So who is really to blame for Donald Trump sitting in the Oval office?

Who is to blame for Trump sitting in the Oval Office?


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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
I am certain that every one of us have thought--how could this country screw up this badly. Are there people that are really this stupid in this country? Nominating someone that never won a single debate during the primary or with Hillary Clinton. Whom continually exhibited his lack of experience, his lack of knowledge, lack of everything, including respect & dignity that represents the office of the Presidency.

So how were millions of people convinced that he was the right one out of 17 GOP candidates? A few of them much more qualified and competent to become POTUS. If anyone ever tells you that Trump won a single debate, or walked away believing he was competent enough to be POTUS--they're lying through their teeth.


This about summed up Trump's debate skills.

I think it started 2 decades ago, by a large segment of the population insisting on living in a right wing media bubble. FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & several others. Those that take information, regurgitate it, then spoon feed it back to their audiences in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, tons of misinformation, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. All done to give their audience's--The news that they wanted to hear.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio,, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, —are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed


Some of them, of course, are now running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship.

FOX NEWS who gave Trump an unprecedented amount of free coverage during the primary season, while ignoring all other GOP candidates, whom are also running for cover & actually reported on 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea in this manner.

The above spent many years convincing their audiences that all other media outlets were fake news. This article explains it in detail. How the stage was set for Donald Trump long ago.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Of course,Trump supporters have their own issues also. The Dunning--Kruger effect is very interesting in the below article.

A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

So spend some time actually reading the articles I have linked too and watch the video--then cast your vote in the poll.
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I am certain that every one of us have thought--how could this country screw up this badly. Are there people that are really this stupid in this country? Nominating someone that never won a single debate during the primary or with Hillary Clinton. Whom continually exhibited is lack of experience, his lack of knowledge, lack of everything, including respect & dignity that represents the office of the Presidency.

So how were millions of people convinced that he was the right one out of 17 GOP candidates? A few of them much more qualified and competent to become POTUS. If anyone ever tells you that Trump won a single debate, or walked away believing he was competent enough to be POTUS--they're lying through their teeth.


This about summed up Trump's debate skills.

I think it started 2 decades ago, by a large segment of the population insisting on living in a right wing media bubble. FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & several others. Those that take information, regurgitate it, then spoon feed it back to their audiences in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, tons of misinformation, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. All done to give their audience's--The news that they wanted to hear.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio,, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, —are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed


Some of them, of course, are now running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship.

FOX NEWS who gave Trump an unprecedented amount of free coverage during the primary season, while ignoring all other GOP candidates, whom are now looking for cover & actually reported 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea in this manner.

The above spent many years convincing their audiences that all other media outlets were fake news. This article explains it in detail. How the stage was set for Donald Trump long ago.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Of course,Trump supporters have their own issues also. The Dunning--Kruger effect is very interesting in the below article.

A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

So spend some time actually reading the articles I have linked too and watch the video--then cast your vote in the poll.

Jeeze oreo .

Cut the extremist left wing crap.

Trump is in The White House because Hillary ignored Bill's advice to keep campaigning in the swing states.

Ergo Hillary and only Hillary is to blame.
I am certain that every one of us have thought--how could this country screw up this badly. Are there people that are really this stupid in this country? Nominating someone that never won a single debate during the primary or with Hillary Clinton. Whom continually exhibited is lack of experience, his lack of knowledge, lack of everything, including respect & dignity that represents the office of the Presidency.

So how were millions of people convinced that he was the right one out of 17 GOP candidates? A few of them much more qualified and competent to become POTUS. If anyone ever tells you that Trump won a single debate, or walked away believing he was competent enough to be POTUS--they're lying through their teeth.


This about summed up Trump's debate skills.

I think it started 2 decades ago, by a large segment of the population insisting on living in a right wing media bubble. FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & several others. Those that take information, regurgitate it, then spoon feed it back to their audiences in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, tons of misinformation, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. All done to give their audience's--The news that they wanted to hear.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio,, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, —are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed


Some of them, of course, are now running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship.

FOX NEWS who gave Trump an unprecedented amount of free coverage during the primary season, while ignoring all other GOP candidates, whom are now looking for cover & actually reported 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea in this manner.

The above spent many years convincing their audiences that all other media outlets were fake news. This article explains it in detail. How the stage was set for Donald Trump long ago.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Of course,Trump supporters have their own issues also. The Dunning--Kruger effect is very interesting in the below article.

A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

So spend some time actually reading the articles I have linked too and watch the video--then cast your vote in the poll.

Jeeze oreo .

Cut the extremist left wing crap.

Trump is in The White House because Hillary ignored Bill's advice to keep campaigning in the swing states.

Ergo Hillary and only Hillary is to blame.

No there are a mere 73K stupid people living in 3 blue states. I am talking about the GOP primary not the general election.
oreo, I will guess it is because most people are not insane retards like Crooked Hillary voters were. But it is notable you have finally given up on the idiotic notion Russia had anything to do with the landslide.
I am certain that every one of us have thought--how could this country screw up this badly. Are there people that are really this stupid in this country? Nominating someone that never won a single debate during the primary or with Hillary Clinton. Whom continually exhibited is lack of experience, his lack of knowledge, lack of everything, including respect & dignity that represents the office of the Presidency.

So how were millions of people convinced that he was the right one out of 17 GOP candidates? A few of them much more qualified and competent to become POTUS. If anyone ever tells you that Trump won a single debate, or walked away believing he was competent enough to be POTUS--they're lying through their teeth.


This about summed up Trump's debate skills.

I think it started 2 decades ago, by a large segment of the population insisting on living in a right wing media bubble. FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & several others. Those that take information, regurgitate it, then spoon feed it back to their audiences in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, tons of misinformation, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. All done to give their audience's--The news that they wanted to hear.

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Guiliani, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio,, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, —are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed


Some of them, of course, are now running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship.

FOX NEWS who gave Trump an unprecedented amount of free coverage during the primary season, while ignoring all other GOP candidates, whom are now looking for cover & actually reported 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea in this manner.

The above spent many years convincing their audiences that all other media outlets were fake news. This article explains it in detail. How the stage was set for Donald Trump long ago.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Of course,Trump supporters have their own issues also. The Dunning--Kruger effect is very interesting in the below article.

A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

So spend some time actually reading the articles I have linked too and watch the video--then cast your vote in the poll.

Jeeze oreo .

Cut the extremist left wing crap.

Trump is in The White House because Hillary ignored Bill's advice to keep campaigning in the swing states.

Ergo Hillary and only Hillary is to blame.

No there are a mere 73K stupid people living in 3 blue states. I am talking about the GOP primary not the general election.

Trump won the GOP primary because none of the other personalities had their own tv show.

Same as when Reagan won it.
Another crying, butthurt, worthless leftist thread. Nothing to see here, folks.
In no particular order...

... Conservative talk radio, which fired up its base into an absolute freaking tizzy with the "RINO" and "establishment" stuff
... The internet, which provided an absolutely air-tight ideological cocoon for Trump supporters
... A certain frustrated nihilism by some voters who went with Trump because what the fuck
... A weak overall candidate who simply didn't connect
... Democrats' abandonment of the white working class in clear favor of their various pet grievance groups
... The repulsive behaviors of the Regressive Left, including condescension, PC, Identity Politics and a refusal to engage
... Unmotivated voters who stayed home, figuring Hillary would win

That would be most of it. This guy nails it:
Because Trump's hardcore supporters are actually stupid hatemongers who don't really care what happens to them, as long as "libruls" and minorities are miserable too.

And many of his voters hated Hillary for good reason; fuck that bitch. But others expected that there was secretly some competency hiding in that orange buffoon, and ... I'm sure they're doing their best to get over that mistake.

He's pointing back at you right? Are you a hillbilly who hates foreigners and black people? Sounds about right.
Perfect. A perfect response.

I voted for Hillary.

I wish I could get you to watch the video by the honest liberal in Post 11, but you'd just deny the whole thing, because you're just so much smarter than anyone who doesn't think just like you.

So, congratulations. Enjoy the next few years. Enjoy those Supreme and lower court picks.

Way to go, thanks.
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He's pointing back at you right? Are you a hillbilly who hates foreigners and black people? Sounds about right.
Perfect. A perfect response.

I voted for Hillary.

I wish I could get you to watch the video by the honest liberal in Post 11, but you'd just deny the whole thing, because you're just so much smarter than anything who doesn't think just like you.

So, congratulations. Enjoy the next few years. Enjoy those Supreme and lower court picks.

Way to go, thanks.

Actually, I just find those pictures annoying. They seem intended, to me, to shut down actual discussion. Kind of like calling your opponent a racist because they mentioned a black person. "I'm posting a picture telling you that by talking about Trump supporters, you're making Trump win." That kind of idiocy should be ridiculed.

He's pointing back at you right? Are you a hillbilly who hates foreigners and black people? Sounds about right.
Perfect. A perfect response.

I voted for Hillary.

I wish I could get you to watch the video by the honest liberal in Post 11, but you'd just deny the whole thing, because you're just so much smarter than anything who doesn't think just like you.

So, congratulations. Enjoy the next few years. Enjoy those Supreme and lower court picks.

Way to go, thanks.

Actually, I just find those pictures annoying. They seem intended, to me, to shut down actual discussion. Kind of like calling your opponent a racist because they mentioned a black person. "I'm posting a picture telling you that by talking about Trump supporters, you're making Trump win." That kind of idiocy should be ridiculed.
Or you could just stop insulting people and engage in some honest reflection and communication.

I'm not expecting you to, though. Based on your posts, your mind is set in stone. You're just better.

Meanwhile, I'm reduced to hoping that Ginsburg & Kennedy stay vertical for a while longer.

He's pointing back at you right? Are you a hillbilly who hates foreigners and black people? Sounds about right.
Perfect. A perfect response.

I voted for Hillary.

I wish I could get you to watch the video by the honest liberal in Post 11, but you'd just deny the whole thing, because you're just so much smarter than anything who doesn't think just like you.

So, congratulations. Enjoy the next few years. Enjoy those Supreme and lower court picks.

Way to go, thanks.

Actually, I just find those pictures annoying. They seem intended, to me, to shut down actual discussion. Kind of like calling your opponent a racist because they mentioned a black person. "I'm posting a picture telling you that by talking about Trump supporters, you're making Trump win." That kind of idiocy should be ridiculed.
Or you could just stop insulting people and engage in some honest reflection and communication.

I'm not expecting you to, though. Based on your posts, your mind is set in stone. You're just better.

Meanwhile, I'm reduced to hoping that Ginsburg & Kennedy stay vertical for a while longer.

What are you blithering about? Discuss what? How Hillary is secretly a Russian spy and Bill molests kids in a pizza parlor (or whatever idiotic conspiracy theory is going around that day)? What is there to talk about, exactly? All anyone comes here for is either to A) troll, B) laugh at people, or C) confirm their biases. I usually fall into group B, but many are in group C, and you can't have a real conversation with those people.

So who am I supposed to be talking to again, and what about?

He's pointing back at you right? Are you a hillbilly who hates foreigners and black people? Sounds about right.
Perfect. A perfect response.

I voted for Hillary.

I wish I could get you to watch the video by the honest liberal in Post 11, but you'd just deny the whole thing, because you're just so much smarter than anything who doesn't think just like you.

So, congratulations. Enjoy the next few years. Enjoy those Supreme and lower court picks.

Way to go, thanks.

Actually, I just find those pictures annoying. They seem intended, to me, to shut down actual discussion. Kind of like calling your opponent a racist because they mentioned a black person. "I'm posting a picture telling you that by talking about Trump supporters, you're making Trump win." That kind of idiocy should be ridiculed.
Or you could just stop insulting people and engage in some honest reflection and communication.

I'm not expecting you to, though. Based on your posts, your mind is set in stone. You're just better.

Meanwhile, I'm reduced to hoping that Ginsburg & Kennedy stay vertical for a while longer.

What are you blithering about? Discuss what? How Hillary is secretly a Russian spy and Bill molests kids in a pizza parlor (or whatever idiotic conspiracy theory is going around that day)? What is there to talk about, exactly? All anyone comes here for is either to A) troll, B) laugh at people, or C) confirm their biases. I usually fall into group B, but many are in group C, and you can't have a real conversation with those people.

So who am I supposed to be talking to again, and what about?
Nothing. You're right. There's no reason to communicate with anyone who disagrees with you.
He's pointing back at you right? Are you a hillbilly who hates foreigners and black people? Sounds about right.
Perfect. A perfect response.

I voted for Hillary.

I wish I could get you to watch the video by the honest liberal in Post 11, but you'd just deny the whole thing, because you're just so much smarter than anything who doesn't think just like you.

So, congratulations. Enjoy the next few years. Enjoy those Supreme and lower court picks.

Way to go, thanks.

Actually, I just find those pictures annoying. They seem intended, to me, to shut down actual discussion. Kind of like calling your opponent a racist because they mentioned a black person. "I'm posting a picture telling you that by talking about Trump supporters, you're making Trump win." That kind of idiocy should be ridiculed.
Or you could just stop insulting people and engage in some honest reflection and communication.

I'm not expecting you to, though. Based on your posts, your mind is set in stone. You're just better.

Meanwhile, I'm reduced to hoping that Ginsburg & Kennedy stay vertical for a while longer.

What are you blithering about? Discuss what? How Hillary is secretly a Russian spy and Bill molests kids in a pizza parlor (or whatever idiotic conspiracy theory is going around that day)? What is there to talk about, exactly? All anyone comes here for is either to A) troll, B) laugh at people, or C) confirm their biases. I usually fall into group B, but many are in group C, and you can't have a real conversation with those people.

So who am I supposed to be talking to again, and what about?
Nothing. You're right. There's no reason to communicate with anyone who disagrees with you.

Who is disagreeing with me? And about what?

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