So Which Was More Embarrassing?,Rubio's Water Break Or Hillary's "Pee Pee Break"?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:oops-28::piss2: And remember how they ridiculed Marco Rubio for taking a sip of water?
{was that two years ago?}. Oh yah, that was the end of his career according to NBC/ABC/CNN and the rest. So how will leftist media outlets judge Hillary taking a pee break and coming back a little too late? But can you imagine if any of the GOP went for a bathroom break during their debates and returned about 1 or 2 minutes after the commercial break?
So who gets the last laugh this time? Hillary fans or Rubio fans? :poke:
and at least this time, the loonatics cant say,,,,"Well Bush Did It Too".

Bush doesn't pee? That would explain soooo much.

You probably don't realize that all of the candidates are given a break during the commercials and/or commentaries. You probably also don't know that women don't pee standing up.

That said, the men's room at the hall where the debate was held was immediately off-stage, but the ladies' room was a 1-2 minute walk away. That plus having the Secret Service clear it beforehand was time-consuming.

I'm sure you can come up with a better excuse to hate on Hillary.
Why not ask those questions about Trump, who's older than Hillary?

Not all older people are like your grandparents.
if Hillary has another brain stoppage in the next debate, we just vision her saying something like , "Your All Gonna Die Someday" meanwhile, shes peeing on stage.

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