So which is it? Did the Trump admin. do a good job with the virus, or was your panic porn totally wrong...and still is?

Trump owns the infection numbers, the deaths, and the economic carnage. It was clear from the outset of the virus spreading he had no interest in doing the actual job he was elected to do. He was more interested in campaigning, golfing, and tweeting. And I didn't need Woodwards tapes to tell me that. Not sure what you are confused by here.
READ: "I am going to completely ignore reality, and just go ahead and keep saying Trump failed and did a bad job... no matter the actual numbers are literally TEN TIMES better than the predictions the panic leftist stated over and over. Doesn't matter that the American numbers that matter are much better than almost all other large industrialized nations... I don't care. I am going to maintain the narrative no matter how wrong is is"
"I am going to completely ignore reality, and just go ahead and keep saying Trump won and did a [hugley good] job.
Trump owns the infection numbers, the deaths, and the economic carnage. It was clear from the outset of the virus spreading he had no interest in doing the actual job he was elected to do. He was more interested in campaigning, golfing, and tweeting. And I didn't need Woodwards tapes to tell me that. Not sure what you are confused by here.
READ: "I am going to completely ignore reality, and just go ahead and keep saying Trump failed and did a bad job... no matter the actual numbers are literally TEN TIMES better than the predictions the panic leftist stated over and over. Doesn't matter that the American numbers that matter are much better than almost all other large industrialized nations... I don't care. I am going to maintain the narrative no matter how wrong is is" your mind, almost 7 million infections (rising in 28 states), over 200K deaths (first in the world btw), 8% unemployment (currently) is doing a good job? So it's just the Democrats latest hoax? Nevermind that the numbers may turn out to be as bad as some people originally predicted? Check. I got it. This is why I call Trump your savior. The man can do no wrong in your eyes. Talk about parroting a narrative. :)
I for one thought, and still believe the President’s handling of the Wuhan virus is excellent. Sad to say there are those that believe personal political ambitions are more important.
Apparently everything will be cured once the Charley McCarthy doll is sworn in next January.
Trump owns the infection numbers, the deaths, and the economic carnage. It was clear from the outset of the virus spreading he had no interest in doing the actual job he was elected to do. He was more interested in campaigning, golfing, and tweeting. And I didn't need Woodwards tapes to tell me that. Not sure what you are confused by here.
READ: "I am going to completely ignore reality, and just go ahead and keep saying Trump failed and did a bad job... no matter the actual numbers are literally TEN TIMES better than the predictions the panic leftist stated over and over. Doesn't matter that the American numbers that matter are much better than almost all other large industrialized nations... I don't care. I am going to maintain the narrative no matter how wrong is is" your mind, almost 7 million infections (rising in 28 states), over 200K deaths (first in the world btw), 8% unemployment (currently) is doing a good job? So it's just the Democrats latest hoax? Nevermind that the numbers may turn out to be as bad as some people originally predicted? Check. I got it. This is why I call Trump your savior. The man can do no wrong in your eyes. Talk about parroting a narrative. :)
Did I say that? Where exactly? Yeah... I didn't.
I am saying that the left media pounced on the panic button every fucking day telling us... OH MY GOD!!!... millions are going to die because Orange man bad!!!.... 2,000,000!!!.... maybe even 4,000,0000!!!! .... aaauuugh!!!!..... TRUUUUMMMP!!
But the # deaths are literally 10 times better than they said it was going to be.
So...which is it? Is Trump just that freaking awesome or was they that far from being right??
And, still today CNN and company every - freaking - day.. screaming about the pandemic... even though the numbers that matter the most... hospitalization counts and death per infected ratio is getting better and better and better.
He repeatedly lied to us about the severity of a deadly pandemic that was bearing down on, and quickly spreading through, the country. This no doubt caused many of his obedient, mindless sheep to relax their safety measures and spread the virus.

He had no problem filling rallies with thousands of his mindless sheep after lying to them, after he had called the virus "the plague" in an interview, after he knew damn well how the virus was spread.

He then repeatedly mocked concerned health officials and everyday Americans when they tried to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

He is a profoundly damaged sociopath, and has turned his mindless sheep into sociopaths in the way they enable his sociopathy.

So yeah, I'd say his presidential response to the virus has not been real great overall.
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Which is it?

Good ol' Jim Acostus today at the white house briefing... "we have reached 200,000 deaths in this country, what does this administration say to the people who are outraged by this and the Ptresidents poor performance"?
What the hell Jimbo?
For months the left media and the left officials pushed the panic porn button over and over and over 2,000,000 will DIE!!!! unless Trump does XYZ!!! OH MY GOD ... we could have up to 4,000,000 dead even!!! TRRRRUUUUMMMPP!!!!!!!!!

And here we are 200,000. And that includes many-many the CDC has already stated died of other factors, but were CV positive when died, so they were counted as Covid deaths. So which the hell is it??? Did Trumps administration save 1.8 million people - or - was your panic porn wrong all along??
You don't get to have it both ways...and at this point - you guys look stupid as fuck for STILL pushing the panic porn every damn day!!!

Which is it Democrats??

According to the experts, president Trump saved two million Americans. More than have died in all wars combined.

And this supposed to be a bad president?
He repeatedly lied to us about the severity of a deadly pandemic that was bearing down on, and quickly spreading through, the country. This no doubt caused many of his obedient, mindless sheep to relax their safety measures and spread the virus.

He had no problem filling rallies with thousands of his mindless sheep after lying to them, after he had called the virus "the plague" in an interview, after he knew damn well how the virus was spread.

He then repeatedly mocked concerned health officials and everyday Americans when they tried to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

He is a profoundly damaged sociopath, and has turned his mindless sheep into sociopaths in the way they enable his sociopathy.

So yeah, I'd say his presidential response to the virus has not been real great.

It wasn't Trump who lied about the severity, he was the one that was much more correct than the experts.

Or you can just accept that he saved two million lives. Whichever floats your boat. In addition president Trump never attacked wearing masks, he even called it patriotic. You are the liar, not our great president Trump. CDC "experts" flip flopped on the issue, there is no blaming the president for that.

Meanwhile, democrats had no problem with rioting... holding a rally is absolutely fine.
He repeatedly lied to us about the severity of a deadly pandemic that was bearing down on, and quickly spreading through, the country. This no doubt caused many of his obedient, mindless sheep to relax their safety measures and spread the virus.

He had no problem filling rallies with thousands of his mindless sheep after lying to them, after he had called the virus "the plague" in an interview, after he knew damn well how the virus was spread.

He then repeatedly mocked concerned health officials and everyday Americans when they tried to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

He is a profoundly damaged sociopath, and has turned his mindless sheep into sociopaths in the way they enable his sociopathy.

So yeah, I'd say his presidential response to the virus has not been real great.

It wasn't Trump who lied about the severity, he was the one that was much more correct than the experts.

Or you can just accept that he saved two million lives. Whichever floats your boat. In addition president Trump never attacked wearing masks, he even called it patriotic. You are the liar, not our great president Trump. CDC "experts" flip flopped on the issue, there is no blaming the president for that.

Meanwhile, democrats had no problem with rioting... holding a rally is absolutely fine.
How can he have said two completely contradictory things and not have lied? Damn, the cult is deep.
It's all they have!
And Americans believe it because Trump gets horrible ratings from the public on his administration's handling of the virus.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Only the rabid Left gives him bad ratings.
And those are all anti-American low IQ morons.

2/3 of Americans is not the rabid left, tard.
He repeatedly lied to us about the severity of a deadly pandemic that was bearing down on, and quickly spreading through, the country. This no doubt caused many of his obedient, mindless sheep to relax their safety measures and spread the virus.

He had no problem filling rallies with thousands of his mindless sheep after lying to them, after he had called the virus "the plague" in an interview, after he knew damn well how the virus was spread.

He then repeatedly mocked concerned health officials and everyday Americans when they tried to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

He is a profoundly damaged sociopath, and has turned his mindless sheep into sociopaths in the way they enable his sociopathy.

So yeah, I'd say his presidential response to the virus has not been real great.

It wasn't Trump who lied about the severity, he was the one that was much more correct than the experts.

Or you can just accept that he saved two million lives. Whichever floats your boat. In addition president Trump never attacked wearing masks, he even called it patriotic. You are the liar, not our great president Trump. CDC "experts" flip flopped on the issue, there is no blaming the president for that.

Meanwhile, democrats had no problem with rioting... holding a rally is absolutely fine.
How can he have said two completely contradictory things and not have lied? Damn, the cult is deep.

There is no contradiction in what I stated.

But if you must know why people said "contradictory" things about the virus - it is because nobody had the knowledge to make a judgement upon.

Did CDC lie that masks should not be used? Did WHO lie that there was no human transmission and borders should remain open? Well that was an actual lie. But not everything they have switched their stance upon is a lie, nor is changing ones stance a contradiction. Now we know that the virus is a lot less dangerous than originally thought.
It's all they have!
And Americans believe it because Trump gets horrible ratings from the public on his administration's handling of the virus.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Only the rabid Left gives him bad ratings.
And those are all anti-American low IQ morons.

2/3 of Americans is not the rabid left, tard.
He repeatedly lied to us about the severity of a deadly pandemic that was bearing down on, and quickly spreading through, the country. This no doubt caused many of his obedient, mindless sheep to relax their safety measures and spread the virus.

He had no problem filling rallies with thousands of his mindless sheep after lying to them, after he had called the virus "the plague" in an interview, after he knew damn well how the virus was spread.

He then repeatedly mocked concerned health officials and everyday Americans when they tried to protect themselves and their loved ones by wearing masks.

He is a profoundly damaged sociopath, and has turned his mindless sheep into sociopaths in the way they enable his sociopathy.

So yeah, I'd say his presidential response to the virus has not been real great.

It wasn't Trump who lied about the severity, he was the one that was much more correct than the experts.

Or you can just accept that he saved two million lives. Whichever floats your boat. In addition president Trump never attacked wearing masks, he even called it patriotic. You are the liar, not our great president Trump. CDC "experts" flip flopped on the issue, there is no blaming the president for that.

Meanwhile, democrats had no problem with rioting... holding a rally is absolutely fine.
How can he have said two completely contradictory things and not have lied? Damn, the cult is deep.

There is no contradiction in what I stated.

But if you must know why people said "contradictory" things about the virus - it is because nobody had the knowledge to make a judgement upon.

Did CDC lie that masks should not be used? Well that was an actual lie. But not everything they have switched their stance upon is a lie. Now we know that the virus is a lot less dangerous than originally thought.
YES, our entire Government's messaging on the kookooflu was fucked up, including Trump's stupid duplicitous ass. Masks are Patriotic masks are corny...deerp which is it Orange fella...worse than the flu, no worse than the flu, which is it orange fella...

We shouldn't shut down but the shut down prevented 2 million deaths...which is it orange fella

Socially distance and don't be in groups larger than ten(per tasks force), but have rallies...which is it orange fella...

Just stop. The cult worship is disgusting.

And you can't even read, apparently. I called trump contradictory...and you responded that YOU said nothing contradictory. DRUGZ.
I think he did ok considering the country was woefully unprepared for something we've known could happen. I am severely disappointed in my country for not having every last mask, respirator, etc ready before the outbreak. It showed a massive weakness. I'm being critical of the nation not of trump.
So which is it? Did the Trump admin. do a good job with the virus, or was your panic porn totally wrong...and still is?
You omitted the obvious Third Choice, namely...

Rump did a terrible job in most related aspects during the early going and a worse job with Leadership-by-Example since then.


As to the early going... mobilizing the resources of the Federal government and private industry far sooner, allowing medical experts and scientists to take the lead in both their own area and related public communication, failure to establish science-based national health-safety standards for schools and businesses and other organizations, etc., all contributed to Rump's pi$$-poor showing during that time and beyond...

As to his grotesque and painful-to-watch failure to Lead by Example... a word from him to his Cult Followers, early-on, to wear masks, reinforced by him putting their lives ahead of his image and wearing one too, and by foregoing pointless large-scale tightly-packed near-mask-less political rallies, would have saved thousands of lives as well...

Your Orange Baboon-God is a PO$... an unethical, amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic existential danger to The People and the Republic...

His idiocy and complete lack of empathy for the suffering of scores of thousands of our fellow Americans will end-up being the bedrock of his non-legacy...

On January 20, 2021, No. 46 will hopefully paraphrase Jerry Ford: "Our long national nightmare is over."

The only thing standing in the Democrats' way is their own idiocy and big mouths amd corruption and unthinking parroting of their own dangerous dogma.
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So which is it? Did the Trump admin. do a good job with the virus, or was your panic porn totally wrong...and still is?
You omitted the obvious Third Choice, namely...

Rump did a terrible job in most related aspects during the early going and a worse job with Leadership-by-Example since then.


As to the early going... mobilizing the resources of the Federal government and private industry far sooner, allowing medical experts and scientists to take the lead in both their own area and related public communication, failure to establish science-based national health-safety standards for schools and businesses and other organizations, etc., all contributed to Rump's pi$$-poor showing during that time and beyond...

As to his grotesque and painful-to-watch failure to Lead by Example... a word from him to his Cult Followers, early-on, to wear masks, reinforced by him putting their lives ahead of his image and wearing one too, and by foregoing pointless large-scale tightly-packed near-mask-less political rallies, would have saved thousands of lives as well...

Your Orange Baboon-God is a PO$... an unethical, amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic existential danger to The People and the Republic...

His idiocy and complete lack of empathy for the suffering of scores of thousands of our fellow Americans will end-up being the bedrock of his non-legacy...

On January 20, 2021, No. 46 will hopefully paraphrase Jerry Ford: "Our long national nightmare is over."

The only thing standing in the Democrats' way is their own idiocy and big mouths amd corruption and unthinking parroting of their own dangerous dogma.

This one needs a straight jacket........ STAT

Mental illness is wreaking havoc on the nation
I have two family members that were both tested positive for the virus after getting sick. One got over it in a couple of days with mild symptoms and the other one in a week. The six year old child living with them and never isolated had absolutely no symptoms.

Trump has done a great job managing this pandemic from the Federal level.

The Democrat TDS infected Moon Bat sonofabitches can lie all they want but we real Americans know that Trump has done a great job.

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