So, who is responsible?

Guy, that was three paragraphs of "Waaaahhhhh, Joe's a big meaniehead!!!"

Seriously, dude, that was kind of whiny, which tells me I'm occupying space in your head, rent free.

You lost when you resorted to name calling. Keep projecting your inner persona, Joe. It's quite revealing. At any rate, we aren't even in the same league.

Guy, you are actually coming off as kind of whiny. "Waaaah, Joe didn't stroke my Ego".

Seriously, guy, you are pretty fucking full of yourself.

You are seriously pathetic. You accuse TK of being whiny, yet lets take a look at your next reply to TK:

JoeB131 said:
Does anyone truly "win" an argument.

I didn't change your mind and you didn't change mine.

That's an OBJECTIVE definition of winning....

What did you think an objective definition of winning was?

Honest question. No mocking. How do you define that you've "won" an argument, exactly.

Look who is whining. If TK were to kick your ass any harder, he'd break his foot. He has completely pwned you in every way, and here you are "whining" -- "does anyone truly win an argument? Your above reply and whines are those of someone who just got their ass handed to them.
You lost when you resorted to name calling. Keep projecting your inner persona, Joe. It's quite revealing. At any rate, we aren't even in the same league.

Guy, you are actually coming off as kind of whiny. "Waaaah, Joe didn't stroke my Ego".

Seriously, guy, you are pretty fucking full of yourself.

You are seriously pathetic. You accuse TK of being whiny, yet lets take a look at your next reply to TK:

JoeB131 said:
Does anyone truly "win" an argument.

I didn't change your mind and you didn't change mine.

That's an OBJECTIVE definition of winning....

What did you think an objective definition of winning was?

Honest question. No mocking. How do you define that you've "won" an argument, exactly.

Look who is whining. If TK were to kick your ass any harder, he'd break his foot. He has completely pwned you in every way, and here you are "whining" -- "does anyone truly win an argument? Your above reply and whines are those of someone who just got their ass handed to them.

If he wants an answer, I'll give him this one:

When he calls me names, attacks my personal life, moves the goalposts, denigrates my religion, insults my intelligence, or otherwise obfuscates, he has lost the argument. That is my definition. I consistently provide him with irrefutable facts and logic, yet he desperately continues to fight as if he had any chance of proving his point. But seriously, he is just like every other liberal progressive here. He runs from the truth, he never tells it. Joe fights the truth, but never submits to it.
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Templar is melting down a little.

A little?

It's kind of hard to tell between his meltdown and his usual crazy.

Easy. Meltdown is when they their meds completely. The rest of the time they're just in sheeple mode.

That's funny, is that all you two do? It shows just unintelligent you are when all you have is to attack the personality of someone. People who do such things are beneath the scum of the earth. So why is it? Why do you deign to such depths? Oh nevermind, it reveals your jealousy, and it shows me that you hate being inferior to someone. Is that right?

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Win any arguments lately?

Does anyone truly "win" an argument?

And that's strike three. You can get outta here with "does anyone truly win an argument." You keep arguing, so there must be a prize to be won. I argue to prove a point, you argue to hear yourself speak. I'm not mocking you, I'm being honest. If you don't like my honesty that's fine too. It just goes to show the attitude some people have towards the truth.

The prize is watching you melt down into one of your whiny fits of self pity.

You never disappoint.

Frankly, you need to grow a thicker skin if you want to run with the big boys.

Says the one doing the name calling. Seriously Joe, you expect me to fall for that? I expect such puerile attitudes from my younger siblings, but then again, I can come to expect it from you as well. I am only stating a reality, your childish behavior sets you on a pedestal below me. It sets you apart. You lie, you call names, you attack. You have no respect for you fellow man. If anyone is full of it, it is you.

Dude, you are going full self-pity mode here... I'm kind of feeling sorry for you at this point.

You're kind of sad, actually.

Kind of tells me you really haven't ever accomplished anything, and need to feel superior somewhere... Well, I guess posting on a message board that is turning into "Stormfront Light" fits the bill for you. You can find an equal number of white failures who can blame all their sadness on the Negro in the White HOuse.

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