So Who Do You Think Will Be the Democrat POTUS Nominee?

Who will be the Democrat Nominee?

  • Hillary Rodham-Clinton

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Lincoln Chaffee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Martin OMalley

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Jim Webb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Another person

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am getting the distinct impression that she is being cast aside by the Obama Regime, but I don't have any idea who else may think so as well.
She isn't rabidly pro-gay so she is FINISHED in my old political party who almost got her nominated.

I agree, the dem nominee will probably be the mutilated version of Bruce Jenner. Maybe George Soros? Stuart Milk? They'd probably nominate Jerry Sandusky only he claimed to be hetero while molesting boys so that's sort of like mutiny. If he'd just waived his freak flag high he could run for president. At the very least he could've had his own LGBT commemorative postage stamp for his "accomplishments with youth"..
I'm looking forward to Bernie Sanders debating any of the others.

Expect to hear about the top 1% until over and over and over and over and over and over and over ...etc. and over

The 1% shipped most of the real jobs to southern Asia and yet here you are supporting them. lol!!! Realize between 1910 to 1970 our middle class grew in size and the unions were much stronger then today! Not only that the super rich paid much more taxes and hired far more Americans. See how that works??? What changed????? Ohyesss, the little guy has no say in the process and the super rich can mark shit up after the slave labor in southern asia 1,000%!!! Fuck. The worker is fucked and even in America they pay bottom dollar to them.

Funny how times change back to the 19th century..

I'm not envious of the 1%ers as you and Bernie are but I wouldn't say I support them.

Do you really believe America's lousy business environment all boils down to just greedy wealthy folks?
I'm looking forward to Bernie Sanders debating any of the others.

Expect to hear about the top 1% until over and over and over and over and over and over and over ...etc. and over
What do you find wrong with focusing on the very root of our serious and increasing economic problems?

The root of the problem is the 1%ers.. nope, don't think so.
Then in your opinion, what is?
I'm looking forward to Bernie Sanders debating any of the others.

Expect to hear about the top 1% until over and over and over and over and over and over and over ...etc. and over
What do you find wrong with focusing on the very root of our serious and increasing economic problems?

The root of the problem is the 1%ers.. nope, don't think so.
Then in your opinion, what is?

Business/American capitalism being over burdened with government regulations is probably my top choice. Many of the businesses/employers I worked with in the past simply gave up, sold out or moved operations overseas because America has a growing non-competitive business climate.
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So Who Do You Think Will Be the Democrat POTUS Nominee?

The Democrats are realizing they are standing on the bridge of the USS Clintanic, overloaded with Hillary's political baggage,
taking on water, down by the bow, and headed for the bottom. Sticking with Hillary guarantees a GOP White House.
So Who Do You Think Will Be the Democrat POTUS Nominee?

The Democrats are realizing they are standing on the bridge of the USS Clintanic, overloaded with Hillary's political baggage,
taking on water, down by the bow, and headed for the bottom. Sticking with Hillary guarantees a GOP White House.
It's so bad with Hillary that they're starting to consider Joe Biden as their savior... :laugh:
I'm looking forward to Bernie Sanders debating any of the others.

Expect to hear about the top 1% until over and over and over and over and over and over and over ...etc. and over
What do you find wrong with focusing on the very root of our serious and increasing economic problems?

The root of the problem is the 1%ers.. nope, don't think so.
Then in your opinion, what is?

It's the 0.001%ers

I'm going with O'Malley. Hillary is going to withdraw due to health issues once her cratering approval and trust ratings make her unelectable. The Wall St. Banksters who support Hillary are never going to fund a Bernie candidacy, so they'll promote a bland O'Malley who has now been trained to not offend the Identity bases.
So Who Do You Think Will Be the Democrat POTUS Nominee?

The Democrats are realizing they are standing on the bridge of the USS Clintanic, overloaded with Hillary's political baggage,
taking on water, down by the bow, and headed for the bottom. Sticking with Hillary guarantees a GOP White House.

Unless the GOP nominates Jebba the Bush or Lindsey Grahamnesty, in which case I will gladly vote for Hitlary.

I would prefer to see Carlson, Paul, Cruz, Trump, Huckabee, Perry, Kasich, or Walker in that order descending. The rest I would hold my nose and vote for them rather than Hitlary or Sanders, but I would vote for Webb over the floatsum following Walker.
Were Mrs Rodham-Clinton/Lewinski be nominated the surprise would cause her to stroke out, leaving her capable (in death) to vote but not to run.
Irrelavent who ends up as the democratic nominee. All of their candidates are TOO FAR LEFT and all of the republican candidates are TOO FAR RIGHT. It's a race of nut jobs. Other nations look at us as though we don't have all our marbles.
Joe would be my choice, but, the primary process will probably choose Hilary. White flight from the democratic party has given blacks a larger voice in the primary process. Blacks will stay with Hillary and cause her to be nominated. The left right hoopla is fiction.
Irrelavent who ends up as the democratic nominee. All of their candidates are TOO FAR LEFT and all of the republican candidates are TOO FAR RIGHT. It's a race of nut jobs. Other nations look at us as though we don't have all our marbles.

I don't care what people think in other countries.

They have no 2nd Amendment rights so they are all peasants and who gives a fuck what peasants think?
Joe would be my choice, but, the primary process will probably choose Hilary. White flight from the democratic party has given blacks a larger voice in the primary process. Blacks will stay with Hillary and cause her to be nominated. The left right hoopla is fiction.

I think Hillary's big problem is that the Obama Regime wants someone to follow that will do CYA for them after Obama leaves office. The Clintons clearly wont do it as they hate the Obamas. So Obama is practicing rejection the Chicago Way and killing Hillary with a slow drip process of slow leaks and investigations while telling her that they are doing everything they can to help her as they undermine her.
The new poll finds Sen. Sanders with 52% support among Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, while former Secretary of State Clinton, long considered the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic nomination, receives 30%. Recent polls have shown Sanders’ lead growing in the Granite State, but this would be the first to show the Vermont Senator over 50%.

Possibly more worrying for the Clinton campaign is her performance in Iowa, where Sanders now leads by 10 points, with 43% to Clinton’s 33%.
YouGov | Sanders up big in New Hampshire and Iowa; Carson trails Trump

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