So, who is responsible?


And? It's not how long you debate, it's how you debate, and what you debate. If all you throw at me is Liberal talking points, then accuse people of not living any real life (ironic, since I've spent the majority of my adulthood taking care of my grandmother) you have nothing real to debate with me. Contempt and fear are two different things. When you fail to get your way, you start grandstanding. It makes you look more stupid than smart, Joe. It reveals your fear. When your vitriolic statements don't match with reality, you lash out like a cornered animal. It's quite easy to see who is superior to whom.

I put you on ignore because you are too engrained in your ways and mindset. There is absolutely no reasoning with you. You attack people instead of debating them. You are arrogant and foolhardy, a pompous man with all of the fire in his mouth and not in his belly. You stir pots instead of fear in your opponents. And instead of getting into never ending quarreling matches with you, I'd much rather not make a fool of myself. As it has been said, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. You on the other hand are free to embarrass yourself as often as you wish. It's a free country.

And keep in mind, I continue to reply to you. If I were afraid of you, I wouldn't be speaking to you. I am not afraid of a disingenuous person such as yourself, nor am I afraid to confront you about it. You are easily countered. You are hollow, with no real substance in that empty mind of yours. By the way, I don't listen to the radio. Nor do I waste my time with Fox News or your Liberal cadre parading around as sources of news. I get my facts and my arguments from the source. I don't know about you.

Guy, that was three paragraphs of "Waaaahhhhh, Joe's a big meaniehead!!!"

Seriously, dude, that was kind of whiny, which tells me I'm occupying space in your head, rent free.

He is being nice... We all already know your a lying prick progressive scum bag
Clinton left Bush an anti-terrorism task force. Bush ignored it

Ask Richard Clark

the 9/11/01 terrorists were allowed into this country on student visas approved by Clinton. They received flight training at US taxpayer expense. the WTC attack would not have happened if clinton's "terrorism task force" had done its job.

But your attempt to deflect from obama and benghazi is over.

Are you really that fuking stupid? Really?

IF someone, anyone in the Bush admin would of listened to the FBI agent reporting about Muslim men taking flight lessons but not being interested in learning how to land the damn plane, then guess what; 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

George Bush and Co was sloppy in their handling of terrorist information and the fuking terrorists got lucky that George Bush got elected. They were the only ones that got lucky with the Bush.

Sloppy yes. I somehow doubt Bush personally ignored reports i do think that the walls put up between agencies over decades had finally bit us in the ass.Since Bush was president he had to take responsibility.
the 9/11/01 terrorists were allowed into this country on student visas approved by Clinton. They received flight training at US taxpayer expense. the WTC attack would not have happened if clinton's "terrorism task force" had done its job.

But your attempt to deflect from obama and benghazi is over.

Are you really that fuking stupid? Really?

IF someone, anyone in the Bush admin would of listened to the FBI agent reporting about Muslim men taking flight lessons but not being interested in learning how to land the damn plane, then guess what; 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

George Bush and Co was sloppy in their handling of terrorist information and the fuking terrorists got lucky that George Bush got elected. They were the only ones that got lucky with the Bush.

Sloppy yes. I somehow doubt Bush personally ignored reports i do think that the walls put up between agencies over decades had finally bit us in the ass.Since Bush was president he had to take responsibility.

True. Lets see how long it takes any of the resident libs to admit that obama is responsible for anything that happens on his watch.
Do any of you know Bush II had lyme disease?

It explains so much. Your press did not report this.
presidnt bush had lyme disease

did any of you know it? I knew it up here. Did your press tell you?
Are you really that fuking stupid? Really?

IF someone, anyone in the Bush admin would of listened to the FBI agent reporting about Muslim men taking flight lessons but not being interested in learning how to land the damn plane, then guess what; 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

George Bush and Co was sloppy in their handling of terrorist information and the fuking terrorists got lucky that George Bush got elected. They were the only ones that got lucky with the Bush.

Sloppy yes. I somehow doubt Bush personally ignored reports i do think that the walls put up between agencies over decades had finally bit us in the ass.Since Bush was president he had to take responsibility.

True. Lets see how long it takes any of the resident libs to admit that obama is responsible for anything that happens on his watch.

Resident libs?

All you have are players from other boards, This is what they do.
You are self proclaimed 'Left Wing Destroyer' whatever the hell that is. No assumptions necessary.

We can all tell who you are. I put that there to bait people like you into making clueless assumptions about me. It just goes to show how those sorely lacking in restraint so easily jump to conclusions. Worked like a charm.


Ok so you're a liberal and a liar. Got it.


No. I am your better. Get used to it, you gullible tool.


And? It's not how long you debate, it's how you debate, and what you debate. If all you throw at me is Liberal talking points, then accuse people of not living any real life (ironic, since I've spent the majority of my adulthood taking care of my grandmother) you have nothing real to debate with me. Contempt and fear are two different things. When you fail to get your way, you start grandstanding. It makes you look more stupid than smart, Joe. It reveals your fear. When your vitriolic statements don't match with reality, you lash out like a cornered animal. It's quite easy to see who is superior to whom.

I put you on ignore because you are too engrained in your ways and mindset. There is absolutely no reasoning with you. You attack people instead of debating them. You are arrogant and foolhardy, a pompous man with all of the fire in his mouth and not in his belly. You stir pots instead of fear in your opponents. And instead of getting into never ending quarreling matches with you, I'd much rather not make a fool of myself. As it has been said, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. You on the other hand are free to embarrass yourself as often as you wish. It's a free country.

And keep in mind, I continue to reply to you. If I were afraid of you, I wouldn't be speaking to you. I am not afraid of a disingenuous person such as yourself, nor am I afraid to confront you about it. You are easily countered. You are hollow, with no real substance in that empty mind of yours. By the way, I don't listen to the radio. Nor do I waste my time with Fox News or your Liberal cadre parading around as sources of news. I get my facts and my arguments from the source. I don't know about you.

Guy, that was three paragraphs of "Waaaahhhhh, Joe's a big meaniehead!!!"

Seriously, dude, that was kind of whiny, which tells me I'm occupying space in your head, rent free.

You lost when you resorted to name calling. Keep projecting your inner persona, Joe. It's quite revealing. At any rate, we aren't even in the same league.
Guy, that was three paragraphs of "Waaaahhhhh, Joe's a big meaniehead!!!"

Seriously, dude, that was kind of whiny, which tells me I'm occupying space in your head, rent free.

You lost when you resorted to name calling. Keep projecting your inner persona, Joe. It's quite revealing. At any rate, we aren't even in the same league.

Guy, you are actually coming off as kind of whiny. "Waaaah, Joe didn't stroke my Ego".

Seriously, guy, you are pretty fucking full of yourself.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

The only "responsibility" is to "keep the bird blue"....the bird being the myth of AQ's defeat during the presidential campaign. The secondary responsibility is to keep PIAPS panties clean for 2016. Nothing too complicated about that.

Win any arguments lately?

Does anyone truly "win" an argument?

And that's strike three. You can get outta here with "does anyone truly win an argument." You keep arguing, so there must be a prize to be won. I argue to prove a point, you argue to hear yourself speak. I'm not mocking you, I'm being honest. If you don't like my honesty that's fine too. It just goes to show the attitude some people have towards the truth.
Guy, that was three paragraphs of "Waaaahhhhh, Joe's a big meaniehead!!!"

Seriously, dude, that was kind of whiny, which tells me I'm occupying space in your head, rent free.

You lost when you resorted to name calling. Keep projecting your inner persona, Joe. It's quite revealing. At any rate, we aren't even in the same league.

Guy, you are actually coming off as kind of whiny. "Waaaah, Joe didn't stroke my Ego".

Seriously, guy, you are pretty fucking full of yourself.

Says the one doing the name calling. Seriously Joe, you expect me to fall for that? I expect such puerile attitudes from my younger siblings, but then again, I can come to expect it from you as well. I am only stating a reality, your childish behavior sets you on a pedestal below me. It sets you apart. You lie, you call names, you attack. You have no respect for you fellow man. If anyone is full of it, it is you.

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