So, who is responsible?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.
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First of all the muslim radicals are to blame.

After that the problem is that the Obama administration didn't tell the truth for weeks. Why do people lie? They lie because they don't want the truth known. What is the actual truth? We may never know this isn't exactly the age of Watergate. There is no MSM asking so this will die along with those at Benghazi.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Congress approved it or do we need to rehash all that old shit again ?
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Congress approved it or do we need to rehash all that old shit again ?

It's amazing how bed wetters will never accept the truth when it comes to Bush, and they'll never seek the truth when it comes to their moonbat messiah.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Do you blame Kennedy and Johnson for 58,000 americans killed in viet nam? Has everyone agreed that kennedy and johnson were to blame and that Nixon declared defeat and ended that terrible chapter in our history?
Regarding Iraq, I suppose the History has already been written - falsely, as it turn out - and it is no longer subject to debate, but...

Bush43 led us into Iraq for basically three purposes: (a) to find and remove any WMD's that might be in the country, (2) to depose Saddam as an international "bad actor," and (iii) to assist the indigenous population in establishing a democratic form of government, according to their own best judgment.

We had no interest or intention of "stealing" their oil, and wanted only that oil production continue and even increase, which would - at least in theory - reduce worldwide oil prices for everyone, including the U.S.

We were prepared to spend billions in Iraq to repair any war damage, rebuild their infrastructure (including schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, oil facilities, and so on), with only the dubious promise of eventual repayment for our out-of-pocket costs.

We had no plans or intentions of conquest, getting into a long-term war, and we had no particular interest in deciding which of the factions within the country ended up with the greatest piece of the economic, political, or territorial pie.

Bush43 had been told by "reliable expats" that the Iraqi people would welcome the Americans with open arms, form a new democratic government, and live happily ever after.

But the IRAQI's started shooting at us and killing off each other, forcing us into a war and decade long campaign to FORCE the fuckers to act like civilized human beings. The eventual result was the killing and maiming of tens of thousands of Americans, the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars of borrowed "American" money.

It was a classic example of the principle that "No good deed goes un-punished."

If you want to lay all that death, destruction, and waste on Bush43, you have a lot of company, but it's basically a bullshit story line that obfuscates the truth and absolves the hundreds of other U.S. politicians of both parties, who pretty much agreed with what Bush was trying to do, and cast the votes to make it happen.

But truth doesn't really matter to Democrats, does it?
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

I wonder if Thor blames Halliburton/Cheney for the deaths of over 150 contractors in Iraq, who were assured of their safety before they signed up?

He really knows how to cherry-pick, doesn't he. I bet Thor blames Hillary Clinton for Pat Tillman's death in Afghanistan, too.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Do you blame Kennedy and Johnson for 58,000 americans killed in viet nam? Has everyone agreed that kennedy and johnson were to blame and that Nixon declared defeat and ended that terrible chapter in our history?

How about the virulently racist Wilson pushing us into WW1, and crushing civil liberties in a fashion the moonbat messiah can only dream of?

How about FDR keeping us out of war with the Axis by ignoring Japan's atrocities with the same abandon he ignored Stalin's?

How about Truman not allowing us to be subservient to the UN and getting us into Korea?

Seems like statist democrooks have gotten us into more wars than anyone else.
Getting back to the subject at hand, the blame for the deaths in Benghazi is solely on the Muslim terrorists. I also hold the Obama administration responsible for trying to deflect blame away from those Muslims. To blame it on a film maker who was no where near Benghazi and who never suggested that people die is absurd. Yet, that is exactly what Obama did for days. Why didn't he slam the radical Muslims and tell them that we don't tolerate the murder of innocents? Why didn't he vow to find those murderers with blood on their hands? He blasts the guy who insulted them and, by doing so, indicated that the response from the radicals was warranted in light of the fact that they were supposedly offended by some obscure video.

It's the lies by our own government that we should be concerned with. If people haven't done anything wrong, they don't go to such extreme lengths to lie about it. The actions of the Obama administration scream guilt.

I believe they knew about the attacks in advance and that Obama was either involved or complacent about those plans.

Trying to place blame and get people outraged at some unknown film maker simply did not work. I guess many of us still have the sense not to blame free speech and instead blame those who are capable of brutal murder over religion.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.
A video is responsible for Benghazi. Ok it's not but given the administration won't answer questions about Benghazi and the media by and large don't care it might as well be.
At the top levels, it appears that (a) ALL of our diplomatic personnel in Muslim countries should have been on "high alert" on September 11, as they should be every year, and (b) this particular diplomat had requested enhanced security for the Benghazi mission, but had been turned down. Furthermore, it appears that the attack took place over several hours and a distress call had gone out but a conscious decision was made NOT TO DO ANYTHING, despite the fact that help was available.

So even if it is not appropriate to blame HRC or our Beloved President for these deaths, the conduct of the U.S. Government and the Department of State, and the CIA and the Department of Defense was, if you will pardon use of the word, "indefensible."

Someone should be fired.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Do you blame Kennedy and Johnson for 58,000 americans killed in viet nam? Has everyone agreed that kennedy and johnson were to blame and that Nixon declared defeat and ended that terrible chapter in our history?

Of course I do. Why won't you answer the question?
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Congress approved it or do we need to rehash all that old shit again ?

If a man shoots his wife with a legally owned gun, do you blame the government for approving his gun ownership?
I blame the terrorists

Just like I did on 9-11
Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Do you blame Kennedy and Johnson for 58,000 americans killed in viet nam? Has everyone agreed that kennedy and johnson were to blame and that Nixon declared defeat and ended that terrible chapter in our history?

Of course I do. Why won't you answer the question?

Yes, Bush is responsible, but so are the dems and reps in congress who voted to authorize and fund the fiasco in Iraq. No matter how you try to spin it, Bush did not, and could not, do it on his own.

Our kids a still getting killed and maimed for nothing in iraq and afghanistan----for NOTHING, FUCKING NOTHING. why can't we ever learn from history?
I blame the terrorists

Just like I did on 9-11

the terrorists were responsilble for our government not trying to help those people when they were under attack??? tell me exactly how that works.

9 House inquiries and Republicans still have been unable to prove that help could have arrived in time

Monday Morning Quarterbacking at its best

Why didn't Bush rescue the people in the World Trade Center?

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