the U.S. East Coast dig out, scientists say the past week's "Snowpocalypse" could be a taste of harsh winters to come—and that, strangely enough, global warming may be to blame. Others aren't so sure.

More Mega-Snowstorms Coming -- Global Warming to Blame?

Thats why they have peer reviewed science so you can find out what they agree on instead of taking a quote from this guy and that individual.

I notice you never touch the peer reviewed stuff just random quotes and following with "Aha!" Dont look at a Nat Geo article. Or what Time mag said in the 70's. Tell me why the peer reviewed data is wrong.

Yeah, the problem with your assertion is they corrupted that process to where, in one now infamous case, the "peer reviewer" was the mans wife. With a record like they have, it's hard to take any of their "pal" reviewed papers seriously...don't you think?

So, the list gets longer:

You cant cite the facts that are wrong you just know they are wrong.

You cant refute the peer reviewed paper you just know its not right

And the paper was peer reviewed by hundreds of scientists but that doesnt matter because you know someones wife was a "peer" but apparently someone cant be a wife and a scientist.

You have no link showing any bias even if someones wife reviewed the paper and dont forget all the other scientist too

But you just know that you're right.

That bubble is air fucking tight. Is there anything that you can prove that shows Global Warming is fake? Or did the liberals "burn all the evidence" for that too?
Is that his way of admitting man made global warming isn't?

Why then the change in terminology among these left wing piles of shit?

Make your explanations brief if possible.

Oh and btw. Everyone knows climate change is a fact.

Hey! Water is wet everyone!

Lol at liberals and their bullshit.

Yes, I do realize that you are truly that stupid.

Global warming is the general effects of a warming globe. Climate change is the result of those effects, changing patterns and amounts of precipitation, changing wind patterns, melting of glaciers and continental ice caps.

Yes, the climate has changed many times in the past due to factors like the Milankovic Cycles, sudden rapid influxs of fresh water in the Arctic, rapid changes of GHGs in the atmosphere. When the climate changes there are reasons for the change. Today, the only reason that has evidence for the ongoing change we are observing is the very rapid increase in GHGs created by the burning of fossil fuels.

Sooo, the reason for the concerted effort to change terminology is because man made global warming is still happening. That is the reason. Man made global warming is a fact, so they are changing the terminology?

It has nothing to do with the fact that the earth has been in a cooling trend over the last 17 years?

You call me stupid? Stick with the man made global warming term. Talk about being in denial. You lose. We win.


Yes, not only stupid, goddamned stupid. And willfully ignorant. Every single Scientfic Society in the world states that global warming is a fact, and a clear and present danger, that danger being a changing climate. Same for every single National Academy of Science, and every major University.

And here we have you, posting as if you know what the science really is. And making a general ass of yourself in the process. Here is the history of the research on GHG's and global warming from the largest Scientific Society on earth, the American Institute of Physics;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The statement of the American Geophysical Union, the Scientfic Society with the most climate scientists as member;

AGU Statement on Climate Change | Climate Etc.

Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.

“Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large-scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long-understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

Climate models predict that global temperatures will continue to rise, with the amount of warming primarily determined by the level of emissions. Higher emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to larger warming, and greater risks to society and ecosystems. Some additional warming is unavoidable due to past emissions.

Climate change is not expected to be uniform over space or time. Deforestation, urbanization, and particulate pollution can have complex geographical, seasonal, and longer-term effects on temperature, precipitation, and cloud properties. In addition, human-induced climate change may alter atmospheric circulation, dislocating historical patterns of natural variability and storminess.
Who the fuck here is saying pollution does not have an effect on the environment?

The degree of the effect mans activity has had on GLOBAL WARMING is the topic. There are all sorts of ways pollution is destructive to the environment.

Thanks to many actions done by Republicans, there have been vast improvements.

National Parks
National Forests
The Antiquities Act
National Environmental Policy Act
Wilderness Act of 1964
The Alaska Lands Act
The Gerald Ford CAFE
The Montreal Protocol
Bush's Blue Water Legacy

Those, to name a few things that have had dramatic effects on the environment. Not to mention the the Clean Water act and Clean Air Act.

All passed and signed by Republicans.

That is not what this is about. It is about the concerted effort to turn so called man made global warming into wind fall profits.

Reference how Al Gore's net worth grew since he left politics and as he pressed his utter shit about carbon footprints and carbon credits. All while his very footprint was the size of king kong. Anyone that would bring that up were attacked, and or course the liberal media would never call him on his hypocrisy.

Most of the "green movements" have been nothing but scams. Creating coffers for the thieves. Solyndra etc etc etc etc.

Do not make me list the scams, and since so many of these scientists rely on government grants, we can see where the motivations to be unified in their views on something that has not been proven.

What has not been proven is the degree of the actual effect man has had in the warming of the planet. That, has not been established. However, the mass propaganda has led us to believe that man is virtually the sole reason for it.

Now, that more and more scientists are jumping ship on it, and the more the scales contradict the claims that man has had such an effect, the more imperative it is for the politicians to change the rhetoric. Hence the change in terminology.

Tell me, what do you specifically do for the environment? You use a computer, which means you rely on energy and plastics. DO you buy carbon credits? What exactly does that do?

You lie by omission. Anyone who follows politics knows the Republican Party of today has no resemblance to the Republican Party before Ronald Reagan.

You said, not to mention the Clean Air and Water Act, this is why:

Red, Green, and Blue | Patriotism that loves our country, our land, and our planet

You may, if you're not willfully ignorant, review this data too:

Direct Observations of Recent Climate Change - AR4 WGI Summary for Policymakers

BTW, check your 'facts', a quick look at the Wilderness act of 1964 was not signed by a Republican President; LBJ signed that law. And the Clean Air & Water Act was signed by Nixon (who today would be a RINO ).

Sooo Nixon was a liberal. You take credit for everything republicans did for the environment. I know you love to just ignore what Teddy did with the military, and yet you love to call him a bleeding heart liberal.

You have no clue about the Blue Water Legacy. Bush took Theodore Roosevelt’s Antiquities Act precedent much further than any of his predecessors by establishing marine preserves that cover nearly 215 million acres, big enough to swallow Bush’s home state of Texas, plus Oklahoma.

Every republican prior to Reagan were liberals? LOL at these fucking pieces of shit.

Oh, and btw John Saylor republican congressman crusaded for protecting wild rivers and expanding national parks. And, he was the Republican co-sponsor of the Wilderness Act of 1964.

Oh, but he was before Reagan, and so therefore was a liberal.

Such fucking annoying morons. Still waiting for you to tell me all the things you do for the environment. I guess you not telling me, is your way of telling me that you do not do shit.

I have been making donations, 50 per month, to this organization for close to 20 years.

You can make a difference - become a monthly donor // Monthly Giving // Be a Champion for our planet! // The Nature Conservancy

LOL, a Republican was a co-sponsor of the Wilderness Act of 1964. I told you the Republican Party before Reagan has no resemblance to the Republican Party of today; and, being a co-sponsor means n o t h I n g, as everyone who follows politics knows. What it does prove is you're dishonest.

What I do for the environment, is to ask a question in the form of a Red Herring. But I'll respond. I recycle, my adult kids and their SO's recycle and the car we bought last year is a hybrid. I also donate to the local PBS/NPR station in San Francisco, one of the few true resources of information since Turner started CNN. The rest are corporations, with Stock Holders.
Is that his way of admitting man made global warming isn't?

Why then the change in terminology among these left wing piles of shit?

Make your explanations brief if possible.

Oh and btw. Everyone knows climate change is a fact.

Hey! Water is wet everyone!

Lol at liberals and their bullshit.

Climate change is always happening.

Manmade or not. Has Man contributed to climate change? You bet.
Pollution has influence on how the climate is changing.
Fucking hilarious.

Liberals in this thread finally admitted that climate change is not the same thing as MAN MADE global warming.

However, they all insist that it is the same thing.

In this very fucking thread, they have both sides of the debate covered.

So, the reason for the concerted effort to say climate change, instead of MAN MADE global warming, is because pollution has caused greenhouse gases which has caused MAN MADE global warming.




describes almost every right-winger here. :eek:

How ironic, considering every liberal has rejected every site that shows not only the cooling trend over the last 17 years (hence the real reason for the change in terminology), but any site that shows the notion that man has been the biggest reason for the rise in temperature is grossly exaggerated.

Here is another site, and I will watch you become the hypocrite before our eyes, as you reject it.

31,000 scientists say "no convincing evidence". ? OSS Foundation

31,000 scientists say "no convincing evidence".

31,000 scientists reject global warming and say "no convincing evidence" that humans can or will cause global warming? But polls show that of scientists working in the field of climate science, and publishing papers on the topic: 97% of the climate scientists surveyed believe “global average temperatures have increased” during the past century; and 97% think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures.

While polls of scientists actively working in the filed of climate science indicate strong general agreement that the earth is warming and human activity is a significant factor, the internet is buzzing with blog posts that say 31,000 scientists say there is "no convincing evidence" that humans can or will cause "catastrophic" heating of the atmosphere.

This claim originates from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, which has an online petition ( that states:

We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.
The petition form itself lends a clue as to the nature of the petition. Judging by the form below, one notes that one only needs to mark a check box to show that one has a Ph.D., M.S., or B.S. degree, and then fill in the fields.


Global Warming?The Big Picture: A Review of Brian Sussman?s ?Climategate? | Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Global Warming—The Big Picture: A Review of Brian Sussman’s “Climategate”

August 6, 2010 | by Mark W. Hendrickson | Topic: The Path to FreedomPrint Print

“Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam” By Brian Sussman

Climategate is thorough, knowledgeable, timely, and very well written. I have been reading about global warming for 20 years, yet this book included important information and details that were new to me.

The title of the book requires clarification. Climategate is not a book-length dissection of the “climategate” scandal that erupted last November when a huge bunch of incriminating e-mails between key global warming advocates came to light. Instead, it gives a big-picture treatment of the science, politics, economics, ideological underpinnings, and personal agendas behind the global warming issue.

The author of Climategate, Brian Sussman, is a trained meteorologist who was a TV weatherman in California for many years. He currently hosts radio station KFSO’s top-rated morning talk show in the San Francisco Bay area.

For most of his book, Sussman writes in a breezy, folksy, upbeat style that makes learning important information enjoyable. The tone shifts to earnest eloquence toward the end, when he warns us about the great dangers to liberty and prosperity posed by the ruthlessly ambitious elitists behind the global warming scam.

The most prominent of these elitists is, of course, Al Gore, who—according to Sussman—is well on his way to becoming the world’s first anti-carbon billionaire. Gore’s elitism is encapsulated in his statement, “There are times when a small group has to make difficult decisions that will affect the future of everybody.” Gore is all too happy to accept his self-appointed responsibility to restructure our lives.

Sussman provides plenty of evidence that Gore and other global warming activists bend, if not mutilate, truth and science in pursuit of money, power, and prestige. For example, in Gore’s Oscar-winning horror film, An Inconvenient Truth, the graph showing an apparent correlation between global temperature and CO2 in the atmosphere is shown briefly, so that viewers won’t have time to notice that increases in CO2 occurred after increases in temperature, thereby demolishing the assertion that CO2 causes global warming.

Sussman also recounts how an English court found that Gore’s “film contains nine scientific errors” in the context of “alarmist” and “exaggerated” content. That court ruled that An Inconvenient Truth amounted to “political brainwashing” for partisan, nonscientific objectives, and further ordered that the movie could not be shown to British schoolchildren without being accompanied by a 56-page instruction guide which points out where Gore’s claims “do not accord with mainstream scientific opinion.”

Climategate is a wide-ranging exposé of characters and special-interest groups that have exploited the global warming scare for self-serving purposes. For example, Sussman reports that the grandstanding dictator of the Maldives has demanded billions of dollars from the developed world on the grounds that human-caused global warming threatens to cause his low-lying chain of islands to disappear. In fact, the sea level there is falling.
Last edited:


describes almost every right-winger here. :eek:

Who is Brian Sussman?


For nearly three decades Brian Sussman has been a top media personality in the San Francisco Bay Area. For many of those years he was the market’s top television meteorologist and recognized by his peers as one of the most accurate and entertaining in the business. His accolades include nearly two dozen state and regional awards for “Best Weathercast” from the Associated Press and Radio-TV News Directors Association, a handful of Emmys, and an award of merit from the National Education Association for his enlightening science reporting. During the 1990s Brian served as the fill-in weatherman on the nationally broadcast CBS Morning Show with Harry Smith.


Continued from last post......

One group exposed by Sussman is the Society of Environmental Journalists. SEJ provides lists for journalists preparing stories on global warming. One list recommends trusted advocates of global warming; the other blackballs scientists who are global warming skeptics.

Sussman also explains some of the measuring errors that have clouded the global warming issue. For example, adding new weather stations near urban heat islands, and arbitrarily “expanding” the Arctic to include an additional four million square miles of territory farther south from the North Pole, both produce an illusory increase in average temperatures.

Climategate includes the most detailed explanation I have yet seen of how untenable the anthropogenic CO2-as-culprit theory is. Sussman gathers the scientific information about the relative heat-trapping capacity of different atmospheric gasses, shows CO2’s percentage of the whole (both with and without the major greenhouse gas, water vapor) then factors in mankind’s share of total global CO2 emissions. Bottom line? Humans are responsible for about one-ninth of one percent of the greenhouse effect (and, as Sussman briefly explains, the greenhouse effect is only one of several factors that influence earth’s temperature).

Sussman’s chapter summarizing the pros and cons of the various sources of energy provides an excellent primer on the subject. His information about how corporate and political insiders stand to make billions in controlling the government-rigged energy market under a cap-and-trade scheme while regimenting Americans under a yoke of Big Brother-like, high-tech monitoring devices is chilling.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of this book. Climategate provides a comprehensive debunking of global warming mythology. It sounds a timely warning about how grim our future will be if powerful elitists and special-interest groups succeed in imposing their agenda on us. If you only understand global warming in bits and pieces, this is the book that puts it all together for you in the proper perspective and context.

- See more at: Global Warming?The Big Picture: A Review of Brian Sussman?s ?Climategate? | Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Watch everyone as the hypocrite rejects this as he laughed out loud how conservatives reject those sites.

Meanwhile, there has been a cooling trend over the last 17 years, and so their messiah in chief along with the all of the other left wing liars have changed the term to CLIMATE CHANGE.

While, liberals in this thread insist they are different, while they actually say they are the the same fucking breath.

lol at liberals.

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